Reagindo ao Edital do IMPA Tech (Graduação do IMPA)

Programação Dinâmica
6 Dec 202393:53

TLDRThe video transcript discusses the selection process for a mathematics degree program at the Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA). It highlights the program's focus on identifying talented students passionate about science and technology, with an emphasis on mathematics. The process involves two stages, with 100 vacancies available and a significant number of spots reserved for medalists of scientific Olympiads. The transcript also emphasizes the importance of the program's diversity, with quotas for female students, public school students, and individuals from underrepresented backgrounds. Detailed information about the application process, including documentation requirements and interview procedures, is provided, along with the announcement of a non-institutional live session for further clarifications.


  • The Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA) is launching a new undergraduate program in Mathematics and Technology.
  • The program will begin in 2024, with 100 available spots.
  • The selection process is divided into two systems of entry: one for medalists in scientific Olympiads and another based on ENEM (National College Entrance Examination) scores.
  • 80% of the spots are reserved for medalists in scientific Olympiads, with an emphasis on attracting talent from diverse backgrounds.
  • The remaining 20% of spots will be filled through ENEM scores, with specific quotas for female students, public school students, and students from underrepresented groups.
  • The application process is online and free of charge, with submission opening on November 29th and closing on December 28th.
  • Candidates for the Olympiad spots must provide certificates of their medals, while ENEM candidates must have participated in the exam between 2021 and 2023.
  • The first phase of the selection process involves evaluating knowledge in mathematics, either through Olympiad results or ENEM scores.
  • The second phase involves group and individual activities, aiming to assess general competencies related to the development of young talents in science and mathematics.
  • The IMPA will provide financial support to selected students who need it to facilitate their stay in Rio de Janeiro, where the program is based.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic discussed in the video transcript?

    -The main topic discussed in the video transcript is the process of selection and requirements for being a professor at the Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA) and its new undergraduate course, the inatec.

  • What is the significance of the PISA results mentioned in the transcript?

    -The PISA results mentioned in the transcript indicate the performance of Brazilian students in mathematics, showing a decline from 2018 to 2022, with 73% of students lacking basic mathematical understanding. This highlights the need for improvement in the education system and is one of the reasons for the creation of the inatec course.

  • What are the different systems of entry mentioned for the inatec course?

    -The different systems of entry for the inatec course include one for medalists in scientific Olympiads and another based on the National High School Examination (Enem) scores.

  • What are the quotas and affirmative actions taken by the inatec to ensure diversity?

    -The inatec has reserved 80 out of 100 vacancies for medalists from scientific Olympiads, with half of these spots dedicated to public school students. Additionally, there are quotas for female students and affirmative actions for black, indigenous, and students with disabilities.

  • What is the role of the IMPA in the inatec course?

    -The IMPA is the institution responsible for the inatec course, providing the academic structure and resources for the program. It is also involved in the selection process and contributes to the prestige of the course.

  • What are the main objectives of the selection process for the inatec course?

    -The main objectives of the selection process are to identify talented young individuals interested in pursuing a career in the scientific and technological fields with a strong focus on mathematics, and to ensure diversity and equal opportunities for students from different backgrounds.

  • What is the significance of the Fields Medal mentioned in the transcript?

    -The Fields Medal is the most prestigious award in mathematics, often referred to as the 'Nobel Prize of Mathematics'. The mention of the Fields Medal in the transcript highlights the global recognition and high standard of research at the IMPA, as it has been awarded to a researcher affiliated with the institution.

  • What is the role of the Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro and the Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia e Inovação in the inatec course?

    -The Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro (City Hall of Rio de Janeiro) and the Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia e Inovação (Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation) are partners in the implementation of the inatec course. They are expected to provide financial support and resources for the course, contributing to its success and sustainability.

  • What is the expected impact of the inatec course on the Brazilian education system?

    -The inatec course is expected to contribute to the improvement of the Brazilian education system, particularly in the area of mathematics. By offering a high-quality undergraduate program and promoting research and innovation, it aims to raise the standard of mathematical education and produce skilled professionals who can contribute to the country's scientific and technological development.

  • How does the inatec course address the issue of educational inequality in Brazil?

    -The inatec course addresses educational inequality by implementing affirmative action policies and quotas for underrepresented groups, such as students from public schools, women, and individuals from black, indigenous communities or with disabilities. This approach aims to provide equal opportunities for talented students regardless of their socio-economic background.



🎤 Introduction and Member Acknowledgements

The speaker begins by greeting the audience and acknowledging the members who are present. They express gratitude for the support and mention various members by name, highlighting the sense of community within the group. The speaker also checks the audio quality and requests confirmation from the audience, emphasizing the importance of clear communication.


📚 Discussing Education Challenges and Projects

The speaker delves into the challenges faced by the education system, particularly in mathematics. They mention the disappointing results from the PISA test in 2022, highlighting the significant number of students who lack basic mathematical understanding. The speaker also discusses the 'Matemática para Computação' project, which aims to address these issues by contributing to improvement in the field. The conversation touches on the disparity between the poor learning indices and the presence of world-class mathematicians from Brazil.


🌟 Introducing the inatec and its Opportunities

The speaker introduces the Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA) and its new initiative, the inatec, which is short for Instituto de Nanotecnologia e Tecnologia do Conhecimento. They explain that IMPA is a renowned research center and has been a leader in the global mathematics community. The speaker also discusses the inatec's innovative approach to education, its focus on technology and innovation, and the various specializations offered. The emphasis is on the potential of this new institution to be a beacon of excellence in the field of mathematics and technology.


