
9 Apr 202409:39

TLDRThe video script warns viewers about various types of individuals in modern society who can be more dangerous than the traditionally perceived 'villains'. It highlights the 'thick-skinned, black-hearted' individuals, those who use moral绑架 to manipulate others, the enviously jealous, the two-faced, and the selfish 'white-eyed wolves'. It also touches on the emotionally draining, the cunning and manipulative, the ambiguously secretive, and the insatiable individuals who exploit the good-natured. The message is to be vigilant in maintaining healthy distances to avoid being harmed by such people.


  • 🚨 Avoid close interactions with individuals who exhibit 'thick-skinned, black-hearted' traits, as they can be more dangerous than those traditionally labeled as 'villains'.
  • 🧐 Beware of 'moral绑架' (moral kidnapping), where people feel obligated to act in certain ways due to perceived duties or past favors.
  • 💢 Jealousy can be destructive, leading to both personal harm and harm to others, as illustrated by the story of Zhou Yu from 'Romance of the Three Kingdoms'.
  • 🎭 Watch out for individuals who appear harmless on the surface but are actually deceitful and manipulative, like the character Yue Buqun from 'The Smiling, Proud Wanderer'.
  • 🖋️ Be cautious of those who are overly flattering and make empty promises, as their actions may not align with their sweet words.
  • 🐺 Identify and distance oneself from 'white-eyed wolves', who seek help when in need but quickly forget and abandon those who assist them.
  • 💔 Recognize the signs of selfish partners who lack empathy and understanding, which can lead to a joyless and meaningful marriage.
  • 🕸️ Guard against people with deep ulterior motives who may seem friendly but are actually plotting behind the scenes.
  • 🤐 Be aware of individuals who remain ambiguous and do not express their true thoughts or positions, as their intentions may be hidden.
  • 🥀 Maintain a healthy distance from those who emotionally drain you by constantly seeking emotional value without giving back.
  • 🥊 Avoid people who are overly aggressive and take advantage of the kind-hearted, as they may exploit their kindness without showing gratitude or restraint.

Q & A

  • What is the main message of the script regarding interpersonal relationships?

    -The main message is to be cautious of certain types of individuals in interpersonal relationships who may appear harmless but can be more dangerous than those commonly referred to as 'small people' or 'villains'.

  • What does the script suggest about people who practice 'thick black' philosophy?

    -The script suggests that individuals who practice 'thick black' philosophy are those who have mastered the darker aspects of human nature, can achieve great things, but should be approached with caution due to their manipulative and potentially harmful nature.

  • How does the script describe the behavior of individuals who engage in moral kidnapping?

    -The script describes moral kidnapping as a behavior where individuals use their own sacrifices or contributions as a means to control or manipulate others into conforming to their expectations or demands.

  • What is the warning given about individuals who are envious or overly competitive?

    -The warning is that such individuals, driven by envy and a desire to outdo others, can harm both themselves and others, often resorting to malicious actions and ultimately leading to their own downfall.

  • How does the script characterize people who are two-faced or insincere?

    -The script characterizes these individuals as outwardly friendly and supportive but inwardly deceitful and self-serving, often using others for their own gain without genuine concern for their well-being.

  • What is the term used in the script to describe individuals who forget or disregard the help they have received from others?

    -The term used is 'white-eyed wolf,' referring to people who take advantage of others' kindness without reciprocating or showing gratitude.

  • How does the script advise dealing with selfish partners in a marriage?

    -The script advises recognizing the selfishness and considering letting go of such relationships to regain freedom and happiness, as selfish partners often do not consider their partners' feelings or needs.

  • What is the potential risk of associating with individuals who are described as having deep ulterior motives?

    -The potential risk is that these individuals may use and manipulate others to achieve their own goals, often involving deceit, betrayal, and causing harm to those around them.

  • What does the script say about people who are vague and unclear in their communication?

    -The script suggests that such individuals may intentionally be ambiguous to avoid responsibility or to set others up for failure, making it difficult to discern their true intentions.

