Bing AI Secrets Unlocked: How to Use Bing Chat Like a Pro

Brie Kirbyson
10 Mar 202312:44

TLDRDiscover the secrets of using Bing's AI chatbot effectively. Accessing the chat feature requires signing up on and using the Edge browser or Bing app. The AI has limitations, such as forgetting context after eight prompts and not being proficient in math. However, its connection to the internet allows for real-time searches, enhancing its capabilities over ChatGPT. To optimize results, choose the right conversation style, instruct Bing to search as part of your prompts, utilize its suggestions for continued conversation, and teach it new skills. This video provides valuable tips and tricks for mastering Bing chat.


  • 🚀 Access to Bing's new chat feature requires signing up on and waiting for an email grant.
  • 💻 For optimal use, download the Edge browser or the Bing app on mobile devices.
  • 📝 Bing chat has a limit of eight prompts (updated to 10) before forgetting previous conversation context.
  • 🔍 Bing's major advantage over ChatGPT is its internet connectivity, allowing it to search and reference information.
  • 🤖 Be prepared for Bing to sometimes refuse to continue a conversation or provide inaccurate results in certain topics.
  • 🎨 Choose the right conversation style (creative, balanced, or precise) for better outcomes.
  • 🔗 Always instruct Bing to search or look up information as part of your prompt to leverage its internet access.
  • 💡 Use Bing's suggestions for continuing the conversation, especially when stuck for new topics.
  • 📊 Utilize Bing for data gathering and analysis; it can compile charts and write reports based on search results.
  • 📈 Break complex tasks into multiple prompts to avoid overwhelming Bing and to improve the quality of responses.
  • 🛠 Teach Bing new skills by instructing it to research and then apply those skills in its responses.

Q & A

  • How can one gain access to Bing's new chat feature?

    -To access Bing's new chat feature, go to and sign up for the waitlist by clicking the designated button. Once you've signed up, wait for an email that grants you access. You will also need to download the Edge browser if using a laptop, or the Bing app if using a mobile device.

  • What are the limitations of Bing compared to ChatGPT?

    -Bing's chat has stricter guardrails than ChatGPT, with a limit of eight prompts per session (recently increased to ten) before it forgets prior conversation context. Also, Bing can sometimes shut down or refuse to continue a conversation based on its content sensitivity algorithms, unlike ChatGPT which generally continues unless stopped by the user.

  • Why is it important to fact-check Bing's responses?

    -It's crucial to fact-check Bing's responses because, like many AI chatbots, it can generate incorrect or 'hallucinated' information. However, Bing makes fact-checking easier by providing sources for its responses, allowing users to verify the accuracy of the information directly.

  • What advantages does Bing have over ChatGPT?

    -The main advantage of Bing over ChatGPT is its internet connectivity, which allows it to pull the most current data and information from the web, unlike ChatGPT which only knows information up to a certain cut-off date in 2021.

  • How does choosing the right conversation style affect Bing's performance?

    -Choosing the right conversation style in Bing, such as 'creative', 'balanced', or 'precise', significantly affects the responses. More creative settings yield interesting results, while more precise settings are recommended for queries involving calculations or factual accuracy.

  • How can users optimize their queries in Bing?

    -Users can optimize their queries by always instructing Bing to conduct a web search as part of their prompts. This harnesses Bing's ability to access current online data, making it more useful for obtaining accurate and relevant information.

  • What should you do if Bing repeatedly shuts down conversations?

    -If Bing shuts down conversations or refuses to continue, it's advisable to modify the phrasing of your questions or address different topics, as this could be triggered by content sensitivity algorithms. Resetting the chat using the broom icon can also help start fresh without the previous conversational context.

  • How can you use Bing to compare different products effectively?

    -You can use Bing to effectively compare products by first having it search for and aggregate data about the products, such as safety ratings or prices, and then using a follow-up prompt to ask it to analyze and recommend the best option based on the compiled data.

  • How can teaching Bing new skills be beneficial for users?

    -Teaching Bing new skills, like generating specific types of content or understanding particular styles, can enhance its utility. For example, instructing Bing on how to generate image prompts for creative projects can expand its functionality beyond just providing information.

  • What are Bing's suggestions, and how can they be used?

    -Bing's suggestions, which appear at the bottom of the chat interface, offer potential follow-up questions or statements to continue the conversation. These can be particularly useful for users unfamiliar with interacting with AI, helping guide the dialogue and explore new queries effectively.



🤖 Introduction to Bing's AI Chatbot

The paragraph introduces Bing's new AI chatbot, emphasizing its power and utility in the rapidly evolving field of AI. The speaker shares personal experience with Bing chat, highlighting the need to sign up on to gain access and the necessity of using the Edge browser or the Bing app for access. The paragraph also mentions the limitations of Bing chat, such as the eight-prompt memory limit and the chatbot's tendency to 'forget' previous conversations, as well as its strict guardrails compared to ChatGPT. The speaker advises users to be aware of these limitations when crafting prompts and using the AI tool.


