Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Inside the World’s Most Dangerous Cities (Documentary)
TLDRفي هذا النص، يُظهر مشهدًا لحياة العنف والعنف في ريو دي جانيرو، ببرازيل، وكيف أثرت النزاعات بين الشرطة والجرافات على المجتمع. يُعد العنف ممارسة شائعة في هذه المناطق، مما أدى إلى ارتفاع عدد القتلى بشكل ملحوظ. يُظهر النص أيضًا كيف تأثرت سياسة السلاح والمكافحة على المواطنين، وكيف أصبح الكثيرون يرتدون الأسلحة لحماية أنفسهم. يُشير إلى أن الشرطة تمارس التدريبات الفعلية لتحسين مهاراتهم في القتال والدفاع، ولكن العنف لا يزال يؤثر على حياة الناس بشكل كبير، حتى على الأطفال والشباب الذين يحاولون أن يعيشوا حياة طبيعية.
- 🏥 في ضواحي ريو دي جانيرو، المستشفيات تعالج مئات حالات إطلاق النار سنويًا، مما يعكس العنف المستمر في المدينة.
- 👮♂️ توجد وحدات شرطية متخصصة مثل CH تتعامل مع الجريمة المنظمة وتهريب المخدرات، حيث تتكون من أفراد مدربين تدريبًا عاليًا ومسلحين بشكل جيد.
- 🔫 الصراعات بين العصابات المتنافسة والشرطة على السيطرة على الأراضي وتجارة المخدرات شائعة، مما يؤدي إلى زيادة العنف الحضري.
- 🚔 ريو دي جانيرو تعاني من تفاقم الفقر وانتشار الجريمة، مع تقرير يومي عن جرائم مثل السرقات المسلحة والخطف.
- 💉 المخدرات مثل الكوكايين والكراك والقنب هي الأكثر استهلاكًا في ريو، مما يعزز النزاعات بين عصابات المخدرات التي تسيطر على تجارتها.
- 🇧🇷 الرئيس البرازيلي بولسونارو يشجع على حمل السلاح كجزء من سياسته الصارمة ضد المخدرات، مما يزيد من تعقيد الوضع الأمني.
- 👨⚖️ الصراع القانوني ضد الجريمة مستمر، مع محامين مثل فلافيا فريس تدافع عن كبار تجار المخدرات، والعديد من القضايا تتعلق بأوامر القتل المزعومة من داخل السجون.
- 🔒 الأمان في ريو محفوف بالمخاطر حيث يحصن السكان منازلهم بشدة ويستثمرون في الأمن الخاص لحماية أنفسهم.
- 👵 الزيادة في تسجيل الأسلحة وممارسة الرماية تظهر تزايد الشعور بالخطر بين المواطنين العاديين الذين يسعون لحماية أنفسهم.
- 🚔 عمليات الشرطة مثل مجزرة جارينو توضح استخدام القوة المفرطة، مما يثير انتقادات دولية ويعكس الصعوبات في مكافحة الجريمة دون إلحاق الضرر بالمدنيين.
Q & A
في ما مرحلة من الأسبوع تتم تلقي الجرحى في مستشفى ريو دي جانيرو؟
-الجرحى يتم تلقيهم في مشرح الطوارئ في مستشفى ريو دي جانيرو في ليلة الجمعة النموذجية.
ماذا يجب على الأطباء في المستشفى أن يفعلوا مع الشخص الذي تلقي الرصاص؟
-يجب على الأطباء التحقق من الشخص الذي تلقي الرصاص في الساق وإجراء استشارة طبية لديه على الفور.
كم عدد حالات إصابة الرصاص التي تعاملت في هذا المستشفى عام 2020؟
-تreated nearly 400 gunshot wounds في هذا المستشفى عام 2020.
