Prome AI Interior Design & Architecture | Render from Sketch Using AI

Integrated BIM
20 Aug 202310:07

TLDRThe video introduces an innovative AI tool with unique functionalities that surpass traditional Photoshop AI, particularly in background diffusion, outpainting, and sketch rendering. Users can upload sketches to generate 3D images and specify design styles, such as 'minimalist Miami,' with options for color and material preferences. The AI offers multiple variations of the design, allowing for further customization and efficiency in the design process. Additionally, it can convert photos to sketches and vice versa, providing a versatile tool for designers. The AI's ability to modify existing sketches and replace elements with AI-generated variations is highlighted, showcasing its potential to enhance workflow and creativity in design projects.


  • 🎨 The AI introduces innovative functionalities that differ from existing tools, particularly in background diffusion and outpainting features.
  • 📱 Users can upload any sketch to generate a 3D image, enhancing the design process for interiors, architecture, and more.
  • 🏠 The system offers a range of variations for the uploaded sketches, allowing for customization in style and materials, such as 'minimalist Miami' with beige tones and wooden claddings.
  • 🖌️ The AI can produce precise renderings, offering multiple options for users to refine and define their conceptual designs without extensive time investment.
  • 🪑 The tool is not limited to architectural components; it can also be used for furniture and landscape design, providing versatility in its application.
  • 🖼️ The AI enables photo-to-sketch conversion, which, while not the presenter's favorite, can be useful for creating pencil line art or outlines from existing photos.
  • 🌟 The AI's renderings are realistic and hand-drawn-like, making them more appealing and impactful for presentations and workflows.
  • 🛠️ Users can make specific modifications to the design by erasing and replacing elements, such as changing a roof to a glazed structure, and the AI will generate variations accordingly.
  • 📊 The AI also provides a slider for variation control, allowing users to adjust how different they want the generated options to be from the original sketch.
  • 🌐 The AI's capabilities include generating different types of furniture, adjusting the background, and modifying the overall design to fit specific user requirements.
  • 🔄 The AI's most powerful features include generating additional elements to fill in spaces, creating variations of existing structures, and enhancing the overall design aesthetic.

Q & A

  • What is the main functionality of the AI discussed in the transcript?

    -The AI discussed in the transcript primarily focuses on converting sketches into 3D images and renderings, offering various design options based on user inputs like architectural style and color preferences.

  • How does the AI assist with interior design and architecture?

    -The AI can generate 3D renderings based on a sketch and user-specified parameters such as architectural style (e.g., minimalist Miami), color schemes (e.g., beige tones), and material preferences (e.g., wooden claddings), aiding in the visualization and decision-making process of interior design and architecture projects.

  • What is the significance of the 'outpainting' feature in the AI?

    -The 'outpainting' feature allows the AI to expand on the original sketch by generating additional parts that logically extend from the initial drawing, thus providing more detailed and complete design renderings.

  • How can the AI help with furniture design?

    -The AI can be utilized to generate different variations of furniture designs based on the initial sketch, offering multiple options for consideration and selection, which can save time and effort in the design process.

  • What is the 'photo to sketch' feature of the AI?

    -The 'photo to sketch' feature enables users to convert a photo into a pencil sketch outline, which can be useful for creating art or for transforming a photo into a format that is more conducive to design manipulation.

  • How does the AI's rendering process compare to traditional Photoshop AI?

    -The AI's rendering process is described as being more efficient and potentially more realistic than traditional Photoshop AI, as it can generate detailed and creative renderings from sketches with minimal user input, and it can also fill in areas with additional design elements more effectively.

  • What are the limitations of the AI's image variation feature?

    -The image variation feature, while powerful, may not always produce results that are perfectly aligned with the original space or design intent. The variations can sometimes be too wide or not closely related to the original sketch, requiring adjustments and fine-tuning by the user.

  • How does the AI handle background elements in its renderings?

    -The AI can manipulate background elements, such as changing a building in the background or adding elements like glass walls, based on user input. However, it may not always perfectly integrate these changes with the original sketch, and further manual adjustments might be needed for a seamless result.

  • What other functionalities does the AI offer besides sketch conversion?

    -In addition to sketch conversion, the AI offers features like erasing and replacing elements in a design, generating different text styles with the XFX tool, and providing a visual board for idea generation and communication through answering questions.

  • How can users access and utilize this AI?

    -While the transcript does not provide specific access details, it suggests that users can reach out to the IDT (presumably a team or platform associated with the AI) for more information and to gain access to the AI's functionalities.

  • What is the overall impression of the AI's capabilities based on the transcript?

    -The overall impression is that the AI is a powerful and innovative tool for design visualization, offering a range of features that can significantly aid in the design process. However, it is also noted that the AI is not perfect and may require some manual intervention to achieve the desired outcomes.



