Can Artists Spot The AI Art?

Skynix Art
23 Dec 202213:07

TLDRThe video script revolves around a fascinating exploration of the growing capabilities of AI in the art world, challenging the notion of authenticity in art. It documents an experiment where artists are tasked with differentiating between AI-generated and human-created pieces, highlighting the subtle nuances and occasional giveaways that might reveal the true origin of the artwork. The discussion delves into the potential impact of AI on the art community, the emotional depth of human-created art, and the possible future integration of AI as a tool for inspiration and concept development in art. The video ends with a reflection on the need for guidelines regarding the use of AI in art, emphasizing the importance of transparency and the unique value of human emotion in artistic expression.


  • 👨‍🎨 The challenge involved artists trying to differentiate between AI-generated art and human-created art through a series of comparisons.
  • 📈 The test comprised eight sets of artworks, with each set containing one AI piece and one human piece, aiming to identify the AI-generated one.
  • 📝 Initial sets were easier, designed to help participants acclimate, but the difficulty increased with each subsequent set.
  • 🧐 Participants noted that AI often struggles with certain details like hands and eyes, which can be telltale signs of AI involvement.
  • 📷 Some artists were fooled by AI artworks, indicating the advanced capabilities of AI in creating convincing art pieces.
  • 👁‍🗨 Despite challenges, certain artists could accurately identify AI art by focusing on minor imperfections or unnatural elements.
  • 🖥 Some artworks featured signatures or watermarks, providing clues that they were human-made, though this was sometimes overlooked at first glance.
  • 🚨 The discussion touched on the implications of AI in the art world, including concerns over job security and the potential loss of emotional depth in AI creations.
  • 📚 Participants expressed a range of opinions on AI art, from fear and skepticism to seeing it as a useful tool for conceptualization and inspiration.
  • 🛠 There's a call for ethical guidelines on AI art usage, particularly in clarifying when artworks are AI-generated to maintain transparency.
  • 📱 The experience led to reflections on the evolving relationship between art, technology, and authenticity, sparking a broader dialogue on the future of creative expression.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is the challenge of distinguishing between AI-generated art and human-made art.

  • How many sets of artworks were presented in the video?

    -There were eight sets of artworks presented in the video, with each set containing one AI-generated piece and one human-made piece.

  • What was the first giveaway that the presenter noticed in the first pair of artworks?

    -The first giveaway the presenter noticed was the messy fingers and the somewhat off eyes in the AI-generated artwork of the blue-haired girl.

  • Which AI programs were mentioned in the video as being responsible for generating some of the artworks?

    -The AI programs mentioned in the video include Novel AI and Mid-Journey.

  • What characteristic of AI-generated art made it difficult for the presenter to identify the correct piece in the second pair?

    -The abstract and nonsensical depiction of the bird in the AI-generated artwork made it difficult for the presenter to identify the correct piece.

  • What was the presenter's strategy in trying to identify AI-generated art?

    -The presenter's strategy involved looking for inconsistencies, such as wavy lines, unusual proportions, and lack of detail, which are common issues in AI-generated art.

  • How did the presenter feel about the potential impact of AI on the art community?

    -The presenter felt that while there is a justified fear of AI replacing human artists, it could also be used as a tool for inspiration and conceptual art, and that guidelines should be put in place for its use.

  • What was the final verdict on the last set of artworks presented?

    -The bottom piece, a landscape with a dragon, was identified as the AI-generated artwork, while the top piece was confirmed to be human-made by an artist named Philip A. Ehrlich.

  • What was the presenter's overall success rate in identifying AI-generated art?

    -The presenter did not successfully identify any of the AI-generated artworks correctly, resulting in a zero out of eight success rate.

  • What did the presenter suggest as a potential use for AI-generated art?

    -The presenter suggested that AI-generated art could be used as a tool for conceptual art, brainstorming ideas, or as a reference for artists.



🎨 The Art of Deception: Can AI Fool the Artists?

In this segment, the host introduces an experiment to determine whether AI-generated art can deceive professional artists into believing it was created by a human. The host presents eight sets of artworks, each pair consisting of one AI-generated piece and one created by a human artist. The participants are challenged to identify the AI art, with the host providing hints and commentary throughout the exercise. The artists' struggle to differentiate between AI and human-made art highlights the increasing sophistication of AI in the realm of art.


🔍 Close Encounters with Art: AI's Fine Details

This paragraph delves deeper into the nuances of AI-generated art as the participants continue their evaluation. The discussion focuses on the subtle details that give away the AI's hand, such as the portrayal of hands and eyes, and the overall cleanliness of the artwork. The participants grapple with the challenge, often doubting their instincts and changing their decisions upon closer examination. The segment underscores the complexity of distinguishing AI art from human-made pieces, especially when both appear polished and stylistically similar.


