Weak Boy Unlocked CHEAT Leveling System And Awakens His God Powers

21 Jan 202463:33

TLDRNor, a young noble with no magical abilities, discovers a hidden dungeon where he meets Olivia, a powerful adventurer. She trains him, and he unlocks his unique Great Sage skill, allowing him to absorb and edit skills. With the help of his friends, Nor faces various challenges, including a curse on a noble girl and a battle with Olivia's clone, all while growing stronger and opening a successful shop.


  • 🔓 A weak protagonist with a useless skill discovers a hidden dungeon and is trained by a powerful adventurer trapped within.
  • 🎓 The protagonist, Norstadia, is a noble's son with no magical abilities, aiming to become a librarian but faces challenges in his path.
  • 🗝️ Norstadia's life changes when he unlocks his 'Great Sage' skill, which grants him knowledge but causes severe headaches.
  • 💋 He learns to manage his skill's side effects with the help of his friend Emma, by using a 'first aid kiss'.
  • 🏆 Norstadia decides to take the Hero Academy entrance exam, against the odds, and with Emma's support.
  • 🤝 In the hidden dungeon, Norstadia meets Olivia, a self-proclaimed super adventurer who bestows her skills upon him.
  • 🌟 Olivia's skills can be created, passed on, and edited, but at the cost of the user's life points.
  • 🥇 Norstadia, Emma, and Lenor form a team and surprisingly break the entrance exam record, thanks to Norstadia's newfound abilities.
  • 💰 After the exam, Norstadia faces the challenge of raising money for enrollment fees and decides to sell rare monster items from the dungeon.
  • 🏆 With the help of his friends and a series of adventures, Norstadia is able to overcome obstacles and grow stronger, both in power and in life points.

Q & A

  • Who is the protagonist of the story and what is his initial situation?

    -The protagonist is Norah, a son of a bottom-ranked noble with no special abilities or prospects for the future. He wakes up one day to find out that his position as a librarian has been taken by the son of a higher-ranked noble.

  • What is Norah's unique skill and how does it affect him?

    -Norah's unique skill is the Great Sage skill, which is like an encyclopedia. However, using this skill causes him to experience soul-numbing headaches that damage his brain cells.

  • How does Emma help Norah with his Great Sage skill?

    -Emma reveals that the Great Sage Merlin, who also had headaches from using the skill, managed it by kissing his wives. She suggests that Norah tries a similar approach, which leads to them discovering that kissing can temporarily alleviate the headaches.

  • What is the hidden dungeon and who is the overpowered adventurer trapped inside?

    -The hidden dungeon is a mysterious location that Norah discovers with the help of his Great Sage skill. Inside, he finds Olivia, a self-proclaimed super adventurer who has been trapped there for 200 years due to a trap that bound her with death chains.

  • How does Norah gain new abilities and skills?

    -Olivia offers to transfer her skills to Norah since she cannot use them herself. These skills can create other skills, pass them on to others, and even edit them. However, using these skills consumes life points, and if his life points reach zero, Norah will die.

  • What is the main challenge Norah faces during the entrance exam for the Hero Academy?

    -During the entrance exam, Norah and his team are tasked with collecting monster materials. Norah encounters a level 99 Death Reaper, a powerful monster that could easily defeat him. He manages to outsmart the Reaper and collect the needed materials, but the experience drains him significantly.

  • How does Norah's life change after joining the Hero Academy?

    -Joining the Hero Academy opens up new opportunities for Norah. He makes new friends, gains recognition for his achievements, and even earns a substantial amount of money from the Duke for saving Maria, the daughter of a Duke, from a curse. This allows him to open his own shop and improve his family's financial situation.

  • What is the curse on Maria and how is it related to her family's history?

    -Maria has a death curse that is activated on her 16th birthday and will kill her. The curse was passed down from her ancestors and is related to a defeat her family suffered in the past.

  • How does Norah plan to help Lola win the ranking contest against Sarah?

    -Norah plans to help Lola win the ranking contest by taking on high-level quests that will boost her ranking. They agree to help each other, with Norah seeking strong monsters for the Academy exam and Lola providing information and support for his quests.

  • What is the significance of the Great Sage skill in Norah's development as an adventurer?

    -The Great Sage skill is significant in Norah's development as it provides him with extensive knowledge and the ability to create, bestow, and edit skills. This skill is crucial in his journey to become a powerful adventurer and in overcoming various challenges, including the curse on Maria.



🎓 The Unlikely Adventurer's Beginnings

The story introduces Norah, a bottom-ranked noble with no magical abilities, whose future seems bleak until he discovers a hidden dungeon. There, he meets Olivia, a powerful adventurer trapped inside, who decides to train him. Norah's journey begins as he learns about his unique 'Great Sage' skill, which acts like an encyclopedia but causes severe headaches when used. With the help of his sister Alice and his friend Emma, Norah starts to explore his potential and takes the entrance exam for the Hero Academy, defying expectations.


