CHORORÔ: jornalista da GloboNews não se conforma com fim do caso Marielle e reclama ao vivo!

oiluiz TV
25 Mar 202410:03

TLDRThis script delves into the controversial endings of popular TV series, likening them to the dissatisfaction expressed over the investigation of Marielle Franco's murder in Brazil. It highlights the frustrations of left-leaning figures, such as Globo News commentator Natuza Neri, and their alleged attempts to link the case to right-wing politicians, including President Bolsonaro. The narrative suggests a biased media approach, pointing out inconsistencies and political motivations behind the case's coverage. It discusses the broader implications of these actions on public perception and the political landscape, emphasizing the complex interplay of politics, media, and justice.


  • 🙄 The ending of a series can significantly impact its overall reception, with examples like 'Game of Thrones', 'Lost', 'Dexter', and 'The Sopranos' mentioned as having controversial finales that left many fans dissatisfied.
  • 📝 Discusses the case of Marielle Franco, highlighting widespread frustration and complaints, particularly among leftists, regarding the investigation's outcome.
  • 😮 Features Natuza Neri from Globo News expressing deep frustration and sadness live on air about the conclusion of the Marielle case, suggesting it's not satisfactorily resolved.
  • 📖 The narrative suggests that while some believe the homicide case is closed, others argue important aspects still require examination, such as the involvement of certain influential figures.
  • 🔥 Points to the complex political and criminal entanglements in Rio de Janeiro, implicating both right and left-leaning figures, to argue that simplistic narratives are inadequate.
  • 🚫 Critiques efforts to solely blame or exonerate specific political figures or parties, indicating a broader system issue within Rio's politics and law enforcement.
  • 💡 Highlights the alleged misuse of the Marielle case by journalists and political commentators aiming to implicate Bolsonaro, while suggesting a lack of scrutiny towards other influential figures potentially involved.
  • 🤔 Raises questions about the neutrality and motivations of public figures and institutions involved in the investigation, suggesting political bias and ulterior motives.
  • 📈 Suggests a narrative of disappointment and frustration akin to that experienced by fans of TV series with unsatisfying endings, drawing a parallel to the public's reaction to the Marielle case outcome.
  • 🙁 Criticizes the politicization of criminal cases and the potential for such cases to be used as tools in political rivalries, rather than seeking justice for victims.

Q & A

  • Why do series finales, such as those of Game of Thrones and Dexter, often leave fans feeling dissatisfied?

    -Series finales can leave fans feeling dissatisfied when they do not meet expectations or provide a satisfactory conclusion to long-running storylines and character arcs. Viewers invest years into following these stories, and a perceived lackluster ending can make it feel like their time and emotional investment were wasted.

  • How did the ending of the Marielle Franco case affect left-leaning supporters and commentators in Brazil?

    -The conclusion of the Marielle Franco case left many left-leaning supporters and commentators, including those mentioned like Natuza Neri, feeling frustrated and disappointed. This group had hoped for a different outcome that would potentially implicate their political adversaries.

  • What was the controversy surrounding the police's handling of the Marielle Franco case?

    -The controversy revolved around claims that the case was prematurely declared closed by authorities, despite lingering questions about the broader network of influence and corruption possibly connected to the case, beyond the immediate perpetrators.

  • Why do some people refuse to consider the Marielle Franco case closed?

    -Some believe that focusing solely on the individuals directly involved in the murder overlooks the potential involvement and influence of powerful figures and networks in Rio de Janeiro, suggesting a deeper investigation into these connections is needed.

  • How did attempts to link the Marielle Franco murder to political figures unfold?

    -Efforts to associate the murder with various political figures led to a complex web of accusations and counter-accusations. Some attempts to link the case to right-wing politicians were countered by revelations that implicated individuals with connections to left-wing politics.

  • What was the significance of the involvement of Richard Nunes in the appointment of Rivaldo Barbosa?