🔍 Tips for Using Bing's AI Chatbot

This paragraph delves into strategies for effectively using Bing's AI chatbot. The speaker suggests always asking Bing to search or look up information as part of the prompt, leveraging its internet connectivity, which is a significant advantage over ChatGPT. The paragraph also discusses the importance of choosing the right conversation style (creative, balanced, or precise) and the value of Bing's suggestions for continuing the conversation. Additionally, it touches on the chatbot's capability to gather and analyze data, as demonstrated through the example of researching and comparing compact cars for 2023. The speaker also emphasizes the benefit of structuring prompts to avoid overwhelming Bing and to enhance the quality of responses.


📚 Expanding Bing's Capabilities

The final paragraph focuses on expanding Bing's capabilities by teaching it new skills. The speaker provides an example of how to instruct Bing to research and emulate writing styles, such as that of Stephen King, and how to generate mid-journey prompts for creating images. The paragraph highlights the potential for users to customize and extend the AI's functionalities. It also mentions the creation of a cheat sheet with prompt templates and examples for users to improve their interaction with AI tools like Bing and ChatGPT. The speaker invites users to share their innovative uses for Bing and promotes a PDF resource for enhancing AI tool usage.



💡Bing AI chatbot

The Bing AI chatbot refers to the new artificial intelligence chatbot developed by Bing, which is considered one of the most powerful chatbots currently available to the public. In the video, the creator discusses their experience with Bing chat and shares tips on how to maximize its utility. This chatbot is unique because it can connect to the internet to provide up-to-date information, unlike other AI chatbots that may have a limited knowledge base.

💡Edge browser

The Edge browser is a web browser developed by Microsoft that is used to access Bing's AI chat feature. It is recommended for laptop users to download this browser to effectively use the chatbot. The Edge browser provides an interface to interact with Bing's AI, showcasing its capabilities and functionalities.

💡Chat GBT

Chat GBT, or Chatbot GPT, is another AI chatbot mentioned in the video for comparison. It is noted for its ability to remember previous interactions in a conversation, unlike Bing's AI chatbot which has a limit on the number of prompts it can remember. The comparison helps to highlight the unique features and limitations of Bing's AI chatbot.


In the context of the video, prompts are the questions or instructions given by the user to the AI chatbot. Crafting effective prompts is crucial for getting the desired responses from the AI. The video provides tips on how to structure prompts to get the most accurate and useful information from Bing's AI chatbot.


Fact-checking refers to the process of verifying the information provided by the AI chatbot. Since AI can sometimes generate incorrect or misleading information, it is important to fact-check its responses. Bing's AI chatbot provides sources for its information, making it easier for users to verify the accuracy of its statements.

💡Conversation style

The conversation style refers to the tone and manner in which the AI chatbot communicates. Bing's AI chatbot offers different styles such as creative, balanced, or precise. Choosing the right conversation style can significantly affect the quality and interest of the AI's responses.

💡Internet connection

The internet connection is a key feature that differentiates Bing's AI chatbot from others like Chat GBT. By being connected to the internet, Bing can perform searches and provide updated information, making it more powerful and versatile in its responses.

💡Search functionality

The search functionality is a critical aspect of Bing's AI chatbot, allowing it to search the internet for information before responding to user prompts. This feature enhances the chatbot's ability to provide accurate and relevant information, setting it apart from other AI chatbots that do not have real-time search capabilities.

💡Data analysis

Data analysis involves the process of gathering, processing, and interpreting data to extract meaningful insights. Bing's AI chatbot can assist with data analysis by searching for information and organizing it in a structured format, such as charts or reports, which can aid users in making informed decisions.

💡Multiple prompts

Using multiple prompts refers to the strategy of breaking down a complex request into several simpler questions or tasks. This approach helps to avoid overwhelming the AI chatbot and improves the chances of getting a coherent and satisfactory response. It allows for a more iterative and interactive conversation with the AI.

💡Teaching new skills

Teaching new skills to the AI chatbot involves guiding it to learn and apply new abilities or techniques that it was not initially programmed with. This can include learning to mimic a specific writing style or generating prompts for image creation. By teaching the AI new skills, users can expand its capabilities and apply it to a wider range of tasks.


Bing's new AI chatbot is the most powerful chatbot available publicly.

Access to Bing's chat feature is not automatic and requires signing up on

Using the Edge browser or the Bing app can speed up access to Bing chat.

Bing chat has a limit of eight prompts before it forgets previous conversation, now increased to 10.

Bing sometimes hallucinates or provides incorrect information, so fact-checking is necessary.

Bing provides sources for its information, making fact-checking easier.

Bing is not good at math and may provide inaccurate results for calculations.

Bing may shut down or refuse to continue a conversation if it detects something unethical or dishonest.

Bing's connection to the internet is its major strength over Chat GPT.

Choosing the right conversation style (creative, balanced, or precise) is crucial for better results.

Always ask Bing to search or look something up as part of your prompt to utilize its internet connection.

Bing can suggest what to ask next, aiding in continuing the conversation.

Bing is excellent at gathering and analyzing data due to its internet access.

Using multiple prompts can reduce the chance of confusing Bing and improve results.

You can teach Bing new skills, like writing in a specific style or creating image prompts.

Bing can generate mid-journey prompts for creating images with AI.

A cheat sheet with prompt templates is available for better usage of Bing and other AI tools.

The video provides tips and tricks to get the most out of Bing AI for various applications.