ChatGPT + Stable Diffusion AI whiteboard for Architecture and Interior Design

LandSpace Architecture
26 Nov 202306:11

TLDRDiscover an innovative AI tool that revolutionizes architectural and interior design presentations. This tool offers mood board creation, brainstorming with ChatGPT, data collection, and AI-powered renderings. It streamlines the process from initial client meetings to detailed furniture selection and room planning, enhancing collaboration and presentation quality with its intuitive interface and real-time updates.


  • 🚀 AI is revolutionizing the architectural and interior design industry by streamlining the pitching process.
  • 📋 The AI tool offers a comprehensive suite of features including mood board creation, brainstorming, data collection, and AI-powered renderings.
  • 🔍 By uploading meeting minutes, the AI can summarize client needs and provide design suggestions.
  • 🌐 A mind map can be created with AI to showcase different interior design styles for client presentations.
  • 🎨 Reference images for various design styles can be easily collected from platforms like Pinterest and organized in a digital mood board.
  • 🪑 Furniture selection is simplified with the ability to tag items by brand, price, and room, resulting in a clear and visually appealing pitch deck.
  • 🏠 AI can render stunning room visualizations using the exact furniture pieces selected by the client, making the design more tangible.
  • ✏️ The renderings can be further customized using tools like the pencil feature for specific design edits.
  • 📈 AI can also generate unique whiteboard visuals for renderings, and create diverse staircase designs based on brainstormed ideas.
  • 🔗 A database function allows for easy sharing of product details and prices with team members and clients for informed decision-making.
  • 👥 Collaboration is enhanced by inviting team members to work simultaneously on the same project board with automatic syncing for real-time updates.

Q & A

  • What does the AI tool offer for architectural and interior design projects?

    -The AI tool offers mood board creation, brainstorming with ChatGPT capabilities, data collection, and AI-powered renderings tailored for teamwork and presentations.

  • How does the AI tool help in summarizing the initial client meeting?

    -By uploading the PDF of the meeting minutes, the AI tool helps to understand the client's requirements and provides suggestions and summaries for the design team.

  • What is the advantage of using the AI tool for collecting reference images?

    -The AI tool allows for direct collection of reference images from Pinterest, eliminating the need to switch between dashboards and making the process simpler and more efficient.

  • How does the AI tool assist in organizing images for the mood board?

    -The tool has a file transfer hub where images are neatly organized and can be easily moved to the mood board, saving time and effort.

  • What can the AI tool do to help with furniture selection for a room?

    -The AI tool enables tagging of furniture, noting down the brand and price, and organizing them by room, resulting in a clear and visually appealing pitch deck for the client.

  • How does the AI tool facilitate sharing of product details and prices with team members and clients?

    -The tool allows easy sharing of the database by simply clicking on the file, providing instant access to all the necessary product details and prices.

  • What is the significance of the rendering function in the AI tool?

    -The rendering function creates stunning visualizations of the selected furniture pieces, providing a virtual interior design experience and helping to better convey design ideas to the client.

  • How can the AI tool be used to customize renderings further?

    -The pencil tool allows users to make specific edits to the renderings, such as replacing items or adjusting details, to better match the client's preferences.

  • How does the AI tool aid in creating unique whiteboard visuals for renderings?

    -By using ChatGPT to brainstorm diverse design ideas and then inputting these into the AI, users can generate unique and detailed renderings that can be further customized in various styles.

  • What additional features does the AI tool provide for selecting interior design details?

    -The tool allows inputting specifics of items like electrical outlets and appliances, making it easier for clients to understand and make informed decisions, and enabling collaboration among team members in real-time.



🚀 Revolutionary AI in Design Pitching

This paragraph introduces a cutting-edge AI tool that is transforming the way architectural and interior design projects are pitched. The AI tool offers a range of features including mood board creation, brainstorming, chat GPT, data collection, and AI-powered renderings, all designed to enhance teamwork and presentations. The speaker demonstrates how they use this AI tool to create an interior design pitch deck, starting with selecting a template and summarizing the initial client meeting using the AI's capabilities. They then leverage the AI to create a mind map of different interior design styles and gather reference images from Pinterest, which are organized efficiently for the presentation. The AI tool also assists in selecting and organizing furniture, providing a clear and visually appealing pitch deck for the client. Additionally, the speaker highlights the AI's ability to render stunning room visualizations and customize them as needed, showcasing the power and flexibility of AI in the design process.


🛠️ Streamlined Interior Design Workflow

In this paragraph, the focus shifts to the detailed workflow of selecting interior design elements for clients using the AI tool. After establishing the design style, the team moves on to choose specific details such as electrical outlets and appliances, inputting their details into a database for easy client access and informed decision-making. The AI tool's collaborative features are emphasized, allowing team members to join the project and work simultaneously, with automatic syncing to ensure real-time updates and efficient teamwork. The paragraph concludes with an invitation to try out the AI tool, highlighting its ability to simplify the presentation and design workflow, making the entire process more manageable and effective.