📈 Explaining the Selection Process and Criteria

The speaker provides a detailed explanation of the selection process for the inatec, highlighting the different pathways for potential students. They discuss the criteria for each system of entry, including the requirements for medalists of scientific Olympiads and participants of the National High School Examination (Enem). The speaker also mentions the allocation of spots for different categories, such as public school graduates and affirmative action quotas, emphasizing the commitment to diversity and inclusion.


🌐 Website Navigation and Application Details

The speaker guides the audience on how to navigate the inatec and IMPA websites for more information on the selection process. They clarify the difference between the two sites and provide the URLs for direct access. The speaker also discusses the importance of reading the guidelines carefully before applying and the need to declare any potential conflicts of interest. They stress the importance of providing accurate information and documents during the application process.


📚 Student Testimonies and Encouragement

The speaker shares personal experiences and testimonies from students who have faced challenges in the education system. They mention a student who observed the lack of preparedness among public school students during their teaching practicum. The speaker encourages the audience to pursue their interests in mathematics and computing, despite the difficulties, and to take advantage of opportunities like the inatec to further their education and careers.


🎓 Opportunities in Mathematics and Computational Fields

The speaker discusses the wide range of opportunities available in the fields of mathematics and computation, emphasizing the potential for students to excel and make significant contributions. They mention the presence of renowned mathematicians from Brazil and the country's elite group status in mathematics. The speaker encourages the audience to consider the inatec as a platform for launching their careers and making a difference in the world of mathematics and technology.


📅 Timeline and Final Reminders

The speaker outlines the timeline for the inatec application process, reminding the audience of important dates and steps. They stress the importance of submitting all required documents on time and following the application process carefully. The speaker also mentions the potential for financial support for students who need it, highlighting the IMPA's commitment to making education accessible to all. They conclude with a reminder to stay informed about updates and changes to the application process.




The day of the week when the conversation is taking place. In the context of the video, it is used to set the scene and establish the timing for the audience.

💡Leandro de Moura

A person mentioned in the transcript as a new member. This individual seems to be a significant participant or a notable figure in the context of the discussion, possibly a member of a community or group.


The Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada, a renowned research institute in Brazil focusing on mathematics. In the video, the IMPA is discussed in relation to its initiatives and programs, indicating its importance in the field of mathematics and its impact on the community.


An international assessment that tests the skills and knowledge of students worldwide, with a focus on reading, mathematics, and science. In the video, the PISA results are used to discuss the performance of Brazilian students in mathematics, indicating a concern for educational quality and outcomes.


A field of study focused on numbers, quantities, and shapes. In the context of the video, mathematics is central to the discussion, with the speaker expressing a desire to improve the teaching and learning of mathematics in Brazil, as evidenced by the poor PISA results.


The Instituto Nacional de Matemática e Estatística para o Desenvolvimento do Nordeste, which is an organization focused on promoting mathematics and statistics in the Northeast region of Brazil. The video discusses the Inatec's initiatives, such as opening a new undergraduate course, indicating its role in educational development.


The process of completing a course of study and obtaining a degree. In the video, the concept of graduation is discussed in the context of a new undergraduate course being offered by the Inatec, emphasizing the importance of higher education and career development.


A particular aspect or area of a subject that is given special attention or importance. In the context of the video, the speaker mentions different emphases within the new undergraduate course, such as computer science, data science, and physics, highlighting the interdisciplinary nature of the program.

💡Live Stream

A real-time broadcast of video content over the internet. In the video, the term 'live' is used to describe the format of the conversation, which is happening in real-time and interactive with the audience.


Assistance or approval given to a person, organization, or cause. In the video, support is mentioned in relation to the audience's encouragement and backing for the speaker's projects and initiatives, emphasizing the importance of community engagement and solidarity.

💡Educational Inequality

The unequal distribution of educational opportunities and resources. In the video, the speaker discusses the disparity in learning outcomes, with Brazil having both very high and very low scores in mathematics, illustrating the issue of educational inequality within the country.


The Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA) is launching a new undergraduate program in Mathematics and Technology.

The program is designed to be innovative and free of charge, focusing on applied mathematics and technology.

There will be 100 available spots for the 2024 class, with a special focus on attracting talented students from diverse backgrounds.

The selection process will involve two stages, with the first stage evaluating mathematical knowledge through olympiads or the ENEM exam.

The second stage will assess general competencies related to the development of young people in the fields of science and mathematics through group and individual activities.

The program has a strong emphasis on diversity, with 80 spots reserved for medalists of scientific olympiads and 20 for participants of the ENEM.

Among the 80 spots for medalists, there is a quota system that includes reserved spots for female students and students from public schools.

The program also includes a quota for students who self-identify as black, indigenous, or as having disabilities.

The application process is entirely online and free of charge, with candidates required to submit their high school completion certificate and other relevant documents.

Candidates with disabilities are required to provide a medical report indicating their need for accommodations during the selection process.

The selection process is designed to identify talented young people interested in pursuing a career in the scientific and technological fields with a focus on mathematics.

The program aims to broaden access to higher education for candidates from underrepresented groups and to increase the representation of women in higher education.

The IMPA will provide financial support to selected students who need it to facilitate their subsistence in Rio de Janeiro.

The program is backed by the Brazilian government and the city of Rio de Janeiro, ensuring its viability and support for students.

The curriculum is rich and varied, offering courses in areas such as computational science, data science, and physics, among others.

The program includes a strong emphasis on practical experience, with laboratory work and project-based learning being integral components.

The selection process is designed to be fair and transparent, with clear criteria and guidelines for candidates to follow.

The program is set to start in April 2024, with enrollment happening in February and interviews being conducted online.