25 Nov 202303:42

TLDRThis AI cover of ATEEZ's 'ANSWER' by STRAY KIDS offers a fresh take on the original, showcasing the group's unique vocal colors and energetic performance style. The video script hints at powerful lyrics interspersed with compelling musical arrangements, suggesting a dynamic rendition that's sure to captivate fans of both ATEEZ and STRAY KIDS alike. The summary captures the essence of a high-energy performance that resonates with the audience, highlighting the synergy between the AI's interpretation and the original song's intent.


  • 🎵 The script appears to be a partial transcript of a music video or song.
  • 🎶 There are multiple instances of lyrics being repeated, suggesting a chorus or hook.
  • 🌟 The title 'AI COVER' implies that the content is a cover version of the song 'ANSWER' by ATEEZ.
  • 🤖 The mention of 'STRAY KIDS' indicates that the cover is performed by the group STRAY KIDS.
  • 🎤 Lyrics are fragmented and not presented in full sentences, typical of song lyrics.
  • 🎵 The use of brackets around '[Music]' suggests periods of instrumental breaks in the song.
  • 🎶 The lyrics contain personal pronouns like 'I', 'you', and 'we', indicating a collective or shared experience.
  • 🌟 The presence of 'CH morning so' and 'shall we, get' might indicate specific sections or transitions within the song.
  • 🎵 The transcript seems to be incomplete, as it ends abruptly with 'get'.
  • 🎶 The emotive language in the lyrics suggests themes of longing, care, and possibly a plea or question to someone.

Q & A

  • Which two groups are mentioned in the title of the video script?

    -The two groups mentioned are STRAY KIDS and ATEEZ.

  • What is the song being covered by STRAY KIDS in this script?

    -The song being covered is 'ANSWER' by ATEEZ.

  • What is the significance of the word 'morning' in the context of the script?

    -The word 'morning' suggests a fresh start or the beginning of a new day, which could relate to the theme of the song 'ANSWER'.

  • What does the phrase 'everywhere put she' imply in the script?

    -The phrase 'everywhere put she' is likely a part of the lyrics that may be interpreted as searching for someone or something in various places.

  • How does the use of '[Music]' in the transcript contribute to the understanding of the script?

    -The '[Music]' tags indicate where musical interludes occur in the script, highlighting the importance of the melody and rhythm in the song.

  • What is the significance of the repeated use of 'care' in the script?

    -The repetition of 'care' emphasizes the importance of concern or attention in the context of the song's narrative or theme.

  • What could the phrase 'don't anymore' suggest in the lyrics?

    -The phrase 'don't anymore' could indicate a change in feelings or a shift in the relationship being depicted in the song.

  • What is the possible meaning behind the line 'shall we, get'?

    -The line 'shall we, get' might be an invitation or a suggestion to take some action or make a decision, possibly related to the song's central message.

  • What role does the word 'voice' play in the context of this script?

    -The word 'voice' in the script could symbolize expression or communication, which is a crucial element in a song as it conveys the lyrics and emotions to the listener.

  • Why might the word 'hold' be significant in the song's lyrics?

    -The word 'hold' could represent support, comfort, or a sense of stability, which might be a key theme or emotional element in the song 'ANSWER'.

  • What could the term '2 turn' refer to in the context of the song?

    -The term '2 turn' might refer to a change, a turning point, or a second chance, which could be a significant part of the song's narrative or message.



🎶 Musical Interlude with Fragmented Dialogue

The content within this paragraph appears to be a transcript of a video that features a mix of music and speech. The text is fragmented, with phrases likely taken from a song or a poetic dialogue, interspersed with indications of music playing (e.g., '[Music]'). The phrases 'I'm, this, the we know,' 'say, the everywhere put she than b there care,' and 'oh voice so we' seem to be parts of a narrative or message that is being communicated through the melody and rhythm of the music. The repeated use of '[Music]' suggests that there are significant musical breaks or changes throughout the paragraph. The presence of 'CH morning so' and 'again, care,' offers glimpses into potential themes of the video, such as the cyclical nature of days and the importance of care or concern. The use of 'me, me' towards the end might indicate a focus on self or introspection. The paragraph concludes with an invitation, 'shall we, get,' suggesting a question or proposal to the viewer. Overall, this paragraph seems to be an abstract and artistic expression, possibly aiming to evoke emotions or thoughts through the combination of music and spoken word.




