Friendly Neighborhood Artist
10 Oct 202315:26

TLDRThe transcript discusses an individual named Diverseity, a YouTuber with a focus on weapons and history, who has recently ventured into the art world using AI and generative art. The speaker expresses skepticism about Diverseity's artistic credibility, criticizing his lack of recent original artwork and his use of AI to generate images, which they view as a cop-out for not being able to create art traditionally. The speaker also addresses Diverseity's perceived arrogance and lack of understanding of the art community's concerns about AI, suggesting that he should stick to his strengths and not misrepresent his artistic abilities.


  • 🎨 The individual in question, Diverseity, is a YouTuber with 1 million subscribers known for content on weapons and history, but also dabbles in art-related videos.
  • 🖌️ Diverseity has been criticized for his use of the term 'assisted art' and for not creating traditional art recently, relying instead on generative A.I. for his work.
  • 🌐 The art community has expressed mixed feelings about the use of A.I. in art, with some embracing the new medium and others feeling it undermines traditional art skills.
  • 💭 The term 'assisted art' is seen as a controversial and misleading term by some, as it suggests a level of human input and artistry that may not be present.
  • 🛠️ Diverseity's approach to art involves minimal changes to A.I. generated images, which has led to accusations of him not truly being an artist in the traditional sense.
  • 🎥 The video script discusses Diverseity's use of A.I. to create an image of Supergirl, which he then attempts to personalize by training the model on his wife's face.
  • 🤔 Concerns are raised about the ethical implications of using someone's likeness without consent, especially in the context of A.I. generated content.
  • 🚫 The script criticizes Diverseity for not acknowledging the flaws in his A.I. generated art, such as incorrect light sources and anatomical proportions.
  • 🔄 The discussion highlights the broader issue of A.I. in the art world, questioning whether it will replace human artists or simply become another tool for them to use.
  • 💥 The backlash against Diverseity's approach to art reflects a larger debate about the value of human creativity versus technology-assisted creation.

Q & A

  • What is the main subject of the video script?

    -The main subject of the video script is a critique of an individual named Diverseity, who has a YouTube channel with 1 million subscribers and creates content about weapons and history, but has recently ventured into the art world using generative AI.

  • What is the speaker's issue with Diverseity's art content?

    -The speaker takes issue with Diverseity's art content because they believe it lacks originality and genuine artistic effort, as Diverseity relies heavily on generative AI for creating his art pieces rather than traditional artistic skills.

  • How does the speaker describe Diverseity's attitude towards his own art skills?

    -The speaker describes Diverseity's attitude as pretentious and egotistical, as he glorifies himself for minimal work done on the AI-generated art and claims to have significant photoshopping skills that are not evident in his work.

  • What is the speaker's stance on the use of AI in art?

    -The speaker is not entirely against the use of AI in art, understanding that it can be a tool for those who are not traditionally artistic. However, they take issue when individuals like Diverseity misrepresent their involvement and the originality of their AI-assisted work.

  • What examples does the speaker provide to illustrate their critique of Diverseity's work?

    -The speaker provides examples such as Diverseity's lack of significant changes to the AI-generated images, his glorification of minimal effort, and the poor anatomical proportions in his final pieces to illustrate their critique.

  • How does the speaker react to Diverseity's claims of being a perfectionist and having significant photoshopping skills?

    -The speaker is skeptical of Diverseity's claims, pointing out the visible flaws and lack of advanced editing in his work, such as incorrect light sources and anatomical proportions, which contradict his self-proclaimed expertise.

  • What does the speaker suggest Diverseity should do instead of creating art?

    -The speaker suggests that Diverseity should return to writing, implying that he is better suited to that field rather than art creation.

  • What is the speaker's opinion on the impact of AI on the art market?

    -The speaker believes that AI will not replace artists in the market, but rather, it will be used by artists to enhance their work, and that low-quality AI-generated art will not be a threat to professional artists.

  • How does the speaker address the issue of image theft in AI-generated art?

