AI training – KREA private beta

13 Sept 202306:46

TLDRVictor, a co-founder at KREA, introduces a straightforward method for training personal AI models using KREA's platform. He explains the importance of a unified style or concept in the images uploaded for training and demonstrates how to use the AI training feature. High-resolution images are recommended for better results. He showcases examples of effective datasets and how they influence the AI's output, emphasizing the adaptability of the AI to user prompts while maintaining the style of the training data.


  • 📝 Start by signing up on the KREA dashboard to access AI training features.
  • 🎯 To train an AI model, click the AI training button and then select 'train new'.
  • 📸 For effective training, upload images with a common style or concept.
  • 🖌️ Examples of good datasets include images of the same product line or images sharing a specific artistic style.
  • 🔍 Review and remove any low-quality, repeated, or irrelevant images from your dataset.
  • 📏 Ensure high-resolution images are used, preferably 512x512 pixels or more.
  • 🎨 Voltron's artwork exemplifies a dataset with both a common style and concept.
  • 🏷️ Add a title and description for clarity and recognition of your trained model.
  • 🚀 Once ready, start the training job and monitor the progress percentage.
  • 🛠️ Reach out for support if the training status doesn't change, and refresh the page for updates.
  • 🎨 After training, use the AI engine with your custom model to generate content based on your prompts.

Q & A

  • What is the first step to train an AI model with KREA?

    -The first step is to sign up with KREA and navigate to the AI training section by clicking the respective button on the dashboard.

  • What are the requirements for the images uploaded for AI training?

    -The images should either share a common style or a common concept, and they should be of high resolution, preferably more than a thousand pixels.

  • How does the AI learn from the training data set?

    -The AI learns by recognizing patterns in the images, such as common styles or concepts, which allows it to generate new content based on those learned characteristics.

  • What is an example of a good data set with a common concept?

    -A good example is a set of images from the same product line, like different versions of a product bar, which would help the AI learn about the product and its variations.

  • How can the AI training process be improved?

    -It can be improved by removing low-quality, repeated, or irrelevant images from the data set to ensure the AI is trained with the most relevant and high-quality data.

  • What happens after a new model is trained?

    -Once the model is trained, it appears on the dashboard, and the user can start using it for generating new content by inputting different prompts in the generate tool.

  • How long does the AI training process typically take?

    -The entire AI training process should not take more than one or two hours.

  • What should a user do if the training status does not change?

    -If the status does not change, the user should reach out to KREA support either on Discord or through email and refresh the page for the status to update.

  • How can the style of the generated content be influenced?

    -The style of the generated content is defined by the data set used for training the AI, but the user can also input specific prompts to guide the style in a particular direction, such as using a specific color palette.

  • What is the role of the title and description in AI training?

    -The title and description serve as labels for the user to recognize the model they trained. They do not affect the training process but help in identifying the model for future use.



🚀 Introduction to AI Training with Korea

Victor, the co-founder of Korea, introduces viewers to the process of training their own AI model using the Korea platform. He explains that users start on the Korea dashboard and must go to AI training to begin. The first step is to click 'train new' which leads to a page where users can title their project, describe it, and upload relevant images. Victor emphasizes the importance of having a common style or concept in the images for effective AI training. He provides examples of good datasets, such as images of the same product in various versions or images sharing a common stylistic theme. He also mentions the ability to remove low-quality or irrelevant images and stresses the need for high-resolution images for optimal training results. Lastly, Victor shares an example of a successful dataset created in collaboration with an artist named Voltron, which combines a common concept and style in the images.


🎨 Using Trained AI Models for Custom Generations

In this segment, Victor demonstrates how to use a previously trained AI model on the Korea platform. He accesses the AI engine and selects the custom option to view his past AI trainings. He chooses the model trained with the clown dataset and uses it to generate new images by typing in prompts such as 'happy'. Victor shows how the AI captures the stylistic properties of the original dataset, even when trying to convey different emotions or themes. He further illustrates this by adding a 'pink palette' prompt and receiving images in the same stylistic theme but with a pink color scheme. The summary highlights the flexibility of the AI in following user prompts while maintaining the essence of the trained dataset, inviting users to explore their creativity with the platform.



