ChatDev UPDATE: Create POWERFUL Software In Minutes With AI Agents!

14 Jan 202411:34

TLDRChatDev introduces a groundbreaking update with its experimental co-learning framework, enhancing the efficiency and reducing repetitive errors in software development through AI agents. The update leverages collective intelligence and multi-agent collaboration, allowing for more effective problem-solving and content generation. The video explores this new capability and emphasizes the community contributions and potential of ChatDev in revolutionizing the digital world.


  • 🚀 ChatDev has released a significant update that aims to revolutionize how we use communicative agents for software development.
  • 🤖 ChatDev is a framework that allows for the creation of customized software using natural language ideas through large model (LM) powered multi-agent collaboration.
  • 🧠 The primary goal of ChatDev is to provide an easy-to-use, highly customizable, and extendable framework focused on collective intelligence and virtual software company simulation.
  • 🌐 The update introduces an experimental co-learning approach for software developing agents, which focuses on efficiency and reducing repetitive errors.
  • 🔍 The co-learning update enhances the agents' abilities by accumulating shortcut-oriented experiences, improving their performance on new tasks.
  • 🤝 The multi-agent organizational structure includes various roles such as CEO, product manager, and CTO, working together on specialized tasks like design, coding, testing, and documentation.
  • 🎮 A showcased example of ChatDev's capabilities includes creating a Flappy Bird game in minutes using simple prompts.
  • 📈 The script mentions a community-contributed software list of applications created with ChatDev, demonstrating its versatility and user success stories.
  • 🔗 The video encourages viewers to explore ChatDev's GitHub repository and user-friendly visualizer for easy app creation and experimentation with the new update.
  • 🌟 The co-learning framework was evaluated using the NLDD dataset and outperformed baseline models, indicating its potential to improve autonomy and reduce the need for manual intervention in software development.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of the ChatDev framework?

    -The main purpose of ChatDev is to offer an easy-to-use, highly customizable, and extendable framework that allows the creation of customized software using natural language ideas through large model (LM) powered multi-agent collaboration.

  • How does the ChatDev framework operate?

    -ChatDev operates as a virtual software company with various intelligent agents holding different roles such as CEO, product manager, CTO, etc. These agents collaborate through specialized functional seminars including tasks like designing, coding, testing, and documenting.

  • What is the significance of the recent update to ChatDev?

    -The recent update introduces an experimental co-learning framework for software developing agents, which aims to enhance efficiency, reduce repetitive errors, and effectively solve new tasks by accumulating shortcut-oriented experiences.

  • How does the private Discord community contribute to ChatDev users?

    -The private Discord community thrives with collaboration opportunities, access to various AI tools, news outlets, resources, and daily AI inputs. It also offers paid subscription plans for data coup and other AI tools for free to its members.

  • What is the structure of the experimental co-learning framework?

    -The experimental co-learning framework is structured into three categories: the cracking module for interactive rehearsals between agents, the co-memorizing block for extracting shortcuts with external supervision, and the co-reasoning module for combining collective reasoning experiences.

  • How does the co-learning update improve upon the baseline ChatDev model?

    -The co-learning update improves autonomy and reduces the need for manual intervention by enhancing collaborative problem-solving among different types of agents, leading to better performance across various metrics like completeness, task execution, and consistency.

  • What types of applications have been created using ChatDev?

    -Applications created using ChatDev include games like Flappy Bird and Tetris variants, BMI calculators, and various other tools generated through single prompts.

  • How can one access and utilize the new features of ChatDev?

    -Users can access the new features by cloning the repository from GitHub, setting up the Python environment, installing the dependencies, and following the step-by-step guide provided. There is also a user-friendly visualizer for easier app creation.

  • What is the role of the cracking module in the co-learning framework?

    -The cracking module encourages interactive rehearsals between different agents, fostering joint exploration and creation of procedural trajectories for various tasks.

  • How does the co-memorizing block function within the framework?

    -The co-memorizing block strategically extracts shortcuts from the trajectories with external supervision, ingesting different strategies into paths for the agents and collectively gathering experiences for future generation.

  • What is the function of the co-reasoning module in the framework?

    -The co-reasoning module combines the collective reasoning experiences of different agents, enhancing interactions, instructions, and responses, and improving the ability to collaborate with new agents and focus on unseen tasks more effectively.



🚀 Introduction to Chat Dev and its New Update

The video script introduces the audience to the latest updates in the software development tool, Chat Dev. It emphasizes the framework's ability to create customized software using natural language through large language models (LM) and multi-agent collaboration. Chat Dev is portrayed as a virtual software company with various roles like CEO, product manager, and CTO, all operated by intelligent agents. The video promises to explore the new 'experimental co-learning update,' which aims to enhance efficiency and reduce repetitive errors in software development tasks. Additionally, the script highlights the thriving community on their private Discord, offering free subscriptions to AI tools and collaboration opportunities.


🤖 The Experimental Co-Learning Update Explained

This paragraph delves into the specifics of the experimental co-learning update for Chat Dev. It discusses how the update addresses limitations in large language models by enhancing collaborative problem-solving among different agents. The update focuses on integrating past experiences to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of content generation in software development. The framework is designed to allow agents to gather shortcut-oriented experiences, which enhances their ability to address new tasks effectively. The architecture of the framework is simplified into three categories: cracking module for interactive rehearsals, co-memorizing block for extracting shortcuts, and co-reasoning module for collective reasoning. The update is compared with other frameworks and shown to outperform baselines across various metrics, indicating improved autonomy and reduced need for manual intervention.