    -Richard Nunes, who had been labeled as leaning left, supported the appointment of Rivaldo Barbosa to a significant position in the Rio de Janeiro police. This move became controversial due to Barbosa's later connection to the Marielle Franco case and his political affiliations.

  • How did the political affiliations of individuals associated with the Marielle Franco case complicate its investigation?

    -The investigation was complicated by the fact that many individuals linked to the case, directly or indirectly, had affiliations across the political spectrum. This blurred the lines between the political motivations behind the crime and the efforts to solve it.

  • Why was the Marielle Franco case used by journalists and commentators against political figures?

    -Journalists and commentators used the case as a political tool to try and implicate various figures, especially those associated with the right, in the crime. This was part of a broader strategy to influence public opinion and political narratives.

  • What challenges does the state of Rio de Janeiro face in dealing with crime and corruption?

    -Rio de Janeiro faces significant challenges due to decades of crime and corruption, with powerful criminal networks deeply intertwined with the political landscape. This makes it difficult to address without comprehensive reform and accountability.

  • How did personal and political biases impact the public discourse surrounding the Marielle Franco case?

    -Personal and political biases significantly influenced the public discourse, leading to selective interpretations of the facts and attempts to use the case for political gain. This created a polarized environment that hindered objective analysis and resolution.



📺 Controversial Series Endings and the Marielle Case Debate

The script opens by drawing parallels between the disappointment fans feel towards the controversial endings of popular TV series like 'Game of Thrones' and 'Lost', and the frustration expressed by left-wing supporters over the investigation into Marielle Franco's murder. It highlights the widespread dissatisfaction among fans who invest years into following series, only to be let down by their conclusions. The narrative then shifts to the specific case of Marielle Franco, pointing out the public discontent and debate among prominent figures such as Natuza Neri from Globo News, regarding the investigation's conclusion. The script critiques the political manipulation of the case, suggesting that ongoing obsessions with blaming specific figures, notably from the right-wing, overlook the broader issues of crime and political corruption that pervade Rio de Janeiro, implicating figures across the political spectrum, including those associated with former President Lula.


🔍 Unraveling the Complex Web Surrounding Marielle's Case

In the second part, the focus is on the intricate details and political implications of Marielle Franco's murder investigation. It explores the appointment and criticism of Rivaldo Barbosa, the police chief, and the political maneuverings that sought to link the murder to various political figures, including attempts to associate it with Bolsonaro's administration. The narrative underscores the complexity of political affiliations and accusations, noting the ironic twist that many involved or accused have ties to left-wing politics, contrary to the initial blame placed on right-wing figures. The script concludes by reflecting on the broader implications of the case for Rio de Janeiro's political landscape, emphasizing the pervasive influence of corruption and crime, and criticizes the media and political figures for using the case to further their agendas. It suggests a resigned frustration among those hoping for a different outcome in the investigation, likening it to the dissatisfaction with TV series finales, and calls for acceptance of the reality of the situation.



💡Series Finale

The term 'Series Finale' refers to the last episode of a television series, which concludes the story arc. In the context of the video, the speaker likens the disappointment felt by fans over controversial series finales, such as 'Game of Thrones' and 'Dexter', to the public reaction to the resolution of the Marielle Franco case. The comparison suggests that just as unsatisfying endings can tarnish the entire viewing experience of a TV series, perceived inadequacies in resolving high-profile cases can leave a lasting negative impression on public perception.

💡Marielle Franco Case

The Marielle Franco case refers to the assassination of Marielle Franco, a Brazilian politician and human rights activist, in March 2018. The video discusses the public's frustration with the investigation's outcome, highlighting the controversy and dissatisfaction surrounding the case's resolution. This parallels the initial comparison to disappointing TV series finales, illustrating how unresolved or unsatisfactory conclusions to real-life events can lead to widespread public discontent.