  • How does the script describe individuals who thrive on others' emotional energy?

    -These individuals are described as emotionally draining, constantly seeking attention and emotional support from others without giving back, leading to a one-sided and exhausting relationship.

  • What advice does the script give for dealing with overly enthusiastic people?

    -The script advises maintaining a certain distance to avoid losing one's own boundaries and to prevent potential discomfort or resentment from others due to the excessive nature of the relationship.



😨 The Dangers of Dealing with the 'Thick and Black' Individuals

This paragraph discusses the concept of 'thick and black' individuals, drawing parallels with historical figures like Sima Yi, who outwardly appeared loyal but were cunning and ruthless. It highlights the challenges of dealing with such people who are adept at manipulation and can exploit the 'dark side' of human nature. The paragraph warns against the dangers of moral kidnapping, where individuals feel obligated to act in certain ways due to perceived societal or familial pressures. It also touches on the destructive nature of envy, as exemplified by the story of Zhou Yu from 'Romance of the Three Kingdoms', and advises maintaining a distance from those who harbor such negative emotions. The narrative further explores the deceptive nature of individuals who appear harmless but are actually malevolent, like the character Yue Buqun from 'The Smiling, Proud Wanderer', and emphasizes the importance of being vigilant against such people to avoid being exploited or harmed.


😶‍🌫️ The Treacherous Nature of 'White-Eyed Wolves' and Other Deceptive Personalities

The second paragraph delves into the behavior of 'white-eyed wolves', individuals who seek help when in trouble but quickly forget benefactors once their issues are resolved. It warns of the self-centered nature of such individuals who view relationships as transactional and manipulative. The paragraph also discusses the challenges of dealing with selfish partners, highlighting the importance of communication and understanding in relationships. It further explores the tactics of individuals with deep ulterior motives, who may appear friendly but are actually plotting behind the scenes. The narrative cautions against those who are vague in their communication, as this can lead to being unfairly blamed or taken advantage of. The paragraph concludes by advising readers to maintain a safe distance from those who drain emotional energy or exhibit excessive enthusiasm, as these behaviors can lead to emotional exhaustion and strained relationships.




The term '厚黑' refers to a concept that describes individuals who are outwardly pleasant but inwardly ruthless, capable of achieving great things by exploiting the darker aspects of human nature. In the context of the video, it is exemplified by historical figures like Sima Yi from the Three Kingdoms period, who despite appearing loyal, was actually treacherous and adept at manipulation. The concept serves as a warning about the dangers of associating with individuals who may appear harmless but are actually manipulative and self-serving.


Moral kidnapping is a form of emotional manipulation where individuals use perceived moral obligations to control or influence others. In the video, it is illustrated through the example of parents who expect their children to conform to their expectations due to the sacrifices they've made in raising them. This concept is used to highlight the insidious nature of such manipulation, which can lead to a loss of individual autonomy and self-doubt.


Jealousy is an emotion that arises when someone perceives a threat to their self-esteem or desires, often leading to feelings of envy and resentment towards others. The video uses the historical figure of Zhou Yu from 'Romance of the Three Kingdoms' to illustrate how jealousy can lead to destructive actions and ultimately harm both the individual and those around them. Jealousy is portrayed as a dangerous trait that can lead to unethical behavior and personal downfall.


The term '心機深重' refers to individuals who are cunning and deceitful, often using intricate schemes to achieve their goals at the expense of others. In the video, characters like Yue Buqun from 'The Smiling, Proud Wanderer' are cited as examples of such individuals. They appear friendly and reliable on the surface but are actually plotting behind the scenes. This concept serves as a caution against those who may seem trustworthy but are actually manipulative and self-serving.


A '白眼狼' is a metaphor for individuals who are ungrateful and betray those who have helped them. In the context of the video, these are people who seek assistance when in trouble but quickly forget and sever ties once their problems are resolved. The concept is used to highlight the importance of recognizing and avoiding those who may take advantage of one's kindness without reciprocating or showing gratitude.


