Verbatim: What Is a Photocopier? | Op-Docs

The New York Times
28 Apr 201407:10

TLDRIn a deposition, a discussion ensues regarding the definition and use of a photocopy machine within an office setting. The participant is unsure about the term, leading to a clarification request from the inquisitor. The conversation highlights the ambiguity around the term and the various technologies that a photocopy machine could employ. Despite the participant's lack of a detailed understanding, it is established that the office does possess a machine, referred to as a Xerox, capable of producing paper copies.


  • 📝 The discussion revolves around the definition and understanding of a photocopy machine in an office setting.
  • 🤔 One individual expresses uncertainty about the exact meaning of 'photocopy machine,' highlighting the ambiguity of the term.
  • 💡 It is clarified that a photocopy machine can utilize various technologies such as photostatic, xerographic, or scanning technology.
  • 👨‍💼 The conversation involves a person from the recorder's office who is not technically inclined and may not understand the technical aspects of a photocopy machine.
  • 📚 The importance of understanding the term 'photocopy' from a layperson's perspective, not from a technical standpoint, is emphasized in a legal context.
  • 🏛️ The setting is likely a courtroom or legal deposition where the understanding of a photocopy machine is being questioned.
  • 🤷‍♂️ The individual from the recorder's office admits ignorance about the specific meaning of 'photocopy machine' in common language.
  • 🗣️ The dialogue suggests that the use of the term 'photocopy' is common within the recorder's office, even if the exact definition is unclear.
  • 🖨️ Confirmation is given that the recorder's office has a machine capable of producing paper copies, although it is not referred to as a 'photocopier' by the individual.
  • 🎶 The script includes references to music, indicating it may be part of a video or multimedia presentation.
  • 😅 There is a sense of frustration and defensiveness in the dialogue, with accusations of playing games and attempts to establish self-confidence.

Q & A

  • What is the primary topic of discussion in the script?

    -The primary topic of discussion in the script is the definition and understanding of what a photocopying machine is.

  • Why does the speaker object to the tone of the question about photocopying machines?

    -The speaker objects to the tone of the question because it implies that it is unbelievable that someone wouldn't know the definition of a photocopying machine, which the speaker finds unfair.

  • What types of technologies are mentioned as being used in photocopiers?

    -Photostatic technology, xerographic technology, and scanning technology are mentioned as being used in photocopiers.

  • What is the speaker's stance on the importance of understanding the technology behind photocopiers?

    -The speaker is not very interested in the technological element of photocopiers, as they are more concerned with the practical aspect of whether photocopying machines are present in the recorder's office.

  • How does the speaker clarify the term 'photocopying machine'?

    -The speaker clarifies that the term 'photocopying machine' is ambiguous and can refer to different types of machines that use various technologies to make copies of documents.

  • What is the legal issue at hand related to the term 'photocopying'?

    -The legal issue at hand is related to the use of the term 'photocopying' in a case, and whether the person being questioned can confirm the presence of a photocopying machine in the recorder's office.

  • Has the person being questioned ever heard the term 'photocopier' used in the recorder's office?

    -The person is sure that the term 'photocopier' has been used in the recorder's office, but does not recall specific instances or contexts.

  • Does the recorder's office have a machine that can make copies of paper documents?

    -Yes, the recorder's office has a machine that can make copies of paper documents, which the person being questioned refers to as a Xerox machine.

  • What is the significance of the term 'photocopy' in the context of the recorder's office?

    -In the context of the recorder's office, the term 'photocopy' is significant because it is related to the legal issue being discussed and whether the office has the capability to make copies of documents using a machine.

  • How does the person being questioned feel about their understanding of the term 'photocopying'?

    -The person initially feels unsure about their understanding of the term 'photocopying', but later admits to knowing that there are photocopying machines and that the term has been used in the office.



📝 Debate Over Photocopy Machine Definition

The paragraph revolves around a heated discussion about the definition and understanding of a photocopy machine. Initially, there is confusion about whether the device in question is within another building or in the recorder's office. The conversation takes a defensive turn when one participant feels the need to clarify that they understand what a photocopy machine is, despite the other party questioning their knowledge. The discussion further delves into the various technologies used in photocopiers, such as photostatic and xerographic, but the speaker insists on focusing on the practical use of the machine within an office setting rather than the technical aspects. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of answering the question correctly and the desire to have the Ohio Supreme Court clarify the term if necessary. The conversation ends with the speaker admitting they are not familiar with the term in the context of the office, despite acknowledging the existence of different types of photocopiers.


