Google Gemini Is Anti-White

Ben Shapiro
22 Feb 202408:41

TLDRThe video discusses the release of Google's new product, Google Gemini, an AI that generates images from text prompts. It highlights concerns about the AI's apparent bias towards diversity, as demonstrated by its generation of images that do not align with traditional or expected portrayals, such as a black African Pope or diverse medieval knights. The video also touches on the AI's refusal to generate images of sensitive historical events like Tiananmen Square, and its promotion of inclusive content over specific racial or ethnic depictions. The narrative suggests a potential for increased censorship and bias in commercial AI systems in the future.


  • 🚀 Google released a new product called Google Gemini, an AI that generates images based on text prompts.
  • 🎨 The AI has been criticized for producing images with a left-wing, woke bias, often favoring diversity over proportional representation.
  • 🖼️ When prompted to create an image of a 'pope', Google Gemini generated images of a black African Pope and a female Pope of color, deviating from traditional representations.
  • 🛡️ The discussion highlighted the importance of internet security, recommending the use of VPNs like ExpressVPN to protect personal data from hackers.
  • 📸 Google Gemini was tested with various prompts, consistently avoiding depictions of white individuals, even when specifically requested.
  • 🚫 The AI refused to generate an image related to the sensitive historical event of Tiananmen Square, citing the need for respect and accuracy.
  • 🌍 The AI's responses suggest a deliberate effort to promote diversity and inclusion, even when it results in historical or modern inaccuracies.
  • 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 When asked to depict a 'European family', the AI responded by emphasizing the importance of diverse representation and拒绝了 the request.
  • 🤴 The AI's portrayal of an 18th-century King of France did not align with historical figures, instead presenting a black man in royal attire, indicating a potential bias in the AI's image generation.
  • 📢 The script discusses concerns about the increasing censorship and bias in commercial AI systems, warning that the issue may intensify in the future.

Q & A

  • What is the new product mentioned in the transcript?

    -The new product mentioned is Google Gemini, an AI that generates high-quality images based on user prompts.

  • What issue arose with Google Gemini when it was used on Twitter?

    -Google Gemini displayed a bias towards creating images that were left-wing and woke, often not aligning with the user's intended prompts based on traditional or expected representations.

  • What was the result when Frank Fleming prompted Google Gemini to create an image of a pope?

    -The image produced by Google Gemini was of a black African Pope who is male and a female Pope who is of color, which was not what was traditionally expected.

  • What does the transcript suggest about the diversity promoted by Google Gemini?

    -The transcript suggests that Google Gemini's interpretation of diversity is biased against proportional representation and tends to favor non-white and non-traditional representations.

  • How did Google Gemini respond to a prompt for an image of a white male?

    -Google Gemini responded that it cannot fulfill requests that include discriminatory or biased content and that it promotes diversity and inclusion.

  • What was the outcome when Stephen Miller asked Google Gemini to depict Tiananmen Square?

    -Google Gemini refused to create an image of Tiananmen Square, citing the event as sensitive and complex with a wide range of interpretations and perspectives.

  • What did the transcript reveal about the potential future of AI and censorship?

    -The transcript suggests that the censorship and bias seen in commercial AI systems like Google Gemini could become more intense, raising concerns about the control and manipulation of information.

  • What was the result when a prompt was given to depict a European family?

    -Google Gemini responded that it understood the desire for diverse representation but could not fulfill a request specifically depicting a white family, instead offering to show diverse families.

  • How did Google Gemini handle a prompt for an 18th-century King of France?

    -Google Gemini generated an image of a black man dressed as an 18th-century French King, which was not historically accurate or aligned with the traditional depiction of French monarchs from that era.

  • What is the main concern expressed in the transcript about AI and media?

    -The main concern is that AI systems like Google Gemini could be used to manipulate information, suppress certain viewpoints, and propagate biases, leading to a distorted understanding of reality and history.



