Biden White House warns of Iran retaliation attack

The Duran
13 Apr 202416:50

TLDRThe Biden White House has warned of a potential retaliation attack from Iran, following an alleged Israeli missile strike on the Iranian embassy in Syria. Despite warnings and anticipation of an imminent attack on Israel, no incident has occurred yet. The situation suggests a trap set by Israel, aiming to involve Iran directly in the conflict and potentially drag the United States in. The discussion also touches on the political and military implications, highlighting the complex dynamics at play.


  • 🚨 The Biden White House has warned of a possible retaliation attack from Iran against Israeli infrastructure.
  • 🤔 There is speculation that the media and Western officials are not discussing the reasons behind the fear of Iranian retaliation.
  • 💥 An Iranian embassy in Syria was reportedly hit by a missile, which could be a justification for Iran to conduct a retaliatory attack.
  • 📜 International lawyers might agree that Iran is within its rights to retaliate, provided the counterattack is proportionate.
  • 🕳 Israel's attack on the Iranian embassy in Damascus is considered an act of war, which has not been officially admitted by Israel.
  • 🤐 The Israeli government has not provided a reason for the attack, and there is skepticism about claims that the embassy was a command center for a proxy war against Israel.
  • 🔍 Israel may be trying to provoke Iran into striking back to expand the conflict and involve the United States directly.
  • 🇮🇷 Iran is savvy and may avoid the trap set by Israel, choosing the time and place for a potential response.
  • 🇺🇸 The Biden administration's statements have been seen as commitment to support Israel, potentially involving the US in a conflict with Iran.
  • 🔥 There is concern that the US is being drawn into a larger conflict due to political and military pressures in the region.
  • 🌍 The US State Department has stated that Iran had no connection with Hamas regarding the conflict with Israel, contradicting some narratives in the media.

Q & A

  • What is the main concern expressed by the White House regarding Iran?

    -The main concern expressed by the White House is the possibility of an imminent retaliation attack by Iran on Israeli infrastructure.

  • Why is there a fear of Iran hitting Israeli infrastructure?

    -The fear arises from the fact that an Iranian embassy in Syria was hit by a missile, which is considered an act of war, potentially justifying a retaliatory attack from Iran.

  • What is the significance of the Israeli attack on the Iranian embassy in Damascus?

    -The attack on the Iranian embassy in Damascus is significant because it resulted in the death of senior personnel, including two generals, escalating tensions and potentially leading to a retaliatory attack from Iran.

  • What is the Israeli government's motive for attacking the Iranian embassy?

    -The Israeli government's motive appears to be to provoke Iran into striking Israel, thereby expanding the conflict and involving other parties, such as the United States.

  • How has the international community reacted to the situation?

    -International opinion has turned against Israel due to the attack on the Iranian embassy, and there is increasing political pressure on the administration in Washington.

  • What is the U.S. administration's stance on the potential conflict with Iran?

    -The U.S. administration under President Biden has shown support for Israel, even committing the U.S. to strike Iran if it were to attack Israel, which has been criticized as a poorly considered move.

  • What is the role of Qatar in relation to Hamas?

    -Qatar is actually the biggest financial supporter of Hamas, not Iran, which is often overlooked in the narrative connecting Iran to Hamas.

  • Why is Iran unlikely to have instigated the conflict with Israel via Hamas?

    -Iran is unlikely to have instigated the conflict because it had a successful year with improved relations with the Saudis, entry into BRICS, a significant arms deal with Russia, and a booming economy, making it illogical for them to risk these gains.

  • What was the U.S. State Department's stance on Iran's involvement with the events of October 7th?

    -The U.S. State Department stated that there was no connection between Iran and the events of October 7th, contradicting claims made by some in the media and political circles.

  • What could be a potential way for Iran to avoid direct retaliation?

    -Iran could potentially avoid direct retaliation by seeking a statement from the UN Security Council condemning the initial Israeli attack on their embassy in Damascus, which might help diffuse the situation.

  • What is the significance of the situation for the Biden administration?

    -The situation is significant for the Biden administration as it highlights the challenges of managing foreign policy, especially when the President's statements are seen as giving blank checks to allies, which can lead to escalated conflicts.



🤔 Speculation on Imminent Attack and Media Silence

This paragraph discusses the anticipation of an imminent attack or retaliation, particularly focusing on the lack of discussion in Western media regarding the possibility of Iran attacking Israeli infrastructure. The conversation highlights the unaddressed fact that an Iranian embassy in Syria was targeted by a missile. The speakers question the narrative and explore the potential reasons behind the media's silence on the matter, including the act of war committed by Israel against the Iranian embassy and the subsequent expectations of a retaliatory strike from Iran.


😒 Analysis of Israeli Motives and US Involvement

The paragraph delves into the potential motives behind Israel's attack on the Iranian embassy in Damascus, suggesting that Israel is laying a trap for Iran to retaliate. It is posited that Israel's aim is to expand the conflict and involve other parties, such as the United States, due to their increasing diplomatic and political isolation. The discussion also touches on the potential influence of Washington in encouraging Israel's actions and the implications of Biden's statements on the situation. The speakers express concern over the lack of caution in the US administration's approach to the conflict and the potential for escalating tensions.


🤨 Doubts on Iran's Response and the Quest for Diplomatic Resolution

This section of the script addresses the skepticism around Iran's potential response to the attack on their embassy and the speculation that they are avoiding a trap set by Israel. It is suggested that Iran may be seeking a more strategic time and place for a counterattack, avoiding the pressure to respond impulsively. The conversation also considers the possibility of a diplomatic solution, such as a UN Security Council statement condemning the initial attack, and the challenges Iran faces in maintaining its international standing while dealing with internal pressures for retaliation.


