A Photo-Realistic Body Cam Horror Game | Depart Prototype

20 May 202320:26

TLDRThe video transcript describes a first-person horror game with shooter elements, set in a dark and immersive environment. The player navigates through a challenging and frightening experience, where enemies can kill easily, and the game's difficulty is heightened by its demanding system requirements. The game features realistic movement mechanics and a lack of a heads-up display (HUD), which adds to the tension. The player struggles with controls and encounters various obstacles, including a lack of light and limited ammunition. The game is compared to body cam footage and other horror titles like Resident Evil 7, with a sense of realism that makes it stand out. Despite some optimization issues, the game is highly praised for its intense and horrifying experience, leaving the player with a strong impression.


  • 🎮 The game is a first-person horror with shooter elements, noted for its photo-realistic graphics.
  • 🔫 Players are equipped with a gun, and the game features the possibility of being killed by enemies, enhancing the horror experience.
  • 💻 The game is reportedly demanding on computer hardware, causing lag spikes on some systems.
  • 🌑 The game has a dark and immersive environment, with realistic movement mechanics and a delay between arm movement and screen rotation.
  • 🔍 The game lacks a HUD (Heads-Up Display), adding to the realism and intensity of the gameplay.
  • 📱 Controls may be non-traditional, requiring players to explore and potentially search online for information.
  • 😱 The game's atmosphere is compared to body cam footage, contributing to a sense of realism and tension.
  • 🔥 The player's limited ammunition and the need to reload add to the game's challenge and stress.
  • 🚪 Navigation through the game's environment involves tight spaces and a sense of disorientation.
  • 🎵 The game's sound design, including music and sound effects, plays a significant role in building the horror atmosphere.
  • 👍 The game is praised for its impressive and intense experience, despite being an indie prototype that could benefit from further optimization and polishing.

Q & A

  • What genre is the game being discussed in the script?

    -The game is a first-person, horror game with shooter elements.

  • What is the player's initial reaction to the game's graphics?

    -The player is impressed by the game's graphics, describing them as sensational.

  • What difficulty does the player experience with the game's performance?

    -The player experiences a lag spike while playing the game on their computer with a 40 90 graphics card.

  • How does the game handle player movement and aiming?

    -The game has a unique feature where there's a slight delay between the movement of the arm and the screen's rotation, adding to the realism.

  • What is the player's reaction to the game's dark and immersive atmosphere?

    -The player feels that the dark atmosphere and the realistic movement contribute to the immersion and makes the game feel very real.

  • What is the player's strategy for dealing with the game's enemies?

    -The player plans to follow their gut instinct and use the gun they found to confront and shoot the enemies.

  • How does the absence of a HUD (Heads-Up Display) affect the player's experience?

    -The lack of a HUD adds to the realism and intensity of the game, but also increases the difficulty and disorientation for the player.

  • What comparison does the player make between this game and other horror games they have played?

    -The player compares it to Resident Evil 7 and other first-person horror games, noting that the realism and immersive atmosphere set it apart.

  • What feedback does the player give regarding the game's optimization and polish?

    -The player suggests that the game needs better optimization and polish to become a full-fledged indie horror game.

  • How does the player describe their overall experience with the game?

    -The player describes it as one of the most insane and intense horror experiences they've had, and they are impressed and grateful for the experience.



🎮 First Impressions of a Horror FPS Prototype

The paragraph introduces a first-person horror game with shooter elements. The player starts the game and is immediately immersed in the game's environment, equipped with a gun but facing enemies that can kill easily, adding to the horror atmosphere. The player experiences a lag spike, possibly due to the game's high system requirements, and struggles with the game's controls and darkness. The paragraph highlights the game's realistic features, such as the delay in the movement of the player's arms and the screen's rotation, which adds to the immersion. The player also expresses difficulty in finding and using a gun, navigating the dark environment, and dealing with the lack of a HUD (Heads-Up Display).


👻 Intense Gameplay and Emotional Reactions

This paragraph delves into the player's emotional reactions to the intense and realistic gameplay. The player feels a sense of realism, comparing the experience to a body cam footage game and praising the game's ability to evoke strong feelings. The player expresses a desire for more games of this caliber and style, appreciating the mix of FPS and horror elements. The narrative continues with the player's encounters with the game's enemies, the challenge of navigating dark and tight spaces, and the struggle with the game's mechanics, such as the lack of a flashlight and the difficulty in shooting enemies in the dimly lit environment.


🕵️‍♂️ Navigating Darkness and Overcoming Fear

The player continues to navigate through the game's dark and challenging environments, expressing discomfort with the tight spaces and the fear induced by the game's atmosphere. Despite the difficulties, the player remains determined to confront the game's challenges, armed with a gun and a flashlight. The paragraph describes the player's strategic approach to the game, including reloading, avoiding enemy encounters, and dealing with the game's indie prototype nature, which includes some optimization issues. The player also reflects on the intense and immersive experience, comparing it to other notable horror games and expressing admiration for the developers' work.


🎶 Music and Lights: Enhancing the Horror Experience

This paragraph focuses on the game's use of music and lighting effects to enhance the horror experience. The player discusses the impact of flashing lights on their ability to shoot accurately and the overall difficulty of the game. The player also talks about their reactions to the game's intense moments, such as being attacked by enemies and the emotional toll it takes. The paragraph ends with the player expressing their appreciation for the game's immersive and horrifying experience, despite the challenges and the need for further optimization and polishing.