🌌 Landscapes and Figures: Navigating AI's Artistic Horizons

The final part of the script explores the participants' attempts to discern AI art through landscapes and figures, which proves to be the most difficult task yet. The host and participants discuss the intricacies of architecture and background elements in the artworks, and the presence of signatures or watermarks that may indicate the artist's identity. The segment concludes with a reflection on the evolving role of AI in the art world, with the host acknowledging the potential of AI as a tool for inspiration and concept development, while also expressing concerns about the future impact on the art community and the need for clear guidelines regarding the use of AI in art.



💡AI Art

AI Art refers to artwork that is created with the assistance of artificial intelligence. In the context of the video, AI Art is the central theme, as the discussion revolves around the ability of AI to generate art that can be indistinguishable from human-made art. The video provides examples of AI-generated pieces that have fooled art competition judges and explores the challenges artists face in identifying AI Art.

💡Art Competition

An art competition is a judged event where artists submit their work to be evaluated based on certain criteria, with the goal of recognizing excellence and awarding prizes. In the video, the mention of an art competition where AI-generated art fooled the judges highlights the advanced capabilities of AI in the art world and raises questions about the authenticity and value of AI Art.


Artists are individuals who create various forms of art, expressing themselves through different mediums such as painting, drawing, sculpture, and digital art. In the video, artists are invited to participate in a challenge to see if they can distinguish between AI-generated and human-made art, which directly relates to the impact of AI on their profession and creative process.


Identification in this context refers to the process of determining the origin or creator of a piece of art, specifically differentiating between AI-generated and human-made artwork. The video explores the challenges in identification and the subtle cues that might reveal the true nature of a piece of art.

💡Anime Style

Anime style refers to a specific form of animation and art that originated in Japan, characterized by colorful artwork, fantastical themes, and vibrant characters. In the video, the discussion of anime style is relevant because it is one of the art forms that AI has been shown to struggle with, making it a potential indicator in identifying AI Art.

💡Digitally Painted

Digitally painted refers to artwork that is created using digital tools and software, as opposed to traditional mediums like paint on canvas. In the video, the term is used to describe a set of images, one of which is created digitally by a human and the other by AI, challenging participants to discern the difference based on artistic elements and style.


Fingers are a common detail in artwork that can reveal the origin of a piece, as AI sometimes struggles to accurately depict the complexity and proportion of human hands and fingers. In the video, the observation of fingers is used as a clue to identify AI Art, as they may appear 'messy' or 'off' compared to human depictions.

💡Human Condition

The human condition refers to the unique experiences, emotions, and characteristics that define being human. In the context of the video, the discussion of the human condition relates to the emotional depth and personal expression found in human-made art, which is contrasted with the perceived lack of emotional connection in AI-generated art.

💡Conceptual Art

Conceptual art is an art movement that prioritizes the concept or idea behind a work of art over the finished product's formal artistic techniques. In the video, conceptual art is suggested as a potential area where AI can be utilized effectively, serving as a tool for generating ideas or references for artists.


Guidelines in this context refer to the recommended practices or rules for using AI in art creation, ensuring transparency and ethical considerations. The video touches on the need for guidelines to regulate the use of AI in the art world, highlighting the importance of acknowledging the use of AI tools in artwork.


Fear in the video refers to the concern and anxiety that artists may experience due to the advancements in AI and its potential impact on their profession. The discussion around fear addresses the emotional response of artists to the growing capabilities of AI in the art world and the uncertainty it brings.


AI art has become so advanced that it's difficult to distinguish from human-made art.

An AI-generated art piece managed to fool the judges of an art competition.

The challenge is to see if artists can identify which pieces of art are created by AI.

The first pair of images includes a blue-haired girl, where the fingers give away the AI-made art.

The AI struggles with drawing hands and eyes, which can be a giveaway.

The second pair of images involves digitally painted art and AI art, which are more challenging to differentiate.

The AI has a problem with abstract elements, like the bird in the hand, which seems off.

The first piece of the third pair appears more organic and less likely to be AI-made.

The AI-generated art often has a cleaner look compared to hand-drawn art.

The fourth pair of images includes a galaxy background, which AI might struggle to render.

The presence of a signature or watermark can indicate the artwork is not AI-generated.

The fifth pair of images presents a challenge with the AI-generated art having issues with fingers.

The sixth pair of images features landscapes instead of human characters, making it harder to identify the AI art.

The participant admits to being scared of losing their job to AI in animation.

There is an emotional aspect to human-made art that AI-generated art lacks.

AI art can serve as a useful tool for conceptual art or generating ideas for artists.

Guidelines should be in place for the use of AI art to reference or inspire human creations.

The participant did not get a majority of the AI-art identification correct, reflecting the challenge of the task.

The video encourages viewers to share their thoughts on AI and its impact on the art world.