AI Music is Here... and it’s GOOD! Suno AI Full Tutorial

30 Mar 202420:24

TLDRThe video introduces Sunno Version 3, an AI music generator that has gained acclaim and been featured in Rolling Stone. The creator demonstrates how to use the platform, showcasing its ability to generate diverse styles and genres, and emphasizes its potential to revolutionize music creation. The video also highlights the platform's ease of use, its real-time generation capabilities, and the creative possibilities it offers to musicians and enthusiasts alike.


  • 🎵 Sunno Version 3 is a powerful AI music generator that has been improved and is now available to everyone, including free plan users.
  • 🌟 The AI music generator has been featured in a Rolling Stone article, highlighting its significance in the music industry.
  • 🎹 The process of creating music with the AI is straightforward: users simply input a prompt and the AI generates a song, offering two options up to 2 minutes long within seconds.
  • 🎤 Users have the option to include or exclude vocals and instrumentals in their creations, providing flexibility in music generation.
  • 🎶 The AI's music generation capabilities are impressive, accurately capturing the style and emotional depth of the requested genre, such as Mississippi Delta blues.
  • 💡 The AI music generator can be used for brainstorming and exploring different styles and ideas, potentially leading to new avenues of creativity in music production.
  • 🛠️ The custom tab offers more control over the music generation process, allowing users to input their own lyrics, adjust styles, and fine-tune their creations.
  • 🎵 The AI can generate music in various styles, including electro tango and eerie trap, showcasing its versatility and ability to produce diverse genres.
  • 🎨 The script also mentions the use of AI in other creative fields, such as designing presentations, documents, and websites, emphasizing the broad applications of AI technology.
  • 📚 There are educational applications for the AI music generator, with teachers finding it helpful for teaching and even starting a teacher program for its use in education.
  • 🌐 The AI music generator and other AI tools are making music production and other creative processes more accessible, opening up opportunities for a wider range of users.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video transcript?

    -The main topic of the video transcript is the introduction and demonstration of the new version of an AI music generator, Sunno Version 3, and its capabilities.

  • How does the user describe their initial reaction to Sunno Version 3?

    -The user describes their initial reaction as very positive, stating that it is the best AI music generator by far and has only improved with Version 3.

  • What feature of Sunno Version 3 is highlighted at the beginning of the transcript?

    -The ability to create a solo, acoustic Mississippi Delta blues song about a sad AI is highlighted at the beginning of the transcript.

  • What is the process for creating music with Sunno Version 3 as described in the transcript?

    -The process involves going to the create tab, pasting a song description, selecting the desired features such as vocals, and then clicking create to generate the music.

  • How long do the generated music pieces from Sunno Version 3 last?

    -The generated music pieces from Sunno Version 3 can be up to 2 minutes long each.

  • What is the user's profession and how does it relate to their perspective on AI music generation?

    -The user is a musician who has played in bands, recorded albums, and has a strong passion for music. This background gives them a unique perspective on the potential benefits and challenges of AI music generation for musicians.

  • What are some of the diverse styles and genres that the user has tested with Sunno Version 3?

    -The user has tested various styles and genres including East Coast Rap, Electro Tango, Eerie Trap, and even a Gregorian chant about needing Wi-Fi.

  • How does the user suggest using AI music generators like Sunno for brainstorming and writing?

    -The user suggests using AI music generators to explore different styles and ideas, which can help in the brainstorming and writing process, especially as the technology evolves and opens up new avenues of creativity.

  • What is the significance of the 'custom' tab in Sunno Version 3 according to the transcript?

    -The 'custom' tab allows users to have more control over the music generation process by inputting their own lyrics or topics and specifying the style of music they want.

  • How does the user feel about the future possibilities of AI music generation?

    -The user is very excited about the future possibilities of AI music generation. They believe it will lead to more people creating music and becoming more accessible to various styles and genres.

  • What is the role of the AI assistant, Gamma, in the video transcript?

    -Gamma is an AI assistant that helps in designing presentations, documents, and websites. It is mentioned as a sponsor of the video and is used to demonstrate the diversity of AI tools available for different creative tasks.



🎵 Introducing Sunno Version 3: AI Music Creation

The script begins with an introduction to Sunno version 3, an AI music generator that has been updated and is now available to everyone, including those on the free plan. The presenter shares their initial reaction, which was highly positive, and mentions a Rolling Stone article that featured the AI. They demonstrate how to use the 'create' tab to input a song description and generate a song with vocals, showcasing the ease of use and the potential for diverse styles and genres. The presenter also discusses their experience with the AI, highlighting its speed and quality, and expresses excitement about its potential for musicians and the future of music creation.


🎨 Customizing Music and Sponsorship by Gamma

In this paragraph, the presenter delves into the customization options available in the 'custom' tab of the AI music generator. They discuss the ability to input one's own lyrics or generate them through the AI, and the importance of specifying the style of music for the AI to understand. The presenter also shares their experience with Gamma, an AI tool for designing presentations, documents, and websites. They demonstrate how quickly and easily a website can be created with Gamma, mentioning the various features and customization options available. The presenter also talks about the potential uses of such AI tools for various purposes, including business and educational applications.


🎼 Diverse Music Styles and Educational Applications

The focus of this paragraph is on the diversity of music styles that can be generated by the AI, as demonstrated by the presenter's exploration of different genres. They mention the creation of a Gregorian chant, ragtime, New Orleans jazz, and more, showcasing the AI's versatility. The presenter also highlights the educational potential of the AI, mentioning a teacher program and how the tool can be used to generate catchy songs that aid in learning. They encourage exploring public songs on the platform for inspiration and share their own experiments with the AI, emphasizing the creative and fun aspects of working with the tool.


