Tem Ciência
30 Nov 202209:43

TLDRIn this video, Daniel Nunes shares his experience of pursuing his PhD in Mathematics at the prestigious Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA) in Brazil. He discusses the challenges and rewards of studying at a top research institution, the rigorous selection process, and the transition from student to researcher. Nunes also reflects on how his time at IMPA broadened his perspective, leading him to shift his focus from pure to applied mathematics. His journey culminates in the successful completion of his doctorate, which he balances with work and family life, and his return to creating content for his YouTube channel.


  • 🎓 The speaker, Daniel Nunes, has taken a break from YouTube to complete his doctorate in Mathematics at the prestigious Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA).
  • 🌟 IMPA is renowned for its excellence in mathematical research and is part of the Group 5 of the International Mathematical Union, indicating its global standing in the field of mathematics.
  • 📚 The education system in Brazil is paradoxical, with a struggling basic math education yet exceptional research achievements, particularly highlighted by IMPA's contributions.
  • 🥇 IMPA is responsible for organizing the Brazilian Mathematical Olympiads (Obmep) and has been influential in nurturing mathematical talents from public schools.
  • 👩‍🏫 Studying at IMPA is characterized by excellence, high standards, and a rigorous academic environment where students are pushed to their full potential.
  • 🌐 The diversity at IMPA is notable, with international researchers and students contributing to a rich learning experience, including classes taught in languages other than Portuguese.
  • 📈 A doctorate in Mathematics aims to transform students from learners into researchers capable of contributing to scientific knowledge.
  • 📝 The transition from coursework to research involves a qualifying exam, which is an oral examination to assess the student's readiness for in-depth research.
  • 🔄 The structure of a doctorate program includes initial course work, followed by the qualifying exam, and finally, the research phase focused on producing scientific articles.
  • 💡 Daniel Nunes' personal journey at IMPA led to a shift in his academic focus from pure to applied mathematics, specifically in mathematical economics.
  • 🎥 The speaker's doctoral defense is available online, reflecting the IMPA's commitment to sharing knowledge and research with a broader audience.

Q & A

  • What is the main reason for Daniel Nunes' absence from YouTube?

    -Daniel Nunes took a break from YouTube to complete his doctorate in mathematics at the Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA).

  • What does 'ímpar' refer to in the context of Daniel Nunes' education?

    -In the context of Daniel Nunes' education, 'ímpar' refers to the Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA), which is a renowned research institute in Brazil.

  • How does Daniel describe the environment at IMPA?

    -Daniel describes the environment at IMPA as one of excellence, with a well-organized structure, dedicated professionals, and high academic standards.

  • What is the significance of the Fields Medal in mathematics?

    -The Fields Medal is the most prestigious award in mathematics, often referred to as the 'Nobel Prize of Mathematics'. Artur Ávila, a researcher at IMPA, is the only Latin American to have won this award.

  • What is the role of IMPA in Brazilian education?

    -IMPA is responsible for organizing the Brazilian Mathematics Olympiad (Obmep) and the Brazilian Mathematical Olympiad (ABM). It also supports the Profmat program, which aims to improve the quality of mathematics education in Brazil.

  • What is the typical structure of a doctorate program in mathematics at IMPA?

    -The doctorate program at IMPA begins with regular coursework and exams, followed by a qualifying exam. If successful, the student enters the research phase, focusing on conducting research and writing scientific articles.

  • How did Daniel Nunes' perspective on applied mathematics change during his doctorate?

    -Initially, Daniel Nunes had a preference for pure mathematics and looked down on applied mathematics. However, his experiences and coursework at IMPA broadened his perspective, leading him to conduct research in applied mathematics, specifically in mathematical economics.

  • What was the inspiration behind Daniel Nunes' interest in a career as a researcher?

    -Daniel Nunes was inspired by the movie 'A Beautiful Mind', which portrays the life of John Nash, a Nobel Prize-winning economist who used mathematical models to study game theory.

  • How long did it take Daniel Nunes to complete his doctorate?

    -It took Daniel Nunes five years to complete his doctorate, which is longer than the typical duration of four years due to balancing his studies with work and family commitments.

  • Why did Daniel Nunes decide to pause his YouTube channel?

    -Daniel Nunes decided to pause his YouTube channel to focus on completing his doctorate, as it required his full attention and dedication.

  • What is Daniel Nunes' plan now that he has completed his doctorate?

    -Now that Daniel Nunes has completed his doctorate, he plans to return to his YouTube channel and resume creating content.



🎓 Returning to YouTube after a Doctorate in Mathematics

Daniel Nunes, after a six-month absence from YouTube, returns to discuss his pursuit of a doctorate in mathematics at the prestigious Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA). He shares insights into studying at IMPA, the meaning of 'ímpar', and the institute's global reputation. He also touches on the challenges and excellence of the educational environment at IMPA, including its unique structure, rigorous coursework, and the dedication of its professionals and researchers.


