AI Scientist Issues MASSIVE WARNING for Crypto Holders (How to Survive)

Discover Crypto
10 Mar 202468:15

TLDRIn a thought-provoking discussion, the speaker explores the implications of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and superintelligence on society and the economy. They delve into the possibility of humans living in a simulation and the transformative potential of AGI in various fields, including molecular manufacturing and the abolition of involuntary death. The conversation also touches on the adaptability of religions in the face of technological advancements and the challenges of formalizing AI safety. The speaker highlights the need for a secure and decentralized infrastructure for AI, emphasizing the importance of cross-chain blockchain technologies like Cardano and Hypercycle. They also discuss the future of work in the era of superintelligence and the potential for a global participatory democracy enabled by secure computing networks.


  • 🤖 The development of superintelligent AI will likely revolutionize our understanding of physics and the nature of the universe, potentially revealing new dimensions of reality that are currently inconceivable.
  • 🧬 Advances in molecular machines and technology could lead to the 3D printing of any form of matter and the abolition of involuntary death and aging.
  • 💡 The possibility of living in a simulation is considered, with the argument that if multiple intelligent civilizations have existed, it's probable that we are living in a simulation created by one of them.
  • 🔒 The concept of formally verified infrastructure for AI safety is discussed, which would mathematically prove that software does what it's specified to do, ensuring security against rogue AI.
  • 🔗 The importance of cross-chain technology in the blockchain space is highlighted, with an emphasis on interoperability between different blockchain networks for AI applications.
  • 🚀 The Singularity Net and Hypercycle projects aim to create decentralized, AI-agnostic platforms that can support various AI algorithms and are not tied to specific blockchain technologies.
  • 💻 The interviewee expresses skepticism about Ethereum's capacity for efficient formal verification due to its underlying architecture, contrasting it with the more thoughtful design of Cardano.
  • 🌐 The potential for decentralized AI to gain significant market share from big tech companies is discussed, emphasizing the need for decentralized AI to offer unique and superior services to attract users.
  • 📈 The AI sector is projected to grow exponentially, possibly becoming a substantial portion of the global economy, with platforms facilitating AI services potentially achieving significant market valuations.
  • 💰 The discussion touches on the speculative nature of cryptocurrencies and the need for real-world utility and adoption for long-term stability and growth.
  • ⛓ The intersection of AI and blockchain technology is seen as a critical point for innovation, with the potential to disrupt traditional markets and create new economic opportunities.

Q & A

  • What are the potential advancements in AGI that could lead to the possibility of living in a simulation?

    -The advancements in AGI, or Artificial General Intelligence, could lead to the creation of superintelligent machines that might understand physics and the nature of the universe in ways humans do not. This could potentially make us question our reality and the possibility that we might be living in a simulation created by a more advanced civilization.

  • How does the concept of the technological singularity relate to the development of molecular machines?

    -The technological singularity refers to a hypothetical point in the future when technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, leading to unforeseeable changes in human civilization. The development of molecular machines, which could allow us to 3D print any form of matter, is one such advancement that could contribute to or result from the singularity.

  • What is the simulation hypothesis and how does it relate to our understanding of the universe?

    -The simulation hypothesis is an idea that suggests all of reality could be a simulation created by a more advanced civilization. It is related to our understanding of the universe in that it challenges the notion of objective reality and suggests that our perception of the universe might be as artificial as the simulations we create.

  • What are the implications of AI advancements on traditional religions?

    -AI advancements, especially those leading to the singularity, could disrupt traditional religious beliefs as they might redefine concepts like consciousness, life, and the nature of existence. However, religions have historically shown adaptability, and it is likely that they will find ways to incorporate AI and singularity within their belief systems.

  • How does the concept of formally verified AI relate to the safety and future of AI?

    -Formal verification in AI involves mathematically proving that software will perform as intended. This concept is crucial for AI safety as it could prevent AI systems from deviating from their specified behavior, thus preventing potential misuse or unintended consequences.

  • What role does blockchain technology play in the development of AI?

    -Blockchain technology can provide a decentralized and secure infrastructure for AI systems. It can facilitate global participatory democracy and decision-making, enable secure communication between AI processes, and potentially serve as a platform for AI applications that are accessible and beneficial to a wide range of users.

  • How might the development of specialized hardware impact the progression towards AGI?

    -Specialized hardware, such as chips designed for associative processing or pattern matching on metagraphs, can significantly accelerate the operations required for various AI algorithms. This hardware innovation could be a driving factor in the progression towards AGI by enabling more complex and efficient AI computations.

