Breaking down ethical questions surrounding new chatbot GPT-4

NBC News
14 Mar 202307:08

TLDROpenAI has unveiled a new version of its AI chat tool, GPT-4, which demonstrates remarkable capabilities such as scoring higher on exams like the LSAT, ACT, and SAT, and even understanding images to provide meal recommendations. The technology, while not perfect, is seen as an amplifying tool that can reach new heights when used in collaboration with humans. However, concerns about the rapid release of such advanced AI and its potential to propagate misinformation or harmful content are also highlighted. The AI's ability to write code and its decision-making process, which is still largely a black box, are areas of concern that need further exploration.


  • ๐Ÿš€ OpenAI has released a new version of ChatGPT, named GPT-4, which is more precise and capable of scoring higher on exams like the LSAT, ACT, and SAT, as well as in biology.
  • ๐ŸŒŸ GPT-4 demonstrates impressive capabilities by being able to answer questions about images and even provide meal recommendations based on the contents of a fridge.
  • ๐Ÿค– The AI's versatility is highlighted by OpenAI's president, who suggests that GPT-4 can handle a wide range of tasks, from coding to language processing and beyond.
  • ๐Ÿ’ก Despite its advanced features, GPT-4 is not perfect and still requires human oversight and collaboration to reach its full potential.
  • ๐Ÿ“š There is ongoing debate among academics and the public about the speed at which AI technologies like GPT-4 are being released to the masses.
  • ๐Ÿ›‘ Concerns have been raised about the potential for AI to generate harmful content, such as racist or sexist remarks, and the spread of misinformation.
  • ๐Ÿค–โ€๐Ÿซ GPT-4's ability to assist with tasks like writing term papers raises questions about academic integrity and the potential for manipulation.
  • ๐Ÿ” The AI operates as a 'black box,' making its decision-making process and reasoning not entirely transparent or understandable to humans.
  • ๐Ÿ”ง OpenAI and other tech companies are working on tools to detect AI-generated content, but the technology is still in its early stages and only partially effective.
  • ๐ŸŒ The rapid pace of AI development is causing a shift in how humans interact with technology, and there is a need for further discussion and understanding of the implications.
  • ๐Ÿ”ฎ The future of AI like GPT-4 is uncertain, with many unknowns remaining about its full capabilities and the ethical considerations it raises.

Q & A

  • What is the new version of ChatGPT released by OpenAI?

    -The new version released by OpenAI is called GPT-4.

  • How does GPT-4 perform on certain exams compared to humans?

    -GPT-4 scores higher on certain exams, including the LSAT, ACT, and SAT, as well as in biology, surpassing most human performances.

  • What new capability does GPT-4 have that its predecessors did not?

    -GPT-4 has the ability to answer questions about images, which is a significant advancement over previous versions.

  • What was the New York Times' demonstration of GPT-4's image understanding capability?

    -The New York Times showed GPT-4 the contents of a fridge, and it came up with a bunch of meal recommendations.

  • What are the concerns regarding the rapid release of AI technologies like GPT-4?

    -There are concerns that AI technologies are being launched too quickly and to a large group of people without enough understanding of their potential risks and societal impacts.

  • How does GPT-4 handle tasks that involve creativity and collaboration?

    -GPT-4 is more collaborative and creative, capable of helping users write term papers and generating ideas, but it still has limitations.

  • What is the current capability of AI in distinguishing facts from human emotions?

    -AI has made progress in understanding and handling facts, but it still lacks the ability to fully comprehend and respond to human emotions.

  • Can GPT-4 write its own code based on a sketch or a concept?

    -GPT-4 can turn a handwritten sketch into a fully functional website, demonstrating its capability to generate code from visual or conceptual inputs.

  • What are the concerns about the decision-making process of AI technologies like GPT-4?

    -There is concern that while AI can make decisions and perform tasks, the reasoning behind these actions is not yet fully understood, as the technology remains somewhat of a 'black box'.

  • How effective is OpenAI's tool for detecting if text was generated by ChatGPT?

    -OpenAI's tool was able to determine that a piece of text was written by ChatGPT about 26% of the time, indicating there is room for improvement in this area.

  • What is the current state of AI technology in terms of explaining its own decisions?

    -AI technology, including GPT-4, is not yet capable of fully explaining its decision-making processes or catching all potential harm it might cause.



๐Ÿš€ Introduction to GPT-4 and its Capabilities

The video script introduces GPT-4, the latest version of the AI chatbot developed by OpenAI, a San Francisco startup. This new version is highlighted for its precision and ability to score higher on various exams, including the LSAT, ACT, SAT, and even biology tests, surpassing the performance of most humans. GPT-4 also introduces a game-changing feature of understanding and responding to questions about images, as demonstrated by The New York Times. The AI's versatility is emphasized, as it can handle tasks across coding, language, and tax, among others. Despite its impressive capabilities, GPT-4 is acknowledged as not perfect, and its potential as an amplifying tool for human endeavors is discussed.


๐Ÿค– Concerns and Limitations of AI Technology

The script delves into the concerns and limitations surrounding AI technology like GPT-4. It mentions the differing opinions on the rapid release of such technology to the public, with some academics and individuals cautioning against the potential risks, such as the AI's tendency to produce racist, sexist content, and misinformation. On the other hand, there are those who believe the benefits outweigh the negatives and advocate for the technology's widespread adoption. The conversation also touches on AI's current inability to fully understand and explain its decision-making process, referring to it as a 'black box.' The script highlights the ongoing debate and the need for further exploration and discussion on the ethical implications and potential manipulation capabilities of AI.



