Can Google Gemini beat ChatGPT? : Google vs Microsoft Business case study

Think School
15 Dec 202318:54

TLDRGoogle's launch of Gemini, a powerful AI model, marks a significant move in the tech world to counter OpenAI's ChatGPT. Gemini's multimodal capabilities, versatility across devices, and integration with Google's vast data sets position it as a strong competitor. The AI war between Google and Microsoft, fueled by rapid advancements and strategic investments, underscores the importance of innovation and adaptability in the face of disruptive technologies.


  • 🚀 Google launched Gemini, a powerful AI model, in response to the growing influence of OpenAI's ChatGPT in the tech market.
  • 📈 ChatGPT's rapid growth has disrupted the search engine market, posing a significant challenge to Google's dominance with its 91% market share.
  • 🤖 Google's introduction of Gemini Nano, Pro, and Ultra三款AI产品 is a strategic move to counter the rise of ChatGPT and reclaim market confidence.
  • 💡 The Gemini AI model is perceived as a potential ChatGPT killer due to its native multimodal capabilities and versatility across different platforms and applications.
  • 🔍 Google's search revenue is crucial to its business model, with 58.1% of its ad revenue coming from search ads, highlighting the importance of search in Google's overall strategy.
  • 🌐 Microsoft's diverse revenue streams, including cloud services and MS Office, provide a solid foundation for its investment in AI and competition with Google.
  • 💥 The AI war between Google and Microsoft began with strategic investments and acquisitions, such as Google's purchase of DeepMind and Microsoft's partnership with OpenAI.
  • 📚 Google's privacy policy allows it to use vast amounts of data for training its AI models, giving Gemini a unique advantage in terms of diversity and depth of knowledge.
  • 🏆 In a series of benchmarks, Gemini outperformed ChatGPT in 30 out of 32 tests, showcasing its superior capabilities in understanding and reasoning about complex topics.
  • 🔥 The AI industry is highly competitive, with companies constantly innovating and evolving their technologies to stay ahead, emphasizing the importance of continuous learning and adaptation.

Q & A

  • What is the significance of Google's launch of Gemini?

    -The launch of Gemini signifies Google's strategic response to the competitive threat posed by OpenAI's ChatGPT, aiming to maintain its dominance in the AI and search engine market with a more capable, flexible, and smartphone-optimized AI model.

  • How did OpenAI's ChatGPT disrupt the search engine market?

    -ChatGPT disrupted the search engine market by rapidly growing its user base and offering a novel AI-driven chatbot service that could potentially challenge Google's monopoly, leading to a shift in user preference from traditional search to AI-driven conversational assistance.

  • What were the consequences of Google's initial failure with Google Bard?

    -The initial failure of Google Bard, which provided incorrect answers during its test run, led to a significant loss in Google's market value, with a drop of 10% in stock price and a loss of 1 billion USD in stock value within a single week.

  • What are the three versions of Google's Gemini AI?

    -The three versions of Google's Gemini AI are Gemini Nano, a lightweight version for smartphones; Gemini Pro, designed to power Google's AI services; and Gemini Ultra, the most powerful version aimed at businesses and data centers.

  • How does Gemini AI differ from ChatGPT in terms of multimodal capabilities?

    -Gemini AI is natively multimodal, meaning it is designed from the ground up to handle multiple types of data such as text, image, sound, and video seamlessly, whereas ChatGPT is a just multimodal system that was originally built for text and later had additional features integrated.

  • What is the significance of the computing power behind Gemini AI?

    -Gemini AI benefits from Google's extraordinary computing power, which is projected to be 20 times more than OpenAI by the following year. This allows Gemini to learn and evolve more quickly and effectively compared to ChatGPT.

  • What kind of data does Google use to train its AI models like Gemini?

    -Google uses a vast and diverse range of data from its own sources such as YouTube, Google Books, and Google's search engine, as well as publicly available information, to train its AI models without legal complexities associated with copyrighted material.

  • How did the market react to the announcement of Gemini AI?

    -The market reacted positively to the announcement of Gemini AI, with Alphabet's stock price rising by 5% and gaining 80 billion USD in value in a single day, reflecting confidence in Google's ability to compete in the AI market.