ماذا تشير الأحداث المذكورة في النص إلى حول العنف في ريو دي جانيرو؟
-الأحداث تشير إلى أن العنف في ريو دي جانيرو يشمل القتل والrobberies السلاحي والاختطاف، ويؤثر على كل السكان بما في ذلك السكان الفقيرة والسكان المتوسطين.
هل يدعم الرئيس جاير بولسونارو السلاح الشخصي؟
-نعم، الرئيس جاير بولسونارو هو مدعوم كبير للسلاح الشخصي وسياسة مضادة للمواد الممطرة القوية.
ماذا تشير الأحداث إلى حول ال生活方式 في الفيلات (الفيلا)؟
-الأحداث تشير إلى أن الفيلات هي مدن داخل المدينة، حيث يسيطر المناضلون على المنطقة وتمارسوا العدالة والقصاص، وينتمي السكان إلى هذا الصراع بشكل غير مقصود.
ماذا تشير الأحداث إلى حول الدور الذي يلعبه الشرطة في مواجهة الجريمة في ريو دي جانيرو؟
-الشرطة تحاول مكافحة الجريمة وال贩毒 ولكنهم يواجهون تحديات كبيرة مثل العنف والقتل وال Shootouts مع المناضل.
ما هي النتيجة المتوقعة لعملية الشرطة في الفيلا؟
-العمليات قد تكون معقدة وممكنة للخسائر، و有时候会导致civilian victims، كما أن الشرطة بحاجة لممارسة الدقة لتجنب الضحايا الثانوية.
ماذا تشير الأحداث إلى حول ال态度向社会 العنف في ريو دي جانيرو؟
-الأحداث تشير إلى أن العنف يؤثر على جميع طبقات المجتمع، وهناك محاولات من قبل بعض المواطنين للدفاع عن أنفسهم عن طريق السلاح الشخصي.
ماذا تشير الأحداث إلى حول السياسات الأمنية وال药物policy في ريو دي جانيرو؟
-السياسات الأمنية وال药物policy تشير إلى أن السلطات تحاول مكافحة ال贩毒 بقوة، ولكن هذا يؤدي أحيانًا إلى نزاعات وخسائر مدنية غير مقصودة.
ماذا تشير الأحداث إلى حول التأثير على الأطفال في الفيلا؟
-الأطفال الفيلا يعيشون في بيئة تthreaten ихafety، وهم يتعرضون للعنف وال Shootouts، مما يؤثر على حياتهم بشكل سلبي.
ماذا تشير الأحداث إلى حول الجهود لتحسين التدريب وال装备للشرطة في مواجهة الجريمة؟
-الشرطة تمارس التدريب على الاستمرار لتحسين مهاراتهم في القتال وتجنب الضحايا الثانوية، مما يشير إلى الجهود لتحسين التدريب وال装备.
🚑 Urgent Care in Rio: A Surgeon's Night at the Hospital
The scene opens on a typical Friday night at an overwhelmed hospital in the suburbs of Rio de Janeiro, where a gunshot victim is admitted. Surgeon Philipe, who has been at this hospital for five years, attends to the victim shot in the thigh amidst frequent incidents like this. In 2020 alone, the hospital treated nearly 400 gunshot wounds, a reflection of the ongoing drug wars in Rio. These wars involve the police, drug dealers, and rival gangs, with ordinary citizens often becoming collateral victims.
🚨 Elite Police Patrol: A Night in Dangerous Territories
Lieutenant Pedro Paulo leads a 100-man platoon of the elite police squad on a night patrol in a high-risk area of Rio following a recent shootout. During the patrol, they deal with a speeding driver and suspicious bikers, indicative of the constant threat posed by traffickers. The narrative underscores the dangers faced by these officers, including an incident where a journalist was shot in 2011, illustrating the perilous nature of their work and the complexities of policing Rio's most dangerous areas.
