SUNO V3 AI IS KILLING THE MUSIC INDUSTRY? - And this is How to Make FULL Songs #ai #suno #chatgpt

AI Denis
21 Mar 202410:28

TLDRThe video script discusses the remarkable advancements in AI-generated music, highlighting the transition from basic melodies to complex, customizable compositions. It introduces 'sunnoo', an AI tool that can create music based on user-provided lyrics and desired mood, theme, and style, even suggesting instruments and structuring song sections. The script emphasizes the tool's versatility in language support and potential impact on small-scale music production, sharing personal experiences and examples of its application. The presenter contemplates the future of AI in music, suggesting it may not replace all music production but could significantly aid indie game studios, short films, and low-budget projects.


  • 🚀 AI-generated music has made significant advancements in a short span of time, transitioning from basic melodies to complex, high-quality compositions.
  • 🎵 The evolution of AI music tools, like the one from Hugging Face, has allowed users to create music with more depth and less noise compared to earlier iterations.
  • 🎹 Sunno stands out as a powerful AI music platform that can generate music based on user-provided lyrics and desired mood, theme, and style.
  • 🌐 Sunno's versatility is showcased by its ability to create music in multiple languages and genres, including Spanish, '90s J-pop, and even spoken word.
  • 🎼 The platform offers a simplified interface for users who may not want to delve into the details, allowing them to specify mood and theme for AI to craft the rest.
  • 🔧 Users have the option to customize their prompts further by specifying the style, structure, and instruments to create a unique song.
  • 🏆 The quality of AI-generated music is now consistently good, with some pieces being exceptional, raising questions about the future of music production.
  • 🎸 AI music tools like Sunno could potentially impact small indie game studios and low-budget filmmakers, offering a cost-effective alternative to traditional music production.
  • 🎤 While live performers may not be threatened by AI music, those who create music independently without a following might face challenges in the age of AI-generated compositions.
  • 🔮 The potential of AI music tools is vast, with continuous improvements expected in future versions, as demonstrated by the progress from V2 to V3 Alpha.

Q & A

  • What was the quality of AI-generated music like a year ago?

    -A year ago, AI-generated music was okay but not groundbreaking. It was in its early stages, producing basic melodies and rhythms, with results often being hit or miss and sometimes just sounding like noise.

  • How has AI-generated music evolved since its early days?

    -AI-generated music has come a long way, with significant improvements in the quality and complexity of the music produced. Tools like the one from Hugging Face initially offered a glimpse into the potential of AI music, but the advancements have led to platforms like Sunno, which produce music that is much more refined and less like noise.

  • What features does Sunno offer for creating music?

    -Sunno offers a range of features for music creation. It allows users to input lyrics and prompts, and it crafts the lyrics, composes the melody, and selects instruments to match the user's vision. Users can also specify the mood, theme, and style of the song, and the platform is flexible in structuring songs with tags for different sections like verses, choruses, and bridges.

  • How does Sunno handle the structure of a song?

    -Sunno allows users to structure their songs using tags to outline different sections such as verses, choruses, and bridges. The title chosen by the user also influences the music, and the platform can even be instructed to include certain instruments or background ad-libs.

  • What is the versatility of Sunno in terms of language and style?

    -Sunno is highly versatile in language and style. It can accommodate various languages, including Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, and English, and it can produce songs with different vibes such as '90s J-pop or spoken word. The platform also offers the option to generate instrumental music without vocals.

  • What improvements does the Alpha version of V3 bring to Sunno?

    -The Alpha version of V3 brings more consistency to Sunno's output. The songs produced are at least pretty good and at best, very impressive. This version signifies a significant step forward in the quality and reliability of AI-generated music.

  • How might AI-generated music impact the music production industry?

    -AI-generated music might not replace all music production, but it could be a good option for small indie game studios, short films, or low-budget projects. It has the potential to make music creation more accessible and efficient, especially for those without a following or significant resources.

  • What was the reaction of the guitarist from a famous Cologne band to Sunno?

    -The guitarist was concerned about the impact of AI on his job and considered opening a worst chop (a traditional butcher shop) as a result. However, he also acknowledged the potential of AI in music creation and discussed its implications with the video creator.

  • How did the video creator use Sunno to create music for a YouTube channel about AI?

    -The video creator used Sunno to generate lyrics for a song that served as an introduction to a YouTube channel about AI and AI-related content. They specified the theme and style, and Sunno crafted the lyrics, composed the melody, and selected the instruments accordingly.

  • What was the result of the video creator's experiment with Sunno for the AI-themed song?

    -The result was a fully customized song that the video creator felt was impressive, considering it was created in just 15 minutes. They found some choruses to be particularly brilliant and planned to incorporate them into their editor for further refinement.

  • What is the potential future of AI-generated music tools like Sunno?

    -The potential future of AI-generated music tools is quite powerful. With continuous advancements, tools like Sunno could significantly impact the music creation process, offering more sophisticated and versatile options for creators. The progression from V3 to future versions such as V4 and V5 suggests an exciting trajectory for AI in music production.



🎵 AI's Evolution in Music Composition

This paragraph discusses the significant advancements in AI-generated music over the past year. Initially, AI tools could only produce basic melodies and rhythms, with results often being hit or miss. However, with the introduction of advanced AI like Sunno, the quality of AI-generated music has drastically improved. The AI can now create music with custom lyrics, mood, and theme, composing melodies and selecting instruments to match the desired vision closely. The ease of use is highlighted, with a simple prompt box for those who prefer not to delve into details, allowing the AI to craft the lyrics and music.


