Chat GPT makes AWESOME Top-Down Shooter Game | Unreal Engine 5 | DevLog

26 May 202308:09

TLDRIn this video, Sophie, a complete beginner, collaborates with GPT to create a game using Unreal Engine's blueprints. She follows GPT's step-by-step instructions, detailing every aspect of the game development process. The result is a surprisingly playable game, showcasing the effectiveness of learning by doing and the power of AI-assisted learning. Despite some challenges with GPT, particularly with setting up the timer, the final product is a testament to the potential of AI in game development education.


  • 📝 The video is a tutorial on creating a game using Unreal Engine's blueprints with guidance from an AI like GPT.
  • 🚀 The creator, Sophie, aimed to demonstrate the process of learning game development as a complete beginner.
  • 🎯 The goal was to outline a game and then execute every step in detail, guided solely by an AI.
  • 💻 The video content was condensed to show the rapid progression from concept to a playable game.
  • 🎮 The final product is a basic, but functional, top-down shooter game with a character, enemies, and a timer.
  • 🔗 The camera zoom was adjusted according to instructions from GPT, allowing for a better overview of the game area.
  • 🎱 The game features a simple control scheme, with clicking to move and the spacebar to shoot.
  • 🕒 The game ends when the player's computer can no longer handle the enemy spawn rate.
  • 📊 The video includes a sped-up version of the blueprint and node connection process.
  • 🥇 The creator found the experience of building the game with AI assistance both challenging and educational.
  • 📈 The video also promotes Sophie's own game development project, Knights of the Fallen Forest.
  • ⏱️ The video concludes with a gameplay demonstration and a note on how to navigate to the final gameplay if desired.

Q & A

  • What was Sophie's goal while creating the content for the video?

    -Sophie's goal was to act as a total beginner and ask GPT for an outline to create a game using Unreal Engine's blueprints, breaking down each step in extreme detail.

  • How did Sophie approach learning Unreal Engine through this process?

    -Sophie learned by asking GPT how to perform each task and then explaining and executing those tasks, which helped her understand and gain practical experience with Unreal Engine.

  • What was the outcome of Sophie's project?

    -Sophie was very satisfied with the outcome, as she managed to create a playable game with the help of GPT, despite being a beginner.

  • How did Sophie structure the video content?

    -Sophie structured the video to show a sped-up version of her connecting nodes and blueprints, setting up the game, and following GPT's instructions.

  • What game is Sophie working on herself?

    -Sophie is working on a game called Knights of the Fallen Forest, for which she has two devlogs on her channel.

  • How long did it take Sophie to create the playable game?

    -It took Sophie two days to create the playable game, although she noted that she could have done it in 10 minutes by herself.

  • What were some of the challenges Sophie faced during the project?

    -One of the main challenges was getting GPT to explain how to display the timer correctly, which was a three-hour process of back-and-forth communication.

  • What can viewers expect to see in the sped-up video?

    -Viewers can expect to see Sophie connecting nodes, setting up blueprints, and adjusting settings as instructed by GPT, leading to the creation of a basic top-down shooter game.

  • What is the gameplay like in the game Sophie created?

    -The gameplay involves moving around by clicking, shooting a white ball to kill enemies like zombies, and surviving as long as possible without the computer lagging.

  • How does the game end for the player?

    -The game ends when the player's computer can no longer handle the lag from spawning enemies. The player can then choose to quit or retry the game.

  • What advice does Sophie give to beginners in the video?

    -Sophie advises beginners to ask GPT how to do something, explain how to do it, and then actually do it, as this process helps with learning and understanding.



📝 Introduction to Game Development with GPT

Sophie introduces the video by explaining her goal to act as a complete beginner and use GPT to outline a game and detail every step in creating it with Unreal Engine's blueprints. She emphasizes the educational value of this process, sharing that she learned new things by following GPT's instructions. The video will showcase her journey in a sped-up format, highlighting the connection of nodes, blueprints, and settings. Sophie also promotes her own game development project, Knights of the Fallen Forest, and encourages viewers to like, subscribe, and check out her devlogs. She provides a timestamp for those interested in skipping to the final gameplay.


🎮 Final Gameplay Demonstration and Reflection

The paragraph begins with a musical introduction and transitions into Sophie discussing the completion of the game development process, which took two days. She presents the final product, a playable game created with GPT's guidance, and acknowledges that it exceeded her expectations. The video demonstrates the game's basic mechanics, such as moving the character, adjusting camera zoom, and shooting enemies. Sophie reflects on the challenges she faced, particularly with the timer display, which was a lengthy process of back-and-forth with GPT. The video concludes with the game's survival timer, end-screen functionality, and options to quit or retry the game. Sophie expresses her satisfaction with the outcome and the overall learning experience.




GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is an advanced AI language model known for its ability to generate human-like text based on given prompts. In the context of the video, GPT is used as a tool to guide the creator through the process of making a game using Unreal Engine's blueprints. The creator interacts with GPT to learn and execute each step, from setting up the game environment to fine-tuning gameplay mechanics.

💡Unreal Engine

Unreal Engine is a powerful game development platform used for creating 3D and 2D video games. It provides a suite of tools and features that allow developers to build and visualize their game ideas. In the video, the creator uses Unreal Engine's blueprints system to develop a game without coding knowledge, relying on the guidance provided by GPT.


Blueprints in Unreal Engine are visual scripting tools that allow developers to design game logic and interactions without writing code. They are节点-based, meaning that various actions and events can be connected through a graphical interface. The video showcases the process of connecting nodes in blueprints to create game mechanics, such as character movement and enemy spawning.


A beginner is someone who is new to a particular field or activity and has limited or no prior knowledge or experience. In the video, the creator positions themselves as a beginner in game development, aiming to demonstrate the learning process for those who are also new to game creation using Unreal Engine and GPT's assistance.


ChatGPT is a variant of the GPT model specifically trained to generate conversational responses. It is designed to interact with users in a dialogue format, providing information, answering questions, and assisting with tasks. In the video, ChatGPT serves as the AI assistant guiding the creator through the game development process, offering instructions and explanations for each step.

💡Game Development

Game development is the process of creating a video game from conception to release. It involves various stages, including design, programming, art creation, and testing. The video focuses on the game development process using Unreal Engine's blueprints and the assistance of ChatGPT to guide a beginner through the creation of a simple top-down shooter game.

💡Top-Down Shooter

A top-down shooter is a subgenre of shooter video games where the camera view is from above, looking down at the game world. Players typically control a character from this perspective and engage in combat with enemies. In the video, the creator uses Unreal Engine to develop a simple top-down shooter game, where the player moves around and shoots at spawning enemies.

💡Node Connection

Node connection refers to the process of linking different elements or actions together in a visual scripting environment like Unreal Engine's blueprints. Nodes represent functions or events, and connecting them defines how they interact. In the video, node connection is a crucial part of the game development process, as it is used to create the logic for character movement, shooting, and enemy spawning.


A timer in the context of video games is a feature that measures the time taken to complete a level or achieve a specific goal. It adds an element of challenge and provides feedback to the player on their performance. In the video, the creator sets up a timer in the game to track the player's survival time, which is displayed on the screen and contributes to the gameplay experience.

💡Health Bar

A health bar is a visual representation of a character's health or life points in a video game. It is usually depicted as a bar or a series of icons that decrease as the character takes damage. In the video, the health bar is an essential gameplay element that indicates the player's current health status, located at the bottom left of the screen.


Zombies are fictional creatures often featured in games and other media as mindless, reanimated corpses that feed on human flesh. In video games, they typically serve as enemies that the player must defeat to progress. In the context of the video, zombies are the primary enemies in the top-down shooter game, spawning indefinitely for the player to eliminate.


Sophie finishes recording content for a video demonstrating game development with Unreal Engine and GPT.

The video aims to be a beginner's guide to creating a game using Unreal Engine's blueprints through interaction with GPT.

Sophie plans to speed up the video to make it concise while still showing the step-by-step process.

The video will showcase how a total beginner can make a game with only GPT's guidance.

Sophie found the outcome of the game development process to be very satisfying and believes it's a good learning method for beginners.

The video will include a sped-up version of connecting nodes and blueprints as instructed by GPT.

Sophie encourages viewers to like, subscribe, and check out her devlogs for her own game, Knights of the Fallen Forest.

The final gameplay can be skipped to directly at the six-minute mark.

The game is a simple top-down shooter using Unreal Engine's template, with the camera zoomed out as per GPT's instructions.

The game features a timer, health bar, and enemies that spawn indefinitely until the computer can't handle the load.

Pressing space allows the player to shoot a white ball to kill enemies.

The end screen works perfectly, and was a result of deleting unnecessary elements.

The most challenging part for GPT was displaying the time, which took a lengthy process to figure out.

The game is a playable version, not meant to be a polished, published game.

Sophie is impressed with the final product, which exceeded her expectations.

The video ends with options to quit or retry the game.

Sophie expresses overall satisfaction with the game development process and the outcome.