🔫 Tense Night: Police Encounter with Armed Suspects
The narrative continues with the elite police unit encountering an armed man in an alley, leading to a gunfire exchange. The officers pursue the suspect through the favela, which resembles a labyrinth, perfect for criminals to escape. The intense situation illustrates the harsh realities of policing in Rio, where shootouts are common and the drug trade deeply entrenches gangs like the TCP, Ada, and Commando Velo, who dominate the drug market with extensive networks and armaments.
💉 Drug Wars: Raids and Seizures in the Favelas
Sergeant Giovani of the elite police force conducts a raid in a favela, aiming to seize a large drug shipment. Despite initial setbacks, they eventually confiscate over 100 kilograms of cannabis. The scene portrays the favelas as complex territories where drugs are openly sold and where the police face severe challenges due to the well-armed and organized drug gangs, illustrating the ongoing battle against drug trafficking in Rio.
👨⚖️ Defense in the Drug War: Flavia's Battle for Justice
Criminal lawyer Flavia, who specializes in defending major drug traffickers, is featured conducting her investigation into a homicide allegedly ordered by a gang leader from prison. Her work illustrates the complex relationship between the legal system and the entrenched drug trade in Rio. Despite the dangers, she navigates through gang-controlled areas to gather evidence, defending clients who are deeply involved in the city's violent drug war.
🛡️ Life Behind Bars: The Ongoing Influence of Imprisoned Gang Leaders
The narrative details how an imprisoned gang leader continues to control his operations and influence his followers from behind bars. Flavia, the lawyer, works tirelessly on multiple cases involving this leader, fighting against what she views as an ineffective government war on drugs. The passage highlights the deep-seated issues within Rio's justice system and the persistent violence fueled by the drug trade.
🏠 Fortified Living: Residents' Response to Rampant Violence
In response to the escalating violence, residents like Regina have turned their homes into fortified sanctuaries, complete with sophisticated security systems. The narrative also touches on President Bolsonaro's policies that have made firearms more accessible, reflecting a society deeply entrenched in violence and fear, where even ordinary citizens feel compelled to arm themselves for protection.
🚔 High-Stakes Policing: The Cost of Rio's Drug Wars
The script covers a massive police raid known as the Jareno Massacre, which resulted in the deaths of 28 civilians and a police officer. This operation, heavily criticized for its use of excessive force, exemplifies the brutal reality of Rio's drug wars, where daily operations frequently result in civilian casualties and highlight the intense scrutiny faced by the police in their controversial efforts to control drug-related crime.
🌃 Rio's Deadly Landscape: Casualties of the Drug War
The narrative concludes with the tragic story of a father killed by a stray bullet during a shootout between police and gang members, representing the many innocent lives lost in Rio's ongoing conflict. This paragraph captures the dire consequences of the drug war on Rio's residents, emphasizing the dangerous environment created by the entanglement of law enforcement and criminal organizations.
💡Rio de Janeiro
💡Drug Trafficking
💡Police Operations
💡Law Enforcement
💡President Jair Bolsonaro
💡Anti-Drug Policy
The emergency ward in the suburbs of Rio de Janeiro is overwhelmed with patients, including a man shot in the thigh.
Surgeon Philipe, accustomed to treating victims of violence, has worked in the hospital for 5 years.
In 2020, nearly 400 gunshot wounds were treated in the same hospital due to frequent incidents.
A policeman is on duty 24/7 to collect statements from patients, indicating the prevalence of crime.
Drug-related violence is rampant, with the police clashing with drug dealers and rival gangs over territories.
Poverty is worsening in Rio, leading to an increase in homelessness and street crime.
President Jair Bolsonaro encourages citizens to arm themselves for self-defense, supporting a severe anti-drug policy.
Cannabis, cocaine, and crack are the most consumed drugs in Rio, contributing to the city's violence.
The elite unit of the military police, CH, patrols high-risk areas and is well-prepared for potential retaliation from criminals.
Drug dealers are heavily armed, and the police face significant danger during confrontations.
The Favelas of Rio are like labyrinths, providing an advantage for criminals to escape and posing a challenge for police.
