画像生成速度比較 A1111 vs Forge vs SD.Next 【Stability Matrix】

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8 Mar 202408:25

TLDRThe video discusses the ease of installing Stable Diffusion through the Stability Matrix and its new support for Sub Diffusion WEB UI 4G. It highlights the improvements in image generation speed and GPU memory usage with the latest updates, reducing out-of-memory issues and allowing for larger images and more batch generation. The video also compares the performance of different versions of AI image generation programs, emphasizing the benefits of the new features and the challenges faced with shared memory usage. The content is engaging for users interested in AI and image generation technologies.


  • 🎵 The script begins and ends with music, suggesting an engaging and entertaining presentation.
  • 🚀 The introduction of Stable Diffusion WEBUI has made it easier for users to generate images with just a few mouse clicks.
  • 🌟 Stability Matrix has been updated to support new features such as the Sub Diffusion WEBUI 4G, making installations more straightforward.
  • 💻 The improvements in the new versions, such as reducing VRAM usage and increasing video memory efficiency, have led to better performance and fewer out-of-memory issues.
  • 🖼️ The video compares image generation speeds between different versions of A111 and SD.NEXT, highlighting the advancements in technology.
  • 🏎️ A111's version 1.8 has been released, boasting increased speed and performance, which is a significant improvement over the previous versions.
  • 🔧 The script discusses the challenges of adding new features without disrupting existing ones, indicating ongoing efforts to refine and optimize the software.
  • 🧩 The introduction of a new mechanism called 'Yuneta Patcher' is expected to make it easier to extend the capabilities of Stable Diffusion.
  • 📈 The script provides a detailed comparison of image generation speeds on a PC with specific hardware configurations, offering insights into the performance of different software versions.
  • 🔄 The script mentions the use of batch processing to generate multiple images simultaneously, which can lead to faster overall processing times.
  • 💡 The video concludes with a call to action for viewers to subscribe and rate the channel, emphasizing community engagement and support.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video script?

    -The main topic of the video script is the process of generating images using Stable Diffusion and the improvements in the software's performance and user interface.

  • What is the significance of the Stable Diffusion WEB UI in the script?

    -The Stable Diffusion WEB UI is significant because it is a user-friendly interface that allows users to generate images with just a few mouse clicks, making the process more accessible.

  • How has the Stability Matrix contributed to the improvements in Stable Diffusion?

    -The Stability Matrix has contributed to the improvements in Stable Diffusion by supporting the installation of the software with ease and by undergoing version upgrades that enhance the performance of the program.

  • What are the benefits of the new features introduced in the Stable Diffusion WEB UI 4G?

    -The new features in the Stable Diffusion WEB UI 4G allow for easier installation and support for larger image generation and increased batch processing, leading to better utilization of GPU memory and reduced VRAM usage.

  • What issue did the user encounter with the SD.NEXT version during the image generation process?

    -The user encountered an issue with the SD.NEXT version where the program stopped working properly and started using shared memory, which led to a significant slowdown in performance and eventually a freeze.

  • How does the video compare the performance of different versions of the image generation AI program?

    -The video compares the performance of different versions of the image generation AI program by timing how long it takes to generate a set number of images at a specific size, in this case, 10 images of 1024x1024 resolution.

  • What hardware specifications were used for the performance comparison in the video?

    -The hardware specifications used for the performance comparison were a Ryzen 7 3700X CPU, 32GB of main memory, an RTX 4070 TI GPU with 12GB of video memory.

  • What is the role of the command line options in the A111 version of the program?

    -The command line options in the A111 version of the program are used to specify particular settings for image generation, such as the size of the images and the number of images to be generated, in order to compare the speed of image generation.

  • What was the outcome of the performance comparison between different versions of the image generation AI program?

    -The outcome of the performance comparison showed that the 4G version was faster in generating images, while the A111 version 1.8 and 1.7 encountered issues with shared memory usage and eventually froze during the process.

  • What is the significance of the video driver improvements mentioned in the script?

    -The video driver improvements are significant because they allow the system to use main memory when video memory is insufficient, preventing errors and enabling the continuation of the image generation process.

  • What challenges does the user foresee with the increasing number of extensions and different approaches to the program?

    -The user foresees challenges in maintaining compatibility and performance across the increasing number of extensions and different approaches to the program, as well as the potential for community-published extensions to be inaccessible or require additional effort to confirm their functionality in different environments.



🎨 Introduction to Stable Diffusion and UI Enhancements

This paragraph introduces the use of Stable Diffusion for image generation and the convenience of using a user interface program called Stability Matrix. It highlights the ease of installation of the Stability Matrix through simple mouse clicks and the recent update to support Sub diffusion WEBUI 4G. The improvements in the new version include better GPU memory usage and reduced video memory consumption, leading to fewer instances of out-of-memory errors and the ability to generate larger images or more batches of images simultaneously. The paragraph also mentions a new mechanism called Yuneta Patcher that aims to make extending Stable Diffusion easier.


