27 Mar 202429:54

TLDRThe speaker discusses the current state of Bitcoin and the potential for significant gains in the cryptocurrency market, emphasizing the importance of conviction during market dips. They share their personal holdings and focus on AI and gaming sectors, highlighting specific coins and projects that have shown strength and potential for high returns. The speaker also stresses the value of diversifying investments across category leaders and avoiding the pitfalls of meme coins, advocating for a strategic and methodical approach to wealth multiplication in crypto.


  • 📉 Bitcoin's price has dipped below its all-time high, presenting a potential final opportunity for investors to acquire top-performing coins at discounted rates.
  • 🚀 Market dips during a bull run are considered the best times to buy the best coins, as they are available at significant discounts.
  • 🎯 The speaker emphasizes the importance of conviction and sticking to the investment plan during market dips, rather than being swayed by bearish sentiment.
  • 💡 The speaker advises against moving dip-buying targets during a dip and encourages executing the plan even when it feels uncomfortable.
  • 📈 The speaker is bullish on the overall crypto market, citing macro factors such as government support for job markets and potential money printing as tailwinds for the crypto industry.
  • 💰 The speaker highlights the scarcity model of Bitcoin and other crypto assets as a hedge against the infinite money supply model of fiat currencies.
  • 🔒 The importance of using a VPN for security in the crypto space is stressed, to protect personal information and IP address from being logged by cryptocurrency websites.
  • 🤖 The AI sector in crypto is expected to continue making mainstream news, attracting significant attention and capital, making it a key area of focus for investors.
  • 🎮 The gaming industry in crypto is anticipated to be a major consumer use case, with the potential for a breakout game to take the space mainstream and significantly increase the value of gaming tokens.
  • 📊 The speaker shares personal investments in various AI and gaming projects, emphasizing a strategy of spreading bets across legitimate projects with strong market performance.
  • 🚫 The speaker warns against chasing low-cap, meme coins, suggesting that focusing on category leaders in gaming and AI is a safer and more strategic approach to wealth multiplication in the crypto market.

Q & A

  • What is the speaker's stance on Bitcoin's current position and future outlook?

    -The speaker believes that Bitcoin is currently under its previous all-time high, presenting a final opportunity for people to invest before a true bull run. They emphasize that market dips during a bull run are the best times to buy coins at a discount, and that conviction is key in maintaining long-term outcomes.

  • Why does the speaker advise against following bearish content during a market dip?

    -The speaker suggests that bearish content can shake investors' conviction and lead to lower price targets, which is detrimental during a bull market. They argue that staying bullish and executing a plan during dips is a better strategy for long-term success.

  • What is the significance of the $60k level for Bitcoin, according to the speaker?

    -The speaker considers the $60k level a great buying point for Bitcoin because it's expected to become the minimum cost for production once the mining difficulty increases in April. They predict this level will be the lowest price point for Bitcoin in the foreseeable future.

  • What macro factors does the speaker believe are supporting the bullish sentiment in the crypto market?

    -The speaker points to the macroeconomic shift where the Federal Reserve is ready to support the job market even if inflation lingers, indicating a readiness to print money and stimulate the economy. This increased money flow is seen as supportive of the crypto market.

  • How does the speaker approach the selection of AI and gaming tokens for investment?

    -The speaker focuses on category leaders in AI and gaming that have shown strength and attracted attention and liquidity. They spread their bets across legitimate projects with active teams and strong market bounces, rather than trying to pick individual winners.

  • What is the speaker's view on the potential of meme coins?

    -While acknowledging the popularity and capital attracted by meme coins, the speaker is cautious, viewing them as high risk and unpredictable. They suggest that meme coins could easily die and go to zero, and thus they prefer to focus on category leaders with a clearer path to success.

  • What advice does the speaker give for investors who are considering investing in meme coins?

    -The speaker advises investors to either take a slot machine approach, investing in various meme coins with the understanding that it's largely a gamble, or to focus on established meme coins with a consistent wave of noise. However, they warn that even successful meme coin investments can lead to risky behavior and potential losses in the long term.

  • How does the speaker evaluate the potential of gaming tokens for long-term success?

    -The speaker believes that gaming tokens, particularly those partnering with Superverse, have the potential for significant growth. They argue that once a hit game emerges in the crypto gaming space, it will lead to a surge in the value of gaming tokens, making them a smart investment.

  • What is the speaker's strategy for investing in the crypto market?

