5.3/V6/V7 | Midjourney Office Hours Recap July 5th 2023 | Midjourney News

Future Tech Pilot
6 Jul 202303:06

TLDRIn the mid-Journey office hours recap, David discussed recent feature additions, highlighting his fondness for the 'weird' parameter which introduces creative chaos. He prefers using 'stylized 250 weird 250' or 'stylized 500 weird 500' for diverse outputs. The conversation also covered topics like zooming versus panning, potential web and mobile versions of the platform, and the development of version 6 with a focus on language comprehension and aesthetic diversity. There are considerations for a resolution increase and version 7 might introduce a new upscaler. David hopes for version 6's release this month. Community events and better image moderation are also on the horizon.


  • 🌟 Mid-Journey has introduced several new features to enhance user experience.
  • 🎨 David appreciates the 'weird' parameter for introducing chaotic variations in bot-generated images.
  • 🎨 The 'stylize' parameter determines the aesthetic quality of the generated images, with David preferring settings like stylized 250 and weird 250 or 500.
  • 🔍 Zoom out and panning are two different approaches to image generation, with zoom out considering the entire image and panning offering more variability.
  • 📱 Discussion of upcoming web and mobile versions of Mid-Journey outside of Discord, though Discord remains the primary platform.
  • 🖌️ In-painting is expected to come to Discord first, with new features from the Discord team being awaited.
  • 🤖 Version 6 of Mid-Journey is in training, focusing on improved language comprehension and diverse outputs.
  • 🌈 Emphasis on increasing aesthetic and visual diversity across all subjects in the bot's outputs.
  • 📈 Possible resolution increase and internal debate about a new upscaler or a larger default resolution.
  • 🚀 Version 7 may drop the native resolution and include a new upscaler, potentially offering more images per prompt.
  • 📆 Version 6 is expected to release this month, though no specific date is confirmed.
  • 🔍 Ongoing research projects and consideration of more community events are being explored.

Q & A

  • What new features has Midjourney recently added?

    -Midjourney has introduced several new features, including the 'weird' parameter and improvements to the 'stylize' function, which affects the aesthetics of the generated images.

  • What does the 'weird' parameter do in Midjourney?

    -The 'weird' parameter introduces a level of chaotic variation into the image generation process, where the AI attempts to create aesthetically pleasing images but with an element of unpredictability.

  • How does David, from Midjourney, prefer to use the 'stylize' and 'weird' parameters?

    -David prefers to use the 'stylize' parameter at 250 or 500 combined with the 'weird' parameter at the same levels to achieve a balance between aesthetics and creative variation.

  • What is the difference between 'zoom out' and 'panning' in Midjourney?

    -'Zoom out' considers the entire image for generating a wider view, while 'panning' moves the view sideways and allows for changing the prompt each time, creating a more dynamic scene.

  • What is Midjourney's plan for non-Discord experiences?

    -Midjourney is working on web and mobile versions of their platform to provide experiences outside of Discord, although specific details are not yet available.

  • What are the upcoming features for Midjourney's in-painting capabilities?

    -In-painting is expected to be introduced first on Discord, with new features being developed in collaboration with the Discord team.

  • What can users expect from the Version 5.3 release of Midjourney?

    -Version 5.3 might be the last release in the Version 5 series and could include a new upscaler or an increase in default resolution, focusing on language comprehension and diverse outputs.

  • What changes are being considered for Version 7 of Midjourney?

    -Version 7 might drop the native resolution and include a new upscaler. It is also expected to offer a larger set of images per prompt, potentially eight or more, to increase the chances of finding satisfactory results.

  • What does Midjourney mean by 'diversity' in their updates?

    -In the context of Midjourney, 'diversity' refers to a general increase in aesthetic and visual variety across all subjects, aiming to provide a broader range of creative outputs.

  • Are there any ongoing research projects at Midjourney?

    -Yes, there are ongoing research projects at Midjourney, although specific details were not shared in the recap.

  • What community events is Midjourney considering?

    -Midjourney is exploring the possibility of more community events, including potentially 'weird' ones held every week or two, although the specifics are not yet determined.

  • How can international shipping for Midjourney's magazine be improved?

    -Midjourney is working on securing a new distributor for Europe to enhance the speed of international shipping.



