Mindblowing AI Image Upscaler! Krea ai

AI Quest
30 Dec 202307:05

TLDRThe video explores AI image upscalers, focusing on the new Magnific tool and its cost, as well as Kaa's free alternative. It demonstrates how Kaa's upscale and enhance feature adds details and improves resolution, showcasing various examples including a frog, a cake, and a baby penguin. The video also highlights the tool's ability to recognize and regenerate elements in their correct positions, while acknowledging occasional glitches in rendering, such as with the Lara Croft and Mario examples. The creator predicts 2024 to be a remarkable year for AI advancements.


  • 🌟 AI image upscalers like Magnific and Kaa are revolutionizing the way images are enhanced, offering higher resolution and more detailed visuals.
  • 💡 Magnific, despite its effectiveness, is considered very expensive, while Kaa offers a similar service for free, allowing unlimited generations.
  • 🎨 Kaa's upscaling not only increases resolution but also 'reimagines' images, adding details and enhancing the original elements in a way that maintains their positions.
  • 🍋 The sample images provided by Kaa, such as lemons and a cake, demonstrate the impressive level of detail and quality achievable with the upscaling feature.
  • 🐸 The frog image showcases how the AI can add features like a tongue and change the color of the subject without altering its original position.
  • 🐧 Experiments with a low-quality baby penguin model reveal that the AI can add significant details, even without negative prompts, maintaining the original image's structure.
  • 🥦 The Romanesco cauliflower image, when upscaled, still retains its structure and detail, despite slight changes in the size of the bulbs.
  • 🎮 The use of prompts can guide the AI in enhancing images, as seen with the baby penguin and Charizard examples, where the AI responded to the prompts to create more specific results.
  • 👨‍🚀 When using the AI on real people, like Elon Musk, the results can be quite impressive, although the AI may struggle with certain aspects like folded hands.
  • 🚀 The Crea Pro subscription offers the ability to generate multiple images simultaneously, bypassing the queue system, for a monthly fee.
  • 🎉 The year 2024 is anticipated to be an exciting year for AI advancements, with many promising tools and applications on the horizon.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is the demonstration and discussion of AI image upscale and enhance tools, particularly focusing on the platform Kaa and its features.

  • How does the AI image upscale differ from regular upscaling?

    -The AI image upscale not only increases the resolution of the image but also reimagines it with more details and higher quality, effectively regenerating the elements in a more realistic and enhanced manner.

  • What are the key features of the Kaa platform mentioned in the video?

    -The Kaa platform offers a free, unlimited generation of AI upscaled and enhanced images. It is known for its real-time AI art generation and its upscaling and enhance feature which is almost identical to the expensive Magnific tool.

  • What was the outcome when the AI was used to upscale a low-quality baby penguin image?

    -The AI successfully upscaled the baby penguin image, adding more details and enhancing the colors, while keeping the original elements in the correct places. However, it changed the color of the beak and removed some details like the redness.

  • How can prompts be used with the AI enhancer?

    -Prompts can be added to help the AI better understand and recognize the subject of the image, which can improve the quality and accuracy of the enhancement. For example, adding a prompt like 'baby penguin with its arms outstretched' can guide the AI to focus on those specific details.

  • What were the issues encountered when using the AI enhancer on an image of Lara Croft?

    -The AI enhancer had difficulty correctly rendering the image of Lara Croft, resulting in some strange alterations such as a very pointy chest, backpack turning into hands, and other glitches.

  • How did the AI perform on a real person's image, like Elon Musk?

    -The AI performed well on the image of Elon Musk, enhancing the details and improving the overall quality. However, it had trouble with the folded hands and may have needed additional prompts or adjustments to handle such specifics accurately.

  • What is the Crea Pro plan and how does it benefit users?

    -The Crea Pro plan is a premium subscription for the Kaa platform that costs $30 per month or $24 per month if billed annually. It allows users to generate multiple upscaled images at the same time, bypassing the queue for enhanced images.

  • What is the significance of the video's reference to 2024?

    -The video predicts that 2024 will be an insane year for AI advancements, suggesting that the creator anticipates significant developments and improvements in AI tools and technologies.

  • How can users access the Kaa platform?

    -Users can access the Kaa platform by visiting the website where the AI upscaling and enhance feature is available for free use, as demonstrated in the video.



🖼️ AI Image Upscaling Magic

This paragraph delves into the remarkable capabilities of AI image upscalers, particularly focusing on the platform Magnific and its alternative, Kaa. The speaker discusses how these tools not only enlarge images but also enhance and re-imagine them with greater detail and resolution. The attention-grabbing example of a PS1 Lara Croft image being transformed into a realistic depiction is highlighted. While Magnific is noted for its high cost, Kaa offers a similar service for free, allowing unlimited generations. The speaker shares their experience with Kaa's upscaling and enhance feature, emphasizing its ability to recognize and regenerate elements in higher quality. The limitations and peculiarities of the AI when handling certain images, such as the transformation of a frog and a soldier image into a Chewbacca-like figure, are also discussed.


