How to Spot AI Art (STOP Accusing Artists of Using AI So Much!!) || SPEEDPAINT + COMMENTARY

Duchess Celestia
13 Apr 202434:19

TLDRThe video, sponsored by Squarespace, addresses the issue of artists being falsely accused of using AI to create their artwork. The host, Celestia, shares her experience with receiving angry emails accusing an artist of AI usage based on anatomical errors in their work, particularly with hands. Celestia emphasizes the need for a more nuanced approach to identifying AI art, distinguishing between technical and logical errors. She provides a comprehensive checklist of red flags that could indicate AI involvement, categorizing them into supporting and direct evidence. Technical mistakes, common in both human and AI art, are considered supporting evidence, while logical errors, which only AI makes, are direct evidence. Celestia advises viewers to examine art critically but to avoid baseless accusations, as they can harm artists' reputations. The video aims to empower viewers to recognize AI-generated art while preventing the wrongful accusation of human artists.


  • 🎨 The video discusses the issue of artists being wrongly accused of using AI to create their art, often based on superficial or incorrect assumptions.
  • 🤲 Artists have been criticized for poor depictions of hands, but such mistakes are not exclusive to AI and can be common among human artists as well.
  • 🧐 The distinction between technical and logical errors is crucial when identifying AI art; AI tends to make logical errors that a human artist typically would not make.
  • 🔍 The video provides a checklist to help viewers distinguish between human-made and AI-generated art, focusing on both supporting and direct evidence of AI use.
  • 🖌 Line art and rendering styles can offer hints about the origin of a piece, with AI art often featuring smooth and inconsistent lines, unlike the crisp lines typically found in human art.
  • 🌟 Composition and perspective are areas where AI struggles, often resulting in images with a lack of clear focus or improperly rendered scenes.
  • 🧬 AI-generated art may lack consistency in style across different pieces, whereas human artists' styles evolve gradually and consistently.
  • 🚫 Logical mistakes, such as incorrect body part counts or impossible object placements, are strong indicators of AI involvement.
  • 🔗 Inconsistencies in the continuity of objects, like a shirt's pattern not matching up on both sides of a strap, can suggest AI generation.
  • 💍 Details like jewelry and patterns that do not follow consistent rules, or text that is nonsensical, are often giveaways of AI art.
  • 🔁 A lack of symmetry in elements that should be symmetrical, due to AI's inability to understand object layers and continuity, is a common red flag.

Q & A

  • Why did Celestia decide to create a video on how to spot AI art?

    -Celestia decided to create the video in response to the increasing number of accusations against artists for using AI to generate their art. She aims to provide viewers with a comprehensive checklist to identify AI art and to discourage unwarranted accusations against artists based on baseless suspicions.

  • What is the main issue Celestia addresses regarding accusations of AI art?

    -Celestia addresses the issue of artists being falsely accused of using AI to create their art based on insufficient evidence, such as drawing hands incorrectly or making other common artistic mistakes that could be attributed to AI.

  • What is the fundamental concept Celestia discusses regarding mistakes made by humans and AI in art?

    -Celestia discusses that both humans and AI make mistakes in their work, but the type of mistake is key to identifying AI art. Human artists make technical mistakes, while AI makes logical mistakes due to its inability to understand the context or logic behind what it's generating.

  • What is the role of Squarespace in this video?

    -Squarespace is the sponsor of the video. Celestia thanks them for their partnership and endorses their platform as the best all-in-one solution for website building and hosting, highlighting its user-friendly interface and extensive template library.

  • Why does Celestia emphasize the importance of not accusing artists of using AI based solely on technical errors?

    -Celestia emphasizes this because technical errors are common in both human and AI art, and using them as the primary evidence for AI use is inherently flawed. She suggests that logical errors, which AI is unique in making, should be the primary basis for accusations.

  • What are some examples of direct evidence that could suggest a piece of art was generated by AI?

    -Direct evidence includes logical mistakes such as extra fingers or thumbs on hands, objects that appear to float without being held, and elements that blend into each other in ways that defy logic. These are mistakes that a human artist would not make unintentionally.

  • How does Celestia differentiate between supporting evidence and direct evidence when identifying AI art?