👋 Signing Off and Encouraging Feedback

In the final paragraph, the player concludes their gameplay experience, inviting viewers to share their thoughts and opinions in the comments section. The player reflects on the overall intensity and enjoyment of the game, acknowledging its potential as an indie horror game. They also express a desire to see more games of this quality and style, and to personally congratulate the developers for their impressive work. The player then signs off, mentioning a personal commitment, and looks forward to engaging with the audience's feedback.




Photo-Realistic refers to a visual design approach in video games where the graphics and environments are created to closely resemble real-life photographs. In the context of the video, this term is used to describe the game's high-quality graphics that make the horror elements more immersive and believable. The game's visual design aims to make players feel as if they are part of a real-life horror scenario, enhancing the overall gaming experience.

💡Body Cam

A body cam, short for body camera, is a wearable video camera used to record events from a first-person perspective. In the video, the game is described as a 'body cam horror game', implying that the gameplay is viewed from a first-person point of view, simulating the experience of wearing a body camera. This perspective intensifies the horror and shooter elements of the game, as players feel they are directly in the action, experiencing the events unfolding in real-time.

💡Horror Game

A horror game is a genre of video games that aims to create a sense of fear, tension, and unease in the player. These games often feature frightening themes, suspenseful narratives, and terrifying creatures or situations. In the context of the video, the game is described as a horror game, indicating that it is designed to evoke strong emotional reactions from players, such as fear and anxiety. The game's immersive graphics and first-person perspective contribute to its horror atmosphere, making the experience more intense and engaging.

💡Shooter Elements

Shooter elements refer to gameplay mechanics typically found in shooting or action games, where players use weapons to combat enemies. In the video, the game is described as having 'shooter elements', meaning that players engage in combat by shooting at enemies. These elements add an action-oriented aspect to the horror game, requiring players to not only survive the frightening environments but also actively defend themselves against threats. The combination of horror and shooter mechanics creates a unique and thrilling gaming experience.


Impressions in the context of video games refer to the initial reactions or feelings a player has upon experiencing the game for the first time. The video discusses the creator's impressions of the game, highlighting aspects such as the graphics, gameplay, and overall experience. These impressions are important as they provide an insight into the game's quality and potential appeal to other players. The creator's positive impressions suggest that the game is successful in delivering an engaging and immersive horror experience.


Gameplay refers to the actual process of playing a video game, including the rules, interactions, challenges, and objectives that players must navigate. In the video, the gameplay is discussed in detail, focusing on the player's actions and experiences within the game. The term encompasses the various elements of the game, such as the use of a gun, the presence of enemies, and the need to make strategic decisions. The gameplay is central to the video, as it is the primary focus of the creator's commentary and the aspect that most directly affects the player's experience.

💡Lag Spike

A lag spike is a sudden and temporary increase in latency or delay during online gaming, which can cause a disruption in the smooth flow of gameplay. In the context of the video, the creator mentions experiencing a lag spike, which affected their ability to shoot accurately in the game. This term highlights the importance of smooth and stable performance in video games, especially in fast-paced or action-oriented games where timing and responsiveness are crucial.


Immersion in video games refers to the feeling of being deeply involved and engaged in the game world, as if the player is truly a part of the virtual environment. The video script mentions that the game adds to the immersion due to its realistic graphics and first-person perspective. This creates a more believable and captivating experience for the player, as they feel connected to the events and actions occurring within the game. The level of immersion is an important aspect of the game's design, as it enhances the overall enjoyment and impact of the horror and shooter elements.


Controls in video games refer to the input methods, such as buttons on a controller or keyboard, that players use to interact with the game and navigate its environment. In the video, the creator discusses their confusion regarding the game's controls, specifically how to equip and use a gun. This highlights the importance of intuitive and clearly communicated controls in games, as they directly affect the player's ability to engage with the gameplay effectively and respond to in-game situations.

💡HUD (Heads-Up Display)

HUD, or Heads-Up Display, is an interface element in video games that provides players with essential information, such as health, ammunition, or a mini-map, without needing to look away from the main gameplay area. The video script mentions the absence of a HUD, which contributes to the game's immersive and realistic feel. However, it also presents a challenge for the player, as they must manage their resources and navigate the game without the usual visual aids, adding to the difficulty and intensity of the experience.


Optimization in the context of video games refers to the process of refining and improving the game's performance to ensure it runs smoothly and efficiently on various hardware configurations. The creator comments on the game's need for better optimization, indicating that it may have performance issues on certain systems. This is important as it affects the accessibility and enjoyment of the game, as players may experience lag or other technical problems that detract from the intended experience.


The game is a first-person horror with shooter elements.

The game has impressive and realistic graphics.

Enemies can kill the player, adding to the horror experience.

The game is reportedly hard to run on some computers.

The player has a gun but may initially struggle to find it.

The game features a unique delay between arm movement and screen rotation.

The game lacks a HUD, increasing the difficulty and immersion.

The player's limited ammunition and accuracy add to the challenge.

The game's atmosphere is reminiscent of body cam footage and certain horror games.

The game includes a flashlight for navigation in dark environments.

The game's pace and tight areas contribute to the player's discomfort.

The game is an indie prototype, which explains some of its rough edges.

The game has potential but needs optimization and polishing.

The experience is intense and memorable, despite its short length.

The game's realistic elements, such as the flashlight's effect, enhance the horror.

The game ends with a surprising and intense confrontation.

The player is left wanting more and impressed by the game's prototype stage.