📚 The Journey of a Doctorate in Mathematics

The video continues with a detailed account of the doctorate journey at IMPA, highlighting the rigorous and demanding nature of the program. It explains the two main stages of a doctorate: coursework and qualification exams, followed by research and writing scientific articles. The importance of publishing articles in modern academic programs is emphasized, as well as the personal transformation and growth that comes with overcoming the challenges of a doctorate. The speaker shares his own experience of shifting from pure to applied mathematics, influenced by his exposure to various perspectives and experiences at IMPA.



💡Doutorado em matemática

The term 'Doutorado em matemática' refers to a doctoral degree in mathematics, which is the highest level of academic qualification in this field. In the context of the video, the speaker discusses his personal journey of pursuing this advanced degree, highlighting the challenges and the rigorous academic environment at the Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA). This key concept is central to the video's theme as it shapes the speaker's academic and professional development.


The word 'Ímpar' in the context of the video refers to the Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IMPA) in Brazil. It is a renowned research institute with a global reputation for excellence in mathematics. The speaker discusses the significance of studying at such a prestigious institution and how it represents the pinnacle of mathematical research and education in Latin America.


The term 'Excelência' translates to 'excellence' in English and is used in the video to describe the high quality and outstanding nature of the education and research conducted at the IMPA. The speaker emphasizes the excellence as a defining characteristic of the institution, which is reflected in its organized structure, dedicated professionals, and rigorous academic standards.


The word 'Pesquisa' means 'research' in English and is a key aspect of the doctoral program discussed in the video. The speaker talks about how the IMPA is oriented towards research, with the ultimate goal of the doctoral degree being to produce researchers capable of contributing to the advancement of scientific knowledge. Research at this level involves deep exploration of mathematical concepts and the publication of scientific articles.

💡Exame de qualificação

The 'Exame de qualificação' or 'qualification exam' is a critical step in the doctoral program at the IMPA. It is an oral examination where the student must demonstrate their proficiency in mathematics and readiness to conduct research. This exam is a significant milestone, as it determines whether a student can proceed to the research phase of their doctoral studies.

💡Artigo científico

The term 'Artigo científico' refers to 'scientific articles' in English, which are scholarly writings published in academic journals. In the context of the video, the speaker emphasizes the importance of writing and publishing scientific articles as part of the doctoral program. These articles represent the student's original research and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field of mathematics.

💡Matemática pura

The term 'Matemática pura' translates to 'pure mathematics' in English, which is a branch of mathematics that focuses on the study of mathematical concepts for their own sake, without immediate practical applications. The speaker initially had a preference for pure mathematics over applied mathematics, but their perspective changed during their doctoral studies.

💡Matemática aplicada

The term 'Matemática aplicada' refers to 'applied mathematics,' which is the branch of mathematics that deals with practical applications of mathematical concepts and techniques to solve real-world problems. In the video, the speaker's journey of academic growth includes a shift from a focus on pure mathematics to applied mathematics, particularly in the field of economic mathematics.


The term 'Profmat' refers to a program aimed at improving the quality of mathematics education at the basic level in Brazil. Organized by the IMPA, it supports teachers in enhancing their teaching methods and content knowledge. This program is part of the broader efforts by the IMPA to contribute to the mathematical education landscape in Brazil.

💡Olimpíadas Brasileiras de Matemática

The 'Olimpíadas Brasileiras de Matemática' or Brazilian Mathematics Olympiads is a competition organized by the IMPA to discover and nurture mathematical talent, particularly among students from public schools. This event is part of the IMPA's efforts to promote interest and excellence in mathematics among young Brazilians.

💡Economia matemática

The term 'Economia matemática' translates to 'mathematical economics,' which is the application of mathematical methods and models to the study of economic problems and theories. In the video, the speaker's shift towards this field represents a significant change in their academic focus, moving from pure mathematics to a more applied area.


Daniel Nunes took a break from YouTube to complete his doctorate in mathematics.

The doctorate was focused on number theory, specifically the study of odd numbers.

The Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA) is one of the most prestigious research institutes in Latin America.

IMPA is responsible for Brazil's participation in the International Mathematical Olympiad and supports teacher development programs.

The institute is part of the Group 5 of the International Mathematical Union, which includes the world's elite in mathematics research.

IMPA does not offer undergraduate courses but plans to start with the first class in 2024.

Studying at IMPA is characterized by excellence, with a highly organized environment and demanding coursework.

Professors at IMPA are hired as researchers, not just teachers, reflecting the institute's research-oriented focus.

Artur Ávila, the only Latin American to win the Fields Medal, is among the researchers at IMPA.

IMPA hosts researchers from around the world, contributing to a diverse and enriching academic experience.

The goal of a doctorate is to form a researcher capable of contributing to scientific knowledge.

Doctoral studies are divided into coursework and a research phase, with a qualifying exam in between.

The transition to the research phase involves writing scientific articles and defending a thesis.

Daniel Nunes' experience at IMPA changed his focus from pure to applied mathematics, specifically mathematical economics.

The process of a doctorate is challenging but transformative, with a significant impact on personal and professional growth.

Daniel Nunes' doctoral defense is available online, showcasing the culmination of his academic journey.

The duration of a doctorate is typically around 4 years, but Daniel Nunes completed his in five while balancing work and family.

Daniel Nunes has returned to YouTube after a productive hiatus, now holding a Doctorate in Mathematics.