🥇 Trials and Tribulations at the Hero Academy

Norah, Emma, and Lenor form a team for the Hero Academy's entrance exam, where they must collect monster materials. Despite facing a powerful dead Reaper, Norah's newly acquired skills and quick thinking help them succeed beyond all expectations, breaking the entrance exam record. However, Norah faces a new challenge of affording the academy's expensive enrollment fees. He decides to venture into the dungeon again, where he learns about the ranking system of the adventurer's guild and starts to make a name for himself.


🌟 The Adventurer's Guild and Cursed Nobility

Norah's efforts to earn money lead him to the adventurer's guild, where he meets Lola and learns about the different ranks of adventurers. He takes on a quest to hunt rainbow grasshoppers and encounters Emma again, who is concerned about his safety. Norah creates a skill to negate the migraine side effect of his 'Great Sage' skill. During a quest, Norah and Emma face a powerful creature, but with Emma's determination and Norah's strategic thinking, they manage to overcome the challenge. Their success earns Norah a significant amount of money, allowing him to enroll in the academy.


🏫 Life at the Magic Academy and a Fateful Encounter

Once enrolled in the Magic Academy, Norah faces discrimination due to his low rank but finds an ally in Maria, a high-ranking student who is cursed to die on her 16th birthday. Norah, feeling responsible for Maria's acceptance, decides to help her by seeking information on how to remove the curse. He learns from Olivia that a cleric might be able to help, but the cost is high. Norah's determination to save Maria intensifies when he learns that the curse is draining her life, and he sets out to find a solution.


💔 The Curse's Secret and a Desperate Quest for a Cure

Norah's quest to save Maria leads him to a cleric named Luna, who reveals the curse's origin and the possibility of dispelling it using her skills, but at a great cost to her own lifespan. Norah is faced with a moral dilemma when Luna agrees to help despite the risks. He also learns a forbidden skill, 'Lucky Leer', which causes unintended consequences. As Maria's health deteriorates, Norah and his friends participate in a heram pride event to earn the necessary funds for the exorcism. Their success not only wins them a fortune but also brings them closer to finding a solution for Maria's curse.


🐉 The Dungeon's Secrets and an Unlikely Alliance

Norah's adventures in the dungeon continue as he seeks a way to free Olivia from her chains. He encounters a black lion named Tigerson, who becomes his ally and helps him navigate the challenges of the dungeon. Together, they find Vasel, an elf trapped for centuries, and Norah uses his skills to free him. The story explores themes of friendship, loyalty, and the lengths one will go to help those they care about.


🎉 The Hero's Reward and a Newfound Strength

Norah's efforts to help Vasel reunite with Tigerson result in a heartfelt reunion and a new friendship. The story delves into the themes of loyalty and the bonds formed through shared struggles. Vasel's gratitude towards Norah for saving his life leads him to offer his support in return. Norah's journey continues as he takes on the academy's exams, which he must pass to maintain his enrollment and honor the promise he made to Maria. The narrative highlights Norah's growth from a perceived weakling to a determined and resourceful adventurer.


🌲 The Forest Guardian's Plea and a Difficult Decision

Norah's journey takes a dramatic turn when he encounters Dory, a great tree spirit in distress. She pleads for his help against a powerful monster that is draining her life force. Despite the immense danger, Norah's loyalty to Emma and his sense of duty compel him to face the challenge. He devises a plan to defeat the monster, showcasing his strategic thinking and the skills he's acquired throughout his adventures. The story emphasizes the importance of courage and the strength that comes from within when facing seemingly insurmountable odds.


🥳 A Dance with Nobility and a Thief's Challenge

The narrative shifts to a high society event where Norah accompanies Emma to a noble party. Here, he must navigate the complexities of noble interactions and a dance competition that tests his skills and resolve. The appearance of the Phantom Thief adds an element of danger and intrigue, as Norah must protect Emma and confront the thief. The story highlights Norah's growth in confidence and his ability to adapt to different situations, reinforcing his status as a hero in the making.


🌋 The Test of the Hot Spring and the Bandit's Trap

As Norah and his classmates embark on a special training camp at a hot spring, they face a series of challenges that test their combat skills and teamwork. The group encounters a pixie and bandits, forcing them to confront their own weaknesses and prejudices. Norah's leadership and strategic abilities are put to the test, and he must find a way to outsmart the bandits and protect his friends. The story emphasizes the importance of trust and collaboration in overcoming obstacles.


🛡️ The Battle Against the Clone and the Chains of Destiny

Norah's determination to free Olivia from her chains leads him to confront her powerful clone. With the help of his friends, he battles the clone, showcasing his growth in strength and skill. The story delves into the themes of sacrifice, friendship, and the lengths one will go to protect those they care about. Norah's victory not only frees Olivia but also solidifies his status as a formidable adventurer, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead.




