Meu 3º ano de DOUTORADO no IMPA, Estágio na Meta, Artigo no SIBGRAPI e + | Diário de Pesquisa #22

Programação Dinâmica
26 Jan 202312:32

TLDRAlisson shares his third year of doctoral experience at the National Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics, focusing on research and publishing. He discusses his successful international experience with a six-month internship at Meta, his involvement in academic activities, and his expectations for the future, including defending his thesis in 2024 and seeking another internship for skill development and application.


  • 🎓 Alisson shares his third year of doctoral experience at the National Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (INPA), focusing on dynamic programming.
  • 📚 After passing the qualification exam in August, Alisson shifted his focus to research, expecting to delve deeper into it during his third year.
  • 🔍 Alisson's research involved developing a new neural network architecture to represent surfaces and signals in multiple resolutions, a promising direction discussed with his advisor.
  • 📈 The expectation of having a publication in 2022 was met, as Alisson's research yielded successful results.
  • 🌐 Alisson also had the expectation of an international experience, which materialized during his third year.
  • 📅 The third year began in January and February with Alisson working on his thesis and attending a graphics computing seminar.
  • 🤖 Alisson's research progressed well during this period, focusing on one-dimensional graphics and making adjustments to his neural network architecture.
  • 📊 In March, Alisson went through the selection process for an internship at Meta, which began in July after successful interviews and obtaining a visa.
  • 🏫 Alisson also engaged in teaching activities, such as teaching English for academic writing and assisting in a 3D graphics course at INPA.
  • 📝 Alisson and his team prepared a paper for submission, which was accepted for extension in a scientific journal after a conference presentation.
  • 🚀 Looking forward, Alisson aims to continue producing good research, align his doctoral thesis topic, and possibly undertake another shorter internship to apply and develop his skills further.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the video?

    -The main focus of the video is to share Alisson's experience during his third year of doctoral studies at the National Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (INPA), discussing his progress in research, expectations, and achievements.

  • What was Alisson's expectation for his third year of doctoral studies?

    -Alisson's expectation for his third year was to continue focusing on research, aiming to have some publications and possibly an international experience.

  • What was the subject of Alisson's research during his third year?

    -Alisson's research involved developing a new neural network architecture for representing surfaces and signals in multiple resolutions, which could be applied in various purposes within computer graphics.

  • How did Alisson engage with his research topic?

    -Alisson engaged with his research topic by studying neural network representations of graphics, running experiments, and making adjustments based on classical theory and new findings.

  • What international experience did Alisson have during his third year?

    -Alisson had an internship at Meta (formerly Facebook) in their virtual and augmented reality division, which he secured after a successful selection process that began in March.

  • What additional activities did Alisson participate in alongside his research?

    -Alongside his research, Alisson participated in an English course for technical writing, taught a course on 3D graphics systems, and prepared for a conference paper submission.

  • What was the outcome of Alisson's research in the third year?

    -The outcome of Alisson's research was successful; he and his team were able to adjust their neural network architecture and prepare a paper for submission to a conference, which was later invited for extension to be published in the Computer Graphics journal.

  • What were some of the challenges Alisson faced during his third year?

    -Alisson faced challenges such as managing bureaucratic processes for his visa, relocating to the United States for his internship, and balancing his research with teaching and other academic responsibilities.

  • What are Alisson's expectations for his fourth year of doctoral studies?

    -For his fourth year, Alisson expects to continue producing good research, align his doctoral thesis topic, and possibly have another internship experience, this time for a shorter period, to learn more and apply his skills in an industrial setting.

  • How does Alisson feel about the results achieved during his third year?

    -Alisson is pleased with the results achieved during his third year, as they represent validation from his peers and contribute to his growth as a researcher in the field of computer graphics and neural network architectures.

  • What does Alisson aim to accomplish by the end of his doctoral studies?

    -By the end of his doctoral studies, Alisson aims to have successfully defended his thesis, contributed original research to the field, and gained a comprehensive understanding of the research process to prepare for a career in academia or industry.



🎓 Reflecting on Doctoral Experience

The speaker, Alisson, shares his experiences during his third year of doctoral studies at the National Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (INPA). He discusses his transition from focusing on coursework and qualifying exams to deepening his research. Alisson had high hopes for the year, including publishing research and gaining international experience, both of which he successfully achieved. He also talks about his involvement in computational graphics and the supportive environment at the VisGraph lab, where he was part of a cohesive group working on interconnected projects.


🌐 Pursuing Opportunities and Overcoming Challenges

Alisson details his application and selection process for an internship at Meta, previously known as Facebook. He describes the rigorous selection process involving technical interviews and how he balanced this with his ongoing research and academic commitments. Additionally, he mentions his participation in an English course for academic writing and his role as a teaching assistant for a 3D graphics course. Despite a hectic schedule, Alisson successfully managed his research, visa processes, and prepared a paper for submission, all while looking forward to his internship in the United States.