🎨 Introducing an Advanced AI for Design and Sketch Rendering

The paragraph introduces an AI tool with unique functionalities, particularly in the realm of sketch rendering and 3D image generation. The tool is noted for its ability to transform any uploaded sketch into a detailed 3D rendering, which can be further customized by specifying design preferences such as architectural style (e.g., minimalist Miami), color schemes (e.g., beige tones), and material choices (e.g., wooden claddings). The AI also offers the capability to generate multiple variations of the rendering, allowing for a more nuanced exploration of design options. The tool is likened to an advanced version of Photoshop AI, with a focus on efficiency and ease of use, enabling users to quickly generate and refine their design concepts without extensive manual effort. Additionally, the AI can perform photo-to-sketch conversions, although the speaker expresses a personal preference for the reverse process, from sketch to detailed image.


🛋️ Exploring Furniture and Interior Design Variations

This paragraph delves into the AI's ability to generate variations of furniture and interior design based on uploaded sketches. The speaker discusses the possibility of adjusting the level of variation to achieve desired results, such as modifying a specific element of a design (e.g., the roof) to create a glazed root's place interior. The AI's capacity to suggest different types of furniture, pools, plants, and ceiling designs is highlighted, showcasing its utility in exploring diverse design options. The speaker also touches upon the limitations of the AI in terms of background modifications and its applicability to product design. The paragraph concludes with a demonstration of the AI's effectiveness in filling in design gaps and enhancing the overall aesthetic of a space, while acknowledging that the results may not always be perfect.



💡AI functionalities

The term 'AI functionalities' refers to the various capabilities and features that an artificial intelligence system can perform. In the context of the video, it is used to describe the unique and innovative features of an AI tool that assists in design and rendering tasks, such as converting sketches into 3D images or generating variations of a design based on user input.

💡Photoshop AI

Photoshop AI is a term used to describe the artificial intelligence-powered features within Adobe Photoshop, a widely used image editing software. In the video, it is compared with the AI tool being introduced, particularly in terms of the background diffusion and outpainting functionalities.

💡Sketch rendering

Sketch rendering refers to the process of transforming a hand-drawn sketch into a more detailed and realistic representation, often using digital tools or AI. In the video, it is a key feature of the AI tool that allows users to upload their sketches and have them converted into 3D images or detailed renderings.

💡3D image generation

3D image generation is the process of creating a three-dimensional visual representation of an object, scene, or design. This is often done using specialized software or AI tools that can interpret and build upon two-dimensional sketches or images to produce a 3D model.

💡Interior design

Interior design refers to the process of planning and decorating the interior space of a building or room. It involves selecting and arranging furniture, fixtures, and other design elements to create a functional and aesthetically pleasing environment.


Architecture is the art and science of designing and constructing buildings and other physical structures. It involves considering the functional, aesthetic, and structural aspects of a building to create spaces that are both useful and visually appealing.


Variations refer to the different versions or adaptations of a design, image, or concept. In the context of the video, it describes how the AI tool can generate multiple options based on a single sketch or input, allowing users to explore different design possibilities.

💡Photo to sketch

Photo to sketch is the process of converting a photograph into a sketch or a line drawing. This can be done manually or with the help of AI tools that can recognize and replicate the outlines and features of the photograph in a sketch format.

💡Erase and replace

Erase and replace is a feature that allows users to remove certain elements from an image or design and replace them with different elements or features. This can be useful for making specific modifications to a design without starting from scratch.

💡Variation slider

A variation slider is a user interface element that allows users to adjust the degree of change or variation in a design or image. By moving the slider, users can control how much the AI tool alters the original input to generate new options.

💡AI supermodel business

AI supermodel business likely refers to a sophisticated AI system designed for specific high-level tasks or industries, such as product design or complex data analysis. In the context of the video, it is mentioned as a tool that may not be applicable for the purposes discussed, suggesting it is more specialized than the AI tool being introduced.


AI with interesting functionalities introduced, particularly for sketch rendering and background diffusion.

Overlap with Photoshop AI, especially in background diffusion and outpainting features.

Ability to upload any sketch and render it into a 3D image, enhancing the design process.

Customization options for architecture and design elements like minimalist Miami style and color schemes.

Generation of three variations of a sketch, providing multiple design options.

Use of AI for converting sketches into more defined and creative renderings, saving time and effort.

Capability to generate a 'Photoshopped' version of concept designs directly from sketches.

AI's ability to convert photos to sketches, useful for art and design applications.

The AI's potential in interior design, commercial space, and architecture, offering a new level of efficiency.

AI's capacity to make realistic hand drawings and convert them into more presentable images.

The AI tool's potential for use in furniture design and landscape architecture, providing a wide range of options.

The AI's capability to replace parts of a design with different AI-generated image variations.

The AI's ability to generate additional elements in a design, such as glass walls and additional class rules.

The AI's potential in product design, offering a different background feature and style options.

The AI's capability to fill in spaces and add elements to a design based on a prompt, enhancing the creative process.

The AI's potential to be more effective than Photoshop AI in certain design applications, providing better renderings.

The AI's ability to generate text styles and assist in communication through its AI visual board feature.