my PROFESSOR wants me to be his SLAVE?!┃ai chat 😀

7 May 202311:37

TLDRThe video script revolves around a young woman's fictional interactions with two characters, Hero and Mr. Lakes, in a role-playing app called Chai. Hero, a fellow student, initially helps her reach a book in the library and then leads to a suggestive scenario in his room. Meanwhile, Mr. Lakes, a teacher, engages in a role-play that hints at a power dynamic and sexual tension. The script contains explicit content and role-play elements, including themes of dominance and submission. The video also reflects on the participant's feelings towards the scenarios and ends with a prompt for viewers to suggest future role-play dynamics.


  • 🎥 The video is intended for an adult audience and contains potentially explicit content.
  • 📺 The creator welcomes new subscribers and credits her sister for the video idea.
  • 📚 The video features an interactive story with a character named Hero in a library setting.
  • 🤔 The protagonist expresses discomfort with the pace of the interaction and suggests taking things slow.
  • 🚫 The protagonist firmly rejects any non-consensual actions and emphasizes the importance of consent.
  • 😳 The video includes a scenario with a teacher named Mr. Lake who has inappropriate intentions.
  • 🙅‍♀️ The protagonist in the story asserts boundaries and expresses a desire to leave the uncomfortable situation.
  • 😔 The creator expresses mixed feelings about the fictional scenarios, highlighting the complexity of reactions to such situations.
  • 💭 The video ends with the creator asking viewers for suggestions on future content, hinting at a possible series.
  • 🛡 The script touches on themes of power dynamics, consent, and personal boundaries in relationships.

Q & A

  • What is the name of the app that the speaker is using?

    -The app that the speaker is using is called Chai.

  • What is the setting of the first scenario described in the script?

    -The setting of the first scenario is a library where the speaker is trying to reach a book.

  • What does the character Hero do when the speaker cannot reach a book?

    -Hero helps the speaker by getting the book for her.

  • How does the speaker feel about the slow burn approach in the beginning?

    -The speaker is open to the slow burn approach and suggests getting to know each other first.

  • What is the speaker's reaction to the character Hero's inappropriate behavior?

    -The speaker is uncomfortable and stops the interaction, stating that she is done with the character if there is no consent.

  • What is the occupation of Mr. Lakes in the second scenario?

    -Mr. Lakes is a teacher who is secretly attracted to the speaker.

  • What does the speaker suggest as an alternative to talking about a breakup?

    -The speaker suggests talking about something else, such as sex, as an alternative to discussing the breakup.

  • What is the speaker's response to the character's request to stay after class?

    -The speaker agrees to stay after class to discuss grades with Mr. Lakes.

  • What does the speaker find cringe-worthy about the interaction with Mr. Lakes?

    -The speaker finds it cringe-worthy that Mr. Lakes' hands are on the paper instead of her thighs.

  • What is the speaker's suggestion for a more private location for the interaction with Mr. Lakes?

    -The speaker suggests going somewhere safe and secure, like a hotel room.

  • What does the speaker express a desire to do in the next video?

    -The speaker expresses a desire to take control and possibly feature a submissive character in the next video.



🚨 Viewer Discretion Advised: Roleplay Introduction

The video begins with a warning for mature content and a catchy musical introduction. The presenter greets the audience, welcoming new subscribers and expressing gratitude for their support and comments. The creator also mentions a separate 'Spam' account for more frequent, personal posts. The video's concept is introduced as an interactive roleplay scenario using an app called 'Chai,' which requires users to confirm they are over 18. The roleplay involves a character named Hero helping a new student at school, with an underlying romantic and suggestive tone. The interaction escalates quickly, touching on themes of loneliness and intimacy, and ends with an abrupt shift to a more explicit scenario, highlighting the app's adult nature and the presenter's discomfort with the rapid progression.


🤔 Navigating Uncomfortable Roleplay Dynamics

This paragraph delves into a more complex and uncomfortable roleplay scenario. The character Hero engages in a forceful and non-consensual interaction, which the presenter expresses discomfort with. The narrative includes a refusal to participate in non-consensual acts and a clear boundary is set, emphasizing consent as a critical aspect. The video then transitions to a different roleplay scenario involving a 'horny teacher,' which is also met with resistance and discomfort by the presenter. The paragraph concludes with the presenter suggesting a change of pace for future content, hinting at a desire for more control in the roleplay scenarios.