  • What is the significance of the Singularity Net and Hypercycle in the context of AI and blockchain?

    -Singularity Net and Hypercycle are platforms designed to be agnostic to specific AI algorithms, allowing for a wide range of AI applications to be built on top of them. They aim to provide a decentralized infrastructure for AI that is adaptable and can evolve with the rapidly changing landscape of AI technology.

  • How does the concept of a 'layered' approach in technology stack benefit the development of decentralized AI?

    -A layered approach allows for each layer of technology to function independently and effectively, supporting the layers above it without being overly specialized. This approach provides flexibility and scalability, enabling the core platforms to support a variety of AI algorithms and blockchain technologies without being tied to a specific one.

  • What are the challenges in creating a decentralized decision-making process for AI?

    -Decentralized decision-making in AI involves creating a system where the community can guide the development of AI without陷入冗长的政治过程或无法做出有效决策。The challenge lies in balancing the need for democratic participation with the efficiency required to compete with centralized tech companies that have more autocratic decision-making processes.

  • How might the current state of Ethereum's code base impact its suitability for future AI applications?

    -Ethereum's code base, being described as a 'big hairy mess', may not be conducive to efficient formal verification which is critical for secure and reliable AI applications. Its architecture may not support the complex and varied needs of future AI systems as effectively as more thoughtfully designed platforms like Cardano.



🌟 The Prospect of Superintelligent Machines and Simulation Theories

The paragraph discusses the future advancements in artificial general intelligence (AGI) and the possibility of creating superintelligent machines. It touches on the potential for molecular machines that could 3D print any form of matter, the abolition of involuntary death, and the curing of aging. The speaker also explores the idea that we might be living in a simulation, referencing Nick Bostrom's influential paper on the simulation hypothesis. The paragraph highlights the uncertainty of our understanding of the universe and the potential for a super AI to uncover new dimensions of reality.


🤖 AI Safety and the Formal Verification of Software

This section delves into the topic of AI safety and the concept of provably safe AI as proposed by Max Tegmark and Stephen Omohundro. The idea involves using formal verification through an automated theorem prover to ensure software behaves as intended. The paragraph also mentions the challenges of applying this to hardware, given our current understanding of physics, and the potential for a superintelligent AI to circumvent these safeguards. There's a discussion on the practicality of replacing global infrastructure to accommodate formally verified systems and the inherent uncertainties that come with rapid technological advancements.


📖 The Adaptability of Religions in the Face of Technological Singularity

The speaker reflects on the adaptability of religions throughout history and their ability to interpret ancient texts in modern contexts. They suggest that traditional religions will likely continue to adapt to new realities, including the potential singularity. The paragraph also contemplates the decline in the percentage of traditionally religious people and the possibility of religions becoming more niche post-singularity. It acknowledges that from the perspective of a superintelligent AI, human belief systems may seem quaint and silly.


🏛️ Early Exposure to Science and the Vision for Global Democracy

The speaker shares their personal journey from growing up in Eugene, Oregon, to discovering a book on the singularity in a small town library in New Jersey. They recount the influence of Gerald Feinberg's 'The Prometheus Project' and its vision for a global participatory democracy using advanced technology. The paragraph also discusses the potential for blockchain networks to implement such a vision and the importance of community decision-making in guiding the development of AGI.


🌐 The Intersection of AI and Blockchain for Global Governance

This section discusses the challenges of decentralized decision-making and the need for efficient governance mechanisms in the face of rapid technological advancements. The speaker expresses skepticism about the pace at which global policies can be established to guide AGI and emphasizes the importance of community involvement in decision-making. They also highlight the potential of blockchain-based governance and the need to avoid becoming mired in politics.


💡 The Role of Hardware Innovation in Advancing AGI

The paragraph focuses on the importance of hardware innovation in the development of AGI. It mentions the role of GPUs in accelerating AI through parallel processing and the emergence of specialized hardware like the Apu by GSI, which is designed for discrete operations and may be more effective for certain AI tasks. The speaker also anticipates a variety of specialized hardware designs and the eventual integration of quantum computing.


🚀 The Potential of Decentralized AI Networks to Compete with Big Tech

The speaker discusses the potential for decentralized AI networks to gain market share from big tech companies by offering unique and superior AI tools. They emphasize the need for these networks to provide practical, world-changing applications beyond the crypto space. The paragraph also addresses the current state of the crypto market and the hope that the current bull market will lead to the rollout of useful decentralized applications at scale.