🎧 Crafting a Song: Process and Experimentation

This paragraph details the presenter's process of crafting a song using the AI music generator. They discuss starting with an instrumental, building off of it, and the importance of experimenting with different vocal styles and lyrics. The presenter shares their journey of refining the song, including adjusting the timing, reordering sections, and working with Chat GPT to generate and tweak the lyrics. They also talk about the various vocal styles available and how they guided the AI to achieve a desired emotional tone. The paragraph concludes with the presenter playing the completed song and discussing the potential for others to engage with the AI in similar creative ways.


🚀 Futurepedia and AI Tools

The final paragraph of the script shifts focus to Futurepedia, a platform that keeps users updated with the latest AI tools. The presenter encourages viewers to explore the site, sign up for the newsletter for weekly AI news and tutorials, and watch other videos for more in-depth information on creating music videos. They express gratitude for the viewership and tease the next video, rounding off the script with a call to action for further engagement with AI tools and resources.



💡AI music generator

An AI music generator refers to artificial intelligence software or platforms that create music autonomously based on user inputs. In the context of the video, it is the core technology behind the 'sunno version 3' platform, which is highlighted as a significant advancement in the field of AI-assisted music creation. The video showcases the capabilities of this AI music generator by creating a piece in the style of 'Mississippi delta blues' and other diverse genres.

💡Rolling Stone article

A reference to a publication that likely discussed the advancements in AI music generation, specifically mentioning 'sunno version 3'. This mention serves to lend credibility and notoriety to the AI music generator being discussed in the video, indicating that it has gained recognition in popular media.


Customization in the context of the video refers to the user's ability to tailor the AI music generator to produce specific styles, genres, and emotional content. This is a key feature that allows users to have more control over the output and to inject their personal touch into the AI-generated music.


A workflow in this context refers to the step-by-step process or sequence of actions taken by the user to utilize the AI music generator effectively. It encompasses the methods and techniques employed to achieve the desired musical outcome, from initial creation to final production.


Creativity in the video's narrative is depicted as the ability to generate novel and original ideas, particularly in the realm of music. The AI music generator is portrayed as a tool that can enhance and expand upon a user's creative potential, offering new avenues for artistic expression.

💡Musical styles and genres

Musical styles and genres refer to the various categories and classifications within music based on distinct characteristics such as instrumentation, song structure, and cultural origins. The video script highlights the versatility of the AI music generator by demonstrating its ability to produce music across a wide range of styles and genres, from blues and rap to electro tango.

💡User experience

User experience, or UX, refers to the overall interaction and satisfaction a user has when engaging with a particular product or service. In the context of the video, it relates to how easy and enjoyable it is for users to create music with the AI generator, including the platform's features and functionalities.


Collaboration in this context refers to the act of working together, typically between musicians or creators, to produce a collective piece of work. The video suggests that AI music generators can facilitate new forms of collaboration by providing musicians with a tool to brainstorm, write, and produce music together.


Accessibility in the context of the video pertains to the ease with which individuals can access and utilize the AI music generator to create music. It emphasizes the platform's potential to democratize music production, making it more available to a wider audience.

💡Artificial intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence, or AI, refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. In the video, AI is the driving force behind the music generator, enabling it to autonomously create music based on user inputs and preferences.

💡Music production

Music production involves the entire process of creating and recording music, from composing and arranging to mixing and mastering. The video discusses how AI music generators can streamline this process, making it more efficient and accessible for users.


Sunno version 3 is now available to everyone, including those on the free plan, marking a significant advancement in AI music generation.

Sunno V3 has been featured in a Rolling Stone article, highlighting its impact and popularity in the music industry.

The ease of use with Sunno V3 is emphasized, where users can simply input a prompt and generate music, even including vocals, with a few clicks.

The versatility of Sunno V3 is showcased by the ability to create a solo acoustic Mississippi Delta blues song about a sad AI.

The speed and efficiency of Sunno V3 are demonstrated, with the AI providing two options for 2-minute long songs within 10 seconds.

The emotional depth and style accuracy of the generated music by Sunno V3 are praised, with the AI effectively capturing the essence of the blues genre.

The potential of Sunno V3 for musicians is discussed, highlighting how it can aid in brainstorming, writing, and exploring different styles and ideas.

Sunno V3's role in making music production more accessible and potentially fostering new genres and forms of music is emphasized.

The review of Sunno V3's capabilities includes testing diverse styles and genres, providing tips and tricks for users to have more control over their creations.

The practical application of Sunno V3 is shown through the creation of an electro tango song, demonstrating the AI's ability to handle unique and mixed genres.

The use of AI in designing presentations, documents, and websites is mentioned, with Gamma being highlighted as a tool that simplifies this process.

The creative potential of AI tools like Sunno V3 and Gamma is celebrated, with examples of their use in music, animation, and educational content.

The community aspect of AI music generation is touched upon, with the explore tab in Sunno allowing users to listen to publicly created songs for inspiration.

The process of fine-tuning AI-generated music is explained, detailing the steps taken to create a full song with specific lyrics, style, and structure.

The integration of AI-generated music with other AI tools, such as Kyber's audio reactivity feature, is demonstrated, showing the potential for multimedia projects.

The conclusion emphasizes the excitement and ongoing exploration of AI music generation tools like Sunno V3, encouraging users to experiment and create.