📈 Achievements and Future Goals

Alisson discusses the successful outcomes of his third year, including the acceptance of his paper for publication in a computer graphics journal and his upcoming internship at Meta in the United States. He reflects on the importance of these achievements in validating his research and contributing to the field. Looking ahead, he expresses his intentions to continue producing quality research and to align his doctoral thesis. Alisson also considers the possibility of another internship for a shorter period to learn new methodologies and apply his skills in an industrial setting.



💡PhD experience

The term 'PhD experience' refers to the personal journey and challenges one goes through while pursuing a Doctor of Philosophy degree. In the video, the speaker shares his third year of PhD experience at the National Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics, focusing on research and academic growth. It illustrates the ups and downs, expectations, and achievements during this critical phase of higher education.

💡Computer Graphics

Computer Graphics is a field of study that deals with the creation and manipulation of digital images and 3D models. In the context of the video, the speaker's research revolves around constructing a new neural network architecture for multiresolution surface representation, which is directly related to computer graphics. This concept is integral to the speaker's research and academic contributions.

💡Research Expectations

Research Expectations refer to the anticipated outcomes or goals one sets for their research endeavors. In the video, the speaker had specific expectations for his third year of PhD, such as focusing on research, achieving publications, and gaining international experience. These expectations guide the speaker's academic pursuits and help measure his progress and success.

💡International Experience

International Experience denotes the opportunity to work or study in a different country, thereby gaining exposure to diverse cultures, methodologies, and perspectives. In the video, the speaker shares his experience of doing an internship at Meta in the United States, which provided him with valuable insights and broadened his research horizons.

💡Neural Network Architecture

A Neural Network Architecture refers to the design or structure of a neural network, which is a series of algorithms that attempt to recognize underlying relationships in a set of data through a process that mimics the way the human brain operates. In the video, the speaker's research involves building a new neural network architecture for representing surfaces in multiple resolutions, which is a significant contribution to the field of computer graphics.


Publications are scholarly articles or papers that are published in academic journals or conference proceedings. They are a critical part of academia as they disseminate research findings to the broader scientific community. In the video, the speaker's expectation of having publications during his third year of PhD came true, signifying a validation of his research work.


Visgraph is the Laboratory of Computational Graphics at the National Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics, where the speaker is affiliated. It is a research group focused on various aspects of computer graphics and computational geometry. In the video, the speaker talks about the collaborative and cohesive environment at Visgraph, which supports his research and academic growth.


An Internship is a temporary job or work experience that allows individuals to gain practical skills and knowledge in their field of study or career interest. In the video, the speaker's internship at Meta provided him with real-world experience and the opportunity to apply his academic research in an industrial setting.

💡Technical English Course

A Technical English Course is an educational program designed to improve the English language skills of students, particularly in the context of academic writing and communication within their field of study. In the video, the speaker took a Technical English course offered by his institution, which was a mandatory requirement for PhD students.

💡Teaching Assistant

A Teaching Assistant is an individual who supports a professor or instructor in educational settings by assisting with teaching responsibilities such as grading, leading discussion sections, or conducting labs. In the video, the speaker served as a teaching assistant for a 3D Graphics course, which reflects his involvement in academic and educational activities beyond his research.

💡Conference Paper Submission

Conference Paper Submission refers to the process of sending a research paper to a scientific conference for consideration for presentation and publication. It is a significant step in academic research as it allows researchers to share their findings with the broader community. In the video, the speaker's research led to a conference paper submission and subsequent acceptance, which is a key milestone in his academic journey.


Alisson shares his experience in the third year of his Ph.D. at INPA, a national institute of pure and applied mathematics.

He discusses his focus on coursework and preparing for the qualification exam in the second year of his Ph.D.

After the qualification exam, Alisson shifted his focus to research, expecting to delve deeper into it in his third year.

Alisson's research involves constructing a new neural network architecture for multi-resolution surface signal representation.

He mentions the supportive and collaborative environment at the Visgrafe lab, where he works on long-term research projects.

Alisson successfully published a paper in 2022, meeting one of his expectations for the year.

He also had the opportunity to participate in an international experience, which he discusses in chronological order.

In January and February, Alisson worked on his Ph.D. thesis and attended a graphics computing seminar.

He applied for internships abroad and was contacted by a recruiter from Meta in March, leading to a successful selection process.

Alisson took an English course for academic writing, which was a requirement for Ph.D. students at INPA.

He also served as a teaching assistant for a 3D graphics systems course, further engaging with his field of study.

Alisson's paper was accepted for presentation in a Brazilian conference on pattern recognition and image processing, and later for publication in a scientific journal.

He managed to balance his research, academic responsibilities, and administrative tasks, including visa processes and relocation to the United States for his internship.

Alisson's international experience at Meta allowed him to apply and develop his research skills in a different context.

He emphasizes the importance of peer validation in the research process and the significance of contributing original research to science.

Alisson outlines his expectations for his fourth year of Ph.D., including aligning his research theme and preparing for his thesis defense.

He expresses interest in another internship, this time for a shorter period, to learn new methodologies and apply his skills in a corporate environment.

Alisson's story serves as an inspiring example of the dynamic nature of research and the balance between academic and practical experiences.