  • What is the importance of the AI war between Google and Microsoft for businesses?

    -The AI war between Google and Microsoft underscores the importance of innovation and adaptability for businesses. It serves as a reminder that no company is immune to disruption and emphasizes the need to continuously explore new market opportunities and leverage AI tools to stay competitive.

  • What are some potential applications of Gemini AI?

    -Potential applications of Gemini AI include solving complex physics problems, providing detailed explanations, understanding and processing images with voice inputs, and offering step-by-step guides for various tasks, showcasing its versatility and capability in handling diverse tasks.

  • What lessons can businesses learn from the AI war between Google and Microsoft?

    -Businesses can learn the importance of constant innovation, the necessity of upskilling and leveraging AI tools, and the critical role of timing in building or disrupting a business. These lessons highlight the need for agility, continuous learning, and strategic exploration of new technologies.



🚀 Google's Launch of Gemini and AI Market Disruption

This paragraph discusses Google's introduction of Gemini, a new AI model, as a response to the competitive threat posed by OpenAI's ChatGPT. It highlights Google's dominant position in the search market with a 91% share and 4.2 billion users, and the disruption caused by OpenAI, which has seen rapid growth with 100 million weekly active users. The paragraph emphasizes the significance of the AI war between Google and Microsoft, and the potential of Gemini to compete against ChatGPT. It also touches on the legal challenges faced by Microsoft and the financial impact on Google's stock value.


🌐 The Diverse Revenue Streams of Microsoft and the AI War's Origins

This paragraph compares the revenue sources of Google and Microsoft, noting that while Google primarily earns from search ads, Microsoft has a more diversified portfolio including cloud services, MS Office, and gaming. It delves into the history of the AI war, starting in 2014 with Google's acquisition of DeepMind and Microsoft's $1 billion investment in OpenAI. The paragraph explains the strategic deal between Microsoft and OpenAI, which facilitated the development and success of ChatGPT, leading to the current competitive landscape in AI technology.


📱 Understanding the Differences Between Natively Multimodal and Just Multimodal Systems

This paragraph uses the analogy of smartphones and cameras to explain the difference between natively multimodal systems like Google's Gemini and just multimodal systems like ChatGPT. It describes how Gemini is designed to handle multiple data types seamlessly from the start, unlike ChatGPT, which was initially built for text and later integrated with other features. The paragraph also outlines the three versions of Gemini (Nano, Pro, and Ultra) and their respective applications, highlighting the versatility and potential of Gemini AI.


💡 The Superpowers of Gemini AI and Lessons from the AI War

The final paragraph discusses the superpowers of Gemini AI, including its native multimodal capabilities, versatility across different versions, computing power, and access to diverse training data. It compares Gemini's performance to ChatGPT in benchmarks and highlights the legal and data advantages Google has. The paragraph also touches on the upcoming release of GPT-5 by OpenAI and concludes with three lessons from the AI war: the vulnerability of even the most dominant companies to disruption, the importance of continuous learning and innovation, and the critical role of timing in business success.




Gemini is the name of Google's newly launched AI model, which is considered a significant advancement in the tech world. It is designed to be more capable, flexible, and optimized for smartphones. The model is seen as a direct response to the competitive threat posed by OpenAI's ChatGPT, aiming to maintain Google's dominance in the search engine market. The term 'Gemini' is used to refer to a suite of AI products, including Gemini Nano, Gemini Pro, and Gemini Ultra, each targeting different aspects of AI application and user needs.


ChatGPT is an AI chatbot developed by OpenAI that has rapidly gained popularity and user base, challenging Google's search engine monopoly. It represents a significant shift in the way people interact with AI, using it for various tasks and信息咨询. The success of ChatGPT has prompted other tech giants like Google to innovate and develop their own AI models to stay competitive.

💡AI War

The term 'AI War' refers to the competitive struggle between major tech companies like Google and Microsoft to develop and market advanced AI technologies. This 'war' is characterized by significant investments, innovation, and strategic moves to capture market share and establish dominance in the AI sector. The AI War is not just about technological supremacy but also about shaping the future of the digital landscape and consumer behavior.

💡Market Share

Market share represents the percentage of the total market that a particular company or product controls. In the context of the video, Google's market share in the search engine domain is under threat due to the rise of ChatGPT. The competition between Google and OpenAI is framed as a battle for market share, with implications for the future of digital advertising and consumer behavior.


