TLDRفي هذا الفيديو، يُظهر فريق اللاعبين الشابين تحديًا في مونديال اللموسم الأول، وهم يلعبون بحماس وحماسة. يحتفل القناة بأداء الفريق الذي لم يخسر أي من الألعاب الأربعة الأخيرة، ويدعم المساعدة الفنية اللاعبين على الميدان. يتضمن النص تحديات مثل النقر على الشبكة ولعب اللاعبين بقوة، ويشجع اللاعبين على الاستمرار في اللعب والاستمتاع باللعب حتى النهاية، حتى ولو لم يفوزوا. يشكر رومان ويروس على الأداء الجاد للفريق ويشجعهم على الاحتفاء بأنفسهم و提取 الإيجابية من التجربة.
- 😀 الفريق يلعب بروح عالية ويحقق أداء ممتاز في الستة أطوال الأخيرة.
- 🏆 في هذا الفيديو سيشارك رومان في أول بطولة للموسم ويتطلع للمشاركة في الحدث.
- 💪 يحتوي النص على تعليمات للاعبين مثل التحمل الجسدي والتحمل العاطفي وتحقيق الأهداف.
- 🔥 تتضمن النصائح للاعبين اللعب بروح تحد وتشجيع الآخرين في الفريق.
- 👟 يُذكر أن اللاعبين يلعبون ضد فرق جيدة وأنه يجب عليهم التركيز على الأداء.
- 🎉 يُشدد على أهمية الأداء الجيد وعدم التركيز فقط على النتيجة.
- 👦 يُذكر بدور اللاعبين الأقل سنًا في الفريق وأهمية التشجيع عليهم.
- 🎶 يُذكر بموسيقى اللاعبين التي تحفزهم قبل المباريات.
- 🤝 يُ倡导在比赛后与其他队伍的球员握手,展现公平竞争的精神。
- 😢 يُذكر بمشاعر اللاعبين بعد الخسارة وأهمية الاعتناء بها و提取积极的经验.
- 👏 يُ倡导庆祝 الأداء الجيد من اللاعبين معًا وتشجيعهم على الاستمرار.
Q & A
ال-team يظهر ملهمًا في ال最后一ون من الألعاب الأربعة الأخيرة، ما كان السبب؟
-ال-team يظهر ملهمًا لأنهم يظهرون م호بينًا من الرغبة والرغبة في الفوز.
ما هي الرسالة الرئيسية التي ت传达ها ال-channel في الفيديو؟
-الرسالة الرئيسية هي التشجيع على ال-team على التركيز والعمل بجد لفوز في البطولة.
ماذا يفعل ال-channel لمساعدت ال-team في الفوز؟
-ال-channel يحاول مساعدة ال-team من خلال التشجيع وتقديم النصائح ال心理上 وال战术ية لتحسين الأداء.
ما هي النتيجة في البطولة التي تم تصنيفها في الفيديو؟
-النتيجة في البطولة كانت الخسارة، لكن ال-channel يشكر ال-team على ال尽力 والصبر.
ما هي الرسالة الشخصية التي يحاول ت传送ها ال-channel في视频中؟
-الرسالة الشخصية التي ت传送ها ال-channel هي الشعور بالإنجاز وال自尊 المتبادل بين اللاعبين والدعم ل每个人.
ماذا يفعل ال-channel قبل البدء في اللعب؟
-ال-channel يلعب بعض الأغاني قبل اللعب لجعل اللاعبين متحمسين.
ما هي الطريقة التي تحاول ت传送ها ال-channel لInspire ال-team؟
-ال-channel يحاول ت传送 الInspire ال-team من خلال الذكريات الإيجابية من الألعاب السابقة وال選手ين الآخرين.
ماذا يفعل ال-channel لضمان ال-team يلعب بجد وavec الDesire؟
-ال-channel يحاول مساعدة ال-team على التركيز على النتيجة والفوز بطريقة تعزز الDesire والصبر.
ماذا يفعل ال-channel لضمان ال-team يلعب بشكل أفضل في اللعب القادم؟
-ال-channel يحاول مساعدة ال-team على التفكير في النتيجة والعمل بجد لفوز في اللعب القادم.
ما هي الرسالة الشخصية التي يحاول ت传送ها ال-channel في النهاية؟
-الرسالة الشخصية التي يحاول ت传送ها ال-channel في النهاية هي الشعور بالإنجاز وال自尊 المتبادل بين اللاعبين والدعم ل每个人.