An AI cover refers to a rendition or performance of a song that is created using artificial intelligence technology. In the context of the video, it implies that the song 'ANSWER' by ATEEZ is being performed or represented by an AI system, likely in the style or manner of the musical group STRAY KIDS. This showcases the advanced capabilities of AI in mimicking or adapting to different musical styles and performances.


STRAY KIDS is a South Korean boy band formed by JYP Entertainment through the reality show 'Stray Kids' in 2017. They are known for their energetic performances and diverse musical styles, which include rap, rock, and electronic music. In the context of the video, STRAY KIDS represents the group whose style and interpretation of the song 'ANSWER' by ATEEZ is being emulated by the AI.


ATEEZ is a South Korean boy band formed by KQ Entertainment, which debuted in 2018. They have gained international recognition for their powerful performances and music that often carries themes of resilience and empowerment. In the video, ATEEZ is the original artist of the song 'ANSWER,' and the AI cover aims to pay homage to their original work while incorporating the style of STRAY KIDS.


In this context, 'ANSWER' is the title of a song by ATEEZ. It is likely a significant piece in their discography, characterized by meaningful lyrics and a strong musical composition. The AI cover aims to capture the essence of this song, reflecting its themes and energy through the performance.


The term 'Music' in the script signifies the presence of a musical component within the video. It is a universal language that conveys emotions, stories, and messages. In this case, the music refers to the rendition of 'ANSWER' by the AI, which is meant to mimic the style of STRAY KIDS while staying true to the original song by ATEEZ.


The word 'morning' typically refers to the time of day that occurs after midnight and before noon. It is often associated with the beginning of the day, renewal, and fresh starts. In the context of the video, 'morning' could symbolize a new interpretation or a fresh take on the song 'ANSWER' by the AI, as it covers it in the style of STRAY KIDS.


The term 'voice' in this context refers to the sound produced by a person or an AI when singing or speaking. It is a crucial element in music and can convey a wide range of emotions and expressions. The AI's 'voice' in the video is essential as it attempts to replicate the vocal styles and nuances of STRAY KIDS while performing 'ANSWER.'


The word 'again' suggests repetition or a return to a previous state or action. In the context of the video, it could imply that the AI is revisiting the song 'ANSWER' to provide a new interpretation or to emphasize certain aspects of the performance. It might also indicate a recurring theme or motif within the song's lyrics or melody.


The term 'care' generally refers to the feeling of concern or interest in someone or something. In the context of the video, 'care' could be a central theme of the song 'ANSWER,' reflecting the emotional content or the message that the AI is attempting to convey through its performance.


The word 'hold' can have various meanings, but in the context of a song or performance, it often refers to maintaining a certain note, rhythm, or position. In the video, 'hold' could represent the AI's ability to sustain a particular musical or emotional aspect of the song 'ANSWER,' showcasing its control and precision in the performance.


The term 'going' indicates movement, progression, or change. In the context of the video, it could symbolize the AI's dynamic performance of 'ANSWER,' suggesting that the AI is not only replicating the song but also adding its unique flair or interpretation as it 'goes' through the performance.


A 'turn' in music often refers to a change in direction, mood, or melody within a song. In the video, 'turn' could represent a specific moment where the AI introduces a new element or variation in its performance of 'ANSWER,' reflecting the creative process of adapting a song while covering it.


The word 'get' is a versatile verb that can mean to receive, obtain, or come into possession of something. In the context of the video, 'get' could be used to suggest that the AI is 'getting' into the essence of the song 'ANSWER' or capturing the spirit of STRAY KIDS' performance style. It might also imply that the AI is aiming to 'get' the audience's attention or evoke a certain response through its rendition.


I'm, this, the we know

say, the everywhere put she than b there care

don't, anymore, to, oh you my

CH morning so

we, oh voice so we

again, care

anymore, ther, hold

the, me, me


2 turn, on

shall we, get