Autos Voladores - Con Oye 89.7

28 Mar 202403:56

TLDRThe script discusses the exciting prospect of flying cars becoming a reality, as promised by Toyota for the Osaka Expo. This technological marvel is set to transport attendees from the airport to the fair in flying vehicles, following successful safety tests. The conversation highlights the evolution of flying car designs from Blade Runner-inspired concepts to modern, drone-like prototypes. The focus is on the potential of this technology and the challenges of safety and practicality in implementation, with the Expo in June 2025 serving as a key event for showcasing these innovations.


  • 🚗 The discussion revolves around the concept of flying cars, which have been a long-standing idea since the release of Blade Runner.
  • 🌟 The 89.7 FM technology section features Octavio Castillo deila, discussing the advancements in flying car technology.
  • 🇯🇵 A global technology fair is scheduled to take place in Japan, showcasing the latest in flying car innovations.
  • 🚀 Toyota, a prominent manufacturer, has promised to display flying cars at the upcoming expo.
  • 🏎️ The event organizers have committed to transporting all attendees from Osaka airport to the fair in flying cars.
  • 🔬 The first safety tests for the flying cars have been concluded successfully, boosting confidence in the technology.
  • 🛫 There are plans to have 50 flying cars ready for the event, indicating a significant step towards commercialization.
  • 💡 The concept of flying cars blends the functionalities of road vehicles with the ability to fly, much like a small aircraft or helicopter.
  • 🛰️ Safety concerns are a major topic, with discussions on the required licenses and the potential for accidents in the air versus on the streets.
  • 📈 The script highlights the potential for flying cars to alleviate traffic congestion by utilizing the extra dimensions of air travel.
  • 📅 The technology fair, initially scheduled for 2020, was postponed due to COVID-19 and is now set for June 2025.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of discussion in the script?

    -The main topic of discussion is the upcoming technology fair in Japan, where the attendees will be transported in flying cars from the Osaka airport to the fairground.

  • Which company promised to showcase flying cars at the technology fair?

    -Toyota promised to showcase flying cars at the technology fair.

  • How many flying cars did the organizers plan to use for transporting attendees?

    -The organizers planned to use 50 flying cars for transporting attendees.

  • What was the status of the first safety tests for the flying cars?

    -The first safety tests for the flying cars concluded successfully.

  • What is the significance of the technology fair being held in 2025?

    -The technology fair, originally scheduled for 2020, was postponed for five years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, making the 2025 event highly anticipated for showcasing cutting-edge technology.

  • What is the concern raised about the safety of flying cars?

    -The concern raised is that if accidents occur in the air, there is much more space to manage compared to the streets, implying that flying cars could potentially be safer.

  • What is the expectation regarding the design of the flying cars to be showcased?

    -The expectation is that the flying cars will not resemble traditional airplanes or helicopters but will look more like the futuristic cars seen in movies such as Blade Runner and the DeLorean.

  • How does the discussion relate to the idea of cars flying at different altitudes?

    -The discussion suggests that for safety reasons, the flying cars might operate at an altitude of about a meter, rather than flying at a kilometer high like traditional aircraft.

  • What is the significance of Toyota's involvement in the fair?

    -Toyota's involvement is significant because they are known for their innovative technology, such as their high-speed trains that use magnetic levitation, indicating that their flying cars might also employ advanced technology.

  • What are the potential implications of the success of this technology fair for the future of transportation?

    -The success of the technology fair could mark a turning point in the development and adoption of flying cars, potentially revolutionizing urban transportation and reducing traffic congestion on the ground.

  • How does the script suggest the public's reaction to the idea of flying cars?

    -The script suggests that the public is intrigued and excited about the idea of flying cars, as it has been a long-standing concept in science fiction and a dream for many since the release of movies like Blade Runner.



🚗 The Future of Flying Cars

This paragraph discusses the anticipation and excitement surrounding the development and potential reality of flying cars, a concept popularized by science fiction movies like Blade Runner. It mentions the upcoming technology fair in Japan where Toyota has promised to showcase flying cars, with the ambition to transport all attendees from Osaka airport to the fair in these vehicles. The discussion highlights the successful completion of initial safety tests and the expectations for the event in June 2025, emphasizing the innovative and futuristic nature of this transportation technology.



💡Auto Volador

The term 'Auto Volador' refers to a flying car, a type of vehicle that is capable of traveling through the air in addition to traditional road travel. In the context of the video, it is the central theme as the discussion revolves around the development and demonstration of such vehicles at an upcoming technology fair in Japan. The script mentions that attendees will be transported from the airport to the fair in these flying cars, highlighting their potential integration into future transportation systems.

