19 May 202322:08

TLDRIn this horror game playthrough, Markiplier experiences a first-person, body cam-style game called 'Depart'. The game starts off calm but quickly becomes unsettling as Markiplier navigates through darkness, encounters a mysterious entity, and faces off with terrifying foes. The unique perspective adds to the game's immersive and frightening atmosphere, but also induces a sense of motion sickness for Markiplier. Despite the challenges, he appreciates the game's concept and hopes for improvements in future iterations.


  • 🎮 Markiplier introduces the game Depart, an unsettlingly realistic horror game with a unique body cam style gameplay.
  • 🌑 The game starts with a sense of darkness and confusion, leaving the player disoriented and unsure of their surroundings.
  • 🔫 Markiplier finds a gun early in the game, which he considers might be useful for self-defense against potential threats.
  • 💡 The game's lighting and camera work create an immersive experience, but also contribute to feelings of unease and motion sickness.
  • 👻 Markiplier encounters various horror elements, including a figure resembling Slenderman, adding to the game's eerie atmosphere.
  • 🔄 The game features a recurring theme of backtracking and changing environments, which adds to the sense of disorientation.
  • 🔑 Keys and ammunition are scarce resources that the player must manage carefully to progress through the game.
  • 🎯 Markiplier expresses frustration with the limited ammo counter and the challenge of conserving resources.
  • 🤯 The game's climax involves intense confrontations with enemies, testing the player's reaction times and strategic thinking.
  • 💭 Markiplier reflects on the game's ending, noting that it leaves the player with lingering questions and a sense of unease.
  • 👍 Despite the challenges, Markiplier appreciates the game's innovative approach to horror and its potential for future development.

Q & A

  • What is the name of the horror game that Markiplier is playing in the transcript?

    -The name of the horror game is 'Depart'.

  • How does Markiplier describe the perspective of the gameplay in 'Depart'?

    -Markiplier describes the perspective of the gameplay as 'unsettlingly realistic' and 'body cam-style'.

  • What does Markiplier find when he first starts playing the game?

    -Markiplier finds himself in darkness and discovers a gun, which he considers might be good for him.

  • What does Markiplier do when he realizes that the game has a body cam-style perspective?

    -Markiplier initially expresses fascination and comments that it makes the game more immersive.

  • How does Markiplier feel about the darkness in the game?

    -Markiplier expresses discomfort and unease with the darkness, preferring even a blurry, pulsing hallway over deep darkness.

  • What does Markiplier do when he encounters a character that charges at him with a spike club?

    -Markiplier defends himself by shooting the character, stating that he feels justified in his actions given the circumstances.

  • How does Markiplier react to the game's immersive nature causing him to feel nauseous?

    -Markiplier acknowledges the nausea but decides to continue playing, suggesting he needs to get over the hurdle of readjusting to the immersive experience.

  • What does Markiplier suggest about the game's lighting and its effect on his experience?

    -Markiplier suggests that the game's lighting, particularly the flashing, contributes to his motion sickness and detracts from the experience.

  • What is Markiplier's strategy when he encounters multiple enemies in the game?

    -Markiplier's strategy is to keep the enemies at the end of the hallway and avoid getting too close to them.

  • How does Markiplier feel about the game's ending?

    -Markiplier finds the game's ending thought-provoking and appreciates the additional level of immersion it offers.

  • What does Markiplier recommend for players who might experience motion sickness while playing 'Depart'?

    -Markiplier recommends taking it slower and giving oneself a breather to avoid motion sickness.



🎮 Introduction to the Game Depart

The paragraph introduces the game Depart, described as an unsettlingly realistic horror game. The player, Markiplier, expresses confusion and surprise at the game's immersive and disorienting environment. He navigates through darkness and discovers items such as a gun, experiencing a mix of fear and curiosity. Markiplier also humorously mentions his inebriation, which adds to his unsteady gameplay experience. The paragraph ends with Markiplier's realization of the game's unique perspective, resembling a body cam style, which he finds intriguing despite the initial discomfort.


🔦 Searching for Light and Clues

In this paragraph, Markiplier continues his exploration, expressing a desire for a flashlight to navigate the dark environment. He encounters various challenges, such as cornering and disorientation, and reacts to the game's immersive first-person perspective, comparing it to Resident Evil 7 and Village. Markiplier also mentions the game's potential to induce motion sickness due to its immersive nature. Despite the difficulties, he appreciates the game's intensity and continues to search for ways to progress, finding keys and ammunition while dealing with various enemies and obstacles.


🚪 Navigating Through Uncertainty

Markiplier faces more challenges as he navigates through the game, dealing with limited ammunition and unexpected obstacles. He encounters enemies and makes decisions based on instinct, often reacting to sudden scares and threats. The paragraph highlights the player's determination to overcome the game's difficulties, despite the fear and uncertainty. Markiplier also expresses frustration with the game's mechanics, such as the jiggling and the quietness, which add to the suspense and tension. The paragraph ends with a moment of realization about the game's title, 'Don't Let Him Near,' hinting at a deeper understanding of the game's objectives and challenges.