Three major gangs, including TCP, ADA, and L Commando, are fighting for control over Rio's drug territories.
Drug trafficking is a lucrative market, allowing traffickers to heavily arm themselves and control impoverished areas.
Cannabis is the most common drug for the poor, and its sale is a significant source of income for gangs.
Flavia Freis, a criminal lawyer, defends major drug dealers and investigates homicide cases involving them.
President Bolsonaro's policies have made gun ownership laws more lenient, leading to an increase in registered firearms.
The Janeiro Massacre in 2021 resulted in the death of 28 residents and one police officer, sparking international condemnation.
The police in Rio de Janeiro face the challenge of avoiding collateral damage during operations, with regular training to improve precision.
In Complexo do Alema, a large favela, police operations are frequent, and the community lives in fear.
Despite the violence, initiatives like a free dance school offer young people a chance for a normal life and a peaceful break from the favela's challenges.
it is a typical Friday night in the
suburbs of Rio De
Janeiro the emergency ward of this
hospital is
overwhelmed a man shot and wounded has
just been
admitted he was shot in the
thigh Philipe the surgeon must examine
him as soon as possible
the doctor remains calm under all
circumstances he's used to receiving
such victims he's been working here for
for the victim is still in
shock the case of this young man is not
unusual in 2020 nearly 400 gunshot
wounds were treated in this hospital it
happens so often that there are a
policeman on duty 24 hours a day
collecting statements from
after an hour of waiting results of the
X-ray come
for a bloody war over drugs that pits
the police against drug dealers but also
between rival gangs who fight over
territories Rio de Janeiro the beautiful
city with its mythical beaches
Copacabana and
behind this idilic image poverty is
getting worse every day hundreds of
people live on the streets as a result
danger is everywhere theft armed
kidnapping there are 7 million
inhabitants and almost 10 homicides a
day as a result more and more men and
women are taking up arms to defend
citizens are encouraged by President ja
bolsonaro a great supporter of firearms
and of a severe anti-drug policy
cannabis cocaine and crack of the most
consumed drugs in Rio in the faas that
engulf the city police and Drug gangs
Clash without
collateral victims of this Urban War are
inhabitants of low-income neighborhoods
faas dive into the daily life of an
City CH headquarters is in the heart of
Rio an elite unit of the military police
to stay motivated they recite their
Warrior Anthem every
morning nearly 1,000 highly prepared and
heavily armed soldiers recruited from
among the best their career only lasts
15 years as they have to be in top
physical condition leftenant Pedro Paulo
leads a platoon of about 100
men tonight they're going on patrol to a
high danger
area two criminals have just been shot
by the police the Elite Squad must go to
the scene to help and prevent
retaliation a last prayer for every time
they go to action the soldiers of the
chalk risk their lives to mitigate
danger men in the field are supervised
from a control and intelligence
the left tenant knows the territory of
the drug dealers like the back of his
hand each color corresponds to a
as an exception our team was allowed to
accompany a chalk Patrol they no longer
allow journalists on the ground since a
cameraman was shot dead in 2011 while
covering an operation in a
FAA he was filming a shootout between
the police and the criminals until he
was hit by a bullet in the chest he fell
to the ground with his camera in his
hand a second camera crew filmed him
from another
the platoon is going to drive through
Northern parts of the
city sold for € a dose crack here is
taking its toll but tonight drugs are
not the left tenant's
priority the policemen are alerted by
strange behavior from a driver who was
speeding and driving the wrong
way the suspect is
searched his car two inside and
out the police police are looking for
the patrol carries on the night ahead of
them is long they'll be searching the
thoroughly for The Police Every biker in
a fava is a suspect
ECT after all traffickers also travel by
motorbike but once again nothing to
here a quiet night for the elite
unit when
suddenly the left tenant sees a man with
a gun standing at the end of an
one of the soldiers leading the platoon
opens fire he saw the suspect pointing
his weapon at
him the Chase Begins in the heart of the
FAA residents are trying to get to
safety and understand what's going
