AI Impact: How AI is transforming the music industry

CNBC Television
28 Mar 202404:33

TLDRThe video script discusses the impact of AI on the music industry, highlighting YouTube's Dream Track tool, which generates music using famous artists' voices. The tool is being integrated into YouTube Shorts and is set to pay nine artists, including John Legend and Demi Lovato, for their participation. The focus is on creating safeguards to prevent exploitation of artists' voices and to ensure they can profit from the AI-generated content. The technology's potential to revolutionize music creation is emphasized, with a look at the challenges and future possibilities it presents for both established and emerging artists.


  • 🎵 AI is revolutionizing the music industry by creating songs that mimic the voices of famous artists.
  • 🚀 Google's experimental tool, Dream Track, is a part of YouTube's efforts to stay ahead in the AI disruption.
  • 💰 Record labels and YouTube are collaborating to ensure artists are compensated for their voices used in AI-generated music.
  • 🎤 Artists like John Legend and Demi Lovato have been involved in the initial testing of Dream Track, getting paid for their participation.
  • 📈 Dream Track was tested to create a song about the stock market, showcasing its versatility and creativity.
  • 🔄 The music industry is facing a reckoning similar to the one experienced two decades ago with music piracy.
  • 🤖 Generative AI tools like Dream Track can create music rapidly, hinting at the potential impact when available at scale.
  • 🌐 Challenges remain in scaling the product, and it may take time before users can create their own AI-generated songs.
  • 🎧 The impact on artists is significant, with the potential for both exploitation and empowerment depending on how AI is regulated.
  • 🎶 Smaller artists may struggle to make a name for themselves in a landscape dominated by AI-generated music of big names.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of discussion in the transcript?

    -The main topic of discussion is the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the music industry and how artists and companies are adapting to this technological disruption.

  • What is YouTube's Dream Track tool?

    -YouTube's Dream Track tool is an AI-based platform that creates custom songs using the voices of famous artists, as part of Google's experiment in generative AI.

  • How is YouTube ensuring artists' voices are not exploited by the Dream Track tool?

    -YouTube is partnering with record labels to create guardrails that protect artists' voices from being exploited and ensure they can profit from the custom music created.

  • Which artists have participated in the initial test of the Dream Track tool?

    -Artists such as John Legend, Demi Lovato, and T-Payne have participated in the initial test of the Dream Track tool, and they were paid for their participation.

  • What was the subject of the song created by the Dream Track tool during the demo?

    -During the demo, the Dream Track tool was asked to create a song about the stock market, with the song lyrics including phrases like 'S&P' and 'You're sweet'.

  • What is the main challenge that YouTube is facing with the Dream Track tool?

    -The main challenge is to fully scale the product, which requires a lot of work and understanding of the opportunities that the technology presents.

  • How does the Dream Track tool's generative AI capability affect the music industry?

    -The generative AI capability allows for the quick creation of custom music, which could revolutionize the music industry by providing a new avenue for artists to express themselves and create content.

  • What is the potential impact of AI-generated music on smaller artists?

    -The potential impact on smaller artists could be significant, as it may provide them with a new way to create music and gain recognition, but it also raises concerns about the value of originality and the potential for exploitation.

  • How do artists feel about the integration of AI in music creation?

    -Artists have mixed feelings; some are excited about the opportunities it presents, while others are concerned about the potential for misuse and the impact on the authenticity of their art.

  • What is the future outlook for AI-generated music?

    -The future of AI-generated music looks promising, with the potential to change the way music is created and consumed, offering both opportunities and challenges for artists and the industry as a whole.



🎵 AI in Music Creation

The paragraph discusses the impact of AI on the music industry, highlighting YouTube's Dream Track tool, which generates music using AI. It mentions the collaboration with record labels to ensure artists' voices are not exploited and can profit from custom music creations. The tool was tested in YouTube Shorts and involved famous artists like John Legend and Demi Lovato, who were compensated for their participation. The segment also touches on the challenges of adapting this technology and the potential future of custom music creation, emphasizing the speed at which AI can produce music and the importance of artists feeling ownership and profit from such technology.



💡A.I. (Artificial Intelligence)

A.I. refers to computer systems or machines that mimic human intelligence, such as learning, problem-solving, and decision-making. In the context of the video, A.I. is used to create music, demonstrating its ability to generate creative content, similar to human artists. For example, YouTube's Dream Track Tool uses A.I. to create custom songs, showcasing the technology's potential to disrupt traditional music creation and distribution methods.


Disruption refers to a process that drastically changes an industry or system by introducing new technologies, methods, or ideas. In the video, A.I. is described as disrupting the music and entertainment industries by altering the way music is produced and consumed. The introduction of generative A.I. tools like Dream Track signifies a shift in the creative process, as they can generate music that sounds like it's created by famous artists, potentially changing the landscape of music production and artistry.

💡Generative A.I.