The term 'weakling' refers to a person who is physically weak or lacks strength. In the context of the video, the protagonist is initially described as a weakling with a useless skill, indicating his low status and perceived inability to become a strong adventurer. This sets the stage for his journey of self-improvement and the eventual unlocking of his powers.

💡Hidden Dungeon

A 'hidden dungeon' is a secret or concealed underground chamber that is often filled with challenges, traps, and treasures. In the video, the protagonist discovers such a dungeon where he encounters a powerful adventurer who decides to train him. This encounter marks a turning point in the protagonist's life, leading to his transformation and the awakening of his god-like powers.


An 'adventurer' is an individual who engages in exciting, often dangerous activities or travels to remote places. In the video, the protagonist aspires to become the strongest adventurer, a goal that seems unattainable due to his weak status and lack of impressive skills. However, through determination and the guidance of a powerful mentor, he embarks on a path to achieve this title.

💡Great Sage Skill

The 'Great Sage Skill' is a unique ability possessed by the protagonist that functions like an encyclopedia. It provides him with extensive knowledge, which is crucial in his journey to become a powerful adventurer. Despite its usefulness, the skill initially causes him great pain when used, symbolizing the challenges and sacrifices one must endure to gain wisdom and strength.

💡Death Chains

In the narrative, 'Death Chains' are a type of restraint used to bind and keep a powerful entity, Olivia, captive. These chains are not only a physical barrier but also a metaphor for the limitations and obstacles that the protagonist must overcome to free his mentor and unlock his own potential.

💡Skill Transfer

The concept of 'Skill Transfer' refers to the ability to pass on one's skills or abilities to another individual. In the video, the protagonist receives skills from the powerful adventurer he meets in the hidden dungeon, which significantly enhances his capabilities. This process is pivotal in his transformation from a weakling to a formidable adventurer.

💡Life Points

In the context of the video, 'Life Points' represent the health or vitality of the protagonist. They are crucial for using his skills and are replenished through various activities. The concept of life points adds a strategic element to the story, as the protagonist must balance using his skills and maintaining his health to survive and grow stronger.

💡Hero Academy

The 'Hero Academy' is an institution where individuals train to become knights or adventurers. It represents a place of learning and growth for the protagonist, who, despite his initial doubts about his fitness to become an adventurer, decides to take the entrance exam. The academy symbolizes the protagonist's hope for a better future and his willingness to challenge societal expectations.

💡Enrollment Fees

The 'enrollment fees' refer to the costs associated with joining the Hero Academy. This represents a significant financial barrier for the protagonist, who comes from a low-ranking noble family. The challenge of gathering the required funds adds another layer of complexity to his journey, highlighting the protagonist's determination and resourcefulness.

💡Monster Materials

In the video, 'monster materials' are items obtained from defeated creatures. These materials are used for various purposes, including grading the performance of adventurers during exams and as commodities to be sold for income. The collection and use of monster materials are central to the adventurer's livelihood and progression in the story.


Nor, a son of a low-ranked noble, discovers a hidden dungeon where he meets an overpowered adventurer who decides to train him.

Nor's unique skill, Great Sage, is revealed to be similar to an encyclopedia but causes him immense headaches when used.

Emma, Nor's childhood friend, reveals that kissing can alleviate the headaches caused by using Nor's Great Sage skill.

The self-proclaimed super adventurer, Olivia, transfers her skills to Nor, allowing him to become stronger and create new abilities.

Nor's life points, which determine his ability to use Olivia's skills, must be replenished through various activities to avoid death.

Nor and Emma's relationship deepens as they work together to help Nor increase his life points and develop new skills.

During the entrance exam to the Hero Academy, Nor's team意外地 breaks the record thanks to his newfound abilities.

Nor's father, initially dismissive of his son's prospects, becomes supportive and proud of Nor's achievements.

Olivia, bound in chains in the hidden dungeon, is revealed to be a powerful ally who can bestow and edit skills.

Nor's determination to save Olivia from her chains drives him to seek out new ways to increase his power and life points.

The Great Sage skill not only provides knowledge but also guides Nor in his quest to become a stronger adventurer.

Nor's journey from a perceived weakling to a potential hero is marked by his unwavering resolve and the support of his friends.

The hidden dungeon serves as a catalyst for Nor's transformation, providing him with the means to unlock his true potential.

Olivia's servant status and her 200-year entrapment add a layer of mystery and urgency to Nor's mission to free her.

The story explores themes of friendship, determination, and the pursuit of strength in a fantastical world of adventure and magic.

Nor's ability to create and edit skills with the help of Olivia's powers sets him on a path to becoming an exceptional adventurer.

The challenges Nor faces, both physical and emotional, test his character and his will to overcome obstacles in his quest for power.