🚀 Benchmarking Image Generation Speed and Memory Usage

The second paragraph delves into the specifics of benchmarking the image generation speed and memory usage of different versions of AI programs. It describes the test environment, including the CPU, main memory, GPU, and video memory specifications. The process of generating images using different versions of A111 and SD.NEXT is detailed, with observations on the performance and stability of each. The paragraph also discusses the challenges faced with shared memory usage and the impact of video driver improvements on handling memory不足. It concludes with a comparison of batch image generation sizes and the potential benefits for users with lower-end graphic boards.



💡Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion is an AI model that generates images from text prompts. It is a type of deep learning algorithm that has gained popularity for its ability to create high-quality, detailed images. In the video, the discussion revolves around the use of Stable Diffusion through a web interface, highlighting its ease of installation and the improvements made in the latest version.

💡Stability Matrix

Stability Matrix is a term that likely refers to a framework or a set of tools that enhance the stability and performance of AI models like Stable Diffusion. In the context of the video, it is mentioned in relation to the ease of installation and the updates that have been made to support newer versions, suggesting that it plays a role in the smooth operation and user experience of the AI image generation process.

💡Image Generation

Image Generation is the process of creating visual content from textual descriptions or other input data using AI models like Stable Diffusion. It is the core functionality that is being evaluated and compared in the video, with a focus on the speed and quality of the generated images.

💡GPU Memory

GPU Memory refers to the dedicated memory on a graphics processing unit (GPU) that is used to store data for image processing and other graphics-intensive tasks. In the context of the video, the discussion around GPU memory highlights how the efficiency of AI models like Stable Diffusion has improved, leading to better utilization of this memory and the ability to generate larger images or more batches of images simultaneously.

💡Video Memory Utilization

Video Memory Utilization refers to the efficient use of the memory dedicated to storing and processing graphics and video data. In the video, it is discussed in the context of improvements made to the AI model, which now allows for better management of video memory, leading to fewer out-of-memory errors and the capability to generate more images at once.

💡Yuneta Patcher

Yuneta Patcher is a tool or mechanism mentioned in the video that seems to facilitate the extension or expansion of the Stable Diffusion AI model. While the exact nature of Yuneta Patcher is not detailed in the script, it suggests a feature or add-on that enhances the capabilities of the AI for users.

💡AI Program

An AI Program refers to software that utilizes artificial intelligence algorithms to perform tasks. In this video, the AI program in question is one that generates images from text prompts. The performance of the AI program, including its speed and the quality of the images it produces, is a central focus of the comparison and evaluation.

💡Version 1.8.0

Version 1.8.0 refers to a specific update or iteration of the AI program used for image generation. The video discusses the release of this version and its improvements over previous versions, including enhanced speed and memory management.

💡Batch Size

Batch Size in the context of AI image generation refers to the number of images processed or generated at one time. Increasing the batch size can potentially improve efficiency and speed up the overall image generation process, as the AI model can work on multiple tasks simultaneously.

💡Out of Memory

Out of Memory is a term used to describe a situation where a program or process requires more memory than is available. In the context of the video, it refers to issues that arose when the AI model's memory requirements exceeded the available GPU or video memory, causing the program to stop or slow down significantly.

💡Community Extensions

Community Extensions refer to additional features, tools, or functionalities developed by the user community for AI programs like Stable Diffusion. These extensions can enhance the program's capabilities or provide new ways to interact with the AI. However, they may also introduce complexity, requiring developers to test and ensure compatibility across different versions and platforms.


Stable Diffusion web UI, a popular interface program for image generation, is mentioned as a user-friendly tool.

Stability Matrix, which simplifies the installation process with just mouse clicks, has undergone a version upgrade.

The new version of Stability Matrix supports Sub Diffusion WEB UI 4G, making installation even easier.

The improvements in the new version have led to faster image generation and reduced GPU memory usage.

The reduction in video memory usage has decreased the occurrence of out-of-memory issues, allowing for larger image outputs and increased batch generation.

A new mechanism called Yuneta Patcher is introduced to make extending Stable Diffusion easier.

Despite the increase in functionality in A111, there is concern about existing features being broken due to the addition of new ones.

A111 has been upgraded to version 1.8.0, with a focus on speed improvements.

SD.NEXT, a derivative of A111, has been available and is also being compared for image generation speed.

The test environment for image generation includes a Ryzen 7 3700X CPU, 32GB main memory, and an RTX 4070TI GPU with 12GB video memory.

The command line options for A111 use 'X4' to compare image generation speeds without specifying particular options.

The comparison shows that 4G generates images faster, with 2 images completed while SD.NEXT and version 1.7 are still on their second image.

SD.NEXT experiences a halt in operation due to memory issues, reverting to shared memory usage which is less efficient.

Version 1.7 of A111 also retires due to memory issues, with the problem occurring at the 6th image output stage.

The video editing process is complicated by the unexpected results, as version 1.8.0 also retires due to shared memory usage.

Fuji is able to increase the batch size for image generation without issues, challenging previous limitations.

The video explores the possibility of generating multiple images simultaneously to improve speed, with no significant difference in results.

Despite the speed improvements, there are concerns about the lack of compatibility with some extension features in the faster Fuji environment.

The video concludes with a call to action for viewers to subscribe and rate the channel for more content.