Ai URUTTU - பொய் சொல்லி மாட்டிக்கொண்ட GOOGLE😅 | Gemini Ai FAKE 🤯 #gemini #chatgpt

A2D Channel
19 Dec 202311:57

TLDRThe video script discusses the release of Google's AI, Gemini, which is portrayed as a competitor to ChatGPT. It highlights the AI's supposed ability to interact live with users through video, but then reveals that the demonstrations are staged using photos rather than live video. The script also accuses Google of misleading marketing by claiming Gemini scored higher than human benchmarks on certain tests, which is disputed by the speaker. The video suggests that such AI stunts are marketing strategies for fundraising and IPOs, drawing parallels to the dot com bubble of 2000.


  • 🚀 Google recently released an AI model named Gemini, aiming to compete with ChatGPT.
  • 🎥 The promotional video for Gemini AI showcased its ability to interact live with users and recognize objects in real-time, but the video was later revealed to be misleading.
  • 🔍 The video demonstrated Gemini AI's capability to describe drawings and make inferences, but it was later clarified that the interactions were not live.
  • 🎭 The script suggests that the video was heavily edited and not a true representation of the AI's capabilities.
  • 🤔 The presenter questions the authenticity of Google's claims about Gemini's performance on benchmarks compared to human and other AI models.
  • 📉 The script implies that Google's marketing tactics may have led to a temporary dip in their stock value due to public skepticism.
  • 📈 The discussion highlights a historical precedent, the dot com bubble of 2000, to explain the potential motivations behind Google's actions.
  • 💡 AIs, according to the script, are being used as a fundraising stunt by companies to attract investments, similar to the dot com era.
  • 🎓 The script raises questions about the educational aspect of AI, questioning how one can learn AI without a solid foundation in computer science.
  • 🌐 The video transcript became a topic of discussion and debate, with the presenter encouraging viewers to share their thoughts in the comments.
  • 📊 The presenter invites viewers to speculate on the longevity of the AI bubble and its potential impact on the industry.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video transcript?

    -The main topic of the video transcript is the critique of Google's AI, Gemini, and the discussion around its capabilities, marketing strategies, and comparisons to other AI models like ChatGPT.

  • What does Gemini AI claim to see when shown a piece of paper?

    -Gemini AI claims to see a white paper and later identifies it as an unfinished boat drawing, which is incorrect as it is actually a crocodile on the road.

  • How does the video transcript describe Google's approach to developing and marketing AI technology?

    -The video transcript describes Google's approach as a marketing stunt aimed at boosting stock prices and competing with other AI technologies like ChatGPT, rather than focusing on genuine innovation and accurate representation of its AI's capabilities.

  • What is the significance of the 'Chain of Thoughts' (CoT) in the context of AI model benchmarking?

    -The 'Chain of Thoughts' (CoT) is a benchmarking strategy where AI models are given multiple choice questions based on a set of themes. The AI's ability to answer these questions correctly is used to measure its performance and compare it with human responses.

  • What is the claim made by the video about Google's benchmarking results for Gemini and GPT-4?

    -The video claims that Google has falsely reported the benchmarking results, stating that Gemini scored higher than GPT-4 in certain aspects, despite the actual performance being lower.

  • How does the video transcript view the trend of AI courses in colleges?

    -The video transcript questions the validity of AI courses in colleges, suggesting that a solid foundation in computer science, including programming, data structures, mathematics, and other related subjects, is necessary to understand and work with AI technology effectively.

  • What historical event is the video comparing the current AI trend to?

    -The video compares the current AI trend to the dot com bubble of the early 2000s, suggesting that the hype and investment in AI may not always lead to sustainable growth and innovation.

  • What is the role of an editor in the development of AI models as suggested in the video?

    -The video humorously suggests that instead of hiring many engineers, Google thought it would be easier to just hire a good editor to create promotional materials, implying that the company is more focused on marketing than actual AI development.

  • What is the video's stance on the future of AI technology?

    -The video predicts that the current hype around AI might be temporary and that, similar to the dot com bubble, only a few companies will survive and provide meaningful innovation in the field.

  • How does the video transcript address the issue of misinformation in AI demonstrations?

    -The video transcript points out that the AI demonstrations presented by companies like Google can be misleading and inaccurate, as seen in the example of the 'unfinshed boat drawing' which was actually a crocodile.

  • What is the video's suggestion for companies and individuals interested in AI?

    -The video suggests that companies and individuals should be cautious of the hype and focus on genuine innovation and accurate representation of AI capabilities, rather than relying on marketing stunts and misleading information.



🤖 Google's Gemini AI Demonstration: Fact or Fiction?

The first paragraph discusses the recent release of Google's AI, Gemini, which is claimed to compete with ChatGPT and have live video interaction capabilities. The speaker describes setting up a demonstration with a Sony camera and microphone to interact with Gemini. Throughout the interaction, Gemini provides various responses to what it 'sees' on the paper, including an unfinished boat drawing and a crocodile on the road. The speaker then reveals that the video showcasing Gemini's capabilities is not genuine, and that the AI is not able to interact with live video as advertised. The paragraph concludes with the speaker expressing skepticism about the authenticity of Google's claims and hinting at the possibility of deceit for marketing purposes.


🎥 Unraveling the Truth Behind Google's AI Video

In the second paragraph, the speaker delves deeper into the discrepancies found in Google's promotional video for Gemini AI. The speaker points out that the excitement generated by the video was based on misleading information, as the video was crafted with editing techniques rather than showcasing real-time AI capabilities. The speaker also discusses the stock market's reaction to the video, noting a negative impact on Google's stock price. Furthermore, the speaker criticizes Google's benchmarking methods for the AI, suggesting that the company has manipulated the results to make Gemini appear superior to other models. The paragraph ends with the speaker questioning Google's motives, likening the situation to the dot-com bubble and suggesting that the AI industry may be experiencing a similar bubble.


