Advanced ChatGPT Guide - How to build your own Chat GPT Site

Adrian Twarog
21 Dec 202237:09

TLDRThis video serves as an advanced guide to building a Chat GPT site using OpenAI's API. It is structured in three parts: advanced prompt engineering to refine AI responses, exploring different OpenAI models and their functionalities, and constructing an application using Node.js and JavaScript to interface with the OpenAI API. The host also offers a template for creating projects with OpenAI, which includes authentication and token usage calculation. The video delves into practical examples of prompt engineering, utilizing the OpenAI dashboard for learning and testing. It discusses the importance of understanding model differences for desired outputs and touches on the possibility of fine-tuning custom models. The technical segment demonstrates creating a web server with Express, setting up a React app for the frontend, and using the OpenAI API to generate responses based on user inputs. The guide concludes with creating interactive examples, such as a Steve Jobs motivational chat app and a console terminal simulation, showcasing the potential for creative applications with OpenAI's models.


  • 📚 **Advanced Prompt Engineering**: Learning how to structure prompts effectively to get desired outcomes from AI models like Chat GPT is crucial.
  • 🤖 **Understanding AI Models**: Knowing the differences between various AI models (DaVinci, Curie, Ada, Babbage, and Codex models) and their capabilities is important for selecting the right one for a task.
  • 💰 **Pricing and Models**: Awareness of the pricing structure associated with different models on the OpenAI platform, which varies based on the complexity and capabilities of the model.
  • 🔍 **Content Filtering**: The existence of a content filter model that blocks unsafe or harmful outputs, ensuring user safety and content appropriateness.
  • 🛠️ **Building Applications**: The process of creating an application using Node.js, integrating with the OpenAI API to query models and generate responses.
  • 📈 **Model Customization**: The ability to fine-tune models to perform specific functions as desired, which can be more cost-effective and tailored to the user's needs.
  • 🌡️ **Temperature Setting**: The significance of the 'temperature' parameter in AI models, which controls the randomness and creativity level of the model's outputs.
  • 📝 **Example Usage**: The value of studying and experimenting with pre-engineered prompts and responses provided by OpenAI to grasp the concept of prompt engineering.
  • 🔗 **API Integration**: How to interact with OpenAI models through their API layer, enabling the creation of custom applications that can utilize AI capabilities.
  • 📦 **Template for Projects**: The availability of a pre-built template that integrates React and Node.js, facilitating the quick start of projects using OpenAI's API with authentication and token usage calculation features.
  • 🔬 **Experimentation**: The necessity of continuous experimentation and refinement of prompts to achieve optimal results from AI models in various use cases.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the video?

    -The video focuses on an advanced guide to using Chat GPT and how to build your own Chat GPT site using OpenAI's API platform.

  • How is the video structured?

    -The video is structured into three parts: advanced prompt engineering with Chat GPT, exploring different types of models provided by OpenAI, and building an application using Node.js and JavaScript to interact with the OpenAI API.

  • What is the purpose of prompt engineering?

    -Prompt engineering is the process of querying an AI in the most effective manner to get the desired outcome. It involves structuring prompts effectively to optimize the AI's responses.

  • Why is it important to understand the different OpenAI models?

    -Understanding the different models is important because each model has unique capabilities and is optimized for different tasks. Knowing the differences helps in selecting the right model to achieve the desired output.

  • What is the role of the 'temperature' in AI models?

    -The 'temperature' in AI models controls the randomness of the outputs. A lower temperature results in more conservative, predictable responses, while a higher temperature allows for more creativity and variability in the AI's answers.

  • How can one create a custom application using the OpenAI API?

    -To create a custom application using the OpenAI API, one needs to set up a Node.js server that can handle API requests and responses, integrate with React for the frontend, and use the OpenAI API to generate responses based on custom prompts.

  • What is the significance of the 'content filter' model in OpenAI?

