Using AI to solve complex problems | Gemini

6 Dec 202305:00

TLDRGemini, a multimodal AI developed for coding, significantly enhances programming capabilities by understanding, explaining, and generating correct code in multiple languages. It outperforms previous models, with an impressive 90% accuracy when self-correcting. Gemini's specialized version, AlphaCode2, excels in competitive programming, solving complex problems more effectively than 85% of human competitors. This collaboration between AI and human coders represents a promising future for software development, where AI contributes to problem-solving and implementation.


  • 🚀 Gemini is a natively multimodal AI designed to understand, explain, and generate correct and well-written code in various programming languages including Python, Java, C++, and Go.
  • 📈 Significant improvement over previous models like PaLM 2, with Gemini solving around 75% of Python programming functions from a benchmark of 200, and over 90% after self-checking and repair.
  • ⏱️ Gemini can rapidly create and prototype new ideas, exemplified by the quick development of a train-spotting location web app.
  • 🛠️ Gemini has the potential to revolutionize software development due to its ability to provide a first draft and be integrated into more sophisticated systems.
  • 🏆 AlphaCode2, an enhanced system powered by Gemini, has shown remarkable performance in competitive programming, solving almost twice as many problems as the original AlphaCode.
  • 🌐 AlphaCode2's success is attributed to its ability to understand and apply advanced algorithmic techniques like dynamic programming to solve complex problems.
  • 🤖 The AI system demonstrates a level of understanding, reasoning, and problem-solving that surpasses general language models, which struggle with this benchmark.
  • 💡 AlphaCode2's performance is enhanced when collaborating with human coders, who can provide grounding and specify properties for the code samples.
  • 🔄 The interaction between programmers and AI is envisioned as the future of programming, with AI models capable of reasoning, proposing code designs, and assisting in implementation.
  • 🌟 The unique capabilities of AlphaCode2 are being considered for integration into general Gemini models, aiming to make this new programming paradigm accessible to everyone.

Q & A

  • What is Gemini's primary design focus?

    -Gemini is designed to be natively multimodal, with a particular emphasis on understanding, explaining, and generating correct and well-written code in various programming languages.

  • Which programming languages is Gemini proficient in?

    -Gemini is proficient in multiple programming languages including Python, Java, C++, and Go.

  • How does Gemini's coding ability compare to the previous PaLM 2 models?

    -Gemini shows a significant improvement over the PaLM 2 models. It can solve about 75% of programming functions in Python on the first attempt, compared to around 45% on PaLM 2.

  • What happens when Gemini is allowed to check and repair its own answers?

    -If Gemini is permitted to review and correct its own answers, its problem-solving rate increases to over 90%, which represents a major advancement in AI coding capabilities.

  • How does Gemini facilitate the creation of new ideas?

    -Gemini can rapidly help in creating and prototyping new ideas, such as developing a train-spotting location web app, in less than a minute.

  • What is the significance of Gemini in software development?

    -Gemini has the potential to revolutionize software development by providing a first draft quickly and serving as a key component in more sophisticated systems.

  • How does the specialized version of Gemini perform in competitive programming?

    -The specialized version of Gemini performs exceptionally well in competitive programming, solving almost twice as many problems as the original AlphaCode, and outperforming an estimated 85% of competition participants.

  • What is dynamic programming and how does AlphaCode2 utilize it?

    -Dynamic programming is an advanced algorithmic technique that simplifies complex problems by breaking them down into simpler sub-problems. AlphaCode2 effectively uses this technique to solve challenging problems, demonstrating its understanding and ability to apply it appropriately.

  • What makes competitive programming a difficult task?

    -Competitive programming is difficult because it requires not only coding skills but also mathematical understanding and reasoning. It involves solving complex problems that typically only a small percentage of participants can solve.

  • How does AlphaCode2 differ from other large language models?

