Vectorizer.AI vs Inkscape vs Illustrator - Which is Superior?

Frank Ring
5 Jan 202415:29

TLDRIn this video, Frank compares three tools for vectorizing images: Vectorizer.AI, Inkscape, and Adobe Illustrator. He conducts two tests, one with a simple black design and another with a complex ski goggle image. Vectorizer.AI is easy to use but lacks the ability to remove the background in one step. Inkscape performs well with simple designs but struggles with complex images. Illustrator offers more control and versatility, allowing users to adjust colors, remove backgrounds, and edit the vectorized image directly within the software. Frank concludes that Illustrator is the superior tool for vectorizing images due to its comprehensive features and adaptability to both simple and complex designs.


  • 🎨 **Vectorizer.AI** is a web-based tool that converts images to vectors by simply dragging and dropping them, but it lacks a one-step background removal feature.
  • 🖥️ **Inkscape** offers a 'Trace Bitmap' feature that allows for multicolor tracing and background removal, providing flexibility and control over the vectorization process.
  • ✂️ **Adobe Illustrator** has a robust 'Image Trace' tool that can handle simple black designs and complex images with gradients and multiple colors, offering a wide range of editing options within the software.
  • 📈 In the first test with a simple black design, both **Inkscape** and **Illustrator** performed well, providing a straightforward vectorization process with the ability to edit and change colors.
  • 🕶️ For the second test with a complex ski goggle image, **Vectorizer.AI** did a better job initially, but required further editing in other software to refine the result.
  • 🎭 **Inkscape** struggled with the complex image, demonstrating limitations when dealing with intricate designs and multiple colors.
  • 🖌️ **Illustrator** provided a decent result with the complex image, allowing for more control and options to adjust the vectorization, including implementing gradients.
  • 🔍 **Vectorizer.AI**, while effective, requires additional steps and tools for finalizing the vector image, such as color selection and background removal.
  • 🌈 **Illustrator** stands out for its versatility and comprehensive feature set, making it the preferred choice for vectorization, despite the need for post-processing in some cases.
  • 📉 **Inkscape** is a viable option for simpler images but may not handle complex images as effectively, showing its limitations in advanced vectorization tasks.
  • 🔧 The choice between **Vectorizer.AI**, **Inkscape**, and **Illustrator** depends on the complexity of the image and the user's specific needs, with **Illustrator** offering the most comprehensive tool set.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is a comparison of different tools for vectorizing images, specifically Vectorizer.AI, Inkscape, and Adobe Illustrator.

  • What are the two tests conducted in the video?

    -The two tests conducted are: 1) Vectorizing a simple black design and 2) Vectorizing a more complex image of ski goggles.

  • How does Vectorizer.AI perform in removing the background of an image?

    -Vectorizer.AI does not allow for the removal of the background in a single step, which the author finds inconvenient.

  • What is the advantage of using Inkscape for vectorizing a simple black design?

    -Inkscape allows for the removal of the background in a single step and provides the ability to choose the number of colors and edit the vectorized image directly within the software.

  • How does Adobe Illustrator handle the vectorization of a simple black design?

    -Adobe Illustrator also allows for the removal of the background and provides options to ignore the background color, making it easy to vectorize and edit the design within the software.

  • What is the main issue with Vectorizer.AI when vectorizing more complex images?

    -Vectorizer.AI may not handle gradients and complex color schemes well, leading to less than ideal lines and the inability to choose the number of colors in the vectorized image.

  • How does Inkscape perform with complex images in terms of background removal?

    -Inkscape struggles with complex images, as it may not remove the background effectively or may leave unsightly spots, making the vectorized image less usable.

  • What is the benefit of using Adobe Illustrator for vectorizing complex images?

    -Adobe Illustrator provides more control over the vectorization process, allowing users to select a limited color palette and implement gradients within the image for a more refined result.

  • Why does the author consider Adobe Illustrator to be the best tool for vectorizing images?

