ChatGPT vs ChatGPT Plus - Is GPT-4 Worth It?

3 Apr 202310:24

TLDRIn this video, the creator compares ChatGPT and ChatGPT Plus, focusing on the latter's GPT-4 model which is more efficient and accurate, and notably multi-modal, allowing image inputs. Despite the free version being faster, ChatGPT Plus saves time by making fewer mistakes, especially in coding tasks. The video demonstrates the Plus version's superior performance in creating video descriptions, building Discord bots, and solving LeetCode questions. The verdict is that ChatGPT Plus is worth the investment for frequent coders, but not necessary for casual users due to its higher cost.


  • 💡 ChatGPT Plus offers access to the GPT-4 model, which is more efficient and accurate than the free version's GPT-3.5 model.
  • 📈 GPT-4's most significant feature is its multi-modal capability, allowing it to process images as inputs, although this feature is not yet available in ChatGPT Plus.
  • 💰 ChatGPT Plus is more expensive than the free version, which may deter some users despite its advantages.
  • 🔍 The comparison tests included creating a Discord bot and solving LeetCode questions to evaluate the performance differences between the two versions.
  • ⏱️ ChatGPT Plus was found to be slower in generating responses but provided more accurate and insightful outputs.
  • 🤖 In building a Discord bot, ChatGPT made mistakes but corrected them after user feedback, while ChatGPT Plus provided error-free code.
  • 📝 For video description writing, ChatGPT Plus included more engaging elements like hashtags and calls to action.
  • 🧩 When solving LeetCode problems, ChatGPT Plus demonstrated a better understanding and accuracy in problem-solving compared to the free version.
  • 🕵️‍♂️ ChatGPT Plus attempts to explain its logic, which can be beneficial for learning, but it may not always verify the correctness of its solutions.
  • 💼 The value of ChatGPT Plus is higher for frequent coders due to its increased accuracy and time-saving potential.
  • 🌟 ChatGPT Plus is still in its early stages, and future updates like plugins and photo input capabilities are expected to enhance its utility.

Q & A

  • What is the main difference between ChatGPT and ChatGPT Plus?

    -ChatGPT Plus offers the option to run on the GPT-4 model, which is more efficient and accurate than the GPT-3.5 model used by the free version of ChatGPT. Additionally, GPT-4 is multi-modal, meaning it can take in images as inputs, although this feature is not yet supported in ChatGPT Plus.

  • Why did the user decide to compare ChatGPT and ChatGPT Plus?

    -The user wanted to determine if the cost of ChatGPT Plus is justified, considering its expense. They set up a series of challenges to compare the performance, speed, and accuracy of both versions.

  • What was the user's experience with writing a video description using ChatGPT Plus?

    -ChatGPT Plus took longer to generate the description but provided a more emotion-invoking and insightful response, including relevant hashtags and a call to action for viewers.

  • How did the user test the reasoning capabilities of both ChatGPT versions?

    -The user tasked both versions with building a Discord bot for their channel. This test aimed to highlight the differences in reasoning and problem-solving between the free and paid versions.

  • What was the outcome of the Discord bot building challenge?

    -The free version of ChatGPT completed the task faster but made several mistakes that required corrections. ChatGPT Plus was slower but provided a correct solution with no mistakes, making it more efficient overall.

  • How did the user assess the coding interview preparation capabilities of ChatGPT and ChatGPT Plus?

    -The user had both versions solve 10 LeetCode questions of varying difficulty levels. ChatGPT Plus demonstrated a better understanding and accuracy in solving the problems, although it was slower and sometimes made errors in its logic or testing.

  • What is the user's recommendation regarding the use of ChatGPT Plus?

    -The user recommends ChatGPT Plus for those who code for hours most days, as it saves significant time due to its accuracy. However, for those who code less frequently or not at all, the free version of ChatGPT is deemed sufficient.

  • What are the limitations observed in ChatGPT Plus when solving LeetCode problems?

    -ChatGPT Plus, while more accurate than the free version, sometimes provided incorrect solutions and was not diligent in checking its work. It also had difficulty understanding and correcting its mistakes, even when prompted.

  • What feature of GPT-4 is expected to be a game changer but is not yet available in ChatGPT Plus?

    -The multi-modal capability of GPT-4, which allows it to process images as inputs, is expected to be a significant enhancement. However, this feature is not yet supported in ChatGPT Plus.

  • What is the user's opinion on the future utility of ChatGPT Plus?

    -The user believes that once additional features like plugins and photo input capabilities are accessible, ChatGPT Plus will become far more useful and potentially worth the investment.

  • How does the user plan to enhance the quality of their videos?

    -The user intends to produce higher quality videos as their channel grows, with the help of the community through likes, subscriptions, and shares.

  • What was the user's strategy to ensure an authentic comparison between the free and paid versions of ChatGPT?

    -The user created a second OpenAI account to access the free version independently, as they found that ChatGPT Plus's version of GPT-3.5 was faster and they wanted to maintain authenticity in their comparison.



🤖 ChatGPT Plus Evaluation: Is It Worth the Cost?

The video script introduces a comparison between the free version of ChatGPT and the premium ChatGPT Plus, focusing on the latter's GPT-4 model. The host, an avid ChatGPT user, expresses initial excitement about GPT 4's capabilities, particularly its multi-modal feature that allows image input. However, they also acknowledge the cost and the current lack of image uploading in ChatGPT Plus. The video outlines a series of tests to evaluate the performance and value of ChatGPT Plus, including creating a Discord bot and solving LeetCode questions. The host also mentions the need to create a second OpenAI account to access the free version for an authentic comparison, given that ChatGPT Plus's GPT-3.5 is faster than the free version.


