aespa 에스파 'Supernova' MV

13 May 202403:13

TLDRThe 'Supernova' music video by aespa 에스파 is a thrilling spectacle that captures the essence of a celestial event. The song's lyrics liken the group to a supernova, a dying star that explodes with a brilliant light, symbolizing their powerful presence and potential. The narrative unfolds with a sense of urgency and anticipation, as the group asserts their control over the universe they've created. The video is punctuated by a catchy chorus and energetic verses that invite the audience to join them in their cosmic journey. The theme of seeking origins and the exploration of infinite possibilities resonate throughout, as aespa 에스파 challenges the viewer to ponder their own place in the universe. The video concludes with a reminder of the group's impact, leaving a lasting impression and a promise of more to come.


  • 🌟 The song portrays the concept of a 'Supernova', which is a powerful and luminous stellar explosion.
  • 🎉 The lyrics suggest a sense of excitement and anticipation, with phrases like 'Event's imminent' and 'Blowin' up crazy'.
  • 💥 There is a theme of self-empowerment and uniqueness, as indicated by lines such as 'I'm like some kind of Supernova' and 'Every one of my cells are created from stars'.
  • 🔥 The song uses the metaphor of a 'hyperstellar' being to describe the protagonist's intense and extraordinary nature.
  • 🚪 The act of 'Opening the door' could symbolize the start of a new journey or the unveiling of something significant.
  • 🤔 The lyrics raise existential questions, as seen in 'Questions keep comin' and 'Where did we come from', inviting listeners to ponder about their origins and purpose.
  • 💣 The mention of a 'tick tick bomb' adds an element of urgency and potential danger, possibly referring to the fleeting nature of life or the pressure of fame.
  • 🧲 The 'invisible force' might represent the intangible influence or power that the protagonist possesses.
  • ✨ The phrase 'Bring the light of a dying star' could be a poetic way of saying that the protagonist carries the legacy or essence of something once great.
  • 💃 There's an emphasis on the protagonist's impact on the scene, as they are described as a 'Cruel Queen' with a significant 'Explosion within me'.
  • 🔍 The song ends with a reminder of the protagonist's identity, suggesting the importance of self-recognition and not being forgotten in the vastness of the universe.

Q & A

  • What is the theme of the song 'Supernova' by aespa 에스파?

    -The theme of the song 'Supernova' by aespa 에스파 revolves around the concept of a supernova, a celestial event, and metaphorically represents the explosive energy and power of the group.

  • What does the phrase 'Light at the Core' signify in the context of the song?

    -The phrase 'Light at the Core' could be interpreted as the inner strength or the essence of the group, symbolizing their bright and powerful presence at the heart of their performance.

  • What is the significance of the lyrics 'Every one of my cells are created from stars'?

    -This lyric suggests that the members of aespa 에스파 are like celestial beings, with each part of them shining brightly, much like the stars that make up a supernova.

  • What does the term 'hyperstellar' refer to in the song?

    -The term 'hyperstellar' is not a standard English word but could be a creative term used in the song to denote an extraordinary or superlative level of stellar quality, emphasizing the group's exceptional talent.

  • What is the meaning behind the lyrics 'With my invisible force, Should I reach out my hand to you'?

    -This line could be interpreted as an invitation or a connection between the group and their audience, suggesting the invisible yet powerful bond formed through their music.

  • How does the song 'Supernova' portray the concept of a 'Cruel Queen'?

    -The 'Cruel Queen' could be a metaphor for the group's powerful and commanding presence on stage, with the 'Scene' referring to their performance, and the 'finale' indicating the climactic end of their show.

  • What is the significance of the repeated phrase 'Event's imminent'?

    -The phrase 'Event's imminent' suggests that something significant is about to happen, building anticipation and excitement, which could be related to the group's performance or the release of their music.

  • What does the song suggest about the origin of the group?

    -The lyrics 'Seek its origin, Bring the light of a dying star' could imply that the group's origin is as mysterious and powerful as the birth of a supernova, a star that has reached the end of its life cycle.

  • How does the song use the concept of 'infinity' to relate to the audience?

    -The song suggests that the possibilities of connecting with the audience are endless, like the concept of infinity, indicating the limitless potential for their music to reach and impact people.

  • What is the message conveyed by the lyrics 'Don’t forget my name'?

    -This line is a powerful statement of identity and recognition, urging the audience to remember the group's name, emphasizing their desire to make a lasting impression.

  • How does the song 'Supernova' use the ticking bomb metaphor?

    -The ticking bomb metaphor is used to create a sense of urgency and impending action, symbolizing the explosive and energetic performance that the group is about to deliver.

  • What is the significance of the title 'Supernova' in relation to the group aespa 에스파?

    -The title 'Supernova' is likely a reference to the group's bright and powerful image, suggesting that they are a force to be reckoned with in the music industry, much like a supernova is a powerful astronomical event.



💥 Supernova's Journey

The first paragraph introduces a powerful and energetic theme, likened to a Supernova. It speaks of an individual's explosive presence and the intense heat at their core. The narrative is filled with action and anticipation, suggesting an event that is about to unfold dramatically. The lyrics touch upon the concept of hyperstellar travel, seeking origins, and the idea that every cell within the individual is a product of stars, hinting at a cosmic connection. The paragraph ends with a reflection on the nature of existence and the origin of life, invoking a sense of curiosity and wonder.