    -The author considers Adobe Illustrator to be the best tool because it is versatile, allowing users to perform all necessary steps within the software, including image tracing, color selection, and background removal.

  • What is the main drawback of using Vectorizer.AI according to the video?

    -The main drawback of using Vectorizer.AI is that it requires multiple steps and the use of additional software to achieve the final goal, as it does not allow for color selection or background removal within the tool itself.

  • What does the author suggest for users with complex images to vectorize?

    -The author suggests that while Vectorizer.AI may initially vectorize the image well, users should consider using Adobe Illustrator for the final editing and refinement due to its advanced control and versatility.

  • What additional advice does the author provide for those interested in Adobe Creative Cloud?

    -The author advises viewers to watch another video where he explains how to get Adobe Creative Cloud for cheaper, suggesting that this could be a cost-effective solution for those needing advanced vectorization capabilities.



📈 Introduction to Vectorization Tools Comparison

Frank introduces the video's purpose, which is to compare various tools for converting images into vectors. He mentions Vectorizer Doai, Inkscape, and Illustrator's Image Trace as the tools to be evaluated. The video aims to help viewers decide which tool is best suited for vectorizing images, especially those generated by AI or for general use. Two tests will be conducted: one with a simple black design and another with a more complex ski goggles image to assess the tools' capabilities in removing backgrounds and handling gradients.


🖥️ Vectorizing a Simple Black Design

Frank begins with the first test using Vectorizer Doai, a web-based tool that converts images into vectors. Despite its simplicity, Vectorizer Doai does not allow for one-step background removal, which Frank finds inconvenient. He then moves on to Inkscape, where he successfully vectorizes the image, removes the background, and manipulates the design with ease. Lastly, he uses Illustrator, which also performs well, allowing him to edit and change colors within the software itself. Frank concludes that both Inkscape and Illustrator are superior for this simple design, while Vectorizer Doai requires additional steps and software to achieve the desired result.


🎨 Vectorizing a Complex Ski Goggles Image

In the second test, Frank evaluates the tools using a complex ski goggles image. Vectorizer Doai provides a decent result but struggles with gradients and line quality. Inkscape faces difficulties with complex images, as it does not produce a clean result when attempting to remove the background. Illustrator, however, offers more control and options, allowing Frank to vectorize the image with a limited color palette and remove the background effectively. Despite not being perfect, Illustrator's result is workable, and Frank appreciates the additional control it provides over the image's gradient and color.


🏆 Conclusion: Illustrator as the Preferred Vectorization Tool

Frank concludes that Illustrator is the best tool for vectorizing images due to its versatility and the ability to perform all necessary tasks within the software. While Vectorizer Doai offers good results, it lacks options for color selection and background removal, necessitating the use of additional tools. Inkscape is suitable for simple images but falters with complex ones. Frank emphasizes that the choice of tool depends on the user's needs, but for comprehensive functionality, Illustrator stands out. He also encourages viewers to like and subscribe for more helpful content and mentions a video on how to get Adobe Creative Cloud at a lower cost.




Vectorizer.AI is an online tool designed to convert raster images into vector graphics. In the video, it is compared with Inkscape and Illustrator for its ability to transform images into vectors. The host drags and drops an image into the Vectorizer.AI website, and it automatically creates a vector version of the image. However, the host notes that Vectorizer.AI does not allow for the removal of the background in a single step, which is a drawback mentioned in the comparison.


Inkscape is a free and open-source vector graphics editor that is used in the video to vectorize a simple black design. The host uses the 'Trace Bitmap' feature in Inkscape, choosing the 'multicolor' option and specifying the least amount of colors to create a vector from the image. Inkscape is appreciated for its ability to remove the background in a single step, which is a feature that Vectorizer.AI lacks.