📚 AI in Education and the Future of the Industry

The final paragraph shifts focus to the prevalence of AI courses in educational institutions and the speaker's skepticism about the practicality of learning AI without a solid foundation in computer science. The speaker questions the value of these courses and compares the current AI trend to the dot-com bubble, suggesting that the industry is experiencing a boom that may not be sustainable. The speaker predicts that, much like the aftermath of the dot-com bubble, a few companies will emerge from the current AI bubble to bring real innovation to the public. The paragraph concludes with the speaker inviting viewers to share their thoughts on the matter and speculate on the longevity of the AI bubble.



💡Gemini AI

Gemini AI refers to an artificial intelligence system developed by Google, as mentioned in the transcript. It is designed to interact with users in real-time, including through video communication. In the context of the video, Gemini AI is portrayed as a competitor to ChatGPT, with the ability to 'see' and describe actions and objects, as demonstrated in the scripted interaction with PC Doc. However, the video later suggests that the capabilities of Gemini AI may have been exaggerated or misrepresented in promotional materials.


ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI that is known for its conversational abilities and wide range of knowledge. In the video, it is positioned as a benchmark for Google's Gemini AI, with the latter being presented as a competitor. The comparison is used to critique Google's marketing strategies and the perceived hype around AI capabilities.

💡Multimodal prompting

Multimodal prompting refers to the use of multiple types of input, such as text and images, to interact with an AI system. In the transcript, it is mentioned in the context of interacting with Gemini AI, where the AI is expected to respond to both visual and textual cues. However, the video later reveals that the multimodal interaction was not as seamless as initially presented, suggesting that the technology might not be as advanced as the promotional materials suggest.

💡Fake capabilities

The term 'fake capabilities' refers to the accusation that a company, in this case Google, is exaggerating or fabricating the abilities of its AI product for promotional purposes. In the video, it is suggested that the demonstrations of Gemini AI's abilities were not live but rather pre-recorded or manipulated, leading to a misrepresentation of the technology's true capabilities.

💡Bench marks

Benchmarks are standardized tests or criteria used to evaluate and compare the performance of different systems, in this context, AI models. The video criticizes Google for allegedly manipulating benchmark scores to make Gemini AI appear superior to other models, such as GPT 4. This is seen as a deceptive marketing tactic to gain an edge over competitors like ChatGPT.

💡Chain of Thoughts (CoT)

Chain of Thoughts (CoT) is a method of testing AI models by providing them with a series of examples before asking a question, to see how well they can apply learned patterns to new scenarios. In the video, it is mentioned that Google's benchmarking process included CoT, but the speaker questions the validity of the scores and the testing method, suggesting that Google may have misrepresented the AI's performance.


MMLU stands for Multimodal Language Understanding, which is a benchmarking strategy for AI models that involves testing their performance across 57 different subjects. The video transcript implies that Google may have manipulated the results of the MMLU benchmark to make Gemini AI seem more advanced than it actually is.

💡Marketing stunt

A marketing stunt is a promotional event or activity that is out of the ordinary and designed to attract public attention. In the context of the video, Google's release of the Gemini AI video is suggested to be a marketing stunt intended to generate hype and compete with ChatGPT. The speaker criticizes this approach, implying that it is deceptive and lacks substance.

💡Dot com bubble

The dot com bubble refers to a period of excessive speculation in the late 1990s and early 2000s during which many technology start-ups, particularly internet-based companies, experienced rapid growth in their stock values, followed by a sharp decline. In the video, the speaker draws a parallel between the dot com bubble and the current hype around AI, suggesting that the AI industry may be heading towards a similar overvaluation and eventual crash.

💡Investment and IPOs

Investment and Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) are financial strategies used by companies to raise capital. In the context of the video, it is suggested that companies like Google engage in stunts or exaggerated marketing to boost their stock prices and attract investments, including ahead of an IPO. The speaker is critical of this practice, seeing it as a deceptive way to generate revenue without delivering on promises.

💡AI education

AI education refers to the academic study and training in the field of artificial intelligence, including learning about programming, data structures, machine learning algorithms, and other related concepts. In the video, the speaker questions the proliferation of AI courses in colleges, suggesting that a solid foundation in computer science is necessary to understand and work with AI technology effectively.


Google's release of a new AI called Gemini, aimed at competing with ChatGPT.

Gemini AI's ability to interact live with users, including through video.

The demonstration of Gemini AI's capabilities through a live video feed connected to a laptop.

Gemini AI's initial misinterpretation of a piece of paper as an unfinished boat drawing.

The correction of Gemini AI's interpretation from an undrawn boat to a crocodile.

Gemini AI's humorous and incorrect assertion that a crocodile is on Perungulathur road.

The revelation that the video showcasing Gemini AI's capabilities is fake and only a series of photos.

The discussion on the multi-modal capabilities of GPT-4, which can process both text and images.

Google's intentional misleading of the public with the release of the Gemini AI video.

The impact of Google's misleading information on their stock price and public perception.

The explanation of the MMLU benchmark and how Google allegedly manipulated the results.

The comparison of Gemini AI's performance with GPT-4 in the 5-shot and Chain of Thoughts categories.

The accusation that Google's marketing tactics are dishonest and misleading.

The historical comparison of the AI bubble to the dot com bubble of 2000.

The prediction that the current AI trend may lead to a bubble similar to the dot com era.

The suggestion that AI education in colleges is a trend-following move without solid foundations.

The closing thoughts on the video, inviting viewers to share their opinions on AI.