40 ChatGPT Prompts for Realtors! How Real Estate Agents Can Leverage ChatGPT to Grow Their Business

Jimmy Burgess
12 Jun 202319:40

TLDRThis informative video provides real estate agents with 40 strategic prompts utilizing Chat GPT to enhance their business. The acronym CHAT GPT delineates the areas of focus: Client Attraction, Help with Social Media Optimization, Answering Tough Questions, Taking Listing Presentations to the next level, Generating Ideas, Past Clients, and Telling Your Community's Story. The video emphasizes leveraging Chat GPT for targeted client attraction, optimizing social media profiles for SEO, crafting content to address common concerns of potential clients, and creating compelling listing presentations. It also suggests generating creative marketing ideas, engaging past clients and referral partners, and sharing local knowledge to establish oneself as a community resource. Each prompt is designed to assist agents in standing out in a competitive market, providing value to clients, and growing their network and influence.


  • 🏡 **Client Attraction**: Utilize targeted prompts to attract specific client groups such as first-time home buyers, divorced couples, and those considering downsizing due to empty nesting.
  • 💡 **SEO Optimization**: Create SEO-optimized content for various social media platforms to increase visibility and attract the ideal client.
  • 🤝 **Social Media Strategy**: Develop an SEO-optimized social media presence with tailored profiles and posts that highlight expertise and client benefits.
  • 📝 **Content Creation**: Convert MLS descriptions into various content formats, such as Facebook posts, Instagram posts, LinkedIn articles, and YouTube scripts.
  • 📈 **Engagement Boost**: Use chat GPT to generate engaging and optimized content that can significantly increase social media engagement rates.
  • 🏠 **Listing Presentation**: Prepare comprehensive marketing plans for property listings, including multiple MLS descriptions and social media posts, to impress sellers.
  • 💼 **Answering Questions**: Leverage chat GPT to formulate responses to common and challenging real estate questions, positioning the agent as a knowledgeable resource.
  • 🌟 **Marketing Ideas**: Generate innovative marketing strategies to uniquely promote listings and attract specific buyer demographics.
  • 📈 **Business Growth**: Explore ideas for growing a realtor's social media following and enhancing their online presence to reach a wider audience.
  • 🙌 **Client Appreciation**: Show gratitude to past clients and referral partners to foster loyalty and encourage future referrals.
  • ✍️ **Community Storytelling**: Craft narratives about the local community and its history to connect with potential clients and position oneself as a local expert.

Q & A

  • What does the acronym 'CHAT' stand for in the context of the real estate prompts?

    -In the context of the real estate prompts, 'CHAT' stands for Client Attraction, Help with social media optimization, Answering the tough questions, and Taking your listing presentation to the next level.

  • How can real estate agents use ChatGPT to attract clients?

    -Real estate agents can use ChatGPT to generate content that addresses specific client needs, such as 'Five reasons people love moving from the feeder market to your city' or 'Seven things homeowners wish they would have known before buying in your city.' This targeted content can help attract the ideal client by addressing their concerns and providing valuable information.

  • What is the significance of optimizing social media profiles for SEO?

    -Optimizing social media profiles for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) helps increase the visibility of the profiles in search engine results. This can attract the right audience to the agent's profile, highlighting their expertise and services, and ultimately leading to more potential clients.

  • How can real estate agents leverage ChatGPT to answer difficult questions?

    -Real estate agents can use ChatGPT to generate responses to common difficult questions, such as reasons to buy a home despite rising interest rates or high home prices. This allows agents to provide well-thought-out answers that can be shared with clients, building trust and positioning the agent as a knowledgeable resource.

  • What is the purpose of creating an SEO optimized post for different social media platforms?

    -Creating SEO optimized posts for different social media platforms helps increase the discoverability of the content. It ensures that the posts rank higher in search results, reaching a wider audience and attracting potential clients who are looking for information related to real estate.

  • How can real estate agents use ChatGPT to enhance their listing presentations?