    -The 'content filter' model is used to screen and block potentially harmful or malicious content generated by the AI. It ensures that the outputs are safe for the intended audience.

  • How does one determine the cost of using a specific OpenAI model?

    -The cost of using a specific OpenAI model is determined by the number of tokens used in the prompts and responses. Each model has a different pricing per token, and a token roughly corresponds to 0.75 of a word.

  • What is the benefit of fine-tuning your own model with OpenAI?

    -Fine-tuning your own model allows you to train the model to perform specific functions exactly as you want, which can result in more accurate and desired outputs. It can also be more cost-effective as the model is optimized for your specific use case.

  • How can one test and learn prompt engineering effectively?

    -One can test and learn prompt engineering effectively by going through the examples provided in the OpenAI dashboard, understanding how they work, and experimenting with different prompts to see how the AI responds.

  • What is the potential application of the template mentioned in the video?

    -The template mentioned in the video is a pre-built application using React and Node.js with integrated OpenAI APIs. It can be used as a starting point for creating projects using OpenAI, potentially even for creating a business idea and selling it as a SaaS product.



📚 Introduction to Advanced Chat GPT and OpenAI API

This paragraph introduces the video as an advanced guide on using OpenAI's API, specifically focusing on Chat GPT. It outlines the video's structure into three parts: advanced prompt engineering, exploring different OpenAI models, and building an application using Node.js and JavaScript to interact with the Open AI API. The speaker also mentions a template for creating projects using OpenAI, which includes features like authentication and token usage calculations.


🔍 Deep Dive into Prompt Engineering

The paragraph explains the concept of prompt engineering as querying an AI effectively to achieve desired outcomes. It emphasizes the need to structure prompts effectively for optimal AI responses. The speaker provides an example of how to refine a prompt to receive a response in the form of a JavaScript function. The importance of continuous improvement of prompts is highlighted, and the OpenAI website's examples are recommended for learning.


🤖 Understanding OpenAI Models and Their Capabilities

This section discusses the different models provided by OpenAI, including Da Vinci, Curie, Ada, and Babbage, along with their specific uses and costs. The speaker explains that while Da Vinci is the most powerful and versatile, other models like Curie and Ada have their own specialized applications and are priced differently. The paragraph also touches on the Codex models and the content filter model used by OpenAI.


🚀 Building a Node.js Application to Interface with OpenAI

The speaker outlines the process of setting up a Node.js application to create an API that interfaces with OpenAI's models. It covers the initial setup using Node.js, create-react-app for the frontend, and Express for the backend. The importance of having an OpenAI API key and understanding the API reference guide is emphasized. The paragraph concludes with the creation of a simple 'hello world' endpoint to test the server.


📝 Creating a React Component for User Interaction

The paragraph details the creation of a React component that includes a text area for user input and a method to send a fetch request to the backend server. It explains the use of GitHub Copilot to assist in writing the code and the setup of the component's state and functions. The speaker also demonstrates updating the backend to handle POST requests and pass messages to the frontend.


🔗 Integrating OpenAI's API for Response Generation

The speaker demonstrates integrating OpenAI's API into the Node.js application to generate responses using the DaVinci model. It includes configuring the OpenAI library, setting up the API key, and creating an async function to handle the API request. The response from OpenAI is logged and passed to the frontend, where it's displayed to the user.


🎯 Customizing Prompts for Specific Outputs

This section focuses on crafting custom prompts to generate specific types of responses from the AI model. The speaker shows how to create a prompt where the AI assumes the role of Steve Jobs and provides motivational responses. It also covers adjusting the prompt to improve the AI's responses and discusses the limitations of token usage in responses.


🖥️ Emulating a Console Terminal with AI

The final paragraph explores creating an application that emulates a console terminal, where the AI responds as if it's receiving commands from a user. The speaker illustrates how to structure prompts to make the AI generate outputs that mimic directory listings and file content, showcasing the flexibility of the AI in understanding and responding to given scenarios.