๐Ÿ’กGPT 4

GPT 4 refers to the fourth iteration of the Generative Pre-trained Transformer, an AI language model developed by OpenAI. This version is noted for its enhanced precision and ability to score higher on exams like the LSAT, ACT, and SAT, as well as demonstrate proficiency in biology. It signifies a leap in AI capabilities, being able to understand and generate human-like text, and even answer questions about images, which is a significant advancement in the field of artificial intelligence.

๐Ÿ’กAI Chatbot

An AI chatbot is an artificial intelligence program designed to simulate conversation with human users, providing information or answering questions in a conversational manner. The script discusses the capabilities of GPT 4 as an AI chatbot, highlighting its ability to perform tasks across various domains, from coding to language translation, and even creating content based on images.


OpenAI is an artificial intelligence research lab that focuses on ensuring that artificial general intelligence (AGI) benefits all of humanity. In the context of the script, OpenAI is the organization responsible for developing the GPT 4 model, which has sparked discussions about the rapid advancement of AI technology and its potential impact on society.


In the context of the script, 'precise' refers to the high level of accuracy and refinement in the capabilities of GPT 4. It suggests that the AI model is not only able to perform tasks but does so with a degree of precision that surpasses human performance in certain areas, such as scoring on standardized tests.

๐Ÿ’กImage Recognition

Image recognition is a technology that enables computers to identify and classify objects, scenes, and people in images. In the script, GPT 4's ability to answer questions about images is a groundbreaking feature, showcasing the AI's capability to understand and interpret visual data, which is a significant step towards more human-like AI interaction.


In the context of AI, 'collaborative' refers to the ability of an AI system to work alongside humans, enhancing their capabilities rather than replacing them. The script suggests that GPT 4 is designed to be an amplifying tool that can collaborate with humans to reach new heights of productivity and creativity.


Misinformation refers to false or inaccurate information that is spread unintentionally or deliberately. In the script, there is a concern about AI technologies like GPT 4 potentially generating or propagating misinformation, which underscores the need for careful development and monitoring of AI systems to ensure they provide accurate and reliable information.

๐Ÿ’กBlack Box

A 'black box' in AI refers to a system where the internal processes are not fully understood or transparent. The script points out that despite GPT 4's capabilities, it remains a black box in the sense that the decision-making process behind its outputs is not entirely clear, which raises concerns about the explainability and accountability of AI systems.

๐Ÿ’กTerm Papers

In the context of the script, 'term papers' refers to the academic papers that students write as part of their coursework. The mention of term papers highlights the potential of GPT 4 to assist in academic writing, which also raises ethical concerns about the use of AI in education and the potential for academic dishonesty.

๐Ÿ’กCode Generation

Code generation refers to the process of creating computer code automatically. In the script, GPT 4's ability to write its own code, as demonstrated by turning a handwritten sketch into a functional website, is a significant development. This capability shows the potential for AI to automate software development and streamline the process of turning ideas into working applications.

๐Ÿ’กEthical Concerns

Ethical concerns in the context of AI pertain to the moral implications and potential harm that AI technologies might cause. The script raises ethical concerns about the rapid deployment of AI like GPT 4, the potential for manipulation, and the challenges in ensuring that AI systems operate transparently and responsibly.


OpenAI releases a newer version of ChatGPT, named GPT-4.

GPT-4 demonstrates greater precision and scores better on exams like LSAT, ACT, SAT, and biology benchmarks compared to most humans.

GPT-4 has the capability to answer questions about images, showcasing its advanced understanding and application.

OpenAI's president emphasizes the versatility of GPT-4, applicable across various domains like coding, language, and tax.

GPT-4 is acknowledged as an amplifying tool that can help humans reach new heights, while also acknowledging its imperfections.

Tech reporter from The Wall Street Journal raises concerns about the rapid release of AI technology to the masses without sufficient testing.

ChatGPT has been known to produce controversial content, including racist and sexist remarks, and spread misinformation.

Despite the fast pace of technology, there's a school of thought that believes the benefits of AI outweigh the negatives.

GPT-4's ability to differentiate between raw facts and human emotions is questioned, highlighting the current limitations of AI.

GPT-4 showcased the capability to turn a handwritten sketch into a fully functional website, demonstrating its coding potential.

Discussions on whether AI systems like GPT-4 could potentially write their own code in the future.

GPT-4's development involved a unique training approach where the AI was asked about its own workings, akin to collaboration.

Academia and long-time AI researchers express concern over the lack of transparency in AI decision-making processes.

Students could use AI to write term papers, but there are tools to detect if the work was produced by AI, with current detection rates at about 26%.

OpenAI and the AI industry need to address the technology's ability to explain its decisions and catch potential harm.

The potential of AI to manipulate human thought and emotions, especially in controversial contexts, is highlighted.

The demonstration of GPT-4's capabilities includes turning hand-drawn art into a working website, showcasing its practical applications.

The need for paid services to accompany AI technologies is mentioned, to ensure they are used responsibly and effectively.