ماذا يفعل ال-channel ل确保 ال-team يلعب بجد وavec الDesire؟
-ال-channel يحاول مساعدة ال-team على التركيز على النتيجة والفوز بطريقة تعزز الDesire والصبر.
⚽ Exciting Tournament Preparations
The video begins with an enthusiastic introduction, celebrating the team's unbeaten streak in the last four games. The host, along with his friend Jesse, prepares for the first tournament of the season with excitement. They engage in playful banter, showcase some training routines, and emphasize the importance of determination and skills. The atmosphere is lively as they get ready to face strong opponents, aiming to inspire the kids and boost their morale before the matches begin.
🎯 Game Day Tactics and Team Spirit
As the tournament progresses, the focus shifts to game strategies and maintaining team spirit. The assistant coach motivates the players by emphasizing quick recovery after losing the ball and effective marking during corners. The team draws inspiration from their recent success and aims to maintain their performance. The excitement continues with the announcement of Roman as the captain for the first game, highlighting the importance of leadership and playing tough on the field.
🏆 Reflecting on Tournament Performance
In the final segment, the team reflects on their performance throughout the tournament. Despite not winning, the coach praises the players for their grit, determination, and effort. The boys are encouraged to learn from the experience and remain proud of their achievements. The video concludes with a message of support from parents and coaches, reinforcing the importance of perseverance and sportsmanship. The host, Roman, thanks viewers and signs off, expressing pride in the team's effort and looking forward to future challenges.
💡الروح التنافسية
💡الأداء العالي
💡الأداء الشخصي
The team hasn't lost a game in the last four matches, showcasing their desire and determination.
Filming Roman's first ever Tournament of the Season with loads of kids participating.
Jesse, known as J-dog, trains hard with a focus on breaking records and achieving high speeds.
A test of kick speed reveals impressive results, with the highest speed being 59 km/h.
Inspirational speech to the team emphasizing the importance of effort, teamwork, and desire to win.
Assistant coach motivates the team to give their best against strong competitors.
Discussion about pre-match rituals and music that hypes the players up before the game.
Roman chosen as the captain for the first game, highlighting the rotation policy to give everyone a chance.
The team plays with great energy and defensive strength, preventing the opponents from having any shots on target.
The importance of marking players and quick counter-attacks emphasized by the coach.
A heartfelt message from the coach about giving 100% effort and enjoying the game regardless of the result.
Encouragement to the players to keep their heads up and continue fighting even if they lose a match.
The team reaches the quarterfinals, with a motivational speech to leave nothing behind and enjoy the moment.
Final reflections from the coach on the team's performance, stressing the importance of resilience and pride in their efforts.
Despite losing the tournament, the coach and parents express pride in the players' determination and teamwork.
lad you're an unbelievable team and
you've shown it over the last four games
we haven't lost one not one of the last
four games and you've done that through
desire guys welcome back to the channel
in today's video we are going to be
filming Roman's first ever Tournament of
the Season there's going to be loads of
kids there we can't wait so
excited so my friend Jesse dog here Jay
dog bro he's like the big dog here he's
like half my size his muscles are half
there mate so he just coming around the
train with me ready to break
it one 2 3 4 5 oh do some
s looks a bit different these days yeah
this is test how fast your kick is kilm
per hour 57 oh oh 57 again oh
58 oh and top bin what was it it must
been too fast did nothing that's
suspicious oh 59 that was a good
one 23 J dog
man man like Jessie listen you know what
to do today I want brexit I want top
beans teers they the shin pads endurance
look don't even up bro to get stuck in
yeah swas swas knuckle whipp H SW and
curve nutmeg skill roners and a lot a
lot of
inspirational yeah they look inspired
bro give me the B minute R I'll show you
inspired that's inspired bro inspired by
the roof of the
guys you got put it in the comment
section below if you've ever won a
tournament or played in a tournament
they're the best days ever I'm the
assistant coach of I'll help out the
team try and Inspire them trying and get
them going so um they've got to be H it
cuz they're playing some really good
teams today so over in Bon it let's make
our way now there guys let's go let's do
this we've got this in the
locker guys what songs do you play
before football in the car we play
Bangers and they Hy me up mate a few
moments later you my hold on a minute
ROM's playing love songs before a big
game bro tutos are in the house tutos
are in the house I forgot
that two in the house
room do as this is Ash the manager I'm
assistant do you good mate camera goal
scoring today goal scoring cboy hello M
how's it going you good yeah big cheers
from you today
