[WARFRAME] Update 35.5.6 Overview Buffs To Dante/Chroma + More | Dante Unbound

10 Apr 202418:05

TLDRIn the Warframe Update 35.5.6, significant buffs were introduced for Dante and Chroma, addressing previous overnerfs. Dante's Dark Verse now has line of sight, and the status damage increase applied to enemies hit by Paradigm has been boosted. Chroma's Vex Armor and Raga Hunter Adrenaline mods can now benefit from damage received while overguarded, enhancing co-op play. The update also includes a line of sight improvement for various abilities and bug fixes for mod trading and weapon stats display.


  • 🚀 Warframe Update 35.5.6 has been released, bringing various buffs and changes to the game across all platforms.
  • 🪖 Dante received significant buffs, including improvements to his dark verse line of sight and an increase in the status damage of his Paradigm birds.
  • 🛡️ Chroma's Vex Armor and Neja's Divine Spears were also buffed, with changes to how they interact with Overguard to enhance co-op gameplay.
  • 🎯 Specific abilities like Dante's Dark Verse and Hildren's Agis Storm had their line of sight mechanics updated for better reliability.
  • 🔋 The slam capacitor trait for the Arca Titron was adjusted to make it more balanced and user-friendly after community feedback.
  • 🔧 General fixes were made to the game, addressing issues like trading mod problems and missing stats in the Arsenal screen.
  • 💥 The damage cap for Tragedy was set to 1 billion to prevent error codes, though no enemy can survive such damage.
  • 📈 The Frost's Icy Avalanche augment now grants Overguard to non-player allies, improving the utility of this ability.
  • 📊 The script mentions upcoming live streams and double credit weekends, indicating ongoing community engagement and support.
  • 🎮 The video script serves as an overview and discussion of the changes, providing insights and testing of the updated features in Warframe.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the Warframe Update 35.5.6?

    -The main focus of the Warframe Update 35.5.6 is to address and improve various aspects of the game, particularly buffs to Dante and Chroma, as well as other bug fixes and changes to enhance the overall gaming experience.

  • What changes were made to Dante's dark verse?

    -Dante's dark verse had its line of sight improved, allowing the slice ability and the helmet ability to reliably hit enemies, often even through walls.

  • How did the update affect the status damage of Dante's Paradigm?

    -The status damage increase applied to enemies hit by Dante's Paradigm was buffed, starting at 50% and scaling with Power Strength.

  • What was the purpose of the changes to Overguard interactions with Chroma's Vex Armor and Rage Hunter adrenaline?

    -The changes were made to make co-op play more harmonious and beneficial. Chroma's Vex Armor and Rage Hunter adrenaline now convert damage on Overguard by allies to energy while shields are inactive, allowing for more efficient energy regeneration.

  • What was the impact of the update on Neja's Divine Spears?

    -Neja's Divine Spears had its base range reduced to 50, but with the Divine Retribution augment equipped, the range was increased to approximately 40 meters, making it more effective than before.

  • How did the update address the issue with the ARA Titron slam capacity trait?

    -The update reduced the max charges from 10 to 5, adjusted the slam damage and range per charge, and fixed the slam capacitor's guaranteed electric proc not occurring, aiming to balance the weapon's damage output.

  • What general fixes were included in the update?

    -The update included fixes for trading issues with mods, missing stats for Warframe abilities in the Arsenal screen, and various other minor bug fixes to improve the overall gameplay experience.

  • What is the significance of the line of sight improvements in the update?

    -The line of sight improvements aim to increase the reliability of certain abilities, making them more effective in combat by checking both the full model of enemies and their head, torso, and feet, even when they are not fully on the screen.

  • How did the update affect Frost's icy Avalanche augment?

    -The update allowed Frost's icy Avalanche augment to grant Overguard to non-player allies, such as Sentinels, Companions, and Specters, enhancing the cooperative play experience.

  • What was the community's reaction to the changes made in the update?

    -The community generally had positive feedback on the changes, especially the buffs to Dante and Chroma, as they improved the effectiveness and playability of these Warframes.



🎮 Warframe Video and Updates

The paragraph discusses the host's return to making Warframe videos, despite having a sore throat. It highlights the recent buffs to Dante and Neja, as well as other hotfixes across all platforms. The host mentions upcoming live streams and the potential for exploring these changes in more depth. The conversation also touches on the channel's daily Warframe video uploads and the possibility of live streaming, especially with a double credit weekend coming up. The host expresses excitement over the buffs, especially for Dante, who is expected to become a powerful status debuffer.


🛡️ Overguard Interactions and Buffs

This paragraph delves into the changes made to Overguard interactions with various Warframe abilities, aiming to enhance co-op gameplay. It details how Vex's armor and Chroma's rage Hunter adrenaline mods have been adjusted to be more beneficial in team settings. The host explains the new mechanics, such as Chroma's damage buff from taking damage and the conversion of overguard damage into energy. The paragraph also addresses the buffs for melee damage and self-sufficiency perks, emphasizing the significant improvement for Chroma. Additionally, it clarifies that certain Warframes like Khora and Rhino will not be affected by these changes.