💡AI tool

The AI tool referred to in the script is an advanced software system that integrates artificial intelligence capabilities to assist in various tasks related to architectural and interior design. It is designed to streamline the process of creating design presentations and pitches by offering features such as mood board creation, brainstorming, data collection, and AI-powered renderings. In the context of the video, the AI tool is a game-changer, making the design process more efficient and collaborative for both the design team and the client.

💡Mood board

A mood board is a visual tool used in the design industry to communicate a concept or idea through a collection of images, textures, colors, and other design elements. In the video, the AI tool helps create a mood board by summarizing the client's preferences from a meeting and suggesting design styles. This board is then used to present different interior design styles to the client in a clear and straightforward manner, helping them understand and visualize the proposed design direction.


Brainstorming is a creative process where ideas are generated and discussed freely in a group setting. In the context of the video, the AI tool's chat GPT capabilities are used for brainstorming various design elements such as staircase designs for modern homes. The AI tool takes the brainstormed ideas and translates them into detailed renderings, showcasing different materials, shapes, and styles, which enhances the design team's ability to present diverse options to the client.


Renderings in the field of design are high-quality visual representations of a proposed design or project. The AI tool mentioned in the script uses AI to create detailed and realistic renderings of the interior design projects. These renderings not only show the client what the final design will look like but also include natural lighting effects and other details that bring the design to life. The renderings can be customized further, showcasing the flexibility and power of AI in the design process.


Collaboration in the context of the video refers to the process of working together with team members or clients on a design project. The AI tool facilitates collaboration by allowing multiple users to access and contribute to the project database, which contains information on furniture, design styles, and other elements. This feature ensures that everyone involved in the project is on the same page and can make real-time updates, leading to efficient teamwork and improved communication.

💡Interior design

Interior design is the art and science of creating aesthetically pleasing and functional spaces within a building. In the video, the AI tool is used to assist in the interior design process by providing suggestions, organizing reference images, and creating detailed renderings based on the client's preferences. The tool's capabilities enhance the designer's ability to present a comprehensive and visually appealing pitch to the client, ultimately aiming to achieve a design that meets the client's needs and style preferences.

💡Furniture selection

Furniture selection involves choosing the right pieces of furniture that fit the design concept, aesthetic, and functionality of a space. In the script, the AI tool helps in furniture selection by allowing the user to tag furniture, note down the brand and price, and organize them by room. This results in a clear and visually appealing pitch deck that helps the client understand the proposed design and make informed decisions about the furniture for their space.


In the context of the video, a presentation refers to the process of showcasing the design concepts, mood boards, renderings, and other relevant information to the client. The AI tool enhances the presentation by providing slick animations, detailed renderings, and organized databases of furniture and design elements. This not only makes the presentation more engaging but also helps the client better understand and visualize the proposed design, leading to a more informed decision-making process.

💡Whiteboard visuals

Whiteboard visuals are graphical representations or sketches that are used to convey ideas or concepts in a clear and concise manner. In the video, the AI tool combines with chat GPT to craft unique whiteboard visuals for the renderings. These visuals are used to brainstorm and present diverse staircase designs, which are then translated into detailed renderings by the AI, showcasing the tool's ability to understand and execute complex design ideas.

💡Database function

The database function in the video refers to the AI tool's ability to store and organize information related to the design project, such as furniture images, product details, and prices. This feature allows the design team and clients to access and review the necessary information easily, making the design process more transparent and efficient. The database can be shared among team members and clients, ensuring that everyone has access to the most up-to-date information.

💡Real-time updates

Real-time updates refer to the immediate and automatic synchronization of changes or new information within the AI tool's platform. In the context of the video, this feature ensures that all team members and clients have access to the latest design details, selections, and renderings as they are made. This promotes seamless collaboration and helps maintain consistency throughout the design process.


AI tool integration revolutionizes architectural and interior design processes.

Mood board creation made efficient with AI assistance.

AI summarizes client meeting minutes for design direction.

Mind map generation showcasing interior design styles.

Pinterest images collected directly for interior design inspiration.

Real-time image organization and mood board creation.

Furniture selection and organization by room for clarity.

Visual clarity and price breakdown for each furniture piece.

Database sharing for transparent team collaboration.

AI-powered renderings of selected furniture in a room plan.

Customization of renderings using the pencil tool.

Chat GPT and Stable Diffusion AI combo for whiteboard visuals.

Five diverse staircase designs brainstormed for modern homes.

AI-generated stair designs based on text input.

Interior design details selection with a collaborative database function.

Automatic syncing for real-time updates in team collaboration.