An ANNOYING Feature in the Latest Version of Topaz Photo AI

Anthony Morganti
11 Apr 202409:22

TLDRIn the latest Topaz Photo AI update, Anthony Morganti discusses the强制应用的RAW去噪功能, which he finds annoying as it leaves unwanted noise in the images. He suggests a workaround by reducing the AA model sliders to the minimum and using 'remove noise' as an enhancement, which provides better results. The video also compares the performance of different AI models on RAW files from various cameras, highlighting that the effectiveness varies.


  • 🚀 Topaz Labs recently updated Photo AI, introducing a feature that has caused some annoyance for users.
  • 🔍 The issue is specific to how Photo AI handles RAW files and is present whether it's used as a standalone app or a plugin.
  • 📸 Upon opening a RAW file, Photo AI's autopilot mode analyzes and processes the image, including noise removal and sharpening.
  • 🎯 In version 2.4.2, the model noise reduction option has been limited to 'RAW to noise' with no alternative models available.
  • 🚫 RAW to noise is automatically applied during RAW conversion, and users cannot delete or disable this feature.
  • 🤔 The video demonstrates that RAW to noise does not effectively remove all noise, even when the strength is maxed out.
  • 🛠️ A workaround is suggested for when RAW denoise is insufficient: set all sliders to their minimum, and then use 'remove noise' as an add-on enhancement.
  • 🔄 Different RAW file types from various cameras may offer different noise reduction models, such as 'Raw normal' and 'Raw strong'.
  • ⚙️ Experimenting with different noise reduction models and their strengths can lead to better results than relying solely on RAW to noise.
  • 📈 The video emphasizes the importance of trying different settings and models to achieve the desired noise reduction while preserving image quality.

Q & A

  • What is the main issue Anthony Morganti has with the latest version of Topaz Photo AI?

    -The main issue is that the latest version of Topaz Photo AI applies 'RAW Denoise' automatically to every RAW file opened in the software, and there is no option to delete or choose a different noise reduction model.

  • How does the 'Autopilot Mode' in Topaz Photo AI work?

    -In 'Autopilot Mode', Topaz Photo AI examines the image and determines what needs to be done to it, such as removing noise and sharpening. It then applies these adjustments automatically based on its analysis.

  • What is Anthony's workaround for the RAW Denoise issue?

    -Anthony suggests setting both the 'Strength' and 'Minor Deblur' sliders to their lowest value (1), then going to 'Add Enhancement' and selecting 'Remove Noise' with different models (Normal, Strong, Extreme) to find a better noise reduction result.

  • Why does Anthony think that the 'RAW Denoise' model may not be suitable for all images?

    -Anthony believes that 'RAW Denoise' may not be suitable for all images because it doesn't effectively remove noise in certain situations, as demonstrated by the examples he provided, where significant noise remained even after maxing out the strength.

  • What are the alternative noise reduction models available in Topaz Photo AI?

    -The alternative noise reduction models available are 'Normal', 'Strong', and 'Extreme'. These models can be used as an enhancement after setting the initial sliders to their minimum.

  • Does the effectiveness of the noise reduction models vary with different RAW file types?

    -Yes, the effectiveness can vary. Anthony demonstrated that while some RAW files might have more options like 'RAW Normal' and 'RAW Strong', the results and available models can differ based on the camera brand or type of RAW file.

  • What is the problem Anthony encountered when he maxed out the 'RAW Denoise' strength?

    -When Anthony maxed out the 'RAW Denoise' strength, the noise reduction didn't improve sufficiently, and in some areas, it made the image worse, leaving significant noise and causing distortion and discoloration.

  • How does Anthony suggest improving the noise reduction result if 'RAW Denoise' is not effective?

    -Anthony suggests trying the alternative noise reduction models under 'Add Enhancement' and adjusting their strength levels to find the best result for the specific image, rather than relying solely on 'RAW Denoise'.

  • What is the significance of the 'Minor Deblur' slider?

    -The 'Minor Deblur' slider is not applicable in the noise reduction process. It is used in a separate sharpening step to enhance image details without introducing additional noise.

  • What is Anthony's recommendation for users who are not satisfied with the noise reduction in their RAW images?

    -Anthony recommends experimenting with the different noise reduction models under 'Add Enhancement' and adjusting their strength levels to achieve a better result, rather than relying on the automatic 'RAW Denoise' application.



🖼️ Introduction to Topaz Labs Photo AI Update Issue

The video begins with Anthony Morganti introducing the recent update to Topaz Labs' Photo AI, specifically focusing on a feature that has caused some的困扰. The main issue revolves around the handling of RAW files, where the updated Photo AI applies a specific noise reduction model, 'RAW to noise', by default. This model is applied regardless of whether the software is used as a standalone application or a plugin, and it cannot be removed or altered. Anthony demonstrates the issue by opening a Fuji RAW file, showing that despite the software's autopilot mode analyzing and attempting to improve the image, there is still significant noise present. He also highlights that the previous option to choose different models for noise reduction has been removed, leaving users with limited control over the outcome.