    -The speaker criticizes the idea that images used in AI datasets can be considered fair use, arguing that proper permissions should be obtained, and that the use of such images without permission is unethical.

  • What action does the speaker take to demonstrate their critique?

    -The speaker attempts to make minor fixes to one of Diverseity's AI-generated pieces to show that with genuine effort, the issues in the original work could be addressed and improved upon.

  • What is the speaker's final verdict on Diverseity's artistic endeavors?

    -The speaker concludes that Diverseity's foray into art using AI is misguided and lacks genuine artistic merit, and they label him as a 'clown' for his overinflated sense of self and lack of actual artistic skill.



🎨 Critique of DiverseitY's Art World Views

The speaker begins by introducing DiverseitY, a YouTuber with a large following who creates content about weapons and history. The speaker expresses a potential interest in DiverseitY's channel but criticizes the creator's recent foray into the art world, particularly his use of Generative Art. The speaker has reviewed DiverseitY's old artwork and finds his new self-proclaimed status in the art world unwarranted. The critique focuses on DiverseitY's use of 'assisted art', a term the speaker finds disingenuous, and questions DiverseitY's actual drawing abilities based on the lack of recent artwork.


🕒 Analysis of DiverseitY's Art Process

The speaker delves deeper into DiverseitY's art process, questioning the time and effort he claims to have invested in his work. The speaker argues that DiverseitY's minor edits and reliance on stable diffusion and photo editing tools like Photoshop show a lack of genuine artistic skill. The critique extends to DiverseitY's understanding of light sources and anatomy in his artwork, with the speaker pointing out specific flaws in a piece featuring Supergirl. The speaker also addresses DiverseitY's defense of his work, calling it 'good enough', and suggests that his use of A.I. is more of a crutch than a creative tool.


😤 Dissection of DiverseitY's Artistic Claims

The speaker continues to critique DiverseitY's claims of being a perfectionist and having significant photoshopping skills. The speaker points out inconsistencies in DiverseitY's work, such as anatomical inaccuracies and a lack of depth in his photo editing. The speaker also challenges DiverseitY's understanding of fair use and permission in the context of using images for A.I. training. The critique ends with the speaker's attempt to fix DiverseitY's artwork, despite admitting their own lack of skill in realistic painting, to demonstrate the potential for improvement over DiverseitY's original work.


🤔 Reflections on the A.I. Art Debate

In the final paragraph, the speaker reflects on the broader debate around A.I. and its role in the art world. They acknowledge that while A.I. can be a tool for those who lack traditional artistic skills, it should not be seen as a replacement for genuine human creativity. The speaker also addresses the ease with which A.I. can produce art, questioning the value and difficulty of such creations. The critique concludes with a call for DiverseitY to return to writing, his perceived area of expertise, and a challenge to the audience to form their own opinions on the matter.




The term 'Diversity' in the context of the video refers to the name of the individual being discussed, who is a content creator with a focus on weapons and historical topics. It is used to identify the main subject of the video and sets the stage for the critique that follows. The speaker expresses a conflicted view towards this individual's content, highlighting a divergence in the type of content they usually enjoy and the recent shift towards art-related topics.

💡Generative Art

Generative Art refers to the process of creating art through automated systems, often involving algorithms or artificial intelligence. In the video, the speaker critiques Diversity's exploration into generative art, suggesting that it is a new medium the content creator is trying out, possibly as a result of losing inspiration in traditional art forms. The term is central to the video's theme, as it underscores the tension between traditional art skills and the use of technology in art creation.

💡Art World

The 'Art World' encompasses the collective community and environment of artists, art critics, galleries, and the processes, interactions, and culture surrounding the creation and exhibition of art. In the context of the video, the speaker seems skeptical about Diversity's sudden involvement and claimed insider knowledge in the art world, implying that the speaker doubts the authenticity of Diversity's engagement with this community.