💡Chat GPT

Chat GPT refers to a chatbot model powered by AI, specifically designed for conversational interactions. In the video, it is used to demonstrate how to build an advanced application using the OpenAI API, which includes creating prompts and generating responses that mimic human-like conversations.

💡Prompt Engineering

Prompt engineering is the process of structuring queries or prompts to an AI model in a way that elicits the most desirable or specific outcomes. The video emphasizes its importance in AI interaction, showing how to craft prompts to receive more effective and tailored responses from AI models.


The OpenAI API is a platform that allows developers to integrate AI models into their applications. The video serves as a guide on utilizing this API to build a custom application that can interact with various AI models, including Chat GPT, to perform tasks such as generating text or simulating conversations.


Node.js is a JavaScript runtime that allows developers to run JavaScript on the server side. In the context of the video, it is used to create a backend server for the application, which handles API requests and communicates with the OpenAI API to generate responses.


React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, particularly for single-page applications. The video mentions using React to create the frontend of the application, allowing users to interact with the AI model through a web interface.


In the context of AI, models refer to different AI algorithms or neural network architectures that are trained to perform specific tasks. The video discusses various models provided by OpenAI, such as DaVinci, Curie, and Ada, each with unique capabilities and use cases.

💡Content Filter

The content filter is a model used to screen and block potentially harmful or inappropriate content generated by AI models. It ensures that the outputs adhere to safety standards and guidelines, as mentioned in the video when discussing the limitations and capabilities of different models.


In AI models, temperature refers to a parameter that controls the randomness or creativity of the model's outputs. A higher temperature results in more varied and unpredictable responses, while a lower temperature leads to more conservative and focused outputs. The video explains how adjusting the temperature can influence the nature of the AI's responses.


A token in the context of AI models is a basic unit of input or output. It often represents a word or a character and is used to measure the input length for the model. The video discusses how tokens are priced and their role in determining the cost of using the OpenAI API.


Fine-tuning involves training an AI model further on a specific task or dataset to improve its performance for that particular application. The video briefly touches on the concept of fine-tuning your own model with OpenAI, which allows for more customized and optimized AI behavior.


Express is a web application framework for Node.js that simplifies the process of building web applications with server-side logic. In the video, it is used to set up the backend server that handles HTTP requests and responses for the application interfacing with the OpenAI API.


This video serves as an advanced guide to Chat GPT and a manual on using OpenAI's API platform.

The video is structured into three parts: advanced prompt engineering, exploring different models, and building an application using Node.js and JavaScript.

Prompt engineering is crucial for structuring queries to AI to achieve desired outcomes.

OpenAI provides a playground for experimenting with different models and understanding their unique functionalities.

The presenter offers a template for creating projects using OpenAI, which includes authentication and token usage calculations.

Different OpenAI models, such as DaVinci, Curie, Ada, and Babbage, cater to various tasks and have different pricing structures.

The temperature parameter in AI models adjusts the randomness of outputs, allowing for more or less creative responses.

The video demonstrates building an API running on Node.js to interact with OpenAI's models and create custom prompts.

Creating a Steve Jobs chat app example showcases how to engineer prompts for specific outputs.

The console terminal example illustrates tricking OpenAI into thinking it's an operating system receiving commands.

Custom prompts can be engineered for a wide range of applications, from motivational speaking to directory listing.

The presenter emphasizes the importance of understanding token usage and pricing when using OpenAI models.

OpenAI's documentation provides valuable resources for learning about prompt design and model functionalities.

The video concludes with a demonstration of creating a functional front-end and back-end server that communicates with OpenAI.

The audience is encouraged to create their own applications using the knowledge shared and share their experiences.

The presenter offers a template built on React and Node.js with APIs ready for users to utilize in their projects.

The video is a comprehensive guide that covers technical setup, practical examples, and creative applications of OpenAI's models.