🌱 The Economic Impact of AI and the Future of Cryptocurrencies

The final paragraph speculates on the future valuation of the AI sector and its potential to dominate a significant portion of the global economy. It draws parallels with the rise of internet companies like Google and the early underestimates of the personal computer market. The speaker suggests that if AI becomes a substantial part of the economy, platforms facilitating AI could become extremely valuable, and the growth of cryptocurrencies could stabilize as they mature.



💡AGI (Artificial General Intelligence)

AGI refers to highly autonomous systems that can outperform humans at most economically valuable work. In the video, the discussion revolves around the advancements in AGI and its implications for society, including the potential for us to live in a simulation and the impact on religious beliefs.


Superintelligence is a term used to describe an intellect that is much smarter than the best human brains in practically every field, including scientific creativity, general wisdom, and social skills. The video explores the idea that super AI will revolutionize our understanding of physics and the universe.

💡Simulation Hypothesis

This is a philosophical and scientific proposal that we, our universe, and everything we know, might be a computer simulation created by a more advanced civilization. The video discusses this hypothesis in the context of the capabilities of future AI and its potential to create such simulations.


Cardano is a decentralized blockchain platform that is mentioned in the video as being superior to Ethereum in certain respects, particularly in the context of formal verification of its consensus algorithm. It is discussed as a potential platform for the development and operation of AI systems.

💡Formal Verification

Formal verification is a method of proving that certain specifications of a system are met using mathematical techniques. The video talks about the importance of formal verification in ensuring the safety and correctness of AI systems and smart contracts.

💡Quantum Mechanics

Quantum mechanics is a fundamental theory in physics which describes nature at the smallest scales of energy levels of atoms and subatomic particles. The video suggests that an AGI might discover new aspects of quantum mechanics that could have implications for technology and our understanding of reality.



The technological singularity is a hypothetical point in the future at which technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, resulting in unforeseeable changes to human civilization. The video discusses the potential for a singularity event to occur due to advancements in AI.


Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that operates on a system of recording transactions in a verifiable and permanent way. The video explores the use of blockchain for implementing global participatory democracy and its role in the infrastructure of AI systems.


Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for security and is decentralized, existing only on the internet. The video discusses the intersection of AI and cryptocurrency, particularly in the context of funding and incentivizing AI development.

💡Decentralized AI

Decentralized AI refers to AI systems that are not controlled by a single entity but are distributed across a network. The video talks about the potential for decentralized AI to disrupt the dominance of big tech companies and to provide new opportunities for AI development and application.

💡Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are programs that automatically execute, control, or document legally relevant events and actions according to the terms of a contract or an agreement. The video discusses the formal verification of smart contracts, particularly in the context of blockchain technology like Cardano.


The potential creation of machines smarter than humans and molecular machines for 3D printing any form of matter.

The possibility of abolishing involuntary death and curing aging with the advent of super AI.

The exploration of the simulation hypothesis, suggesting that we might live in a simulated universe created by a prior civilization.

The idea that super AI could understand aspects of physics and the universe that are currently beyond human comprehension.

The comparison of Cardano and Ethereum, with a discussion on the advantages of Cardano for AI-related applications.

The concept of formally verifying software to ensure it performs as specified, potentially leading to a secure global infrastructure.

The challenge of creating a consistent model of physics to underpin formal verifiability, given the current gaps in our understanding.

The potential impact of super AI on religious beliefs and the adaptability of religions to new realities.

The vision of a global participatory democracy enabled by secure global computing networks, as proposed by Gerald Feinberg.

The development of specialized hardware like the Apu by GSI, designed to accelerate discrete operations beneficial for AI.

The importance of RAM and caching policies in the performance of AI systems, potentially more so than storage limitations.

The exponential growth in hardware capabilities for AI, alongside the increase in available data and AI professionals.

The intersection of AI and crypto, with discussions on how blockchain can be used to implement global participatory democracy.

The need for decentralized decision-making in the development and governance of AI technologies.

The potential of Singularity Net and Hypercycle to provide decentralized infrastructure for AI, including after a breakthrough to AGI.

The importance of creating an AI algorithm-agnostic core platform to avoid overfitting to current AI trends.

The comparison of Ethereum's code base to a 'big hairy mess' and the architectural thoughtfulness of Cardano's approach.

The ambition for decentralized AI to gain a substantial portion of the global AI market share, similar to the impact of Linux in the tech industry.