💡AI training

AI training refers to the process of teaching an artificial intelligence system how to perform specific tasks or recognize patterns by providing it with a large amount of data. In the context of the video, AI training is about using KREA's platform to upload images and train a model that can generate new content based on the provided data set. This is exemplified by the speaker's demonstration of training an AI model with images of 'Crux' and 'Sci-Fi retro images'.

💡KREA dashboard

The KREA dashboard is the main interface or control panel of the KREA platform where users can manage their AI training projects. It is the first screen users see after signing up, and from here they can initiate the AI training process. The dashboard is where users can access the 'AI training' feature, upload images, and monitor the progress of their AI model training jobs.

💡Data set

A data set is a collection of data, often used in machine learning and AI training to provide the necessary information for the system to learn from. In the video, a good data set is emphasized as having either a common style or a common concept among the images, which is crucial for effective AI training. The data set examples given include images of a product line and a collection of Sci-Fi retro images, both sharing distinct visual characteristics.

💡Common style

Common style refers to a consistent visual aesthetic or design approach that is present across a group of images. This uniformity in style is important when training an AI model because it allows the system to learn and replicate the specific visual elements and characteristics. In the video, the speaker uses a data set of Sci-Fi retro images to illustrate how a common style can be used to train an AI to generate content with a similar aesthetic.

💡Common concept

Common concept refers to a shared theme or subject matter among a set of images. This thematic consistency is essential for AI training, as it helps the AI model understand and learn to recognize the subject matter, which it can then use to generate new content. In the video, the 'Crux' product images represent a data set with a common concept, as they all depict variations of the same product line.

💡High resolution images

High resolution images are those with a greater number of pixels, which results in a more detailed and clear visual representation. In the context of AI training, using high resolution images is recommended because it provides the AI model with more information to learn from, leading to better and more accurate results. The video suggests a minimum resolution of 512 pixels per side, with images over a thousand pixels being ideal.

💡Remove low quality images

Removing low quality images is an important step in the AI training process to ensure that the data set used for training is of high standard and does not contain any images that are blurry, pixelated, or do not represent the desired concept or style well. This curation of the data set helps the AI model to focus on learning from the best examples, leading to more effective and accurate training outcomes.

💡Training progress

Training progress refers to the status or advancement of the AI model training process. It is typically represented as a percentage or a visual indicator that shows how much of the training is complete. Monitoring the training progress is crucial to understand how long it will take for the AI model to be ready and to troubleshoot any issues if the status does not change as expected.

💡Custom AI engine

A custom AI engine is a personalized AI model that has been trained with specific data sets by the user. This allows for the creation of AI-generated content that is tailored to the user's preferences and the characteristics of the data set used for training. In the video, the speaker demonstrates how to use a custom AI engine by selecting a previously trained model and generating new content based on a prompt.

💡Generate tool

The generate tool is a feature within the KREA platform that allows users to create new content using their custom-trained AI models. By inputting a prompt, users can instruct the AI to generate images or other types of content that reflect the style or concept learned during the training process.

💡Problem following

Problem following refers to the AI's ability to understand and adhere to the instructions or prompts given by the user, ensuring that the generated content aligns with the desired theme or style. In the context of the video, the AI is shown to follow the problem effectively, creating content that maintains the stylistic properties of the training data set while incorporating the new elements introduced by the prompt.


Introduction to AI training with KREA private beta

Signing up and accessing the KREA dashboard

Starting the AI model training process

Importance of a common style or concept in image datasets

Example 1: Training with images of a single product line (Crux)

Example 2: Training with images sharing a common style (Sci-Fi retro)

Removing low-quality or irrelevant images from the dataset

Recommendation for high-resolution images for training

Example 3: Training with artwork that has both a common concept and style

Adding a title and description for the training dataset

Starting the AI model training job

Monitoring the training progress and reaching out for support if needed

Accessing a trained AI model and using it in a project

Demonstration of using a trained model with a custom prompt

Results: AI-generated content reflecting the style of the training dataset

Adjusting the prompt for different stylistic outcomes (e.g., pink palette)

Conclusion: The versatility of AI training with KREA and its potential for creative applications