    -Real estate agents can use ChatGPT to generate multiple options for MLS descriptions, create SEO optimized social media posts, and develop video scripts for properties. This allows agents to walk into listing presentations with a comprehensive marketing plan, impressing sellers with their preparedness and commitment to selling their home effectively.

  • What is the benefit of using ChatGPT to generate ideas for marketing a real estate listing?

    -Using ChatGPT to generate marketing ideas can provide agents with unique and creative strategies that they may not have considered. This can help agents stand out in a competitive market and tailor their marketing efforts to the specific needs and preferences of their target clients.

  • How can real estate agents show appreciation to past clients or referral partners?

    -Real estate agents can use ChatGPT to generate ideas for showing appreciation to past clients or referral partners. This could include personalized messages, gifts, or hosting events. Demonstrating gratitude helps to build lasting relationships and encourages repeat business and referrals.

  • What is the importance of telling your community's story in real estate marketing?

    -Telling your community's story helps to create an emotional connection with potential clients. It positions the real estate agent as not just a seller of homes, but as a knowledgeable and passionate advocate for the community. This can attract clients who are looking for more than just a house, but a place to belong.

  • How can real estate agents use ChatGPT to grow their social media following?

    -Real estate agents can use ChatGPT to generate ideas for growing their social media following. This could include suggestions for types of posts, strategies for engagement, and techniques for optimizing content for SEO. Implementing these strategies can help agents increase their online presence and reach a wider audience.

  • What are some examples of life events that real estate agents can target in their marketing?

    -Examples of life events that real estate agents can target include people moving from a feeder market to a new city, first-time home buyers, homeowners considering selling before or after listing their home, divorced couples needing to sell a home, executors of estates dealing with probate cases, empty nesters looking to downsize, and engaged couples planning to buy a home together.



🚀 Introduction to Chat GPT for Real Estate Growth

The speaker introduces Chat GPT as a game-changer in the real estate industry and outlines a list of 40 prompts that can assist realtors in growing their businesses. The acronym 'CHAT GPT' is used to segment different areas of utilization: Client Attraction, Help with Social Media Optimization, Answering Tough Questions, Taking Listing Presentations to the Next Level, Generating Ideas, Past Clients, and Telling Your Community's Story. The focus is on attracting ideal clients through targeted content and SEO optimization for various social media platforms.


📈 Utilizing Chat GPT for Social Media and Content Creation

The paragraph discusses leveraging Chat GPT to optimize social media profiles on platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook, as well as to create SEO-optimized content. It covers the creation of posts, articles, YouTube descriptions, and scripts for Instagram reels. The speaker also highlights the use of Chat GPT to convert MLS descriptions into various content formats, emphasizing the increase in social media engagement and the importance of providing value to the target audience.


🤝 Addressing Common Concerns and Listing Presentations

This section deals with using Chat GPT to address frequently asked questions by potential clients, such as reasons to buy despite rising interest rates or high home prices. It also covers converting these answers into SEO-optimized articles for LinkedIn, Instagram scripts, and Facebook posts. The paragraph then transitions into enhancing listing presentations with multiple MLS description options and SEO-optimized social media posts, emphasizing preparedness and the ability to impress sellers with a comprehensive marketing plan.


🌱 Generating Business Growth Ideas and Engaging the Community

The final paragraph focuses on generating ideas to grow a real estate business using Chat GPT. It suggests obtaining unique marketing strategies, growing social media following, creating SEO-optimized YouTube video titles, and promoting the business within the community. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of showing appreciation to past clients and referral partners to encourage repeat business and referrals. The speaker concludes with ideas for telling the community's story through interesting facts and historical insights about the city, positioning the realtor as a knowledgeable resource.



💡Client Attraction

Client attraction refers to strategies and techniques used to draw potential clients to a business. In the context of the video, it emphasizes how real estate agents can use ChatGPT to create targeted content that appeals to specific demographic groups, such as first-time homebuyers or people moving from one city to another. For example, the video suggests using prompts like 'five reasons people love moving from [feeder market] to your city' to generate SEO-optimized posts that attract clients.