🚀 Testing ChatGPT's Performance: Discord Bot and Coding Challenges

The script details the process of testing both ChatGPT versions on creating a Discord bot. The free version was faster but required corrections after errors, taking about 45 minutes to get working. In contrast, ChatGPT Plus, despite being slower, provided accurate instructions with zero mistakes, taking less than 10 minutes to implement after the initial setup. The video also discusses the results of both versions attempting to solve LeetCode questions, with ChatGPT Plus performing significantly better with a 60% accuracy rate compared to the free version's 20%. The host notes that while ChatGPT Plus is more accurate, it may not thoroughly test the provided examples, and its explanations, while helpful for learning, do not guarantee correct solutions on platforms like LeetCode.


📈 Conclusion: Assessing the Value of ChatGPT Plus

The video concludes with the host's recommendation on whether or not to subscribe to ChatGPT Plus. They suggest that it is worth the investment for frequent coders due to the time saved from its higher accuracy. However, for those who code infrequently or not at all, the free version suffices, making the monthly fee for ChatGPT Plus unnecessary. The host also anticipates future enhancements to ChatGPT Plus, such as plugin support and photo input capabilities, which could increase its utility. Finally, they encourage viewers to like, subscribe, and share the video to support the channel's growth and the production of higher quality content.




ChatGPT is an advanced language model developed by OpenAI that is capable of generating human-like text based on given prompts. In the context of the video, it is the main subject of comparison between the free version and the premium ChatGPT Plus service. The video discusses the capabilities and differences between these two versions.

💡ChatGPT Plus

ChatGPT Plus is a subscription-based service that offers enhanced features over the free ChatGPT model, including access to the more advanced GPT-4 model. It is portrayed as a potentially worthwhile investment for frequent coders in the video, due to its increased accuracy and efficiency.


GPT-4 is the latest model of the language generator used by ChatGPT, which is mentioned to be more efficient and accurate than its predecessor, GPT-3.5. A key feature of GPT-4 is its multi-modal capability, which allows it to process images in addition to text, although this functionality is not yet available in ChatGPT Plus at the time of the video.


Multi-modal refers to the ability of a system to process and understand multiple types of input data, such as text, images, and audio. In the video, it is highlighted as a significant advancement in GPT-4, which can potentially revolutionize how users interact with AI by allowing it to interpret visual data.

💡Discord bot

A Discord bot is an automated program that runs on the Discord platform, which can perform various tasks like posting messages or managing server roles. In the video, the creator asks ChatGPT to generate code for a Discord bot that auto-publishes when a new video is released, serving as a test of the AI's coding capabilities.


LeetCode is an online platform used for practicing coding interview questions, particularly focusing on data structures and algorithms. The video uses LeetCode questions to evaluate the problem-solving skills of both the free and premium versions of ChatGPT, as a way to simulate their performance in a technical interview setting.


Reasoning is the cognitive process of forming conclusions, judgments, or inferences from facts or premises. The video compares the reasoning capabilities of GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, noting that while GPT-4 is slower, it provides more insightful and accurate responses, which is crucial for complex tasks like coding.

💡YouTube description

A YouTube description is the text accompanying a video on the YouTube platform, often used to provide details about the video content, engage viewers, and include search engine optimization elements like hashtags. In the video, ChatGPT Plus is noted to generate a more emotionally engaging and SEO-friendly YouTube description compared to the free version.

💡Technical interviews

Technical interviews are a common part of the hiring process for software development roles, where candidates are assessed on their problem-solving skills and understanding of technical concepts. The video examines whether ChatGPT and ChatGPT Plus can perform well in such interviews by solving LeetCode questions.


Efficiency in the context of the video refers to the ability of ChatGPT Plus to produce correct results with less time and effort spent on corrections and revisions. Despite being slower in generating responses, ChatGPT Plus is deemed more efficient due to its higher accuracy and fewer mistakes in coding tasks.

💡Subscription service

A subscription service is a business model in which customers pay a periodic fee to have access to a product or service. ChatGPT Plus is an example of a subscription service that offers additional features over the free version, and the video discusses whether the benefits of this service justify the cost.


ChatGPT Plus offers early access to GPT-4, which is more efficient and accurate than the free version's GPT-3.5 model.

GPT-4's most significant addition is its multi-modal capability, allowing it to process images as inputs.

ChatGPT Plus does not currently support image uploading, but the feature is coming soon.

The free version of ChatGPT is faster, but ChatGPT Plus provides better reasoning and accuracy.

ChatGPT Plus's GPT-4 model took twice as long as the free version to complete tasks but made zero mistakes in coding.

ChatGPT Plus is more efficient overall, saving time by reducing the need for corrections.

ChatGPT Plus attempts to explain its logic when solving problems, making it a valuable learning tool for beginners.

ChatGPT Plus is diligent in explaining but not always in checking its work, as evidenced by failed test cases on LeetCode.

ChatGPT Plus is slower but more accurate in solving LeetCode questions, with a passing grade of 60%.

The free version of ChatGPT achieved only a 20% accuracy rate on LeetCode questions.

ChatGPT Plus is recommended for frequent coders due to its time-saving accuracy.

For those who do not code regularly, the free version of ChatGPT is considered sufficient, making ChatGPT Plus a less justifiable expense.

ChatGPT Plus is in its early stages, with future enhancements like plugins and photo inputs promising increased utility.

The video comparison between ChatGPT and ChatGPT Plus took longer than expected to produce, emphasizing the effort put into the content.

Viewer engagement through likes, subscriptions, and shares is encouraged to support the channel's growth and content quality.

The presenter anticipates producing higher quality videos as the channel grows, thanks to the support of the viewers.