💡Assisted Art

Assisted Art in this context refers to the process of using technology or other forms of assistance to aid in the creation of art. The term is used somewhat derisively by the speaker, who criticizes Diversity for using AI and other tools to create art, rather than relying on traditional artistic skills. The concept is central to the video's critique, as it highlights the tension between manual artistic creation and the use of technology.

💡Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion is a term related to AI-generated image creation, where an AI model is trained to produce images based on certain inputs or prompts. In the video, the speaker discusses Diversity's use of stable diffusion as a medium for creating art, suggesting that Diversity is using this technology to produce images without significant manual input, which the speaker finds problematic.

💡Art Skills

Art Skills refer to the technical abilities and creative talents required to produce visual art. In the video, the speaker questions Diversity's claim of having significant art skills, as the work presented in the video does not demonstrate a high level of artistic ability. The term is used to critique Diversity's transition from traditional art to using AI in art creation.


Photobashing is a term used in digital art to describe the process of combining or manipulating photographs to create a new image, often used as a base for further artistic work. In the video, the speaker accuses Diversity of using photobashing techniques without fully understanding or applying them correctly, resulting in subpar artwork.

💡AI in Art

AI in Art refers to the integration of artificial intelligence into the artistic process, often to generate or assist in creating artworks. The video discusses the role of AI in art and the speaker's skepticism towards its use by Diversity. The term is key to understanding the video's critique, as it highlights the debate over the authenticity and value of AI-generated art versus traditional handcrafted art.

💡Artistic Integrity

Artistic Integrity refers to the adherence to a set of ethical and creative principles in the production of art. In the video, the speaker implies that Diversity lacks artistic integrity by using AI to create art without putting in the necessary effort to develop and showcase genuine artistic skills. The term is crucial to the video's message, as it underscores the importance of genuine creativity and skill in art.


Critique in this context refers to the analysis and judgment of Diversity's work and claims, which is the primary activity of the speaker in the video. The term is central to the video's content, as it involves evaluating the quality and authenticity of the art produced by Diversity and his use of AI in the creative process.

💡Creative Process

The Creative Process refers to the series of steps taken by an artist to conceive and produce a work of art. In the video, the speaker discusses Diversity's creative process, or lack thereof, in using AI to generate art, suggesting that it is not a genuine representation of the artist's abilities. The term is important in understanding the speaker's perspective on the value of traditional versus technology-assisted art creation.


The subject, Diverseity, is a YouTuber with 1 million subscribers discussing weapons and historical content.

Diverseity also presents himself as an author and claims to have insider information about the art world.

The speaker's friend shared controversial posts about Diverseity on Twitter and a private Discord group.

Diverseity showcases his old artwork and claims to have assisted in creating it, though the term 'assisted art' is criticized as hokey.

Diverseity appears to have not drawn recently, as no recent artwork was found on his social media platforms.

The speaker suggests that Diverseity's interest in stable diffusion is a result of artists' common curiosity about new mediums.

Diverseity's use of generative A.I. to create an image of Supergirl, based on his wife's face, is seen as strange and potentially inappropriate.

Diverseity's claim of significant human input in his art is questioned, as he seems to rely heavily on A.I. generation.

The speaker criticizes Diverseity's lack of substantial changes to the A.I. generated image, suggesting minimal effort.

Diverseity's self-proclaimed photo bashing skills are doubted, as the speaker believes his editing was basic and not up to a professional level.

The speaker attempts to fix Diverseity's artwork to demonstrate the potential for improvement with actual artistic skills.

Diverseity's claim of being a perfectionist is challenged by the speaker, pointing out anatomical inconsistencies in his work.

The speaker argues that A.I. will not replace artists but rather be used by artists to enhance their work.

Diverseity's reaction to internet backlash is highlighted, showing his defensive stance on the use of A.I. in art.

The speaker expresses a strong opinion that Diverseity should return to writing, implying that his artistic endeavors are not up to par.

The transcript discusses the broader implications of A.I. in the art world and the potential for misuse by those claiming to be artists.

The speaker's own attempt to fix the artwork serves as a critique of Diverseity's methods and a call for a more genuine artistic process.