A monopoly refers to a situation where a single company or entity exclusively controls the supply of a product or service. In the video, Google's dominance in the search engine market is described as a monopoly, which is challenged by the emergence of OpenAI's ChatGPT. The term is often associated with anti-competitive practices and is subject to legal scrutiny.


Diversification is a business strategy that involves expanding a company's range of products or services, or entering new markets, to reduce risk and increase potential for growth. In the context of the video, Microsoft's diversification is highlighted by its revenue sources, which include cloud services, MS Office, Windows, and gaming. This strategy helps Microsoft mitigate risks associated with relying on a single revenue stream.

💡Competitive Practices

Competitive practices refer to the strategies and tactics that companies employ to outperform their rivals in the market. These practices can include innovation, pricing strategies, marketing campaigns, and product development. However, they must not cross the line into anti-competitive behavior, which can lead to legal consequences. In the video, the Justice Department's charges against Microsoft suggest an investigation into potentially anti-competitive practices.


Innovation is the process of introducing new ideas, methods, or products to improve or expand upon existing ones. In the tech industry, continuous innovation is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge and driving progress. The video emphasizes the importance of innovation for companies like Google and Microsoft, as they strive to develop advanced AI models and maintain their market positions.

💡User Base

The user base refers to the total number of people who use a particular product or service. In the context of the video, the rapid growth of ChatGPT's user base is highlighted as a key factor in its ability to challenge Google's search engine monopoly. The size and engagement of a user base can significantly influence the success and market penetration of a technology.

💡Search Engine

A search engine is a software system designed to help users find information on the internet. It works by processing user queries and returning relevant results, typically in the form of web pages. In the video, Google's search engine is portrayed as the market leader, facing competition from AI-driven chatbots like ChatGPT, which could change the way users interact with search engines.

💡Multimodal System

A multimodal system is one that can process and understand multiple types of input data, such as text, images, sound, and video. In the context of AI, a natively multimodal system like Google's Gemini is designed from the ground up to handle various data types seamlessly, unlike just multimodal systems that are adapted to handle additional data types after their initial design.


Google launched Gemini, a new generative AI model on December 6th, 2023, in response to the growing competition in the tech industry.

Gemini is perceived as more capable, flexible, and better optimized for smartphones, marking a significant advancement in the tech world.

Google faced an existential crisis due to the rapid growth of Chat GPT, an AI chatbot developed by Open AI, which disrupted the search engine market.

Chat GPT's growth has been unprecedented, with 100 million weekly active users, posing a significant threat to Google's dominance in the search market.

Google's market share and user base were challenged by the introduction of Chat GPT, leading to a shift in the dynamics of the search engine market.

The launch of Gemini resulted in a 5% increase in Alphabet's stock price, gaining $80 billion in value in a single day, showcasing the market's positive reaction.

The AI war between Google and Microsoft is fueled by the rapid advancements and competition in the AI industry, with both companies striving to maintain their market positions.

Gemini is introduced in three versions: Nano, Pro, and Ultra, each designed for different applications and user needs, from smartphones to businesses and data centers.

Gemini's natively multimodal system is designed to handle multiple types of data seamlessly, unlike Chat GPT, which was initially built for text and later integrated with other features.

Google's computing capabilities are projected to be significantly greater than Open AI's, allowing Gemini to learn and evolve more quickly and effectively.

Gemini AI has access to a vast and diverse range of training data from Google's platforms, giving it a unique advantage in terms of knowledge depth and diversity.

In a series of 32 benchmarks, Gemini outperformed Chat GPT in 30 out of the 32 tests, indicating its superior performance and potential in the AI market.

The AI war between Google and Microsoft serves as a reminder that no company is safe from disruption and emphasizes the importance of continuous innovation.

The story of the AI war highlights the significance of timing in building or destroying a business, and the need for companies to adapt and explore new market opportunities.

As AI tools become more sophisticated, it is crucial for individuals and businesses to upskill and leverage these tools to stay competitive in their respective fields.

The advancements in AI and the competition between tech giants like Google and Microsoft underscore the transformative impact of technology on various industries.