💡SEO Optimized

SEO optimized content is designed to rank higher in search engine results, making it more visible to potential clients searching online. The video discusses how realtors can use ChatGPT to create content like Instagram profiles, LinkedIn articles, and Facebook posts that are optimized for search engines, thereby increasing the chances of reaching their target audience.

💡MLS Description

MLS (Multiple Listing Service) descriptions are brief summaries of properties listed for sale, which are used by real estate agents to provide details about a property to potential buyers. The video highlights using ChatGPT to craft multiple versions of MLS descriptions to suit different marketing needs, such as emphasizing luxury features or a coastal vibe.

💡Listing Presentation

A listing presentation is a pitch made by a realtor to a prospective client selling their home, showcasing the agent's marketing strategy and capability to sell the property. The video outlines how realtors can enhance their presentations using ChatGPT-generated content, including multiple MLS descriptions and SEO-optimized social media posts, demonstrating thorough preparation and marketing acumen.


Hashtags are metadata tags used on social networks that make it easier for users to find messages with a specific theme or content. In real estate marketing, as explained in the video, realtors can use ChatGPT to generate relevant hashtags for posts about property listings, thereby increasing the reach and visibility of their posts across platforms like Instagram and Facebook.

💡Social Media Optimization

Social media optimization involves enhancing the visibility and engagement of content on social media platforms. The video describes how real estate agents can use ChatGPT to optimize their social media profiles and posts on platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook to attract the right clientele and boost interactions.


Engagement in social media refers to how users interact with content through likes, comments, shares, and views. The video showcases how real estate agents can increase engagement by using ChatGPT to create compelling content and posts that resonate with their target audience, as demonstrated by the example of a post that went from 1,500 to over 40,000 organic engagements.

💡Probate Cases

Probate cases involve the legal process following a person's death, concerning the handling of their estate. The video suggests realtors can target executors of estates by creating content that shows how real estate agents can aid in the management and sale of properties involved in probate, thereby positioning themselves as helpful experts in this niche area.

💡Divorced Couples

The video addresses the specific needs of divorced couples who must often sell their joint properties. It discusses how real estate agents can create content tailored to this demographic, providing advice and steps for selling their home, thus attracting listings from this group.

💡Market Trends

Market trends refer to the general direction in which a market or industry is moving, which is crucial in real estate for timing purchases and sales. The video suggests using ChatGPT to answer questions like 'why it's advantageous to sell during a particular season', helping clients understand the best times to act based on current market trends.


Chat GPT is a game-changer for real estate agents looking to grow their business.

The acronym 'CHAT' can be used to segment different areas of utilizing Chat GPT for real estate business growth.

Client attraction can be enhanced by using Chat GPT to generate SEO-optimized content for various platforms.

Social media optimization is simplified with Chat GPT, allowing realtors to create SEO-optimized profiles and posts.

Chat GPT can help real estate agents answer tough questions and produce content that addresses common concerns.

Listing presentations can be taken to the next level with Chat GPT by generating multiple MLS descriptions and marketing plans.

Generating ideas for business growth is made easier with Chat GPT, providing unique marketing strategies and social media growth tips.

Past clients and referral partners can be shown appreciation through creative ideas generated by Chat GPT.

Telling your community's story through interesting facts and historical insights can attract potential clients and establish a realtor as a local expert.

Chat GPT prompts can target specific groups such as first-time homebuyers, divorced couples, and executors of estates for tailored content creation.

SEO optimization is key for reaching the ideal client, and Chat GPT can assist in creating optimized posts for platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

Converting MLS descriptions into various content formats like Facebook posts, Instagram scripts, and LinkedIn articles can be done efficiently with Chat GPT.

Chat GPT can help realtors stand out in listing presentations by providing a comprehensive marketing plan before discussing price or commission.

Realtors can use Chat GPT to create YouTube video scripts and Instagram reel scripts, enhancing their video marketing strategy.

The technology of Chat GPT can be leveraged to generate a plethora of ideas for marketing real estate listings and growing a realtor's social media presence.

By using Chat GPT, realtors can provide value to sellers upfront, showcasing their preparedness and commitment to selling the home quickly and at the best price.