on these situations are not new to them
they fear a
shootout shots could be fired from
anywhere with this in mind the policemen
are an easy
it was the dealer of this Outlet who
shot at
all the potential accomplices are
searched Pedro Paulo and his men are
convinced that the trafficker is not far
away the search
continues the faas in karioka are like
labyrinths it's ideal for criminals to
escape and a real danger for the
tonight the police almost caught the
criminal that's not always the case when
they find themselves face to face the
clash between traffickers and policemen
escalates into a
gunfight these shootouts take place in
alleys and even in the air it's not
uncommon for helicopters to be called to
action drug trafficking was established
in Rio in the 1980s today three gangs
fight for the city's territories the TCP
the Ada and the most famous of them all
L Commando
Velo present in more than half of the
filers cannabis cocaine and synthetic
drugs these gangs distribute their drugs
in the
slums and in the beautiful
neighborhoods crack is the most common
drug for the poor it's a very lucrative
Market that allows traffickers to
heavily arm themselves
Rio is a gigantic Metropolis that is
constantly expanding more than 800 Filas
are spread throughout the city
accounting for 20% of the
population in these areas where the
state is absent it is the traffickers
who make the
law we were allowed to accompany the
chalk on an anti-drug operation in a
faila in the west of the city
Sergeant Giovani is on the trail of a
large shipment he's received the
information that it is in this
area displaced train tracks speed bu
bumps and obstacles to go around
everything is done to slow down the
progress of the police for here we are
in the TCP headquarters one of the three
gangs operating in the
has been a member of the chalk for 14
years and knows perfectly well how
things in this fava
work according to him even a seemingly
quiet young man could be a spotter or a
dealer that could lead them to leaders
of the drug
trade a false lead the teenager had
nothing on him but the sergeant will
continue his search he is convinced that
he will find drugs here every move one
of these policemen makes is covered by
his colleague snipers could be hidden on
roofs a permanent facility where drugs
are dealt in plain sight like any other
a few blocks away in the same favilla
the rest of the unit got their hands on
The Wanted cargo they seize more than
100 kilg of cannabis worth €75,000
the TCP proudly displays its name on on
the drug packets to Mark its territory
cannabis is the most widely consumed
drug in
Brazil members of the TCP approached us
in a favila they control 30 minutes from
the tourist beaches north of the city
pistols and military rifles these young
people are facing 6 to 10 years in
prison for illegally carrying large
caliber weapons their designated enemy
is the
hatred that runs deep in both camps each
death is a pretext for retaliation and
interventions that end up getting out of
hand inhabitants of the Filas are taken
hostage in the midst of this war over
drugs we now go to a faila in the north
of the city here another gang is in
charge the Commando feo the red
Commando it's the most powerful gang in
Rio we're allowed to film a drug selling
point here drugs are sold in the middle
of the street without any shame here
cannabis is on the table some consumers
even roll their joints on the spot there
are also hard drugs
bought at €3,000 a kilo cocaine from
Colombia Peru and Bolivia is sold for
twice that price by these
traffickers just next to it is the table
of a man who calls himself the
accountant in these bags full of notes
are the earnings of the
a profitable business with all the
outlets in the faila The Gang boasts
That it earns €100,000 a month and that
it can even help the local
inhabitants guys
these young traffickers are barely 20
years old they're paid €500 a month to
sell and protect the goods it's a small
fortune in this country twice as much as
the minimum
foree gangs and the police play a
constant game of cat and
mouse in Rio there are those who chase
the traffickers and those who defend
them Flavia frees is a criminal lawyer
she defends the biggest drug dealers
tonight she is going to conduct her own
investigation into a homicide case
involving the leader of the Commando
familial gang who has been in prison for
her client is accused of ordering a
double murder from his cell convinced of
his innocence she goes to a faila to
gather information about the
we filmed discreetly so that our camera
is not spotted from the street this
faila is one of the strongholds of the
Commando familo the gang controls all