💡Public Discontent

Public Discontent describes a state of dissatisfaction among the general population, often resulting from perceived injustices or failures in governance. The video emphasizes the frustration and disappointment of left-wing supporters and commentators with the investigation's outcome of the Marielle Franco case, using it as a symbol of broader discontent with how high-profile cases are handled.

💡Political Assassination

Political Assassination refers to the targeted killing of a political figure, often motivated by political reasons. In the script, the assassination of Marielle Franco is discussed as a politically charged event, with implications and accusations stretching across the political spectrum in Brazil. The discussion underscores the complexity and sensitivity surrounding such cases and the challenges in achieving a resolution that satisfies all parties.

💡Justice System

The Justice System is a mechanism through which legal disputes are adjudicated and laws are enforced. The video script critiques the Brazilian justice system's handling of the Marielle Franco case, implying that its perceived failures mirror the disillusionment felt by fans of TV series with poor endings. This comparison points to a broader commentary on trust and efficacy within societal institutions.

💡Conspiracy Theories

Conspiracy Theories are speculative hypotheses that suggest events are the result of secretive, harmful plots by powerful groups. The script alludes to various conspiracy theories swirling around the Marielle Franco case, including attempts to link it to high-profile politicians. These theories contribute to the public's confusion and dissatisfaction, paralleling the convoluted plots that can lead to disappointing series finales.

💡Media Coverage

Media Coverage refers to the reporting and analysis of events by news organizations. The video criticizes certain media outlets, particularly Globo News, for their handling of the Marielle Franco case, suggesting that biased or sensationalist coverage exacerbates public dissatisfaction and polarization, much like divisive reactions to TV series finales.

💡Political Polarization

Political Polarization describes the increasing ideological distance between political parties or factions, often resulting in a lack of consensus or dialogue. The script highlights the polarized reactions to the Marielle Franco case investigation, drawing parallels to the divisive nature of fan reactions to TV series finales, and underscoring the deep divisions within Brazilian politics.

💡Fan Investment

Fan Investment refers to the emotional and time commitment viewers devote to a TV series, which the video compares to the public's engagement with the Marielle Franco case. The script suggests that just as fans feel betrayed by unsatisfying series finales, citizens feel let down by the justice system's failures, highlighting the emotional stakes involved in both entertainment and civic life.

💡Investigation Outcome

Investigation Outcome refers to the conclusion or resolution of a criminal investigation. The video specifically discusses the outcome of the Marielle Franco case investigation, critiquing it as unsatisfactory and controversial. This parallels the dissatisfaction expressed over television series finales, emphasizing the impact of conclusions on overall perception and satisfaction.


Series like Game of Thrones, Lost, Dexter, and The Sopranos are cited as having controversial endings that left millions of fans dissatisfied.

Viewers who dedicate years to series feel their time and energy wasted if disappointed by the finale.

The conclusion of the series Marielli has left millions of leftists frustrated and vocally complaining.

Natuza Neri expresses deep sadness and frustration on Globo News regarding the resolution of Marielle's case.

There's a perception that the Marielle case is solved according to some Federal Police and the Minister of Justice, sparking debate on its closure.

Critics argue the Marielle case can't be considered closed due to unresolved questions about the involvement of political figures and law enforcement.

Attempts to link the case to Bolsonaro by leftists are criticized as obsessed and detracting from their cause.

Speculations suggest the investigation's continuation might implicate Lula and other left-wing figures.

Political homicides in Brazil are believed to often involve left-wing actors.

Leftists' attempts to associate Police Civil's Rivaldo Barbosa with the right are contradicted by his own statements.

Richard Nunes, linked to the case and considered left-leaning, is being promoted within the army.

The involvement of left-wing politicians with the accused in Marielle's case is highlighted.

The state of Rio de Janeiro is depicted as dominated by crime and left-wing politics for decades.

Journalists are accused of using Marielle's case politically to target national political figures.

Critics urge acceptance of the Marielle case's outcomes, comparing it to being dissatisfied with a series finale.