Perfect AI tool to Build Your Own GPT in 2024 || CustomGPT ai for personal Chatbot

Gurru Tech Solutions
12 Apr 202409:14

TLDRCustom GPT AI is a powerful platform that allows businesses to create bespoke chatbots, enhancing customer support and sales processes. By utilizing advanced training algorithms and seamless integration, users can generate custom GPT models without coding. The video demonstrates how to create a GPT for academic research by uploading sitemap data from relevant websites, interact with the generated chatbot, and customize its appearance and sharing options. Custom GPT AI offers three pricing plans and a special offer for a one-month free trial.


  • 🚀 Custom GPT AI is a powerful platform designed to empower businesses and develop bespoke chatbots.
  • 💡 Users can create their own GPT-like models in seconds without coding knowledge.
  • 🌐 The platform offers advanced training algorithms and seamless integration options.
  • 📈 Custom GPT can be used to streamline customer support or optimize sales processes.
  • 🔗 To get started, users need to log in with their Gmail details and create a new project.
  • 📊 There are three data feeding options: sitemaps, existing data files, and AWS S3 (coming soon).
  • 🔍 Sitemaps are files that help search engines understand and navigate a website, and can be generated using a simple method.
  • 🔗 Users can create a GPT tailored to their industry by uploading rich data from relevant websites.
  • 🛠 Customization options include changing the logo, chatbot color, and chat prompt text.
  • 🔄 The GPT model can be shared with others using a link or embedded on a website to increase customer engagement.
  • 💰 Custom GPT AI offers three pricing plans: standard, premium, and enterprise, with a special offer for a one-month free trial.

Q & A

  • What is Custom GPT AI?

    -Custom GPT AI is a powerful platform designed to empower businesses and develop bespoke chatbots. It offers advanced training algorithms and seamless integration options for various purposes such as streamlining customer support or optimizing sales processes.

  • How can one create their own GPT using Custom GPT AI?

    -To create a custom GPT, one needs to visit the Custom GPT official page, log in with Gmail details, and start a new project. They can then feed data by creating a sitemap for their website or uploading existing data in various formats, such as PDF or DOC.

  • What is a sitemap and why is it important for creating a GPT with Custom GPT AI?

    -A sitemap is a file that helps search engines understand and navigate a website. It's usually in XML or HTML format and contains detailed information about a website. For Custom GPT AI, sitemaps are used to feed the AI with rich data from the website to create a GPT tailored to the business's content.

  • How can one generate a sitemap for their website to use with Custom GPT AI?

    -A sitemap can be generated using a simple method by copying the URL of the website and pasting it into a sitemap generator tool. The generated sitemap link is then used in Custom GPT AI to create a new project.

  • What are the different data feeding options available in Custom GPT AI?

    -Custom GPT AI offers three different options to feed data: creating a sitemap, uploading existing data in formats like PDF or DOC, and an upcoming option to upload data via AWS S3.

  • Can Custom GPT AI be embedded into a website?

    -Yes, Custom GPT AI can be embedded into a website. This is done by enabling the embed option in the settings, copying the provided code, and pasting it into the website's code.

  • How can one customize the appearance of their chatbot created with Custom GPT AI?

    -Customization can be done through the settings where one can replace the logo, change the chatbot color, and modify the text to better suit their brand or preferences.

  • What are some of the potential uses for a GPT created with Custom GPT AI?

    -A GPT created with Custom GPT AI can be used for customer support, content generation, data analysis, personalization, automation, market research, and continuous improvement to drive business efficiency and innovation.

  • How can one share their Custom GPT AI with others?

    -After setting up the GPT, one can go to the sharing settings, copy the link, and share it with others. This allows anyone to interact with the GPT and ask questions related to the specified topic.

  • What are the different pricing plans available for Custom GPT AI?

    -Custom GPT AI offers three different plans: Standard, Premium, and Enterprise. Each plan comes with different features and pricing, which can be viewed on their official page.

  • Is there a special offer for new users of Custom GPT AI?

    -Yes, new users can use the coupon code 'one month free' to use Custom GPT AI free for 1 month.

  • How can one stay updated with more AI-related content after exploring Custom GPT AI?

    -To stay updated with more AI-related content, one can subscribe to Guru Tech Solutions, which provides insights and tutorials on various AI tools and technologies.



🚀 Introducing Custom GPT AI: Your Personalized Chatbot

This paragraph introduces the concept of creating a personalized GPT-like chatbot using an AI tool called Custom GPT AI. It highlights the platform's capabilities, such as advanced training algorithms and seamless integration options, to streamline customer support or optimize sales processes. The video's host, Perves Derani, guides viewers through the initial steps of accessing the Custom GPT AI platform, logging in with Gmail details, and starting a new project. The focus is on the versatility of Custom GPT AI in various industries and the ease of use for creating a customized chatbot without coding knowledge.