movement entrances and exits on its
territory Flavia has a permit which
comes from above she says here too
merchandise and weapons are on
the traffickers that the lawyer is
meeting tonight are the henchmen of her
for she works with all the gangs in Rio
all the major drug traffickers she's
defended hundreds of them in Trials she
says she's won three times out of four
flavia's client remains active even from
behind bars he controls his men and
for a real war arsenal manufactured in
the United States and Europe these
weapons are transported through Paraguay
and arrive in Brazil by land in Rio a
machine gun is sold for about €10,000 on
the Underground
for these men are between 18 and 35
years old they're ready to kill and die
to defend their territory and their drug
trade the government's War on Drugs
Flavia says is totally
Flav was 24 when she first defended a
drug dealer as a court appointed lawyer
she won the case since then she's become
a well-known figure in the
field today she no longer takes on a
case for less than
50,000 with her team she continues to
work tirelessly on the same murder case
that incriminated Commando vero's
leader her client is accused of ordering
a double murder involving torture in 19
1996 according to the lawyer the charge
doesn't make sense the two murderers
have already been acquitted and there is
contradiction that's not the only case
Flavia has to defend the the leader of
Commando familio
on in the heart of Rio the court of
justice heels and tight dresses are her
signature look for All
Occasions lawyer flavier fres is now
defending the gang's leader in another
case from
once again he is accused of ordering a
murder from his prison
cell her client's a local celebrity a
book's even been written about his life
he's been behind bars for 25 years
clavia is the only lawyer in Rio who
defends big-time traffickers from any
gang even rival
today Flav is going to prevent him from
serving another 60 years in prison we
were not able to record the
two hours later the verdict is
given she won her case and the family is
delighted but flavier is not done with
the head of Commando FAMU she's still
defending him on another four murder and
conspiracy cases he still has 5 years to
go in
prison fighting drug traffickers is an
obsession for the karaa authorities
having been mobilized for several years
to to fight in the faas the Rio police
have abandoned these neighborhoods as a
result the number of robberies and acts
of crime has
skyrocketed scenes of armed robbery such
as this one have become more common
in the middle of the day here A man was
robbed of his motorbike in a couple of
seconds not even beaches are safe
so-called Aristo thefts of a large scale
dozens of criminals snatch everything in
their path they chase people out to
seea thieves are also operating on
public transport they don't hesitate to
enter through the roof or Through the
violence even has its own iconic TV show
SED alata City on
alert every day the presenter comments
sometimes in real time on news events
shown in video sent in by
in this environment of increasing crime
more and more citizens have decided to
themselves but
that Regina can't handle this
environment of fear
anymore you
this retired shopkeeper is like all
kocas constantly on alert to avoid the
she's so scared that when she has to go
to an area she doesn't know she only
takes a
this taxi driver has already experienced
dozens of cases of this
kind even at home the Karas feel in
danger so they barricade their homes the
facades of buildings and houses look
like prison doors with barbed wire
fences and cameras
in this middle class residential area
like all her neighbors Regina has turned
her house into a fortress thanks to a
very sophisticated surveillance
the fact that this young retiree spends
almost a hundred EUR a month on this
technology means that there is a growing
danger her neighbors have already paid
in case the burglar still managed to get
in Regina wants to be prepared to defend
herself she's been practicing at this
range for the last 6 months she's
applied for a gun
permit for
Regina never thought she'd have to arm
herself at the age of 60 she's driven by
fear frustration and the feeling that no
one can escape this violence Luciana the
shooting instructor was 22 years old
when she was a victim
since coming to office in January 2019
president jaier bolsonaro has proudly
displayed his fondness for firearms even
children this gesture imitating a gun
has become his
trademark he has made gun ownership laws
more lenient the number of registered
guns has doubled in the past two
years new rules and a new decree that
allows any citizen without criminal