how good day for it lad SP on it today
yeah on it we're on it we're on it we're
on it today's
it I'm staying you look at this n's in
the house cheaper security like And
subscribe to Billy oh
look and turn on the notific to Billy
subscribe like And subscribe to Billy
come on like
like Lads how hungry are we to win the
ball back that's what I want to see when
we lose it how quickly can we win it
back okay that's what tells me whether
you're switched on or not today is when
we lose the ball from a corner do we
Mark is someone inside the back post and
then when we break how quickly do we
break forward Lads you're an
unbelievable team and you've shown it
over the last four games we haven't lost
one not one of the last four games and
you've done that through desire okay we
know you got great ability but it's how
much you want it sometimes so if we
switched on today and we want it we can
win this tourament we can win it you're
Legend what are you Legend can't really
what are you guys
Legend one more what are you Legends
is everyone ready yes are you sure yes
come on man I'm
believe 2 3 4 5 6 7 got numbers this his
birthday I'm going to go number four
who's number four Roman you get lucky
you start lucky lucky boy skip skiper
for the first game stay the whole game
on that's what the rules are boys
Captain but you can't be captain again
after this okay this is how it goes so
everyone gets everyone gets opportunity
to play the whole game all right you
won't get subbed off this whole game
okay you got a lead now you got that you
got to be a leader you got to dribble
you got to shoot you got to cross play
tough well it doesn't get much better
that this is madness
sat guys I'm going on now let's go
dve Drive
M oh
lucky unlucky good tackle
good game really good game well done
boys effort well Play That's The energy
they had no shots on target we worked
back and then we broke forward really
really well we do that in the next game
we're going to get goals hey guys this
guy is my favorite YouTuber he's the
best he really is how many likes we have
on this video 50,000
get ma nice
unlucky boy on both teams shake hands
shake hands so hard to score in 10
minutes but boy done well to the best
can I get shabuka
go fam in the house come on
boys's my little
Dusty D Hi D tell the guys where we
are oh you look amazing turn around show
us your
hair how done your hair like that really
oh my go you're amazing you're busing
weo everybody ready yeah all right go
let's go boys let's go
so guys we've drawn every match so far
the boys have got to play this one I
think they've got a win to go through we
haven't scored yet we haven't conceded
yet but it's been a great day so far
we've got either draw or win to go
through I believe we can't finish top we
can't finish second so let's see how we
get let's go
unlucky let's go M let's go M winning m
my there we go we
go yeah
CH boys can we win it can you win it
Josh keep keep
lucky that's boys come on get get
josy good game
boys boys listen they scored a good goal
I'm not worried about that we could have
maybe been tired of the back but that's
gone what I do like is the grit and
determination to keep battling okay
that's something I want to see every
single game and as long as you're doing
that I don't care about the result
yes we got fre to Sil this is a
quarterfinal okay you know the
importance of a quarterfinal you don't
win you get knocked out we go home so
you know the important I want to ask two
things from you and two things only one
is leave nothing behind so if you tried
as hard as you possibly can in this
match and you come off and we've lost I
don't care okay just give it your all so
that's the first thing and the second
thing is out there and enjoy it because
I tell you what when you get to
quarterfinals and you win them it feels
really good and I want you to feel every
single one of you to feel that feeling
after we go and get this win okay hands
in after free wear 1 2 three let's go
boys come on
boys come go
great pass
R boys get your heads up let's
up oh unlucky
sh I'm happy that I got this car I feel
bad that we lost so I'm happy that we
made it this far I don't know what else
boys say I I keep repeating myself I'm
so proud of you okay I want you all to
walk off this pitch proud of yourselves
okay so when you don't win the matches
you have to think to yourself why didn't
you win the matches okay did you do
enough to win the match and I think you
guys gave it your all but you played
against a really good opposition there
some players that play fory and they're
Ballers as well so you gave it your all
I think you should be proud of that and
take that on board you never gave up you
kept on battling and you got to give
yourself credit for that so listen I
know you're going to feel sad I know
you're going to go down but you've done
fantastic and I'm proud of you Ashley's
proud of you and all your parents are
proud of you so give yourself a round of
applause boys honestly take the positive
on board
okay 1 2 3
good luck boys and
girls are you guys on
YouTube like And subscribe to B wi so
guys we lost the tournament I'm so mad
I'm glad that we got up to there though
you done well didn't we just see yeah my
name is Roman Wing Rose so thanks for
watching and sh
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