Generative A.I. is a type of artificial intelligence that is used to create new content or objects that did not exist before. It is characterized by its ability to learn from existing data and then generate new, similar data. In the video, Google's experiment with generative A.I. is evident in the creation of the Dream Track Tool, which can produce original songs using the voices of well-known artists. This technology has the potential to revolutionize the music industry by offering new ways for artists to engage with their audience and create content.

💡Dream Track Tool

The Dream Track Tool is an A.I.-based music creation platform developed by YouTube as part of Google's broader experiments in generative A.I. This tool allows for the creation of custom songs by using the voices of famous artists, as exemplified by its integration into YouTube Shorts. The tool's ability to generate music that sounds like it's performed by artists like John Legend or Demi Lovato highlights the potential for A.I. to transform the music creation process and offers a glimpse into the future of personalized music experiences.

💡Artists' Voices

Artists' voices refer to the unique vocal qualities and expressions of individual musicians. In the video, there is a focus on protecting these voices from exploitation by A.I. technologies. The collaboration between YouTube and record labels to create guardrails for the Dream Track Tool ensures that artists' voices are not misused and that they can profit from the custom music created by the A.I. This reflects the importance of maintaining the integrity and value of an artist's personal brand and creative contributions in the age of advanced technology.

💡Custom Music

Custom music refers to songs that are specifically created or tailored to an individual's preferences or requirements. The video discusses the potential of A.I. to generate custom music, as seen with the Dream Track Tool's ability to produce songs in the style of famous artists. This concept is revolutionary because it suggests a future where anyone could have access to personalized music, potentially changing the way people engage with and consume music, and offering new opportunities for artists to connect with their audience.

💡YouTube Shorts

YouTube Shorts is a feature on the YouTube platform that allows users to create and share short, vertical videos, similar to the format popularized by TikTok. In the video, the Dream Track Tool is tested as an integration into YouTube Shorts, indicating that A.I.-generated music could become a part of this emerging content format. This integration suggests that the future of short-form video content might include A.I.-created music, further expanding the reach and impact of generative A.I. in the entertainment industry.


Guardrails in this context refer to the protective measures or rules put in place to ensure that artists' intellectual property and voices are not misused by A.I. technologies. The video mentions that YouTube is partnering with record labels to establish these guardrails for the Dream Track Tool, which is a response to the potential risks associated with A.I.-generated content. By implementing such measures, the industry aims to balance innovation with the protection of artists' rights and interests.

💡Stock Market

The stock market is a public marketplace where shares of companies are bought and sold by investors. In the video, the stock market is used as a theme for a song created by the Dream Track Tool, demonstrating the versatility of A.I. in generating content on various topics. The song about the S&P, a stock market index, illustrates how A.I. can understand and incorporate complex subjects into creative works, highlighting its potential to assist or even lead in content creation for various industries, including finance and entertainment.

💡Music Piracy

Music piracy refers to the unauthorized distribution or use of copyrighted music, which has been a persistent issue in the music industry. The video mentions music piracy to draw a parallel between past challenges and the current potential threats posed by A.I. technologies. It suggests that just as the industry had to adapt to combat piracy, it now needs to address the concerns surrounding the use of A.I. in music creation to ensure that artists' rights are protected and that the quality and authenticity of music are maintained.


Opportunity in the context of the video refers to the potential benefits and new possibilities that A.I. presents for the music industry. As artists and creators grapple with the disruption caused by A.I., they are also exploring how to leverage this technology to create unique content, engage with audiences in new ways, and generate revenue. The video suggests that those who understand and adapt to these changes will be able to capitalize on the opportunities that A.I. offers, while those who do not may be left behind.

💡Personalized Music Experience

A personalized music experience refers to the creation of music that is tailored to an individual's tastes, preferences, or specific requests. The video discusses the potential for A.I. to enable such experiences through tools like the Dream Track, which can generate custom songs using the voices of famous artists. This level of personalization could change the way people interact with music, offering a more intimate and engaging experience that goes beyond traditional music consumption methods.


A.I. is disrupting a wide range of industries, including the music sector.

YouTube's Dream Track Tool is an example of generative A.I. in music creation.

Google is partnering with record labels to establish guardrails for artists' voices in A.I. music.

Dream Track was tested as an integration into YouTube Shorts, competing with TikTok.

Nine artists, including John Legend and Demi Lovato, are paid for their participation in the A.I. music creation.

The A.I. generated song about the stock market demonstrates the versatility of the technology.

Music piracy's reckoning after two decades is met with new tools like Dream Track.

Artists are looking to adapt to the technology to understand and seize opportunities.

Grimes was a pioneer by inviting artists to include her hits in the A.I. music creation process.

There are challenges in scaling the product fully, which may take time.

YouTube creators and fans are getting a glimpse of the future of custom music.

The generative A.I. tool's speed in creating music is remarkable.

The impact of A.I. on artists' careers and the music industry as a whole is significant.

Artists are interested in the guardrails for voice usage and profiting from A.I. music.

The A.I. music creation could change the landscape for both well-known and emerging artists.

The A.I. music tool can be a fun and engaging experience for users.

The music industry is at a crossroads with the advent of A.I., requiring adaptation or risk being left behind.