history or psychiatric disorders to own
up to four Firearms as opposed to only
two before and to buy up to 1,200 rounds
of ammunition per month per gun compared
to 50 before the bonaro presidency
represents an aggressive defense of arms
and an uncomp compromising anti-drug
policy no matter what the cost even if
it means killing innocent people May the
6th 2021 the whole country was in shock
the deadliest raid in the city's history
took place in the jareno faila at 6:00
a.m. the footage made the rounds on TV
and social networks the police were
looking for 21 traffickers suspected of
recruiting miners into their ranks the
intervention ended in a bloodb
250 police were deployed with
helicopters to support
them in this footage a resident is
filming the start of the operation from
the operation went on all day in alleys
and in homes of people where the
traffickers had hidden the operation was
nicknamed The jareno Massacre by the
28 residents and one police officer died
among the civilian victims only three
were on the list of suspects wanted that
day the UN condemned the operation and
criticized the disproportionate use of
force president bolsonaro congratulated
the police on
almost 6 months after the tragedy the
inhabitants of jaar Ando are trying to
get their lives back to normal today
it's the neighborhood Fair memories of
the police operation are still very
fresh these mothers and wives of victims
are not letting go they complain about a
series of exactions Danielle mother of
two children lost a husband he was 32
years old and a construction
for in addition to their G these mothers
now feel
humiliated in the families hatred
followed sadness Danielle's son is now 8
Adriana lost her 23-year-old son he was
a motorbike taxi driver in
the investigation is stagnant for the
moment the police operation in jarano
has become a symbol of a brutal police
force operating with impunity in Rio in
the faas at least one operation takes
place every day the inhabitants are
regularly taken hostage in between the
shootings to Simply live and get around
has become dangerous in Rio de Janeiro
12 children were killed by stray bullets
2020 this morning a disturbingly
ordinary scene in a workingclass
neighborhood in Northern
this family Mourns the death of a father
who had no record killed by a stray
bullet at the bottom of the FAA where he
lived the victim was working at a gas
station he was on his way to work at
6:00 a.m. and found himself in the
middle of a shootout between a gang and
police he left behind two children and
wife every month an average of 10 people
are hit by stray bullets in Rio and its
suburbs the consequences of a drug war
that's becoming more and more deadly
day avoiding mistakes is the biggest
challenge for police today at least
that's what they claim once a month
soldiers of the truck the elite unit
carry out shooting
exercises with real bullets they
simulate a shooting situation in a
favilla the men have to increase their
Precision On Target to avoid collateral
all of these Elite police officers have
come close to death at some point during
in 2020 65 policemen died on duty in the
state of
these Elite policemen must be in top
physical shape in all aspects this
morning they're perfecting their
hand-to-hand combat
techniques under all circumstances
police officers carry at least one gun
on their belt even when they're on
holiday traffickers know this the first
thing they try to steal from them during
attack if these men train regularly it's
because their opponents often practice
martial arts a very popular sport in Rio
the police must Master these defense
techniques to Perfection it's a question
the chalk soldiers even have a technique
created especially for
much needed skill as 75% of the Rio
police officers killed since 2016 have
been killed off duty at a time when they
are least armed least attentive and
least protected Rio a city where
violence can strike anywhere at any
time in complexo do Alama one of the
biggest failers in Rio Police Operations
are common here everyone is afraid of
them even the
children Esther is a teacher in this
Association that offers free dance
classes to young people in the
young people from the Filas try to lead
a normal life despite everything despite
bullets this dance school on an
abandoned basketball court is a small
miracle in this faila as in most of
those in Rio extracurricular activities
are very rare young people can't be left
alone after
a total of 130 girls train here every
week with the hope of becoming
dancers a peaceful break from the
violence of the favas of Rio De
5.0 / 5 (0 votes)
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