🌐 Sunno's Versatility and Language Support

The paragraph emphasizes Sunno's impressive versatility, particularly its ability to accommodate different languages and musical styles. It mentions the explore page where various languages such as Chinese, Japanese, and Spanish are showcased. Sunno allows users to specify styles like '90s J-pop or even create spoken word pieces. The paragraph also discusses the option to generate instrumental music, highlighting the consistency and quality improvements in the Alpha version of Sunno V3. The speaker contemplates the potential impact of such technology on music production, especially for indie game studios and low-budget projects.


🎸 Impact on Musicians and Live Performances

This paragraph explores the potential impact of AI music composition tools like Sunno on musicians and the music industry. The speaker shares a personal anecdote about their neighbor, a guitarist in a famous Cologne band, who expresses concern about the future of his profession with the advent of AI in music creation. While live performers may not need to fear AI, those who create music independently without a following might face challenges. The speaker also shares their experience using Sunno to create songs for Carnival, acknowledging the tool's potential despite it being only the V3 Alpha version and looking forward to future advancements.



💡AI-generated music

AI-generated music refers to the process where artificial intelligence algorithms are used to create original musical compositions. In the context of the video, it highlights the advancements in AI technology, particularly in the field of music production, where AI can now generate music that is not only listenable but also creative and stylistically diverse, as demonstrated by the AI's ability to produce a song based on the user's prompts and preferences.

💡Hugging Face

Hugging Face is an open-source AI company that provides a platform for developers to build, share, and use AI models. In the video, it is mentioned as one of the initial tools that offered a glimpse into the potential of AI in music creation by producing basic melodies and rhythms, which was a stepping stone towards more advanced AI music generation capabilities.


SunnO appears to be a specific AI music generation platform or tool mentioned in the video, which has significantly improved the quality of AI-generated music. It is described as a tool that not only crafts lyrics but also composes melodies, selects instruments, and structures songs according to the user's preferences, showcasing a high level of versatility and customization in music production.

💡Music production

Music production encompasses the entire process of creating music, from composing and arranging to recording, mixing, and mastering. In the video, the advancements in AI-generated music are discussed in relation to their potential impact on traditional music production, suggesting that AI tools like SunnO could become a viable alternative for certain types of music creation, particularly for indie game studios, short films, or those with low budgets.

💡Genres and adjectives

Genres refer to different categories or styles of music, while adjectives are used to describe specific characteristics or qualities. In the context of the video, these terms are important as they are used to guide the AI in creating music that fits a particular style or mood. Users can input various genres and adjectives to define their song's vibe, which the AI then uses to generate a composition that matches the desired sound.

💡Song structure

Song structure refers to the organization of a song's sections, such as verses, choruses, and bridges. It is a crucial aspect of music composition that contributes to the flow and coherence of the piece. In the video, the AI tool SunnO is described as being flexible in structuring songs, allowing users to outline different sections and even specify background ad libs or certain instruments to be included.

💡V3 Alpha

V3 Alpha refers to the alpha version of the third iteration or update of the AI music generation tool. In the context of the video, it signifies a significant advancement in the technology, offering more consistency and higher quality in the output of the generated music. The mention of V3 Alpha implies that there is ongoing development and improvement in AI-generated music capabilities.

💡Multilingual capabilities

Multilingual capabilities refer to the ability of a system or tool to function effectively in multiple languages. In the video, this is highlighted as one of the impressive features of the AI music generation tool, as it can accommodate various languages for song creation, showcasing the versatility and inclusivity of the technology.

💡Instrumental music

Instrumental music is a type of music that does not include vocals or lyrics; it is composed solely of musical instruments. In the video, the AI tool's ability to generate instrumental music is discussed as an option, allowing users to create background or theme music without the need for lyrics, showcasing the flexibility of the AI in meeting different musical needs.

💡Musicians and AI

This concept explores the relationship between human musicians and artificial intelligence in the context of music creation. The video discusses the potential impact of AI-generated music on musicians' jobs, particularly those who create music independently without a following. It suggests that while live performers may not be threatened by AI, those in music composition and production might face challenges due to the increasing capabilities of AI tools.

💡Carnival music

Carnival music refers to the type of music associated with carnivals, which often includes lively, upbeat, and festive tunes. In the video, the creator's experience of using the AI tool to generate carnival music is shared, highlighting the AI's ability to produce music that fits specific themes or cultural contexts, and demonstrating the practical application of AI in creating music for events or traditions.


AI-generated music has come a long way in just a year, with significant improvements in quality and complexity.

Early AI music tools, like the one from Hugging Face, produced basic melodies and rhythms, often with mixed results.

Sunno, a new AI music tool, offers a night and day difference in quality compared to previous AI music generators.

Sunno allows users to create music with custom lyrics, making the process simpler and more accessible.

The AI can craft lyrics, compose melodies, and select instruments based on the user's mood and theme preferences.

Sunno's simplified prompt box lets users create music without getting into detailed settings.

Users can customize their song further by specifying the style, such as a rock anthem or a mellow EDM track.

The title of the song influences the music, so careful consideration should be given when naming the project.

Sunno is flexible in structuring songs, with tags for different sections like verses, choruses, and bridges.

The AI can generate music without vocals, providing great background music for various uses.

Sunno's versatility in language and style allows for the creation of songs in multiple languages and genres.

The Alpha version of V3 offers more consistency in the quality of the generated music.

AI-generated music might be a good option for low-budget projects like indie game studios and short films.

The potential impact of AI music tools on the job market for musicians and music producers is a topic of discussion.

The quality of AI-generated music is improving rapidly, with each new version offering more advanced features.

Listeners are encouraged to share their AI-generated music creations for feedback and enjoyment.

The video creator has experimented with AI-generated music for a local carnival, finding some impressive results.

The future of AI music tools like Sunno is promising, with expectations for even more powerful versions to come.