
29 Mar 202425:34

TLDRThe video script discusses the differences between the free and premium versions of Chat GPT, emphasizing the benefits of the latter in terms of response quality and additional features. It introduces two free AI tools, Copilot and REON, as alternatives to access premium GPT features without the cost. The video encourages viewers to invest in the premium version for enhanced efficiency and potential income generation, while also offering tips on leveraging AI tools for business and side hustles.


  • 🚀 GPT4.0 offers higher quality responses compared to GPT3.5, with more accurate answers and less chance of errors.
  • 💰 Using GPT4.0 is considered a good investment for the future, as it significantly improves work efficiency and can lead to higher earnings.
  • 📈 The parameter count of GPT4.0 is much higher than GPT3.5, leading to enhanced response precision.
  • 🖋️ GPT4.0 allows for longer input text compared to GPT3.5, enabling more detailed and nuanced questions and answers.
  • 🎨 GPT4.0 comes with additional features like custom AI tools (GPTS) and image generation capabilities, which are not available in the free version.
  • 🤖 There are free AI tools based on ChatGPT that can indirectly provide access to GPT4.0 features without the monthly fee.
  • 🔍 Copilot (previously Bing Chat) offers browsing functionality and can generate images using the DALL-E AI tool, similar to GPT4.0's capabilities.
  • 🎶 REON is another free AI tool that allows for unlimited usage of GPT4.0 and has features like image generation and text refinement.
  • ⏰ Both Copilot and REON have certain limitations, such as a limit on the number of interactions and inability to handle long-form text inputs.
  • 📊 For serious and long-term use, especially for generating income, investing in the paid version of ChatGPT (GPT4.0) is recommended due to its superior capabilities and lack of restrictions.
  • 🌐 The presenter offers a free seminar on their official LINE account, sharing knowledge on how to effectively use AI tools for income generation.

Q & A

  • What is the main difference between the paid version of GPT and the free version?

    -The main difference lies in the quality and capabilities. The paid version, GPT4.0, offers higher precision in responses, the ability to handle more text input, and access to advanced features like image generation. In contrast, the free version, GPT3.5, has limitations in text input length and may not provide as detailed or accurate answers.

  • How does the paid version of GPT4.0 enhance work efficiency?

    -The paid version of GPT4.0 significantly improves work efficiency due to its advanced features and higher response quality. It allows for more detailed inquiries, resulting in better output and potentially saving time and effort in tasks.

  • What are some of the unique features of GPT4.0 that are not available in the free version?

    -GPT4.0 offers several unique features such as the ability to generate images, advanced customization options with GPTs, and higher text input limits. These features are not available in the free version, GPT3.5.

  • How can one potentially use the paid version of GPT without incurring costs?

    -One can potentially use the paid version of GPT without direct costs by utilizing AI tools that incorporate GPT4.0 technology. These tools, while free to use, may indirectly offer access to the advanced capabilities of GPT4.0.

  • What are the advantages of using AI tools that are based on GPT technology?

    -AI tools based on GPT technology can provide users with advanced language processing capabilities, including more accurate and detailed responses, text generation, and other specialized features. These tools can significantly improve efficiency and output quality in various tasks.

  • What are the limitations of the free version of GPT3.5?

    -The free version of GPT3.5 has limitations in terms of response quality, text input length, and lack of access to advanced features like image generation. It may not provide as detailed or accurate responses as the paid version, GPT4.0.

  • How does the parameter count of GPT versions affect their performance?

    -The parameter count directly affects the performance of GPT versions. A higher parameter count, as seen in GPT4.0, leads to more accurate and nuanced responses, as it allows the model to better understand and generate language.

  • What is the significance of the browsing function in AI tools like Copilot?

    -The browsing function in AI tools like Copilot allows the tool to search the internet for information relevant to the user's query, providing more informed and detailed responses. This feature enhances the utility of the AI by integrating real-time data.

  • How does the image generation capability in AI tools impact their usefulness?

    -The image generation capability in AI tools greatly expands their usefulness. It allows users to create visual content without needing specialized design skills, making AI tools versatile for a variety of tasks from content creation to graphic design.

  • What are the potential downsides of using free AI tools with limitations compared to the paid version?

    -Free AI tools with limitations may restrict the number of queries, text input length, and lack advanced features. These restrictions can hinder productivity and prevent users from fully leveraging the AI's capabilities, potentially leading to a less efficient workflow.

  • Why is investing in the paid version of GPT4.0 considered worthwhile for serious users?

    -Investing in the paid version of GPT4.0 is considered worthwhile because it offers superior performance, advanced features, and higher efficiency. For serious users who aim to maximize productivity and output quality, the paid version provides a better long-term solution and can potentially lead to higher earnings through improved work efficiency.



💡 Introduction to Paid and Free Versions of GPT

The paragraph discusses the differences between the paid version of GPT4 and the free version GPT3.5, highlighting the benefits of using the paid version for increased work efficiency and potential future earnings. It also touches on the financial burden of the paid version and introduces a method to use the paid version for free, inviting those interested to share their address in the comments for further information.


📊 Comparison of GPT4 and GPT3.5 Features

This section compares the two versions of GPT, emphasizing the higher precision, larger character limit, and customization options available with GPT4. It also mentions the additional functionalities like image generation that are exclusive to the paid version. The speaker shares personal experiences with the free version and encourages viewers to consider the long-term benefits of investing in the paid version.