📚 Crafting Your Academic Research GPT: A Step-by-Step Guide

This paragraph delves into the process of creating a GPT tailored for academic research. It explains the selection of rich data from various websites and the creation of sitemaps to feed into the Custom GPT AI platform. The host demonstrates how to generate sitemaps from URLs and incorporate them into the platform to build a project named 'Research World'. The segment showcases the chatbot's ability to answer questions related to academic research, differentiate between quantitative and qualitative research, and discuss methods for data analysis. The importance of adding rich data for better outcomes is emphasized, highlighting the platform's capability to extract information from sitemap-indexed websites.



💡CustomGPT AI

CustomGPT AI refers to an artificial intelligence tool designed for creating personalized chatbots. It is a powerful platform that allows businesses to tailor chatbots to their specific needs, from streamlining customer support to optimizing sales processes. In the video, CustomGPT AI is showcased as a means to empower businesses by providing them with the tools to succeed in their respective fields without requiring extensive coding knowledge.


A sitemap is a file that helps search engines understand and navigate a website. It is typically in XML or HTML format and contains detailed information about the website. Sitemaps are essential for website optimization and are used in the video as a method to feed data into the CustomGPT AI, allowing it to generate a chatbot with rich and relevant content.


A chatbot is an AI-powered virtual assistant that interacts with users through text-based conversations. In the context of the video, chatbots created with CustomGPT AI can be customized to serve various purposes, such as answering questions, providing information, or assisting with tasks. They can be integrated into websites and act as live chat support, enhancing customer engagement and providing real-time assistance.

💡Data Integration

Data integration is the process of combining data from different sources into a single, unified view. In the video, this concept is applied by uploading sitemaps and existing data files to CustomGPT AI, which then uses this information to generate a chatbot with a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

💡Customer Engagement

Customer engagement refers to the interactions and relationships customers have with a business, its products, or services. The video highlights how CustomGPT AI can increase customer engagement by embedding the chatbot on a business's website, allowing for real-time interaction and providing immediate assistance, which can lead to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.

💡Sales Processes

Sales processes are the steps involved in selling a product or service to a customer. The video suggests that CustomGPT AI can be used to optimize these processes by automating certain tasks, providing personalized assistance, and generating sales-related content, thereby improving efficiency and potentially increasing revenue.

💡Business Efficiency

Business efficiency refers to the optimal use of resources and processes to achieve maximum productivity and profitability. The video emphasizes how CustomGPT AI can drive business efficiency by streamlining operations, reducing manual tasks, and providing data-driven insights that inform decision-making.

💡AI Assistance

AI assistance involves the use of artificial intelligence to provide support and perform tasks that would typically require human intervention. In the video, AI assistance is exemplified by the chatbots created with CustomGPT AI, which can answer questions, offer recommendations, and assist with various tasks, providing a more efficient and personalized user experience.

💡Content Generation

Content generation refers to the creation of new and relevant content for various platforms and purposes. In the context of the video, CustomGPT AI facilitates content generation by leveraging data from sitemaps and existing files to produce chatbots that can provide informative and engaging responses to user queries.


Personalization is the customization of products, services, or content to meet individual preferences or needs. The video highlights how CustomGPT AI allows businesses to create personalized chatbots that can adapt to the specific requirements of their customers, enhancing user experience and satisfaction.


Introducing Custom GPT AI, a powerful platform for creating bespoke chatbots.

Custom GPT AI features advanced training algorithms for business-specific chatbot development.

Seamless integration options allow for increased customer engagement and sales optimization.

Creating your own GPT is possible in seconds without any coding knowledge.

Sitemaps, which help search engines navigate websites, are crucial for building a GPT.

Custom GPT AI supports data feeding through sitemaps, PDFs, and upcoming AWS S3 integration.

A sitemap generator is used to convert website URLs into sitemaps for GPT creation.

The platform allows for the creation of GPTs tailored to specific industries, such as academic research.

Once created, GPTs can be interacted with by asking questions related to the topic.

Customization options include changing the logo, chatbot color, and greetings.

GPTs can be shared with others by copying a link or embedded directly into a website.

Embedding the GPT into a website allows for live chat and AI assistance for consumers.

Custom GPT AI can be used for customer support, content generation, data analysis, and market research.

Pricing plans include Standard, Premium, and Enterprise with a special one-month free offer.

Custom GPT AI drives business efficiency and innovation through its versatile applications.

The platform is designed to empower businesses with its user-friendly interface and capabilities.

GPTs created with Custom GPT AI can provide detailed information and analysis on various topics.

The process of creating a custom GPT involves uploading data, setting project names, and generating the project.