Antitrust lawsuit against Apple announced

CBS News
21 Mar 202424:57

TLDRThe U.S. Justice Department has filed a landmark antitrust suit against Apple, accusing the tech giant of maintaining a monopoly in the smartphone market through exclusionary and anti-competitive practices. The lawsuit alleges that Apple's strategies have limited choices, inflated prices, and stifled innovation, harming both consumers and developers. The Attorney General emphasized the importance of enforcing antitrust laws to protect consumers and promote a fair and competitive market.


  • 📜 The Justice Department has filed a landmark antitrust suit against Apple, marking a significant legal action against the tech giant.
  • 💡 Apple's iPhone sales have been the majority of the company's annual revenue for over a decade, contributing to its dominant market position.
  • 📉 The lawsuit alleges that Apple maintains its monopoly power in the smartphone market not through superior products or business strategies, but by violating federal antitrust laws.
  • 🚫 Apple is accused of employing exclusionary and anti-competitive tactics that limit choices, raise prices, and stifle innovation for both consumers and developers.
  • 💸 The company is said to impose contractual restrictions and fees that limit the functionality developers can offer to iPhone users, as well as selectively restrict access to the iPhone operating system.
  • 📈 Apple's alleged conduct has resulted in a 30% commission on all app downloads from the App Store and in-app purchases, impacting companies of all sizes.
  • 📱 The lawsuit mentions Apple's suppression of programs like cloud streaming apps, gaming, and super apps that could reduce user dependence on Apple's ecosystem and expensive hardware.
  • 🤖 Apple's messaging app is cited as an example of how the company deliberately degrades the quality, privacy, and security of its services when interacting with non-Apple users.
  • 🔒 The company is also accused of conditioning developers' access to interfaces needed to make products functional on the Apple operating system, creating barriers for those outside the Apple ecosystem.
  • 💼 The Deputy Attorney General emphasizes the department's commitment to holding wrongdoers accountable, whether individuals or companies, to promote fairness and deterrence.
  • 🛑 The antitrust suit aims to prevent Apple from continuing to strengthen its smartphone monopoly, which is seen as a threat to a free and fair market, innovation, and consumer choice.

Q & A

  • What is the main allegation against Apple in the antitrust suit filed by the Justice Department?

    -The main allegation is that Apple has maintained a monopoly in the smartphone market not by creating superior products but by engaging in exclusionary and anti-competitive conduct, which violates federal antitrust laws.

  • How has Apple allegedly used its monopoly power to the detriment of consumers and developers?

    -Apple has allegedly used its monopoly power to impose contractual restrictions and fees, limit the features and functionality offered to iPhone users, selectively restrict access to the iPhone operating system, and degrade the functionality of non-Apple apps and accessories.

  • What is the significance of the 30% commission that Apple collects on app downloads and in-app purchases from the App Store?

    -The 30% commission is significant because it is an example of the exclusionary fees that Apple imposes, which allows them to maintain their monopoly power and discourage competition, leading to higher prices and fewer choices for consumers.

  • How does Apple's alleged conduct affect the development and distribution of third-party apps and digital wallets?

    -Apple's alleged conduct makes it extremely difficult and expensive for developers to create competing digital wallets and restricts their ability to make apps functional on the Apple operating system, thus limiting innovation and consumer choice.

  • What is the impact of Apple's messaging app limitations on cross-platform communication?

    -Apple's messaging app limitations degrade the quality, privacy, and security of cross-platform communication by diminishing the functionality of its own messaging app and third-party messaging apps, resulting in unencrypted conversations and lower quality video messages.

  • How does the Justice Department's lawsuit aim to protect consumers and promote competition?

    -The lawsuit aims to protect consumers from higher prices and fewer choices by enforcing antitrust laws, breaking down barriers that insulate Apple from competition, and promoting a free and fair market that encourages innovation and benefits all Americans.

  • What is the Apple CEO's stance on the issue of cross-platform messaging?

    -The Apple CEO has been quoted as saying that supporting cross-platform messaging would not be in Apple's interest, as it would remove an obstacle to iPhone families giving their kids Android phones, and he suggests that consumers should use iPhones to avoid these issues.

  • What is the significance of the Apple Wallet and its exclusivity in the context of this lawsuit?

    -The exclusivity of the Apple Wallet is significant because it is an example of how Apple uses its monopoly power to control the digital payment space, blocking the development of alternative payment services for iPhone users and forcing those who want to use the wallet function to share personal information with Apple.