    -Unlike other large language models that excel at following instructions, AlphaCode2 demonstrates a deeper level of understanding, reasoning, and code design before implementation, enabling it to solve problems it has never encountered before.

  • What is the potential future of programming with the collaboration of AI and human coders?

    -The future of programming with AI-human collaboration involves a more interactive approach where AI models like AlphaCode can reason about problems, propose code designs, and assist with implementation, leading to a more efficient and innovative programming process.

  • What are the plans for the capabilities of AlphaCode2?

    -The creators of AlphaCode2 are working on integrating its unique capabilities into the general Gemini models, aiming to make this new programming paradigm accessible to everyone.



🚀 Introduction to Gemini: Multimodal Coding Powerhouse

Gabriela Surita introduces Gemini, a multimodal AI system designed from the ground up with a focus on programming. Gemini excels at understanding, explaining, and generating correct and well-written code across various programming languages such as Python, Java, C++, and Go. It significantly improves upon the coding capabilities of previous models like PaLM 2, with a 75% success rate in solving Python programming functions on the first attempt, compared to 45% with PaLM 2. By allowing Gemini to self-check and repair its answers, the success rate soars to over 90%. This AI can rapidly create and prototype new ideas, exemplified by the quick development of a train-spotting location web app. Although the initial code may not be perfect, it provides a valuable first draft. Gemini has the potential to revolutionize software development and can be integrated into more complex systems.

🏆 AlphaCode2: Pioneering Competitive Programming AI

Rémi Leblond discusses the specialized version of Gemini, AlphaCode2, which excels in competitive programming. This domain is considered a rigorous test of algorithmic coding skills, bringing together thousands of programmers worldwide to solve complex problems requiring coding, mathematical, and reasoning abilities. AlphaCode2, an enhanced system powered by Gemini, shows significant improvement over the original AlphaCode, solving nearly twice as many problems. It performs better than 85% of competition participants on average. The AI leverages advanced techniques like dynamic programming to tackle challenging problems, demonstrating a deep understanding and reasoning capability. AlphaCode2's collaboration with human coders further enhances its performance, with developers providing grounding for the AI to propose code designs and assist in implementation. While initially built for competitive programming, efforts are underway to integrate AlphaCode2's unique capabilities into Gemini, aiming to make this advanced programming paradigm accessible to everyone.




Gemini is a natively multimodal AI system designed to understand, explain, and generate correct and well-written code in various programming languages. It represents a significant advancement in coding abilities compared to previous models like PaLM 2, with a notable improvement in solving programming functions in Python. The script highlights Gemini's ability to transform software development by providing quick prototypes and serving as a key component in sophisticated systems.


The term 'multimodal' refers to the capability of Gemini to handle and integrate multiple forms of input and output, which is crucial for its advanced programming abilities. Multimodality allows Gemini to interact with users and understand tasks in a more human-like manner, as it can process various types of data and provide comprehensive responses.


A benchmark is a standard or point of reference against which things may be compared, in this context, it is used to evaluate the performance of AI models like Gemini and AlphaCode2. Benchmarks are essential for measuring improvements and advancements in technology, as they provide a consistent and objective way to assess capabilities.

💡Code Prototypes

Code prototypes are preliminary versions of software code that represent the basic structure and functionality of an application or system. They are used to quickly test and validate new ideas, and are often refined over time into fully functional products. In the context of the script, Gemini's ability to create code prototypes rapidly is highlighted as a transformative feature for software development.

💡Competitive Programming

Competitive programming is a high-level intellectual activity where participants, known as competitive programmers, try to solve complex algorithmic problems within a limited time frame. It involves not only coding skills but also mathematical and logical reasoning. The script discusses the development of AlphaCode2, an AI system that excels in competitive programming, serving as a testament to its advanced algorithmic abilities.