🔍 Exploring Workarounds and Testing with Different RAW Files

In this paragraph, Anthony Morganti continues discussing the limitations of the latest Photo AI update by exploring potential workarounds. He suggests that if the 'RAW to noise' model isn't effective, users can adjust the sliders to their lowest settings and then apply noise reduction as an additional enhancement. This method allows users to choose from other models such as 'normal', 'strong', and 'extreme', which can yield better results. Anthony then tests this approach with a Nikon RAW file, noting that the available models differ slightly from those with Fujifilm files. By applying the 'strong' model and then using 'remove noise' enhancement, he achieves a more satisfactory result. He also mentions that the effectiveness of the 'RAW to noise' model can vary with different camera RAW files, reinforcing the need for alternative noise reduction options. Anthony concludes by reiterating the issue with the latest update and providing a workaround for those who encounter similar problems.



💡Topaz Photo AI

Topaz Photo AI is a software application developed by Topaz Labs, which is designed to enhance the quality of digital photographs using artificial intelligence. In the context of the video, the speaker discusses an update to the software that has introduced a feature he finds bothersome, specifically related to the handling of RAW files.

💡RAW files

RAW files are a type of digital image format that contains unprocessed or minimally processed data from image sensors of digital cameras. The speaker in the video mentions that the new feature in Topaz Photo AI applies only to RAW files and not to other file types, indicating that the issue at hand is specific to how the software processes these particular files.

💡Autopilot mode

Autopilot mode in the context of Topaz Photo AI refers to the software's automatic analysis and adjustment of an image upon opening. The software examines the image to determine what enhancements are needed, such as noise reduction or sharpening. The speaker points out that the issue with the new feature arises in this mode, as it automatically applies RAW denoise, which he finds problematic.

💡Noise reduction

Noise reduction is a process used in digital photography to reduce the visual noise or graininess in an image, often caused by high ISO settings or low light conditions. In the video, the speaker discusses the software's noise reduction capabilities, particularly the RAW denoise option, which he finds insufficient for his needs.


Sharpening is a photographic technique used to enhance the contrast of edges or details within an image, making them appear more defined. The speaker mentions that along with noise reduction, the software also automatically determines that an image needs to be sharpened when opened in Autopilot mode. However, he expresses dissatisfaction with the results of the automatic sharpening in the context of the RAW denoise feature.

💡AA model

The AA model, or Anti-Aliasing model, is a feature within Topaz Photo AI that is used to apply sharpening to an image. The speaker discusses the AA model's strength and minor de-blur sliders, which are used to adjust the intensity and effect of the sharpening. He finds that even maxing out the strength does not adequately address the noise issues caused by the RAW denoise feature.


A workaround refers to a solution or method for getting around a problem or limitation. In the video, the speaker provides a workaround for the issue with the RAW denoise feature by suggesting to lower the sliders to their minimum and then using the 'remove noise' feature as an enhancement. This approach allows for better control over noise reduction and achieves more satisfactory results.

💡Image quality

Image quality refers to the clarity, sharpness, and overall visual appeal of a digital image. The speaker is concerned about the impact of the RAW denoise feature on image quality, as he finds that it does not effectively reduce noise and may even distort the image. His proposed workaround aims to improve the image quality by using alternative noise reduction methods.

💡Fujifilm and Nikon raw files

Fujifilm and Nikon are two popular brands of digital cameras that produce RAW files with distinct characteristics. The speaker in the video compares the performance of Topaz Photo AI with RAW files from these two brands, noting that the software's automatic RAW denoise feature does not perform equally well with both. This suggests that the effectiveness of the noise reduction can vary depending on the camera brand and the type of RAW file.

💡Remove noise

Remove noise is an enhancement feature in Topaz Photo AI that is used to reduce the visual noise in an image. The speaker recommends using this feature as a workaround for the RAW denoise issue, as it provides more control and better results. He demonstrates that by selecting different noise reduction models under 'remove noise', such as normal, strong, and extreme, the user can achieve a more satisfactory level of noise reduction and image quality.


An update in the context of software refers to a new version or release that introduces changes, improvements, or new features. The speaker is addressing an update to Topaz Photo AI that has introduced the controversial RAW denoise feature. His video aims to inform viewers about the issue and provide a workaround to improve their experience with the updated software.


Topaz Labs has recently updated their Photo AI software.

A new feature in the latest version of Photo AI is causing annoyance for some users.

The issue is specifically related to how Photo AI handles RAW files.

The problem occurs regardless of whether Photo AI is used as a standalone app or as a plugin.

Photo AI's Autopilot mode now automatically applies RAW denoise, with no option to deselect it.

In previous versions, users could choose between different denoise models, but RAW denoise is the only option now.

The video demonstrates the issue using a Fuji RAW file as an example.

Even with the RAW denoise strength maxed out, the noise reduction is not satisfactory.

A workaround is suggested for when RAW denoise does not perform well enough.

By setting the sliders to their minimum, other denoise models become available as an add enhancement.

The video shows that the Normal denoise model works better than RAW denoise for the tested image.

Different RAW file types may offer different denoise models in the software.

Testing with a Nikon RAW file shows similar issues with the default RAW denoise.

Using the Strong denoise model significantly improves noise reduction for the Nikon RAW file.

The Extreme denoise model provides a usable result, despite some minor noise and discoloration remaining.

The video concludes with a recommendation to use the Extreme denoise model as a workaround.

The reviewer thanks viewers for watching and promises to continue providing helpful content.