🎨 Enhancing and Upscaling with AI

The second paragraph continues the exploration of AI-enhancing capabilities, particularly with the platform Kaa. It discusses the speaker's experiments with various images, including a low-resolution baby penguin model, a Romanesco cauliflower, and the video game character Mario. The AI's ability to add details and transform images while maintaining the original structure is highlighted, although some issues with the AI's interpretation of certain prompts, such as the addition of extra hands or the transformation of a backpack into hands, are noted. The paragraph concludes with the speaker's attempt to enhance an image of Elon Musk and a prediction that 2024 will be a significant year for AI advancements.



💡AI image upscales

AI image upscales refer to the process where artificial intelligence algorithms are used to increase the resolution of images while improving their detail and quality. In the context of the video, this technology is demonstrated through the transformation of low-resolution images into high-definition ones with enhanced details, going beyond simple scaling to almost 'reimagining' the image.


Magnific is mentioned as a platform or tool that has recently launched and is capable of performing AI image upscales. It is noted for its ability to create high-quality, detailed images but is also described as being very expensive. The video compares Magnific with another tool, Kaa, which offers similar functionality for free.


Kaa is an AI platform introduced in the video that offers a free upscaling and enhancement feature. It is noted for its real-time AI art generation capabilities and is used to demonstrate the upscaling of various images, including a lemon, a cake, and a frog, showing how it can add details and improve image quality without altering the original composition.


Upscaling is the process of increasing the resolution of an image or video. In the context of the video, upscaling is not just about enlarging an image but also about improving its quality and detail through AI enhancement. The term is used to describe both the regular upscaling and the more advanced 'reimagining' of images.

💡AI strength

AI strength refers to the intensity or degree of artificial intelligence processing applied to an image during the upscaling process. In the video, adjusting the AI strength allows the user to control how much detail the AI adds to the image, with higher settings leading to more significant enhancements.


Prompts in the context of AI image upscaling are inputs or instructions given to the AI to guide the generation process. They help the AI understand the context or desired outcome of the image transformation. Positive prompts provide guidance on what to include, while negative prompts indicate what to avoid.


Charizard is a Pokémon character used as an example in the video to demonstrate the AI upscaling and enhancement process. The video creator tests the AI's ability to transform a low-resolution image of Charizard into a more detailed and artistic representation.

💡Elon Musk

Elon Musk is a real-life individual and entrepreneur mentioned in the video as an example of a subject for AI image upscaling. The video creator uses a low-resolution image of Elon Musk to demonstrate how the AI can enhance a real person's image.

💡Crea Pro

Crea Pro is a subscription plan mentioned in the video that allows users to upgrade from the free version of the AI upscaling tool. It offers benefits such as the ability to generate multiple images at the same time without waiting in a queue, providing a more efficient service for users who require higher usage.

💡3D enhancement

3D enhancement refers to the process of transforming a 2D image into a three-dimensional representation through AI upscaling. This technique adds depth and dimension to the image, creating a more realistic and immersive visual experience.


AI image upscales have evolved to not just increase resolution, but also to reimagine images with more detail.

Magnific, a new platform, has gained attention for its AI image upscales, transforming low-resolution images into high-quality, realistic ones.

Despite the high cost of Magnific, Kaa has launched a similar upscale and enhance feature for free, offering unlimited generations.

Kaa is known for its real-time AI art generation, and the upscale and enhance feature continues to showcase its capabilities.

The AI upscaler can recognize elements in an image and regenerate them in higher quality, maintaining the original placement.

For simple upscaling without enhancements, the Replicate page is recommended, which is perfect for regular upscaling needs.

The AI enhancer adds details to images, as demonstrated by the transformation of a low-resolution baby penguin model.

The AI upscaler can change aspects of an image, such as colors and textures, while keeping the original structure intact.

Using prompts can help guide the AI to better recognize and enhance specific elements in an image.

The AI upscaler can create 3D effects and enhance images in ways that resemble paintings or drawings.

The AI upscaler may struggle with certain images, such as the Romanesco cauliflower, but can still produce impressive results.

The AI upscaler can be used to enhance real people images, as demonstrated with a low-resolution picture of Elon Musk.

The Crea Pro plan allows for multiple simultaneous generations, which can be useful for those needing to upscale multiple images at once.

The AI upscaler's ability to recognize and enhance images has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with and improve visual content.

The video creator predicts 2024 will be an insane year for AI, with a lot of exciting content and developments on the horizon.

The video provides a comprehensive look at the capabilities of AI image upscalers, showcasing their potential for both creative and practical applications.