🚀 Leveraging Free AI Tools to Access Paid GPT Features

The speaker introduces two free AI tools, Copilot and REON, as alternatives to access features similar to the paid version of GPT. It explains how these tools can be used to generate images and text, and highlights their benefits such as browsing capabilities and music generation. The paragraph also mentions the limitations of these free tools, such as character count and usage restrictions.


🎨 Exploring the Image and Music Generation Capabilities

This part delves into the image and music generation capabilities of the free AI tools. It discusses how these tools use AI to create images and music based on user input, with specific mention of the quality and efficiency of the output. The speaker compares these features to the paid version of GPT and suggests that while the free tools have their limitations, they are still valuable for certain applications.


📝 Advantages and Limitations of Free AI Tools

The speaker discusses the advantages of using free AI tools, such as no usage limits and the ability to generate images and edit text. However, it also points out the limitations, including the inability to input long texts and the potential for lower quality in article creation compared to the paid version of GPT. The speaker suggests that while free tools can be useful for casual use, the paid version is superior for professional purposes.


🌟 Conclusion and Recommendation on GPT Usage

In conclusion, the speaker reiterates the benefits of using the paid version of GPT for long-term financial gains and professional use. While acknowledging that free AI tools can be useful for casual use and exploration, the speaker emphasizes that the investment in the paid version will yield higher quality results and greater earning potential. The speaker also invites viewers to join a free seminar for more information on leveraging GPT for income generation.

💌 Final Thoughts and Call to Action

The speaker ends the video by encouraging viewers to leave comments if they wish to learn more or have specific requests for future content. The speaker expresses gratitude for watching and invites viewers to explore more videos on the channel, hoping that the content provided was helpful and beneficial.




ChatGPT is an AI language model developed by OpenAI, known for its ability to generate human-like text based on the prompts given to it. In the context of the video, ChatGPT is the central tool discussed, with a focus on the differences between its free and premium versions, and how to utilize it effectively for various tasks.

💡Free version

The free version of ChatGPT refers to the basic access level of the AI language model, which is available without any cost. It is limited in features and capabilities compared to the premium version but still offers a taste of the AI's text-generating prowess.

💡Premium version

The premium version of ChatGPT offers advanced features and capabilities compared to the free version. It typically requires a monthly subscription fee and provides users with access to more sophisticated AI models, such as GPT4.0, which have higher response accuracy and allow for longer text inputs.


Efficiency in the context of the video refers to the ability of ChatGPT, particularly the premium version, to perform tasks quickly and with minimal input from the user. It is highlighted as a key benefit that can lead to increased productivity and potential income.


Customization refers to the ability to tailor the AI's responses or the AI tool itself to specific needs or preferences. In the video, it is mentioned as one of the key features of the premium version of ChatGPT, allowing for the creation of specialized AI tools like GPTs for different purposes.

💡Image generation

Image generation is a feature that allows users to instruct ChatGPT to create images based on their prompts. This is a premium feature not available in the free version and is highlighted as a significant advantage of the premium version.

💡AI tools

AI tools refer to applications or software that utilize artificial intelligence to perform tasks, such as text generation, image creation, or data analysis. In the video, various AI tools based on ChatGPT are discussed, including both free and premium options.


Cost-saving involves strategies or methods that reduce expenses or increase value for money. In the context of the video, it relates to the discussion of how using premium features of ChatGPT can lead to significant savings in the long run by improving efficiency and productivity.

💡Income generation

Income generation refers to the process of earning money, often through business activities or investments. In the video, it is discussed in relation to how the premium version of ChatGPT can be used to increase work efficiency and, consequently, income.

💡Parameter count

Parameter count refers to the number of variables or factors that an AI model like ChatGPT takes into account when generating responses. A higher parameter count generally indicates a more complex and sophisticated model, capable of producing more accurate and nuanced outputs.

💡Text input limit

Text input limit refers to the maximum number of characters or words a user can input into an AI model like ChatGPT in a single prompt. This limit affects the length and complexity of the tasks the AI can handle.


Introducing a method to use the paid version of ChatGPT for free, providing significant savings.

Highlighting the substantial difference in quality and efficiency between GPT-4.0 and GPT-3.5 versions.

Outlining the financial benefits of using GPT-4.0 over GPT-3.5, emphasizing the investment value.

Sharing personal anecdotes of struggling with the free version and the improvement after switching to the paid version.

Explaining the concept of parameter numbers in AI models, showcasing the vast difference between GPT-4.0 and GPT-3.5.

Comparing response accuracy and content depth between the two versions, illustrating the superiority of GPT-4.0.

Discussing the introduction of GPT-specific models (GPS) for tailored uses, enhancing user experience.

Presenting image generation as a unique feature of the paid version, vital for various applications.

Describing the seamless integration of GPT-4.0 into everyday work to significantly boost efficiency and earnings.

Revealing a workaround to utilize paid features through alternative, free AI tools, without direct costs.

Highlighting continuous updates and releases of AI tools based on ChatGPT, ensuring cutting-edge performance.

Offering detailed insights into the unique advantages and limitations of using CoPilot and REON as free alternatives.

Unveiling personal success stories from leveraging AI skills in side hustles, inspiring potential users.

Emphasizing the importance of initial investment in the paid version for long-term financial gain and professional growth.

Concluding with a call to action for viewers to explore the presented methods to enhance their productivity and income.