💡Blade Runner

Blade Runner is a 1982 science fiction film that has had a significant influence on the popular imagination of future technologies, including flying cars. The movie's depiction of flying cars with helicopter-like rotors and airplane-like wings has shaped public expectations of what such vehicles might look like and how they might function. In the video, the hosts discuss the evolution of the concept of flying cars from the Blade Runner era to the more recent, more practical designs being developed today.

💡Technology Fair

A technology fair is an event where companies and organizations showcase their latest technological innovations and research. In the video, the upcoming technology fair in Japan is the setting for the promised demonstration of flying cars by Toyota. The fair is a significant platform for companies to present their advancements to a global audience and can influence the direction of future technological development.

💡Safety Tests

Safety tests are a series of evaluations conducted to ensure that a product, in this case, flying cars, meets certain safety standards and is reliable for public use. These tests are crucial before the commercial release of any new technology to minimize risks and ensure consumer safety. In the video, the successful completion of the first safety tests for the flying cars is highlighted as a significant milestone towards their public demonstration at the technology fair.


Toyota is a multinational automotive manufacturer known for its innovation and production of a wide range of vehicles. In the context of the video, Toyota is a key player as it has promised to showcase flying cars at the technology fair in Japan. The company's involvement signifies the potential for flying cars to become a reality in the near future and enter mainstream transportation.


In the context of the video, 'fusion' refers to the blending of different technologies or design elements to create a new, hybrid product. Specifically, it is used to describe the integration of flying capabilities into traditional vehicles, resulting in a flying car that can operate both on roads and in the air. This fusion represents a significant leap in transportation technology and design.

💡Delorian Volador

The Delorian Volador is a fictional flying car from the movie 'Back to the Future Part II,' where it is depicted as a vehicle that can hover and fly. The Delorian is iconic for its distinctive design and its role in the film's storyline. In the video, the Delorian Volador is used as a reference to the kind of futuristic flying cars that people have long envisioned and that companies like Toyota are now attempting to bring to life through their prototypes.


Magnetism, in the context of the video, refers to the use of magnetic forces to levitate and propel objects, such as in the case of Japan's famous 'maglev' trains. These trains use magnetic levitation technology to achieve high speeds with minimal friction. The mention of magnetism in the script suggests that similar principles might be applied to the development of flying cars, potentially allowing them to 'float' or hover above the ground rather than relying on traditional mechanical means of propulsion.


Safety is a critical concern when introducing new technologies, especially those that involve transportation and movement in three-dimensional space. In the context of the video, safety pertains to the precautions and measures taken to ensure that flying cars operate without posing significant risks to passengers, pedestrians, or other users. The discussion around safety tests and potential altitudes at which flying cars might operate reflects the importance of minimizing hazards associated with this emerging mode of transport.


A prototype is an early sample or model of a product that is used to test and refine its design before it is manufactured and released for public use. In the video, the term is used in reference to the flying cars that Toyota is developing. Prototypes are essential in the innovation process as they allow for practical testing and evaluation of new technologies, helping to identify and address any issues or shortcomings before the technology is fully commercialized.

💡Futuristic Design

Futuristic design refers to the aesthetic and functional elements that are imagined or created for use in the future, often incorporating advanced technologies and innovative concepts. In the video, futuristic design is discussed in relation to the flying cars, which are envisioned to have a sleek, advanced appearance similar to those seen in science fiction films like Blade Runner and Back to the Future. These designs not only serve a practical purpose but also capture the public's imagination and set the stage for what is possible in the realm of transportation.


The discussion revolves around the concept of flying cars, which have been a dream since the release of Blade Runner.

The idea of flying cars has evolved from the ones seen in Back to the Future to more practical and realistic designs.

The host mentions that Toyota has promised to showcase flying cars at an expo, indicating a potential leap in automotive technology.

All attendees of the expo will be transported from Osaka airport to the fair in flying cars, highlighting the practical application of this technology.

Toyota has successfully completed the first safety tests for their flying cars, building confidence in their ability to fulfill their promise.

The conversation touches on the topic of safety in the air, suggesting that there is more space for error compared to on the streets.

The host speculates on the altitude at which flying cars might operate, considering safety and practicality.

The discussion includes a comparison between Japan's famous bullet trains that use magnetic levitation and the potential for flying cars to use similar technology.

The expo, initially scheduled for 2020, was postponed to 2025 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The host expresses excitement about the potential of seeing flying cars in action at the 2025 fair.

The conversation highlights the importance of licensing and regulation for new flying vehicles.

The distinction is made between the cinematic portrayal of flying cars and the more grounded reality that is likely to be presented at the expo.

The host wonders whether the flying cars will resemble the DeLorean from Back to the Future or the speeder from Star Wars.

The discussion concludes with anticipation for the June 2025 technology fair where flying cars are expected to be a major attraction.