  • How does the Justice Department's complaint argue that Apple's conduct is not due to the superiority of its products?

    -The complaint argues that while Apple's products may be of high quality, the lawsuit is not about the products themselves but about the anti-competitive behavior that Apple engages in to maintain its market dominance, which harms consumers, stifles innovation, and reduces competition.

  • What is the historical context of antitrust laws and their role in protecting competition?

    -Antitrust laws, including the Sherman Antitrust Act, have been a critical tool for protecting competition in the U.S. economy for over a century. They protect consumer choice, keep prices in check, promote quality, and open doors to innovation by preventing monopolistic practices that could otherwise stifle the market.

  • What is the potential outcome of the antitrust suit against Apple, and how could it impact the tech industry?

    -The potential outcome of the suit could lead to changes in Apple's business practices, potentially opening up the market for more competition and innovation. It could also set a precedent for how tech giants are regulated in the future, potentially impacting the broader tech industry and its approach to competition and consumer protection.



📜 Justice Department Files Antitrust Suit Against Apple

The Justice Department has filed a landmark antitrust suit against Apple, alleging that the company has maintained monopoly power in the smartphone market through exclusionary and anti-competitive conduct. The Attorney General highlighted Apple's significant market share and the high prices of iPhones, emphasizing that consumers should not have to pay more due to companies breaking the law. The complaint focuses on Apple's strategies that limit choices, increase prices and fees, and stifle innovation for both consumers and developers. It also mentions the negative impact on non-Apple products and the company's efforts to suppress competing programs and services.


🚫 Apple's Exclusionary Conduct and its Impact

The paragraph discusses how Apple imposes contractual restrictions and fees that limit the features and functionality available to iPhone users. It also details how Apple selectively restricts access to its operating system, degrading the functionality of non-Apple apps and accessories. This has led to Apple collecting significant commission fees from the App Store and suppressing the emergence of competitive programs like cloud streaming apps and super apps. The paragraph further addresses the negative user experience for iPhone users messaging with non-Apple users, with Apple intentionally diminishing the functionality of its own and third-party messaging apps.


🛠️ Allegations of Apple's Barriers to Competition and Innovation

This paragraph focuses on Apple's alleged creation of barriers that make it difficult and expensive for users and developers to step outside the Apple ecosystem. It mentions how Apple drives users to purchase Apple Watch exclusively and uses technical and contractual controls to discourage the use of non-Apple smart watches. The paragraph also discusses Apple's conduct with digital wallets, where it encourages participation but simultaneously blocks the development of alternative payment services for iPhone users, inserting itself into the transaction process and potentially compromising user privacy and security.


🏛️ The Importance of Antitrust Laws and the Fight Against Corporate Misconduct

The Deputy Attorney General emphasizes the importance of antitrust laws in protecting competition, consumer choice, and market prices, and how these laws promote quality and innovation. The paragraph addresses the allegations against Apple, stating that the company's monopoly power is not due to superior products or business acumen but rather unlawful exclusionary behavior. It warns that unchecked monopolies threaten the free and fair market and can increase costs for consumers. The paragraph concludes with a commitment to enforce antitrust laws and protect consumers from higher prices and fewer choices.


🗣️ Apple's Response and the Debate on Competitive Practices

Apple's response to the antitrust suit is presented, arguing that the company innovates to create products that users love and that the lawsuit threatens its principles and the competitive market. Apple claims that a successful suit would hinder its ability to innovate and set a dangerous precedent, empowering the government to overly influence tech design. The discussion includes a comparison to past technology competition cases, such as VHS and Betamax, and questions about whether Apple should be required to accommodate competitors at the potential expense of its users and end product. The paragraph also touches on the timing of the suit in relation to political campaigns and the Department of Justice's independence from political influence.




Antitrust refers to laws and policies that promote competition and prevent the formation of monopolies or cartels. In the context of the video, the Justice Department is filing an antitrust suit against Apple, alleging that the company has engaged in exclusionary and anti-competitive behavior that maintains its monopoly power in the smartphone market, to the detriment of consumers and innovation.


A monopoly is a market condition where a single company or entity exclusively provides a product or service, allowing it to set prices and control the market. In the video, Apple is accused of maintaining a monopoly in the smartphone market through its alleged exclusionary conduct, which has led to a lack of choice, higher prices, and reduced innovation.


The iPhone is Apple's signature smartphone product, which has been a major driver of the company's revenue and market dominance. The video script highlights the success of the iPhone and how it has contributed to Apple's alleged monopolistic behavior in the smartphone market.