📚 How to Get Started with the New Chat Dev Update

The final paragraph provides guidance on how to get started with the new Chat Dev update. It encourages viewers to check out the quick start guide on their GitHub repository, which includes steps like cloning the repository, setting up the Python environment, and installing dependencies. The paragraph also mentions a user-friendly visualizer for creating different types of applications. The speaker recommends exploring the new update and provides links in the description for further information. The video concludes with an invitation to join their Patreon page for access to additional features and to stay updated with the latest AI news.




ChatDev is a framework that enables the creation of customized software through natural language processing, powered by large language models and multi-agent collaboration. It operates like a virtual software company with various intelligent agents taking on different roles, such as a CEO, product manager, and CTO. The primary goal is to revolutionize the digital world through programming. In the context of the video, ChatDev has received a significant update that introduces experimental co-learning, aiming to enhance efficiency and reduce repetitive errors in software development tasks.

💡Framework Update

A framework update refers to the introduction of new features, improvements, or modifications to an existing software framework. In the video, the framework update is related to ChatDev, which has been updated with an experimental co-learning feature. This update is designed to make the framework more efficient and effective by allowing the collaborative problem-solving among different types of agents, ultimately improving the way they generate content and solve tasks.

💡Large Language Models (LLM)

Large Language Models, or LLMs, are advanced artificial intelligence systems that process and understand human language. They are trained on vast amounts of data to generate human-like text, which can be used for various applications, including creating software through natural language processing. In the video, ChatDev uses LLMs to interpret user inputs and produce software applications, making the process more accessible and efficient.

💡Multi-Agent Collaboration

Multi-Agent Collaboration refers to the process where multiple autonomous agents work together to achieve a common goal. In the context of ChatDev, these agents take on different roles within a virtual software company, collaborating to design, code, test, and document software. The collaboration enhances the collective intelligence and efficiency of the system, allowing for more effective problem-solving and task completion.

💡Experimental Co-Learning

Experimental Co-Learning is an innovative approach where instructor and assistant agents accumulate shortcut-oriented experiences to effectively solve new tasks. This method aims to reduce repetitive errors and enhance efficiency by integrating past experiences into the problem-solving process. In the context of the video, this technique is being integrated into ChatDev to improve the framework's ability to address new and unseen tasks more effectively.

💡Software Development

Software development is the process of creating, maintaining, and enhancing computer programs and applications. It involves various stages, including designing, coding, testing, and documenting the software. In the video, ChatDev is presented as a tool that simplifies software development by allowing users to create different types of software applications or prototypes through natural language processing and multi-agent collaboration.

💡Collective Intelligence

Collective Intelligence refers to the shared knowledge and problem-solving abilities that emerge from the collaboration of multiple individuals or agents. In the context of ChatDev, collective intelligence is achieved through the multi-agent organizational structure, where agents with different roles work together, combining their expertise to innovate and solve complex tasks more effectively.


Discord is a communication platform designed for communities, including gamers, developers, and various interest groups. It allows users to communicate through voice, video, and text channels. In the video, the mention of a private Discord highlights the community aspect of ChatDev, where members can collaborate, share resources, and access AI tools and opportunities.

💡AI Tools

AI Tools are software applications or platforms that utilize artificial intelligence to perform tasks, analyze data, or enhance user experiences. In the video, AI tools are offered to Discord members as part of a subscription plan, covering a range of categories within the field of AI, from data extraction to various other functionalities.

💡Community Contribution

Community Contribution refers to the collective efforts of a group of individuals to create, improve, or maintain a project or resource. In the context of the video, community contribution is evident in the list of software applications created using ChatDev, which showcases the collective creativity and problem-solving capabilities of the community members.


ChatDev is a framework that allows the creation of customized software using natural language ideas through LM powered multi-agent collaboration.

The primary objective of ChatDev is to offer an easy to use, highly customizable, and extendable framework based on large language models for collective intelligence.

ChatDev operates as a virtual software company with intelligent agents in various roles such as CEO, product manager, CTO, etc.

The new update for ChatDev is called the 'experimental co-learning update', which aims to enhance efficiency and reduce repetitive errors in software development.

The experimental co-learning approach allows instructor and assistant agents to accumulate shortcut oriented experiences for effectively solving new tasks.

ChatDev's community contribution software list showcases a variety of applications created using the framework, like BMI calculators and different games.

The new framework introduces a method that addresses the common limitations in large language models by enhancing collaborative problem solving.

The architecture of the experimental co-learning framework consists of three categories: cracking module, co-memorizing block, and co-reasoning module.

The cracking module encourages interactive rehearsals between different agents to foster joint exploration and creation of procedural trajectories.

The co-memorizing block extracts shortcuts from trajectories with external supervision, gathering experiences for future generation.

The co-reasoning module combines the collective reasoning experiences of different agents to enhance interactions and improve task handling.

Comparative analysis shows that the experimental co-learning framework implemented in ChatDev outperforms the baseline across various metrics.

The unique features of the framework, such as co-tracking, co-memorizing, and co-reasoning, contribute to improved autonomy and reduced need for manual intervention.

The new update makes software development more efficient and easier by enabling autonomous agents to handle unseen tasks more effectively.

ChatDev can be easily installed and played around with using the quick start guide on their GitHub repository.

A user-friendly visualizer is available for creating different types of apps using ChatDev's interface, making it accessible for various users.