    -Supporting evidence includes potential red flags that might suggest AI use but could also be honest mistakes or stylistic choices by an artist. Direct evidence consists of logical mistakes that are very unlikely to be produced by a human artist, indicating a high probability of AI involvement.

  • What is the importance of having a consistent style evolution in an artist's work?

    -A consistent style evolution is important because it shows the artist's growth and development over time. In contrast, AI-generated art may lack this consistent evolution, showing random and inconsistent stylistic elements that do not follow a logical trajectory.

  • Why does Celestia caution against making accusations of AI use without adequate proof?

    -Celestia cautions against this because false accusations can harm an artist's credibility and livelihood. She encourages viewers to be sure they have both direct and supporting evidence of AI use before calling out an artist to avoid causing unnecessary harm.

  • What advice does Celestia give to viewers who suspect AI use in a piece of art?

    -Celestia advises viewers to scrutinize the art closely for both direct and supporting evidence of AI use before making any accusations. She provides a checklist of red flags to help viewers make a more informed judgment.

  • How does Celestia address the issue of artists being accused of using AI because they improved quickly?

    -Celestia acknowledges that improvement is possible through effective and consistent study. She discourages viewers from accusing artists of using AI solely based on rapid improvement, emphasizing that supporting evidence is not enough to make such claims.



🖌️ AI and Artistic Accusations

The video discusses the controversy surrounding AI-generated art and the accusations against artists who are suspected of using AI to create their work. It highlights a specific incident where an artist was accused of using AI based on the poor depiction of hands in their art. The video aims to educate viewers on how to identify AI art and to caution against making accusations without substantial evidence.


🤖 Understanding AI's Logical vs. Technical Errors

This paragraph delves into the distinction between logical and technical errors made by AI and human artists. It emphasizes that while both can make technical mistakes, only AI commits logical errors, such as incorrect body part counts or impossible configurations. The video stresses the importance of looking for logical errors as primary evidence of AI involvement in artwork.


🎨 Differentiating AI Art through Style and Composition

The script touches on the aspects of art composition and style that can indicate AI generation. It mentions that AI often lacks understanding of composition, leading to messy and scattered artwork without a clear focal point. Additionally, AI tends to render textures uniformly, lacking the variation and depth that human artists typically include. These traits are categorized as supporting evidence in identifying AI art.


🧩 AI's Inconsistencies in Perspective and Style

The paragraph discusses AI's limitations in perspective, often defaulting to a straightforward view that lacks the dynamic angles human artists might use. It also addresses the inconsistency in style across different pieces, which can suggest AI generation. Rapid improvement and sporadic changes in an artist's work might also raise suspicions, although these are considered supporting evidence rather than definitive proof.


🚫 Direct Evidence of AI Art's Logical Flaws

This section outlines direct evidence of AI involvement, such as logical mistakes that are highly unlikely for human artists to make unintentionally. Examples include extra limbs, objects floating without support, and broken continuity in patterns or objects. The paragraph emphasizes that these direct evidence points are more telling of AI generation than the previously mentioned supporting evidence.


🧵 Unconnected Shapes and Incomprehensible Details

The final paragraph focuses on additional direct evidence of AI art, such as unconnected shapes that lack a clear source, details like clothing folds that don't follow logical rules, and botched patterns or jewelry designs. It also mentions the gibberish text that often appears in AI-generated logos or watermarks and the lack of symmetry in objects that should be mirror images of each other.


📝 Conclusion and Call for Caution

The video concludes with a call for caution when accusing artists of using AI. It emphasizes the importance of having both direct and supporting evidence before making accusations and highlights the potential harm to artists' reputations. The video aims to equip viewers with the knowledge to identify AI art while discouraging baseless claims against artists.



💡AI Art

AI Art refers to artwork that is generated or assisted by artificial intelligence. In the video, the creator discusses the controversy surrounding AI art and how it can be mistakenly attributed to human artists, causing tension and accusations within the art community.

💡Anatomical Errors

Anatomical errors are mistakes in the representation of the human body's structure. The video mentions that while human artists and AI can both make such errors, the nature of these mistakes can help distinguish between human and AI-created art, as AI may produce logically impossible errors.