    -The speaker's strategy involves focusing on category leaders in gaming and AI, accumulating these tokens, and rotating long-term wins into other opportunities. They emphasize the importance of conviction, a clear thesis, and waiting for the market to play out for potential high returns.

  • What is the speaker's opinion on the future of crypto as a whole?

    -The speaker is bullish on the future of crypto, believing that it will eventually have real use cases beyond memes and speculation. They see potential in the gaming and AI sectors and are excited about the possibility of a hit game that could take crypto mainstream.

  • What is the significance of the speaker's mention of using a VPN in the crypto space?

    -The speaker emphasizes the importance of using a VPN to protect personal information and IP address when engaging with cryptocurrency websites. They argue that it's a basic safety measure in the crypto space and recommend using one to avoid potential security risks.



📉 Bitcoin's Dip and Conviction in the Market

The speaker discusses the current state of Bitcoin being below its all-time high and views it as a final opportunity to collect top coins before a major bull run. They emphasize the importance of conviction during market dips, considering them the best time to buy coins at a discount. The speaker also shares their personal experience of deleting bearish content from their feed during the correction and stresses the need for a plan of action during such times. They mention an unpublished video from March 19th about buying the dip and their commitment to providing valuable content. The discussion includes the anticipation of Bitcoin's price movements around the $60k level and the significance of this value in relation to production costs and market trends.


💡 Macro Outlook and AI's Role in the Crypto Market

The speaker shares their bullish stance on the macroeconomic situation, highlighting the readiness of financial authorities to support the job market even if it means lingering inflation. They predict an influx of money into the crypto market, benefiting coin values in the long term. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of focusing on coins that have shown strength and sectors that have demonstrated potential. They argue that the dispersion of performance between different assets has increased, making it crucial to identify and invest in the strong performers. The speaker advises viewers to focus on long-term strategies, farm airdrops, and avoid being swayed by bearish sentiments, maintaining a positive outlook on the potential of Bitcoin and crypto as a whole.


🚀 Investing in AI and Gaming Crypto Coins

The speaker delves into the potential of AI and gaming crypto coins, explaining their personal investment in certain AI tokens and their strategy of spreading bets across various projects. They highlight the difficulty in predicting the ultimate winners in the AI space but note the importance of recognizing projects with legitimate teams and strong market performance. The speaker discusses specific AI tokens, their market behavior, and their potential for growth. They also mention the use of VPN for security in the crypto space and share their affiliation with a VPN service provider. The focus on AI and gaming coins is tied to the expectation that these categories will continue to attract significant attention and capital.


🎮 Gaming Tokens and the Superverse Ecosystem

The speaker expresses a strong belief in the potential of gaming tokens, particularly within the Superverse ecosystem. They discuss various gaming projects and their integration with the Superverse token, emphasizing the benefits of this association for both the games and the token. The speaker mentions partnerships with high-profile games like Shrapnel and Wilder World, and their expectations for these games to boost the Superverse's prominence in the crypto gaming space. They also touch on the concept of a breakthrough game that could propel crypto gaming into mainstream culture, leading to significant value appreciation for gaming tokens.


🦄 The Allure and Risks of Meme Coins

The speaker addresses the phenomenon of meme coins in the crypto market, acknowledging their popularity and the capital they have attracted. They admit to having a portfolio of meme coins but caution that predicting their success is akin to playing a slot machine, with outcomes largely based on luck. The speaker advises focusing on category leaders in gaming and AI as a more reliable strategy for wealth multiplication. They also mention that while meme coins can offer the potential for significant gains, these are often accompanied by high risks and the likelihood of losing earnings through hyper gambling. The speaker concludes by reiterating their commitment to strategies with higher probabilities of success and long-term growth potential.




Bitcoin is a digital currency and a foundational cryptocurrency that enables peer-to-peer transactions across a decentralized network. In the video, Bitcoin's price movements are discussed as significant indicators of the market's overall health and potential future direction. The speaker mentions a dip in Bitcoin's price as a buying opportunity, emphasizing its role as a barometer for the cryptocurrency market at large. The reference to Bitcoin dipping to around $60k and the anticipation of its price movements post-halving underscore its pivotal role in the presenter's investment strategy.

💡Bull Run

A bull run refers to a period in the financial markets characterized by rising asset prices, often driven by investor optimism, strong revenues, and economic recovery. In the context of the video, the presenter views the current market conditions as the precursor to a significant bull run in the cryptocurrency sector, suggesting that dips should be seen as opportunities to purchase digital assets at a discount before they appreciate in value during the anticipated bull run.