💡Exclusionary Conduct

Exclusionary conduct refers to business practices that intentionally limit competition by making it difficult for other companies to participate in the market. In the video, Apple is accused of engaging in exclusionary conduct by imposing contractual restrictions and selectively restricting access to its operating system, which harms both consumers and developers.

💡Consumer Protection

Consumer protection involves laws and regulations designed to ensure that businesses operate fairly and in the best interest of consumers. The antitrust suit against Apple is framed as an effort to protect consumers from higher prices, fewer choices, and reduced innovation that result from monopolistic practices.


Innovation refers to the process of introducing new ideas, methods, or products to improve or expand upon existing ones. The video script suggests that Apple's alleged monopolistic practices stifle innovation in the smartphone market by limiting competition and the development of alternative products and services.


Developers are individuals or companies that create software applications and other digital products. In the video, the Justice Department claims that Apple's alleged anti-competitive practices hurt developers by forcing them to play by Apple's rules and insulating the company from competition.

💡App Store

The App Store is a digital marketplace for iOS applications and other content managed by Apple. It is central to the antitrust suit as the Justice Department alleges that Apple uses the App Store to maintain its monopoly by imposing a 30% commission on app downloads and in-app purchases, which contributes to higher prices for consumers and limits the success of competing digital wallets and streaming apps.

💡Digital Wallets

Digital wallets are applications that allow users to store and use various types of information and credentials, such as credit cards and personal identification, in a single app. In the video, Apple's alleged monopolistic practices are said to extend to its digital wallet, Apple Wallet, where the company is accused of blocking the development of competing digital wallets on the iPhone and requiring users to share personal information with Apple.

💡Market Share

Market share is the percentage of the total market that a company holds for a particular product or service. In the video, the Justice Department's antitrust suit against Apple is based on the company's significant market share in the smartphone industry, which is allegedly maintained through anti-competitive practices.


Competition refers to the rivalry between companies in a particular market striving to offer better products or services. The video script discusses how Apple's alleged conduct harms competition by creating barriers for other companies, leading to a less competitive market that stifles innovation and increases prices for consumers.


The Justice Department has filed a landmark antitrust suit against Apple, marking a significant legal action against the tech giant.

Apple's net income is so substantial that it exceeds the individual gross domestic product of more than when countries, underscoring its economic influence.

The iPhone, Apple's signature smartphone product, has been a major contributor to the company's success, making up the majority of its annual revenue for over a decade.

Apple's share of the U.S. performance smartphone market exceeds 70%, and its share of the entire U.S. smartphone market exceeds 65%, indicating a dominant market position.

The complaint alleges that Apple has maintained its monopoly power not by improving its products but by engaging in exclusionary and anti-competitive conduct.

Apple imposes contractual restrictions and fees that limit the features and functionality available to iPhone users, impacting both consumers and developers.

The company selectively restricts access to the connection between third-party apps and the iPhone operating system, degrading the functionality of non-Apple apps and accessories.

Apple's practices have resulted in fewer choices, higher prices and fees, and lower-quality smartphones and accessories for consumers.

Developers face being forced to comply with Apple's rules, which insulate the company from competition and stifle innovation.

Apple collects significant revenue through a 30% commission on app downloads from the App Store and in-app purchases.

The company has suppressed the emergence of programs like cloud streaming apps, gaming, and super apps, which could reduce user dependence on its operating system and expensive hardware.

Apple's anti-competitive contracts make it difficult for iPhone users to message with users of non-Apple products, intentionally diminishing the quality, privacy, and security of its users.

The lawsuit highlights Apple's ability to command fees from companies of all sizes and its suppression of alternative payment products and services for iPhone users.

Apple's exclusionary conduct is said to make its products worse, not by making others better, which is a violation of federal antitrust laws.

The Justice Department emphasizes the importance of enforcing antitrust laws to protect consumers from higher prices and fewer choices, and to promote a free and fair market.

The Deputy Attorney General stresses the department's commitment to holding companies accountable for their actions, especially when they harm consumers and competition.

The lawsuit is not about Apple having a superior product but about the company using its success to push out competitors in ways that hurt consumers and innovation.

The discussion includes the question of whether tech giants should be obligated to create software that is compatible with their competitors' products.

Apple's response to the lawsuit claims that the suit threatens the principles on which the company is built and could set a dangerous precedent for government involvement in tech design.

The antitrust suit aims to ensure a fair marketplace where competition is not artificially hindered and where consumer choice and privacy are protected.