💥 Confrontation and Survival

This paragraph focuses on Markiplier's confrontations with the game's enemies and his struggle for survival. He uses his limited resources, such as ammunition, to fend off attackers and tries to keep them at bay. Markiplier also deals with the game's sudden changes in lighting and environment, which add to the intensity and unpredictability of the situation. Despite the challenges, he manages to progress, finding new items and navigating through the game's twists and turns. The paragraph ends with Markiplier's trick play, pretending to be dead to fool the enemy, showcasing his adaptability and cunning in the face of danger.


🤯 Reflecting on the Game Experience

In the final paragraph, Markiplier reflects on his experience with the game Depart, discussing its unique features and the emotions it evoked. He appreciates the game's immersive quality and its ability to scare, but also acknowledges the discomfort caused by the perspective shift and motion sickness. Markiplier concludes that the game is a promising concept and demo, but suggests that it needs fine-tuning for a smoother and less disorienting experience. He invites viewers to share their thoughts and promises more scary game content in the future.



💡Body Cam

A body cam is a wearable video camera that is typically used by law enforcement officers or other professionals for recording their activities. In the context of the video, it refers to the unique gameplay perspective where the player's point of view mimics that of a body camera, adding to the immersive and realistic horror experience of the game.

💡Horror Game

A horror game is a genre of video games that aims to frighten, scare, or startle its players through the use of narrative, sound, and graphics. These games often involve the player navigating through eerie environments, solving puzzles, and facing off against various frightening creatures or situations. In the video, the game 'Depart' is described as a horror game, setting the tone for the player's experience.


Markiplier is a popular YouTuber known for his Let's Play videos, particularly in the horror game genre. His real name is Mark Fischbach. In this script, Markiplier is the player and narrator, providing commentary and reactions as he experiences the game 'Depart'.


Gameplay refers to the methods and rules used in a game, as well as the experiences and activities that players engage in while playing. In video games, this includes the interactions with the game environment, characters, and the narrative. The term is used in the script to describe the unique first-person, body cam style perspective of 'Depart' and how it affects the player's immersion in the game.


Darkness in the context of a horror game often serves to create an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty. It limits the player's visibility, making them feel vulnerable and heightening their sense of dread. In the script, references to darkness contribute to the overall suspenseful and eerie tone of the game 'Depart'.


In video games, a gun is a common weapon used by players to defend themselves against enemies or obstacles. In the context of a horror game, a gun can provide a sense of security and control to the player amidst a frightening environment. In the script, the presence of a gun is mentioned as a tool for Markiplier's character to navigate through the game's challenges.

💡VR (Virtual Reality)

VR, or Virtual Reality, is a technology that immerses users in a simulated environment by wearing a headset or using other sensory devices. It creates an interactive experience that can significantly enhance the realism and engagement of video games. In the video, Markiplier compares the game's immersive perspective to that of VR, highlighting the intense experience it offers.

💡Motion Sickness

Motion sickness is a sensation of discomfort and nausea experienced by some individuals when subjected to constant motion or visual stimuli, such as those found in video games or virtual reality experiences. In the context of the video, Markiplier mentions feeling a bit nauseous due to the immersive nature of the game's perspective, which is a common side effect reported by some users of immersive technologies.


Ammo, short for ammunition, refers to the projectiles, cartridges, or other materials used in guns or other weapons. In video games, managing one's ammo is often a critical aspect of gameplay, as it can determine the player's ability to defend themselves against enemies. In the script, Markiplier expresses concern about his ammo, indicating the importance of this resource in the game.


A flashlight is a portable light source typically used in dark environments to provide visibility. In video games, especially horror games, a flashlight can be an essential tool for navigating through dark spaces and spotting hidden elements or threats. In the script, Markiplier expresses a desire for a flashlight to help him see in the darkness.


A scare in the context of a horror game refers to a sudden, unexpected event or element designed to startle or frighten the player. These are often used to create tension and keep the player on edge. Markiplier's reactions throughout the script demonstrate the game's success in delivering scares and maintaining a horror atmosphere.


A demo, short for demonstration, is a version of a game or software that is used to showcase its features, gameplay, or capabilities. It is often a limited version of the full product, intended to give users a taste of the experience. In the video, Markiplier refers to the game 'Depart' as a demo, suggesting that it is a preliminary version meant to demonstrate the game's concept and potential.


Markiplier introduces the game Depart, an unsettlingly realistic horror game.

The game is experienced from a first-person perspective, likened to a body cam style gameplay.

Markiplier expresses his initial skepticism about the game's perspective, but later finds it immersive.

The player is left disoriented and confused about their surroundings, adding to the horror atmosphere.

Markiplier discovers a gun, which he considers might be useful for self-defense.

The game's environment and lighting create a sense of unease and tension.

Markiplier experiences a feeling of being led and cornered by the game's mechanics.

The player encounters a figure resembling Slenderman, a popular horror character.

Markiplier expresses discomfort with the game's intense and sudden shifts in lighting.

The player finds keys and ammo, crucial for progressing through the game.

Markiplier successfully defends himself against an attacker, using the game's combat mechanics.

The game's narrative and environment lead the player to question the reality of the situation.

Markiplier experiences a sense of déjà vu, as the game's environment seems to repeat itself.

The player's actions have consequences, as Markiplier learns from his encounters.

Markiplier reflects on the game's potential for inducing motion sickness due to its immersive nature.

The game ends with a thought-provoking twist, leaving players to ponder its meaning.