💡Technical vs. Logical Mistakes

Technical mistakes are errors related to the execution of an artistic technique, while logical mistakes are errors that contradict the logical understanding of what is being depicted. The video emphasizes that logical mistakes, such as an AI-generated hand with an incorrect number of fingers, are strong indicators of AI involvement.

💡Red Flags

Red flags are signs or indicators that suggest a piece of art may have been created or influenced by AI. The video provides a checklist of red flags, including logical errors and inconsistencies in style, to help viewers identify AI art.


Composition refers to the arrangement of elements within an artwork. The video discusses how AI often fails to create thoughtful compositions, resulting in scattered and messy images without a clear focal point, which is a contrast to the intentional compositions found in human art.


Perspective is the representation of three-dimensional space on a two-dimensional surface. The video notes that AI struggles with dynamic perspectives, often defaulting to a straightforward view, which can be a supporting clue when evaluating the origin of an artwork.

💡Consistency in Style

Consistency in style refers to an artist's recognizable approach to their work, which evolves over time. The video suggests that a lack of consistent stylistic elements across an artist's portfolio could be a red flag for AI-generated art, as human artists typically exhibit a gradual evolution in their style.

💡Direct Evidence

Direct evidence in the context of the video are the clear indicators that an artwork was generated by AI, such as logical mistakes that defy human understanding. The video differentiates between direct and supporting evidence to provide a comprehensive approach to identifying AI art.

💡Supporting Evidence

Supporting evidence includes less conclusive signs that might suggest AI involvement, such as smooth line art or a lack of varied perspectives. The video clarifies that these alone are not enough to accuse an artist of using AI but can prompt further investigation when combined with other evidence.


Symmetry in art refers to the balanced and harmonious arrangement of elements on either side of a central axis. The video points out that AI often fails to maintain symmetry, which can be a direct evidence of AI art, as human artists typically understand and apply symmetrical principles.

💡Text and Logo Accuracy

The presence of text or logos in artwork can be a giveaway of AI involvement. The video explains that AI cannot comprehend text, leading to nonsensical or inaccurate text elements in AI-generated art, which human artists would logically avoid.


Artists are increasingly being accused of using AI to generate their art based on flimsy evidence, leading to a climate of fear and paranoia within the art community.

The video discusses the importance of critically examining art to determine if it was made by a human or a machine, while also being cautious not to falsely accuse artists.

A comprehensive checklist is provided to help viewers identify AI-generated art, focusing on logical and technical mistakes that AI tends to make.

Human artists often struggle with drawing hands, but AI's notorious misrepresentation of hands is used as a basis for accusing artists of using AI, despite this being a common artistic challenge.

The video emphasizes that logical mistakes, rather than technical ones, are the key indicators of AI art, as humans make technical errors but not logical ones.

AI-generated art often has smooth, inconsistent line work that lacks the crispness and clarity of human-made line art.

AI tends to render all materials with a similar, shiny, rubber-like texture, failing to differentiate between various textures like metal, skin, and hair.

Composition and perspective are areas where AI struggles, often resulting in scattered, messy compositions and flat perspectives.

Consistency in an artist's style is a key factor; AI-generated art may show rapid, sporadic changes in style that do not follow a logical evolutionary path.

Logical mistakes, such as extra limbs or objects that appear to float, are strong indicators of AI art, as these are errors a human artist would not logically make.

AI often fails to maintain the continuity of objects, leading to inconsistencies like broken patterns or layers that do not align.

The blending of unrelated objects and the application of traits to them as if they were the same is a common error in AI-generated images.

Unconnected shapes or details that lack a visible source are a well-known red flag for AI art, as they do not logically fit within the context of the image.

Jewelry and detailed patterns are often botched in AI art due to the lack of specific, consistent design replication capabilities.

Text, logos, or watermarks in AI-generated art are often nonsensical, as AI does not understand the meaning of text.

A lack of symmetry in AI-generated images is common, as AI does not recognize that objects of the same type should follow the same rules or be symmetrical.

The video calls for a more thoughtful and evidence-based approach to identifying AI art to avoid falsely accusing artists and undermining their credibility.