🖨️ Clarification on the Use of Photocopying Terminology

This paragraph continues the conversation about photocopy machines, focusing on the use of the term 'photo copy' within the recorder's office. The speaker confirms that the term has been used but cannot recall a specific instance. It is suggested that the term might have been used in the context of copying paper documents using a machine, but the speaker is unsure. The discussion then shifts to the presence of a machine that can produce copies of paper documents, to which the speaker confirms the existence of such a machine in their office. When asked about the name of the machine, the speaker refers to it as a 'Xerox,' indicating a brand name commonly associated with photocopiers. The paragraph highlights the ambiguity around the term 'photocopy' and the reliance on brand names to identify the function of the machine.




A photocopier is a machine used to make paper copies of documents and other visual images quickly and efficiently. It is an essential piece of equipment in an office setting, often used for duplicating important paperwork. In the context of the video, there is a discussion about whether the individual being questioned is familiar with the term and the device itself, highlighting the importance of understanding common office equipment.

💡Recorder's Office

The Recorder's Office is a government entity responsible for maintaining records, often related to property, land, and legal documents. In the video, the discussion revolves around the presence of photocopying machines in such an office, emphasizing the need for accurate record-keeping and the tools used to facilitate it.

💡Photostatic Technology

Photostatic technology is an older method used in some early photocopiers, which relies on the photoconductive properties of certain materials to create an image on a surface, typically paper. In the video, this term is mentioned to illustrate the variety of technologies that can be found in photocopiers, emphasizing the complexity and diversity of such machines.

💡Xerographic Technology

Xerographic technology is a widely used method in modern photocopiers that involves the use of a static electric charge to create an image on a drum or belt, which is then transferred onto paper. The mention of this technology in the video underscores the technical aspects of photocopiers and the potential for confusion regarding their function.

💡Scanning Technology

Scanning technology, in the context of the video, refers to the process of capturing an image or document through a digital scanner, which can then be copied or reproduced electronically. This term is relevant as it highlights the evolution of copying technology from physical to digital methods.

💡Legal Conclusion

A legal conclusion is a determination or interpretation made within a legal context, often based on the facts of a case or the application of law. In the video, the discussion about whether a device is a photocopy machine is framed as a legal conclusion, emphasizing the importance of clear definitions and understandings in legal proceedings.

💡Lay Person's Perspective

A lay person's perspective refers to the viewpoint or understanding of someone who is not an expert or specialist in a particular field. In the video, the questioning seeks to elicit a basic understanding of photocopiers from a non-technical perspective, highlighting the need for clear communication in legal settings.

💡Office Setting

An office setting refers to the environment in which administrative or professional work is conducted, typically involving tasks such as document management and record-keeping. The video emphasizes the common use of photocopiers in such settings and the potential for confusion regarding their terminology and function.


Xerox is a brand name that has become synonymous with photocopiers and the process of photocopying. In the video, the term is used to refer to a specific type of photocopier machine, illustrating the prevalence of brand recognition in the context of office equipment.


In the context of the video, a machine refers to a device or piece of equipment designed to perform a specific task, such as a photocopier. The discussion around machines in the video highlights the importance of understanding the function and purpose of common office equipment.


The term 'copy' refers to a reproduction or duplicate of an original document, image, or other item. In the video, the process of making copies is central to the discussion, emphasizing the role of photocopiers in creating duplicates of important documents.


Discussion about the definition and understanding of a photocopying machine in an office setting.

Clarification sought on the term 'photocopying machine' due to its ambiguity.

Objection raised over the tone of a question implying disbelief about someone's knowledge of a photocopy machine.

Different types of photocopiers mentioned, including those using photostatic, xerographic, and scanning technologies.

Concern expressed about the fairness of asking someone to define a term they may not understand.

The importance of understanding the term 'photocopying' from a lay person's perspective, not from a technical standpoint.

Questioning if the term 'photocopier' has been used in the recorder's office.

Admission of uncertainty regarding the specific use of the term 'photocopy' within the office.

Acknowledgment of the use of the term 'photocopy', but lack of memory regarding specific instances.

Inquiry about the use of the term 'photocopy' in relation to copying paper documents with a machine.

Confirmation of the presence of a machine that can copy paper documents.

Revelation of the machine's brand name being Xerox.

The transcript explores the varying levels of understanding and definitions of office equipment.

It highlights the importance of context when discussing common office terminology.

The dialogue emphasizes the need for clarity in communication, especially in a legal setting.

The transcript showcases the potential for misunderstanding with technology-focused jargon.

It underlines the value of considering different perspectives when discussing everyday terms.