🖼️ Google Gemini's AI Biases

The first paragraph discusses the new Google product, Google Gemini, which generates images based on user prompts. It highlights the AI's tendency to produce images with a left-wing, woke bias, often favoring diversity over proportional representation. Examples include prompts for a pope resulting in images of a black African Pope and a female Pope of color, which the speaker finds unrealistic. The paragraph also touches on the importance of using a VPN like ExpressVPN for internet security, as it creates an encrypted tunnel to protect personal data from hackers. The speaker criticizes Google Gemini for its apparent pre-programming to avoid representing white individuals proportionally, suggesting an anti-white stance in the name of diversity.


🚫 Censored History and AI Representation

The second paragraph continues the critique of Google Gemini, focusing on its refusal to generate images of certain historical events, such as the Tiananmen Square massacre, due to sensitivity and complexity. It also discusses the AI's avoidance of generating images of white families, instead promoting diverse family representations. The paragraph includes examples of prompts for historical figures, like the King of France from the 18th century, which resulted in an image of a black man, contrary to historical records. The speaker argues that this bias is intentional and part of a larger trend in AI systems, predicting increased censorship and bias in the future. The paragraph concludes with a call to join a series that aims to challenge mainstream media narratives.



💡Google Gemini

Google Gemini is an AI product developed by Google that generates images based on user prompts. It is central to the video's discussion as it is portrayed as having inherent biases towards diversity and against representing white individuals in a traditional context. The video provides examples of prompts given to Google Gemini and the resulting images, which are claimed to demonstrate these biases.

💡AI Bias

AI Bias refers to the inherent prejudice or inclination in artificial intelligence systems, which can be reflected in the outcomes they produce. In the context of the video, it is suggested that Google Gemini exhibits a bias towards creating images that promote diversity and avoid representing white individuals in a traditional or expected manner.


Diversity refers to the variety of differences among people, including but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, and cultural background. In the video, the term is used to critique Google Gemini's approach to representation, suggesting that the AI system overemphasizes diversity to the point of excluding traditional or majority representations.


ExpressVPN is a virtual private network (VPN) service mentioned in the video as a tool for securing internet connections and protecting personal data from hackers. It is used as an example of a product that is promoted through the video, emphasizing its ability to create a secure encrypted tunnel for data transmission.


Hacking refers to the unauthorized access or manipulation of computer systems and networks. In the video, hacking is discussed as a potential threat to personal and corporate security, emphasizing the importance of using protective measures like VPNs.


Google releases a new AI product named Google Gemini capable of generating high-quality images based on textual prompts.

The AI demonstrated a consistent bias towards more 'woke' and left-leaning interpretations of the prompts.

When prompted to create an image of a Pope, Google Gemini generated images of a black African Pope and a female Pope of color.

Google Gemini's portrayal of a medieval knight included images of an Asian woman, a black man with a man bun, and an Islamic knight.

The AI failed to generate an image of a white male when explicitly prompted, instead offering images of people from minority groups.

Google Gemini refused to generate an image based on the prompt of Tiananmen Square, citing the sensitivity and complexity of the historical event.

The AI also declined to depict a white family, offering instead images showcasing diverse families.

For the prompt 'King of France from the 18th century,' Google Gemini generated an image of a black man, despite all known kings from that era being white.

The AI's responses indicate a deliberate avoidance of representing white individuals in its image generation.

Mark Andreon, active in the AI space, tweeted about the draconian censorship and deliberate bias in commercial AI systems.

The discussion suggests that the bias and censorship in AI systems may become more intense in the future.

The transcript is from the Ben Shapiro show, which critiques the mainstream media's narrative and seeks to bring truth to its audience.

The show highlights the importance of using a VPN like ExpressVPN to protect personal data from hackers on unencrypted networks.

ExpressVPN creates a secure encrypted tunnel to prevent hackers from stealing sensitive data.

The ease of use of ExpressVPN is emphasized, with protection available on all devices with a simple click of a button.

The transcript discusses the potential risks of connecting to unencrypted networks and the value of internet security.

The AI's refusal to generate certain images based on race or ethnicity is seen as a promotion of diversity and inclusion.

The conversation raises questions about the influence of AI developers' values on the AI's outputs and potential implications for historical accuracy.