Conviction, in the context of investing, refers to the confidence and belief an investor has in their investment strategy, enabling them to hold or buy more of an asset even when the market is facing downturns. The speaker emphasizes the importance of maintaining conviction during market dips, viewing these moments as prime opportunities for buying, and advises against consuming bearish content that might shake this conviction.

💡Crypto Coins

Crypto coins are digital or virtual currencies that use cryptography for security and operate on a decentralized network, such as blockchain. Throughout the video, the presenter discusses various crypto coins, highlighting those they believe have the potential for substantial gains. By sharing their personal investment choices and strategies, the presenter aims to guide viewers on how to capitalize on the current market conditions by focusing on select coins.

💡AI (Artificial Intelligence)

AI, or Artificial Intelligence, refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn. The video identifies AI as a significant trend within the cryptocurrency space, with specific crypto projects tied to AI innovations expected to attract substantial attention and investment. The speaker outlines their strategy of distributing investments across various AI-related tokens, betting on the ongoing and increasing interest in AI technology to drive their value.


Gaming, in the context of the video, refers to the intersection of video games and blockchain technology, where cryptocurrencies and digital assets play a central role. The presenter highlights gaming as a key area of focus for investment, noting that blockchain-based games and platforms offer unique opportunities for growth. Examples include Immutable X, Ronin, and specific games like Shrapnel, emphasizing the potential of the gaming sector within the crypto market.

💡Meme Coins

Meme coins are a type of cryptocurrency inspired by internet memes or jokes, often with no intrinsic value or utility but gaining popularity and value through social media influence and community support. The presenter discusses meme coins as a high-risk, high-reward investment category within the cryptocurrency market, cautioning viewers about the volatility and unpredictability associated with these assets while acknowledging their potential for substantial returns.

💡Category Leaders

Category leaders refer to cryptocurrencies that are considered the most promising or have shown the strongest performance within a specific segment of the market, such as AI, gaming, or decentralized finance (DeFi). The video emphasizes the strategy of investing in category leaders to capitalize on their potential for significant growth, suggesting that these assets are likely to outperform others as the market develops.


Airdrops involve the free distribution of new tokens or coins, typically to the wallets of existing cryptocurrency holders, as a way to promote a new project or incentivize participation. The presenter recommends airdrops as a strategy for smaller investors to accumulate valuable crypto assets without significant initial investment, highlighting this approach as a way to build a portfolio that can leverage the anticipated market bull run.

💡Decentralized Compute

Decentralized compute refers to distributed computing systems that utilize blockchain technology to share and manage computing resources across a network of users. In the video, this concept is highlighted within the AI segment, with the presenter noting its potential to reduce the costs of computational resources for AI projects. Decentralized compute projects are identified as a sub-category within the AI investment theme, with specific tokens mentioned as targets for investment.


Bitcoin is currently below its all-time high, presenting a final opportunity for investors to acquire top coins before their true bull runs.

During a bull run, market dips are the best opportunities to buy the best coins at a significant discount.

The 60k level for Bitcoin is considered a great buying point as it will become the minimum cost for production.

The macroeconomic environment is becoming more supportive of the job market and potentially leading to more money flowing into crypto.

The strong coins during a bull run are likely to continue outperforming the weaker ones.

Investors should focus on coins that have shown strength and sectors that have demonstrated resilience during market dips.

AI will continue to dominate mainstream news and attract attention to crypto coins that are associated with it.

Decentralized compute within the AI space could significantly lower the cost of compute resources needed for AI applications.

Gaming and AI are the sectors to watch, as they have the potential to outperform Bitcoin and generate substantial returns.

Immutable X is becoming an institutional play, offering a diversified bucket of games and attracting big money.

The gaming sector is expected to have an inflection point with a hit game that will take over mainstream culture, leading to a surge in crypto gaming tokens.

Superverse is uniting the best games and developers in the crypto gaming space, making it a category leader.

Meme coins have attracted significant capital and attention but are highly unpredictable and volatile.

Investing in category leaders in gaming and AI is a strategic and methodical way to multiply wealth in the crypto market.

The use of a VPN is essential for staying safe in crypto, as it protects users' identities and IP addresses when visiting cryptocurrency websites.

The coinbase spot premium indicates bullish sentiment when it trades above other exchanges for Bitcoin price.

The future of crypto is not just about speculation but also about real use cases, with gaming and AI leading the way.