💡Dynamic Programming

Dynamic programming is a method for solving complex problems by breaking them down into simpler sub-problems. It is an efficient algorithmic technique used in computer science to solve problems that exhibit overlapping subproblems and optimal substructure properties. The script highlights AlphaCode2's use of dynamic programming to solve a particularly challenging problem, showcasing its advanced problem-solving capabilities.

💡Human-AI Collaboration

Human-AI collaboration refers to the partnership between humans and artificial intelligence systems to achieve a common goal. In the context of the script, this collaboration is seen as the future of programming, where AI models like AlphaCode2 work alongside human coders, enhancing the coding process through mutual problem-solving, code design proposals, and implementation assistance.

💡Algorithmic Abilities

Algorithmic abilities refer to the capacity to create, understand, and implement algorithms — step-by-step procedures for solving problems or accomplishing tasks. In the context of the video, these abilities are crucial for competitive programming and are significantly enhanced in AI systems like AlphaCode2, which can outperform a majority of human competitors in solving complex algorithmic challenges.

💡Advanced Algorithmic Technique

An advanced algorithmic technique refers to a sophisticated method used in computer science to solve complex problems efficiently. These techniques often involve innovative approaches to managing data and processing tasks. In the script, dynamic programming is cited as an example of such a technique, which AlphaCode2 uses to excel in competitive programming scenarios.

💡AI System

An AI system is a set of algorithms and computational models designed to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. In the script, AI systems like Gemini and AlphaCode2 are highlighted for their transformative impact on software development and competitive programming. These systems demonstrate the ability to understand, reason, and generate code, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in these domains.


Performance in this context refers to the effectiveness and efficiency with which an AI system operates, specifically in solving problems and executing tasks. The script details the enhanced performance of AlphaCode2 compared to its predecessor, AlphaCode, and how it surpasses a significant percentage of human competitors in competitive programming.


Gemini is a natively multimodal AI built from the ground up, with a focus on understanding, explaining, and generating correct and well-written code in various programming languages.

Gemini shows significant improvement over previous models like PaLM 2, with a 75% success rate in solving programming functions in Python on the first try, compared to 45% for PaLM 2.

By allowing Gemini to self-check and repair its answers, the success rate increases to over 90%, marking a substantial advancement in AI coding capabilities.

Gemini can rapidly create and prototype new ideas, such as a train-spotting location web app, in less than a minute.

Although the initial code provided by Gemini may not be perfect, it serves as a highly useful first draft for software development.

Gemini has the potential to transform the field of software development through its standalone capabilities and as a component of more complex systems.

A specialized version of Gemini excels at competitive programming, a field that tests algorithmic coding abilities and attracts talented programmers worldwide.

Competitive programming serves as a rigorous test of algorithmic skills, requiring not only coding but also math and reasoning to solve complex problems.

AlphaCode, the first AI system to compete at the level of average human contestants, has been enhanced to AlphaCode2, which is powered by Gemini and demonstrates significantly improved performance.

AlphaCode2 solves almost twice as many problems as the original AlphaCode, outperforming an estimated 85% of competitive programming participants.

One of the most challenging problems AlphaCode2 faced involved computing aggregate statistics from large amounts of random arrays, a task that only 0.2% of participants in the original contest solved.

AlphaCode2 effectively utilizes dynamic programming, an advanced technique that simplifies complex problems by breaking them down into easier sub-problems.

Competitive programming is not just about implementation but also understanding, reasoning, and designing code solutions, which AlphaCode2 demonstrates proficiency in.

Large language models have historically scored poorly on competitive programming benchmarks, but AlphaCode2 breaks this trend by showing a deeper level of understanding and problem-solving.

AlphaCode2 performs even better when collaborating with human coders, who can provide grounding and specify properties for the code samples.

The collaboration between programmers and AI models like AlphaCode2 is envisioned as the future of programming, where AI contributes to problem-solving, code design, and implementation.

AlphaCode2's unique capabilities are being integrated into general Gemini models, aiming to make this new programming paradigm accessible to everyone.