Adobe Illustrator is a proprietary vector graphics editing software used by the host to vectorize images. The video demonstrates using the 'Image Trace' tool within Illustrator to convert a simple black design into a vector format. The host appreciates Illustrator's versatility and the control it offers over the vectorization process, including the ability to select colors and remove the background, making it a preferred tool for more complex images.

💡Image Trace

Image Trace is a feature within vector graphics software that converts bitmap images into vector format. Both Illustrator and Inkscape have this feature, and the video compares how each software's implementation performs. The host uses Image Trace in both programs to convert a simple black design and a more complex ski goggle image into vectors, noting differences in the quality and control provided by each.

💡Vector Graphics

Vector graphics are images created with algorithms that define basic shapes and their properties, such as lines and curves. These can be scaled without loss of quality, unlike raster graphics. The entire video is centered around converting raster images into vector graphics using different tools, highlighting the importance of vector graphics in design and scalability.

💡Background Removal

Background removal is the process of eliminating the background of an image, leaving only the foreground elements. This is a critical step in vectorization when a clean, standalone vector image is desired. The video discusses the ease or difficulty of background removal in each of the tools compared, with Inkscape and Illustrator generally performing better in this aspect.

💡Color Selection

Color selection refers to the ability to choose and define the colors used in the vectorized image. The host compares how each tool allows for color selection during the vectorization process. For instance, Illustrator provides more control, enabling the user to select a limited color palette or implement gradients, which is a significant advantage for complex images.


Gradients are smooth transitions between two or more colors. In the context of vectorization, preserving gradients is important for maintaining the visual quality of the original image. The video shows how each tool handles gradients, with Illustrator offering options to better manage and implement gradients within the vectorized image.


SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics, which is an XML-based vector image format that supports interactivity and animation. The host mentions downloading the vectorized image as an SVG file from Vectorizer.AI and then importing it into other software for further editing, indicating the common use of SVG in the vector graphics workflow.

💡Raster Images

Raster images, also known as bitmap images, are digital images composed of individual pixels. The video starts with the host wanting to convert raster images into vectors, which is a common task in graphic design when a scalable format is required. The comparison of tools is based on their effectiveness in handling this conversion.


Versatility refers to the ability of a tool to handle a wide range of tasks or situations. The host concludes that Illustrator is the most versatile tool for vectorization because it offers a comprehensive set of features for tracing images, selecting colors, and managing complex vector graphics, making it suitable for both simple and complex designs.


Comparison of vectorization tools: Vectorizer.AI, Inkscape, and Illustrator.

Vectorizer.AI is a web-based tool that transforms images into vectors with a simple drag-and-drop interface.

Inkscape offers a 'Trace Bitmap' feature that allows users to vectorize images with the option to remove the background.

Illustrator's Image Trace tool provides a range of options for color selection and background removal.

The first test involves vectorizing a simple black design.

Vectorizer.AI successfully vectorizes the simple design but lacks a one-step background removal feature.

Inkscape effectively removes the background and allows for easy editing and color changes in the vectorized image.

Illustrator also performs well in vectorizing the simple design and provides more control over the final image.

The second test is vectorizing a complex image of ski goggles with gradients and white details.

Vectorizer.AI's result for the complex image has less than ideal lines and gradient representation.

Inkscape struggles with the complex image, failing to provide a clean background removal and resulting in a non-usable vector.

Illustrator manages to vectorize the complex image with more control, although not perfect, it's usable with some manual adjustments.

Illustrator is considered the most versatile tool for vectorizing images due to its comprehensive set of features.

Vectorizer.AI is good for simple images but requires additional steps and tools for more complex tasks.

Inkscape is suitable for basic vectorization but may not handle complex images with many colors effectively.

The presenter prefers Illustrator for its ability to perform all necessary vectorization tasks within a single software.

The video provides a detailed comparison to help viewers choose the right tool for their vectorization needs.

The presenter suggests that the choice of tool also depends on the complexity of the images being vectorized.

Illustrator is recommended for its ability to handle both simple and complex images with a wide range of customization options.