Selfishness is a trait characterized by prioritizing one's own interests over those of others, often to the detriment of relationships and social harmony. In the video, selfish spouses are discussed as an example of how this trait can lead to the breakdown of a marriage, as they are unable to provide the support and understanding necessary for a healthy partnership. Selfishness is portrayed as a destructive force that can erode trust and mutual respect.


Hypocrisy is the act of pretending to have virtues, moral standards, or beliefs that one does not actually possess, especially with the intent to deceive others. In the video, it is discussed in the context of individuals who speak sweetly and make promises but do not follow through with actions, leading to a lack of trust and disappointment. Hypocrisy is highlighted as a harmful trait that can damage relationships and undermine one's credibility.


Emotional value refers to the emotional energy and support that individuals provide to others in their relationships. In the video, it is mentioned that some people excessively draw on the emotional value of others, leading to emotional exhaustion and a sense of being drained. This concept is used to caution against those who may rely on others for their emotional well-being without reciprocating or showing appreciation, which can result in a one-sided and unhealthy relationship.


Insatiable greed is characterized by an excessive and unending desire for more, often leading to the exploitation of others to satisfy one's own wants. In the video, it is described as a trait where individuals take advantage of the kindness and generosity of others, never feeling satisfied and continuously seeking to maximize their own benefits. This concept serves as a warning against those who may use others for personal gain without consideration for the well-being of those they exploit.


Enthusiasm refers to a high level of excitement and interest in something or someone, often expressed through energetic and lively behavior. However, in the video, it is mentioned that excessive enthusiasm without boundaries can be overwhelming and lead to discomfort in relationships. It is important to maintain a balance and respect personal boundaries to ensure healthy and positive interactions.


Sincerity is the quality of being honest and genuine in one's words and actions. In the video, it is emphasized that one should be cautious in bestowing their trust and sincerity upon others, reserving it for those who have proven their trustworthiness through shared hardships. Sincerity is portrayed as a valuable trait that should be guarded and offered sparingly to protect oneself from potential betrayal and harm.


In modern society, there are certain individuals more dreadful than the so-called 'petty people', and it's best to avoid getting too close to them.

The ancient saying goes, 'Better to compete with a gentleman than to argue with a petty person', emphasizing the importance of avoiding deep relationships with those who may cause harm.

The concept of 'thick black' refers to those who are unscrupulous and ruthless, like the historical figure of Sima Yi, who was adept at concealing his true intentions and ambitions.

Moral kidnapping is a pervasive issue, where people feel obligated to conform to certain behaviors due to societal or familial pressures, leading to a loss of individuality and freedom.

Jealousy can be destructive, not only harming others but also leading to one's own downfall, as exemplified by the character Zhou Yu in 'Romance of the Three Kingdoms'.

People with strong jealousy often resort to malicious actions out of envy, such as spreading rumors and backstabbing to undermine the success and happiness of others.

Some individuals with intense jealousy may appear friendly on the outside but harbor ill intentions, leading to betrayal and disappointment.

The 'white-eyed wolf' archetype represents those who seek help when in need but quickly forget and abandon those who assisted them once their problems are solved.

Selfish spouses can be a source of great pain and suffering, as they prioritize their own interests over the well-being of their partners and the relationship.

Machiavellian individuals are cunning and deceitful, using others to achieve their goals while hiding their true intentions and often causing harm to those around them.

Ambiguous communication from leaders or colleagues can be a strategic move to set others up for failure or to manipulate them for personal gain.

Emotional vampires are those who drain others of their emotional energy, often leaving their 'hosts' feeling exhausted and emotionally depleted.

Greedy individuals often take advantage of the kindness and generosity of others, exploiting their good nature for their own benefit.

Enthusiastic people without boundaries can be overwhelming and may lead to a loss of personal boundaries and the respect of others.

In all interactions, it's crucial to maintain a degree of caution and not blindly trust others, as this can protect against betrayal and harm.