🏹 Line of Sight Improvements

The host talks about the line of sight improvements made in the update, which aim to enhance the reliability and effectiveness of various Warframe abilities. It outlines the new checks for determining if enemies are visible or eligible for line of sight checks, and how these changes apply to abilities that hit in a full circle around the player. The paragraph lists several Warframes and their abilities that have been updated, such as Excalibur's Radio Blind and Dante's Dark Verse, and mentions that more line of sight improvements are planned for the future.


🔧 Weapon and Ability Adjustments

This paragraph focuses on the specific changes made to certain weapons and abilities, such as the ARA Titron slam capacity trait and the adjustments to Neja's Divine Spears. The host discusses the nerf and subsequent buff to the ARA Titron, addressing its previous outlier status and the community feedback that led to the changes. It also highlights the range increase for Neja's Divine Spears and how it has been improved to be more usable. The paragraph concludes with a mention of other general fixes and adjustments, such as trading issues and ability stat display in the Arsenal screen.




WARFRAME is a free-to-play online game developed and published by Digital Extremes. It is a cooperative third-person shooter that combines elements of science fiction and fantasy. In the game, players control characters called 'Warframes', which are powerful exoskeletons equipped with various weapons and abilities. The game is set in an evolving solar system and features both player versus environment (PvE) and player versus player (PvP) combat.


Dante is a Warframe in the game WARFRAME, known for its dark and shadowy abilities. It is a versatile frame that can perform well in various combat scenarios, including crowd control, support, and damage dealing. Dante's abilities allow it to summon dark creatures, manipulate darkness for cover, and deliver powerful melee attacks.


Chroma is another Warframe in WARFRAME, characterized by its ice-themed abilities and a color-changing mechanic that reflects the elements it interacts with. Chroma is known for its ability to deal high damage, especially when enemies inflict damage upon it, which is then converted into increased power and strength.


In the context of video games, buffs refer to enhancements or improvements made to a character, ability, or item that increase their effectiveness or power. Buffs can be temporary or permanent and are often used to balance gameplay, address issues, or introduce new strategies.


Neja is a Warframe in WARFRAME that specializes in support roles, providing abilities that can heal allies, boost their damage, and protect them from enemy attacks. Neja's abilities are centered around the use of divine spears that can be thrown or used to create protective barriers.

💡Line of Sight

Line of Sight (LOS) in video games, particularly in first or third-person shooters, refers to the direct visual path from the player's viewpoint to a target. Abilities or attacks often require LOS to be effective, meaning the target must be visible to the player for the action to succeed.


In WARFRAME, Overguard is a mechanic that prevents damage to a Warframe's health and shields when an ally is directly in front of them, blocking the line of sight to the enemy. This mechanic is often used in cooperative play to provide cover and protection to teammates.

💡Status Damage

Status damage in video games refers to damage that is applied to a character or enemy based on their status or condition, such as being poisoned, burned, or shocked. This type of damage often stacks or scales with certain abilities or mods, increasing the overall damage output against enemies in that status.


A hotfix in gaming is a small update or patch that developers release to address specific issues or bugs in a game. Hotfixes are typically smaller in scope than full updates and are meant to quickly resolve problems without the need for a larger, more comprehensive update.

💡Archon Shards

In WARFRAME, Archon Shards are a type of mod that players can equip on their Warframes to enhance their abilities. These shards provide various bonuses, such as increased casting speed or range, and can be customized to suit a player's preferred playstyle.

💡Profit Taker

Profit Taker is a mod in WARFRAME that increases the amount of credits earned from missions. It is highly sought after by players who want to maximize their in-game currency earnings, especially when combined with other mods or factors that can further increase credit gain.


Warframe Update 35.5.6 brings a variety of buffs and changes to the game, affecting multiple characters and abilities.

Dante receives significant buffs to his dark verse line of sight and the status damage of his Paradigm birds.

Neja's Divine Spears ability is buffed, increasing its range and making it more effective in combat.

Chroma benefits from changes to Overguard interactions, boosting his damage and armor buffs when receiving damage.

Rage Hunter adrenaline mods now allow shieldless Warframes to regenerate energy from allies' Overguard.

Frost's icy Avalanche augment now grants Overguard to non-player allies, such as Sentinels and Companions.

Line of sight improvements are made to various abilities, increasing their reliability and effectiveness.

Excalibur's Radio Blind and Umb's Radial checks are updated for better targeting.

Dante's Dark Verse and Sickening Pulse abilities now have rendered checks, potentially increasing their accuracy.

Nova's NSTAR and Hildren's Agis Storm abilities have undergone line of sight adjustments.

Kora's Whipclaw ability receives a line of sight check, improving its functionality.

Corvex's Chinka Pillar ability is mentioned, though its popularity seems to have waned.

The Arch Titron weapon sees changes to its Slam damage and capacity, addressing community feedback.

The video promises a detailed look at Dante's new abilities and buffs in an upcoming build video.

The host discusses plans for live streaming, including potential drops and testing of the new changes.

The double credit weekend is upcoming, which may enhance the impact of the recent buffs.

The video provides a comprehensive overview of the update, including specific numbers and百分比 increases.

The host expresses optimism about the changes, particularly the buffs to Dante and Chroma.