😕 Clarification on US and Israeli Stances on Hamas and Iran

The final paragraph focuses on clarifying the US and Israeli positions regarding the connection between Iran, Hamas, and the conflict with Israel. It is emphasized that official statements from the US have indicated no direct involvement of Iran in the events with Hamas, contradicting the narrative being pushed by some media and political figures. The discussion also highlights the role of Qatar as a significant funder of Hamas, contrary to common assumptions. The speakers express frustration over the disregard for these facts and the potential for misguided actions that could further escalate tensions in the region.




Retaliation refers to a counter-attack or aggressive response to an initial attack or harmful action. In the context of the video, it is used to describe a potential military action by Iran against Israel, in response to an alleged attack on the Iranian embassy in Syria. The video discusses the legitimacy of such a response under international law, should it be proportionate to the initial act of aggression.


The term 'imminent' refers to an event that is expected to happen soon or is impending. In the video, it is used to describe the perceived urgency and proximity of a potential retaliatory attack by Iran on Israeli targets. The discussion revolves around the anticipation and warnings from various sources about an imminent attack, which has not yet materialized.


The Pentagon is the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense and is often used as a symbol for the U.S. military establishment. In the video, the Pentagon is mentioned as one of the entities that have issued warnings about a possible retaliation from Iran, indicating the involvement and concern of the U.S. military in the situation.


Damascus is the capital city of Syria and is significant in the video as the location of the Iranian embassy that was allegedly attacked by Israel. The video discusses the international implications of this attack, as it is considered an act of war and could potentially lead to further military escalation in the region.

💡act of war

An 'act of war' is a term used to describe an action by one country that initiates a conflict with another, typically through military force. In the video, the attack on the Iranian embassy in Damascus is considered an act of war because it resulted in the death of military personnel and could be seen as a direct provocation by Israel towards Iran.


In the context of the video, a 'trap' refers to a strategic maneuver by Israel to provoke Iran into taking military action against it. The video suggests that Israel may have intentionally attacked the Iranian embassy to lure Iran into a direct conflict, thereby potentially involving other countries and changing the dynamics of the regional conflict.


Gaza is a Palestinian territory mentioned in the video as the site of ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. The video discusses the political and military challenges Israel faces in its operations in Gaza, and how these challenges might influence Israel's actions towards Iran and its perceived need to expand the conflict.


Neocons, short for neoconservatives, is a term used to describe a political group that advocates for an aggressive U.S. foreign policy, often emphasizing military intervention. In the video, the term is used to describe individuals who might be encouraging the U.S. to take a more confrontational stance towards Iran, potentially leading to war.

💡blank check

A 'blank check' in this context refers to a metaphorical statement or commitment that gives someone unlimited authority or support without conditions. The video criticizes President Biden for allegedly providing Israel with a 'blank check' of support, implying that the U.S. will back any Israeli actions, including potential military actions against Iran, without considering the broader implications.

💡Vienna Convention

The Vienna Convention refers to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, an international treaty that outlines the rules and protections for diplomatic missions and personnel. In the video, it is suggested that a statement from the UN Security Council condemning the attack on the Iranian embassy could help uphold the principles of the Vienna Convention and potentially de-escalate the situation.


Qatar is a country in the Middle East mentioned in the video as the primary financial backer of Hamas, rather than Iran. The video argues that the narrative often presented in Western media that Iran is the main supporter of Hamas is incorrect, and that Qatar plays a more significant role in funding the organization.


Biden White House warns of imminent Iranian retaliation attack.

U.S. and Israeli concerns about a potential retaliation from Iran are based on the attack on the Iranian embassy in Syria.

International lawyers might agree that Iran is justified in conducting a retaliatory attack, provided it is proportionate.

The situation arises from Israel's attack on the Iranian embassy in Damascus, which is considered an act of war.

Israel's attack on the embassy killed senior personnel, including two generals.

The Israeli government may be trying to provoke Iran into striking Israel to expand the conflict and involve the U.S.

Iran is savvy and understands the trap set by Israel, hence their restraint from attacking so far.

Iran's response, when it comes, will be at a time and place of their choosing.

The U.S. administration's lack of warning to Israel against such actions may indicate support for Israel's stance.

There are reports that the Israeli Air Force is rehearsing strikes on Iranian nuclear facilities.

President Biden's statements commit the U.S. to strike Iran if Iran attacks Israel, potentially boxing the U.S. into a war scenario.

The U.S. State Department has no record of Iran's connection with Hamas regarding the conflict with Israel.

Qatar, not Iran, is the biggest paymaster for Hamas.

Iran had a successful year with improved relations with the Saudis and a booming economy, making an attack on Israel unlikely.

The U.S. itself stated that Iran was not involved in the events of October 7th with Hamas.

Despite the lack of evidence linking Iran to the conflict, narratives are being pushed to connect Iran to Hamas.

The collective West media is trying to connect Iran to Hamas to justify Israel's actions and potential conflict with Iran.

Iran's lack of response to the embassy attack could be an attempt to avoid further attacks by Israel and others.

The situation is tense, and while Iran has not responded yet, the pressures and demands for retaliation are present.

The U.S. should consider supporting a UN Security Council statement condemning the Israeli attack on the Iranian embassy in Damascus.