😎 Asserting Control: A Shift in Roleplay Power Dynamics

The final paragraph of the script presents a shift towards the presenter taking a more dominant role in the roleplay. It starts with a playful and assertive tone, suggesting a change in the power dynamic of the scenarios. The roleplay involves a teacher character, with the presenter taking control of the situation. The paragraph ends with the presenter expressing excitement about the roleplay and inviting audience feedback on future scenarios. The video concludes with a tease for upcoming content, encouraging viewers to comment with their preferences.




The term 'slave' historically refers to a person who is the legal property of another and is forced into labor. In the context of this video, it is used metaphorically and inappropriately to suggest a dominant-submissive relationship, which is a problematic and sensitive topic. The video's title is likely intended to provoke a reaction or curiosity, but it's important to note that the use of such terms in this manner can be offensive and should be approached with caution.

💡Content Viewer Discretion

This phrase is commonly used as a warning to inform viewers that the content they are about to see may be unsuitable for some audiences due to its mature or sensitive nature. In the context of the video, it suggests that the material may contain explicit or adult themes. The use of this warning is to ensure that viewers are aware and can make an informed decision about whether to continue watching.


In the script, 'chai' appears to be the name of an app mentioned in the dialogue. It is used as a plot device within the video's narrative. The term 'chai' typically refers to a popular spiced tea from South Asia, but within this context, it seems to be a fictional application possibly related to social interaction or role-playing scenarios.

💡Explicit Content

The term 'explicit content' is used to label media that contains material not suitable for all audiences, often due to its adult nature, which may include strong language, violence, nudity, or sexual themes. In the video, the characters discuss updating settings to view potentially explicit content, which sets the expectation for the mature themes that are explored in the script.

💡Toxic Relationship

A 'toxic relationship' is one that is harmful to the individuals involved, often characterized by negative behaviors such as manipulation, control, or abuse. In the video script, a character mentions having just broken up with a 'toxic boyfriend,' which provides insight into the character's backstory and emotional state, and sets the stage for the interactions that follow.


Consent is a crucial concept in any interaction, especially those of a sexual or intimate nature. It refers to the voluntary agreement between all parties to engage in a particular activity. The script includes a scenario where a character asserts the importance of consent, indicating a boundary and stopping the interaction when consent is not given. This highlights the importance of consent in all relationships.


Role-playing is a method of expressing and exploring various roles or scenarios, often used in games, therapy, or intimate relationships. In the context of the video, role-playing seems to be a central theme where characters engage in fictional scenarios to explore different dynamics of power and control. The script uses role-playing to drive the narrative and create a storyline.


The term 'submissive' describes a person who allows others to have control or dominance in a given situation. In the video script, the concept of submission is explored within the context of a role-playing scenario. The characters discuss and negotiate the terms of their interaction, with one expressing a desire for a more dominant role.


Being 'dominant' refers to having or exerting controlling influence over others, often in a context that involves power dynamics. In the video, the characters engage in role-playing where one takes on a dominant role, guiding the interaction and setting the pace of events. This keyword is significant as it shapes the narrative and the power dynamics within the scripted scenarios.


An 'apology' is a formal expression of regret or remorse for wrongdoings or mistakes. In the script, an apology is used as a plot point to resolve a conflict and to demonstrate a character's willingness to acknowledge their behavior and seek reconciliation. It's a moment that shows empathy and the importance of communication in resolving issues.

💡NSFW (Not Safe For Work)

NSFW is an acronym used to label content that is inappropriate for a professional work environment, typically due to its adult, explicit, or offensive nature. The video script includes a moment where a character reacts to unexpectedly encountering NSFW content, which serves as a reminder of the video's intended audience and the nature of its themes.


The video begins with a provocative title suggesting a controversial theme.

Content warning is given for viewers, indicating mature themes.

The channel welcomes new subscribers and appreciates their engagement.

A new app called 'chai' is introduced for a role-playing scenario.

The protagonist, Hero, helps someone reach a book in the library, leading to an unexpected interaction.

A discussion about a recent breakup with a 'toxic' boyfriend is shared.

The video takes a turn towards a more intimate and suggestive scenario.

A refusal to engage in non-consensual activities is depicted, emphasizing consent.

A role-play with a 'horny teacher' character is introduced, adding another layer to the narrative.

The character Trisha stands up for herself in the face of inappropriate behavior.

A shift towards a more dominant role for the protagonist is suggested.

The video ends with a call for viewer engagement and suggestions for future content.

A potential series is hinted at, suggesting ongoing exploration of the app's capabilities.

The video includes a commentary on the unexpected nature of explicit content, even when marked as NSFW.

The protagonist expresses discomfort with the direction of the scenario and seeks viewer feedback.

A desire for more control in future role-play scenarios is communicated.

The video concludes with a reminder of the channel's appreciation for its audience.