A supernova is a powerful and luminous stellar explosion that occurs at the end of a massive star's life cycle. In the context of the video, 'Supernova' is used metaphorically to describe the explosive and brilliant nature of the artist's performance and presence. It is a central theme that encapsulates the energy and impact the artist aims to have on the audience, as seen in lyrics like 'Su su su Supernova, Nova, Can't stop hyperstellar, Seek its origin, Bring the light of a dying star, Watch this universe I've brought out, Supernova.'


The term 'hyperstellar' is not a standard astronomical term but seems to be a creative compound word that combines 'hyper', meaning extremely or excessively, with 'stellar', relating to stars. In the video script, it is likely used to convey an extraordinary or otherworldly level of stardom or talent, suggesting that the artist's abilities are out of this world. It is mentioned in the lyrics 'Can't stop hyperstellar, Seek its origin,' which could imply a relentless pursuit of excellence and a desire to understand the source of such talent.


Discord generally refers to a lack of harmony or agreement. Within the video script, 'Like a Discord' suggests a sense of chaos or disharmony, possibly reflecting the artist's unique and disruptive presence in the music scene. It is used in the line 'Feelin' each other's presence, Like a Discord,' which could be interpreted as the artist acknowledging the tension or excitement that their performance generates among the audience.


A lookalike is a person who bears a strong resemblance to another person, often a celebrity. In the context of the song, the line 'My lookalike, who are you?' could be a commentary on the nature of identity and individuality in the entertainment industry, where it's common for artists to be compared to one another or to have impersonators. It might also suggest the artist's self-awareness and a playful challenge to those who try to emulate them.

💡Cruel Queen

The term 'Cruel Queen' often evokes imagery of a powerful and possibly ruthless female figure. In the script, 'Cruel Queen and the Scene, its finale,' suggests a climactic moment in the performance where the artist assumes a dominant and commanding role. It ties into the overarching theme of the artist's powerful presence and the dramatic conclusion of their act.

💡Invisible Force

An 'invisible force' is a term that can denote an unseen or intangible power or influence. In the lyrics 'With my invisible force, Should I reach out my hand to you,' it could symbolize the artist's ability to connect with their audience on a deep, emotional level, despite physical distance or barriers. It emphasizes the idea that the artist's impact is not just visual but also felt on a more profound, emotional plane.


Infinity is a concept that refers to something that is boundless or endless. In the context of the song, 'Meeting you inside infinity' could suggest a limitless or eternal connection between the artist and their audience. It implies a sense of timelessness and the idea that the artist's influence and the audience's experience are not confined by conventional boundaries.


In a biological context, cells are the basic structural and functional units of living organisms. However, in the line 'Every one of my cells are created from stars,' the term takes on a metaphorical meaning. It suggests that the artist is not just a physical being but is also composed of the same elemental matter as the universe, hinting at a cosmic connection and the grandeur of human potential.

💡Dying Star

A dying star refers to a star that is nearing the end of its life cycle. In the script, 'Bring the light of a dying star' could be a metaphor for the artist's ability to bring forth brilliance and light even in the face of adversity or challenges. It aligns with the theme of resilience and the transformative power of art, as the artist draws inspiration from the very concept of a star's end to create something new and luminous.


The universe encompasses everything that exists, including all matter and energy, galaxies, planets, and life itself. When the script mentions 'Watch this universe I've brought out,' it positions the artist as a creator or a central figure within their own narrative. It emphasizes the artist's role in shaping their own story and the world around them, suggesting that their influence is as vast and impactful as the universe itself.

💡Event's Imminent

When an event is 'imminent,' it means that it is about to happen very soon. In the context of the song, 'Event's imminent' suggests a sense of anticipation and urgency, possibly referring to the artist's upcoming performance or the release of their music. It creates a sense of excitement and expectation, as the audience is led to believe that something significant and impactful is on the horizon.


I'm like some kind of Supernova, Watch out

Gon' have a ball, Light at the Core

So hot hot

Open the door, Feelin' each other's presence

Like a Discord, My lookalike, who are you?

Event's imminent Ah Oh Ay

Blowin' up crazy Ah Oh Ay

That tick that tick tick bomb

Won't dare touch it

Su su su Supernova, Nova

Can't stop hyperstellar, Seek its origin

Bring the light of a dying star

Watch this universe I've brought out

Supernova, Ah Body bang, Make it feel too right

Swept-up energy, It's so special

Cruel Queen and the Scene, its finale, It's massive

this Explosion within me

Every one of my cells are created from stars

Questions keep comin' Ah Oh Ay

Where did we come from Oh Ay

With my invisible force, Should I reach out my hand to you

All the possible possibilities, Meeting you inside infinity

It’s about to bang bang, Don’t forget my name

Su su su Supernova, Event's imminent Ah Oh Ay

Blowin' up crazy Ah Oh Ay

Tell me, tell me, tell me Oh Ay

Where did we come from Oh Ay

Nova, Can't stop hyperstellar, Seek its origin

Bring the light of a dying star, Supernova