🚀 Mid-Journey Office Hours Recap

The video script provides a recap of the Mid-Journey office hours held on July 5th. It discusses the recent addition of features to Mid Journey, highlighting the 'weird' parameter which introduces a chaotic variation in the bot's attempts to create pretty images. The preference for using 'stylized 250 weird 250' or 'stylized 500 weird 500' is mentioned. The script also covers the distinction between 'zoom out' and 'panning', with the former considering the entire image and the latter offering less consistency but more flexibility in changing prompts. Upcoming features, such as web and mobile experiences outside of Discord and in-painting capabilities, are teased with a focus on Discord first and potential new features from the Discord team. The development of version 5.3 and version 6 is discussed, with the latter emphasizing increased language comprehension and diverse outputs. The possibility of a resolution bump and the introduction of a new upscaler or a larger default resolution is considered. The script also mentions version 7's potential to increase the number of images per prompt and the ongoing research projects. Community events and better image moderation are also on the horizon. Lastly, the video features art created using prompts from three artists: Aaron Douglas, Pascal Champion, and Michael Whelan.




Mid-Journey refers to a specific phase or version of a software or AI system being discussed in the video. It is the central theme as the video recaps the features and updates added to this version. The term is used to describe the improvements and new functionalities that have been integrated to enhance the user experience.


Parameters are the specific settings or variables that can be adjusted within a software or AI system to control its output. In the context of the video, 'weird' and 'stylize' parameters are highlighted as key features that influence the bot's creative process, determining the aesthetic and diversity of the generated content.

💡Aesthetic Variety

Aesthetic variety refers to the range of visual styles, appearances, and artistic expressions that a system can produce. The video emphasizes the importance of increasing aesthetic variety to ensure a broader and more diverse set of outputs, catering to different user preferences and creative needs.

💡Zoom Out and Panning

These are two different techniques used in image manipulation and generation. 'Zoom out' refers to the process of broadening the view to consider the entire image, while 'panning' involves moving the viewpoint sideways without changing the field of view's size or focus. Both techniques are mentioned in the context of how they affect the consistency and creative direction of the generated images.

💡Web and Mobile Stuff

This term refers to the development of applications or features that are intended to be used outside of the Discord platform, indicating a move towards making the AI system accessible on various devices and through different interfaces. It suggests an expansion of the AI's reach and user base.


In-painting is a computer graphics technique used to fill in missing or selected parts of an image seamlessly, creating a coherent and complete visual output. In the context of the video, it suggests that the AI system may soon have the capability to generate or modify images with a higher level of detail and integration.

💡Version 6 and Version 7

These terms refer to the upcoming versions of the AI system. Version 6 is mentioned as being in the training phase, with a focus on improving language comprehension and diverse outputs. Version 7 is speculated to introduce significant changes, such as a potential increase in the default resolution and a new upscaler, suggesting continuous development and enhancement of the system's capabilities.


Upscaling refers to the process of increasing the resolution of an image or video while maintaining or improving its quality. In the context of the video, it is a feature that is being debated and considered for improvement, with discussions about a new upscaler and potential changes to the default resolution.


In the context of the video, diversity is used to describe the variety of aesthetic and visual outputs that the AI system aims to produce. It is emphasized as a key goal for the developers, with a focus on creating a wide range of artistic styles and visual elements across all subjects.

💡Community Events

Community events refer to activities or initiatives organized to engage the user base and foster a sense of community around the AI system. The video suggests that there are plans to organize more events, potentially with a unique or unconventional theme, to enhance user interaction and involvement.

💡Image Prompt Filters

Image prompt filters are mechanisms used to control or refine the type of images that the AI system generates based on user input. These filters are important for ensuring that the generated content aligns with user expectations and adheres to certain standards or guidelines.

💡Artists in Prompt

Refers to the practice of using specific artists' styles or works as a reference or inspiration for the AI system to generate images. This technique allows users to guide the AI towards particular visual aesthetics or artistic styles, creating a more personalized and targeted creative output.


Mid-Journey has added a lot of features recently.

David loves the 'weird' parameter for its chaotic variation.

The 'stylize' parameter chooses how pretty things are.

David prefers using stylized 250 weird 250 or stylized 500 weird 500.

Zoom out considers the entire image, unlike panning.

Panning allows changing the prompt every time for a weaving scene.

Non-Discord mid-Journey experiences are in development.

In-painting will probably come to Discord first.

Version 5.3 may be the last version 5 release.

Version 6 models are training with a focus on language comprehension and diverse outputs.

Diversity in mid-Journey refers to aesthetic and visual variety.

There may be a resolution bump and a new upscaler.

Version 7 might drop the native resolution and include a new upscaler.

Version 7 onwards may generate more images per prompt.

David hopes version 6 will be out this month.

Background research projects are ongoing.

Community events are being explored, possibly a 'weird' one every week or two.

Issue three of the magazine has shipped.

A new distributor for Europe is being sought for faster international shipping.

Better image moderation with filters is being worked on.

The art in the video was made using prompts with artists Aaron Douglas, Pascal Champion, and Michael Whelan.