Ai Latest News | OpenAI set GPT-4 as default model for ChatGPT Plus

Ai News
5 Aug 202303:17

TLDROpenAI has set GPT-4 as the default model for ChatGPT Plus, marking a significant shift in the AI landscape. The update, announced in August 2023, reflects OpenAI's confidence in GPT-4's superior capabilities over its predecessor, GPT 3.5. GPT-4's advanced features include handling multimodal data, such as images, and performing a wide range of tasks more effectively. This move is expected to reshape user interactions and set new standards for AI services.


  • 🚀 OpenAI has announced a significant shift in its AI model offerings for ChatGPT Plus users.
  • 🔄 GPT-4 is now being suggested as the default model for ChatGPT Plus, marking a strategic change in the AI landscape.
  • 🤖 Previously, users had the option to choose between GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, with GPT-3.5 being the default choice.
  • 🌟 OpenAI's confidence in GPT-4's capabilities has led to the decision to make it the default model for ChatGPT Plus.
  • 📈 GPT-4 is seen as superior to its predecessor, showcasing OpenAI's relentless pursuit of excellence in AI technology.
  • 💡 GPT-4's capabilities include handling multimodal data, such as images, which is a breakthrough in AI functionality.
  • 🎨 The newer model can perform a wide array of tasks, including text generation, language translation, and diverse forms of creative content.
  • 📸 Users can upload images and prompt GPT-4 to perform tasks like creating recipes based on a picture's contents.
  • 🔄 Alongside the shift to GPT-4, OpenAI's August 2023 update also brings improvements to ChatGPT, such as prompt examples and extended chat session duration.
  • 🗣️ The transition from GPT-3.5 to GPT-4 as the default model sparks discussions on the future of AI dominance and its implications for users.
  • 📢 The AI community is encouraged to share their thoughts on OpenAI's decision and the potential redefinition of AI standards.

Q & A

  • What is the significant shift announced by OpenAI that is impacting the AI community?

    -OpenAI has announced that it will set GPT-4 as the default model for ChatGPT Plus users, marking a strategic move in the AI landscape.

  • What was the previous default model for ChatGPT Plus users?

    -Prior to the update in August 2023, the default model for ChatGPT Plus users was GPT-3.5.

  • How does OpenAI's decision to default to GPT-4 reflect their confidence in the model?

    -The decision to default to GPT-4 demonstrates OpenAI's belief in the superiority of the newer model, showcasing their confidence in its advanced capabilities and performance.

  • What are some of the enhanced capabilities of GPT-4 compared to its predecessor?

    -GPT-4 stands out with its ability to handle multimodal data, including images, and perform a wide array of tasks more effectively, such as text generation, language translation, and creating diverse forms of creative content.

  • Can users now upload images for GPT-4 to analyze and perform tasks?

    -Yes, one of GPT-4's remarkable features is the ability to handle multimodal data, which allows users to upload images and prompt the AI to perform tasks based on the image content.

  • What new features have been introduced in OpenAI's August 2023 update for ChatGPT Plus?

    -The update includes prompt examples to ease user conversations and extended chat session duration, which keeps users logged in for over two weeks.

  • How does the shift to GPT-4 as the default model potentially influence the AI standards?

    -This move could redefine AI standards as GPT-4 offers a significant advancement in capabilities, potentially setting a new benchmark for AI performance and functionality.

  • What does OpenAI's relentless pursuit of excellence体现在?

    -OpenAI's relentless pursuit of excellence is体现在 their continuous effort to improve and innovate, as seen in the development of GPT-4, a powerhouse model that outperforms its predecessor in size and capability.

  • What can users expect from the ChatGPT Plus service with the GPT-4 model?

    -With GPT-4 as the default model, users can expect enhanced performance across a variety of tasks, better handling of complex queries, and the ability to engage with multimodal data for more creative and personalized interactions.

  • How can users show their support and stay updated with the latest AI advancements?

    -Users can show their support by engaging with the content, hitting the like button, and subscribing to the AI News Channel with the notification bell activated to stay informed about the latest advancements in AI technology.



🚀 OpenAI's Strategic Shift to GPt-4

This paragraph introduces the significant update by OpenAI, emphasizing the shift from GPT 3.5 to GPT 4 as the default model for Chad GPT service. It discusses the ongoing debate between the two AI models and OpenAI's confidence in GPT 4's capabilities. The update aims to harness the advanced features of GPT 4, which outperforms its predecessor in size, capability, and diverse tasks, including multimodal data handling, marking a notable advancement in AI.



💡AI News Channel

The AI News Channel is the source of information for the latest updates in the world of artificial intelligence. It serves as the platform through which the news about OpenAI's strategic shift is being shared. This channel is essential for tech enthusiasts who want to stay informed about advancements in AI technology.


OpenAI is an artificial intelligence research organization that aims to ensure that artificial general intelligence (AGI) benefits all of humanity. In the context of the video, OpenAI is making significant changes to its ChatGPT service by setting GPT-4 as the default model for ChatGPT Plus users, showcasing its commitment to excellence and innovation in AI technology.

💡GPT-3.5 vs GPT-4

GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 are different versions of AI language models developed by OpenAI. The debate between these two models has been intense within the AI community. GPT-4 is the newer and more advanced model, which is now being set as the default for ChatGPT Plus by OpenAI, signaling a transition from the older GPT-3.5 model. This change is expected to reshape the capabilities and performance of AI in various applications.

💡ChatGPT service

The ChatGPT service is an AI-driven platform that allows users to interact with a chatbot through text-based conversations. With the August 2023 update from OpenAI, the service now defaults to using the GPT-4 model for ChatGPT Plus users, enhancing the user experience with improved capabilities and performance.

💡Strategic move

A strategic move refers to a carefully planned action that is intended to achieve a specific goal or advantage. In the context of the video, OpenAI's decision to set GPT-4 as the default model for ChatGPT Plus is a strategic move that reflects the company's confidence in the newer model's superior capabilities and its commitment to delivering the best AI experience to users.

💡Superior performance

Superior performance refers to the exceptional ability of a model or system to outperform its predecessors or competitors in various tasks. GPT-4's superior performance is evident in its enhanced capabilities, such as handling multimodal data and generating diverse forms of creative content. This advancement signifies a leap in AI technology and its applications.

💡Multimodal data

Multimodal data refers to information that includes multiple types of content, such as text, images, and audio. GPT-4's ability to handle multimodal data is a breakthrough feature that allows users to interact with the AI in more complex ways, like creating recipes based on images, thus expanding the potential applications of AI in everyday tasks.

💡Prompt examples

Prompt examples are sample inputs or questions that guide users on how to initiate conversations or interactions with an AI system. In the context of the video, OpenAI's update includes the addition of prompt examples to ease users into starting conversations with the ChatGPT service, enhancing the user experience by providing clear guidance on how to engage with the AI.

💡Extended chat session duration

Extended chat session duration refers to the increased length of time that users can remain logged in and engaged with the AI chatbot. This feature provides more flexibility and convenience for users, allowing them to have longer, uninterrupted conversations with the AI without the need to re-authenticate frequently.

💡AI dominance

AI dominance refers to the leading position or superiority of artificial intelligence in performing tasks or functions that were traditionally done by humans. The shift from GPT 3.5 to GPT-4 as the default model for ChatGPT Plus could signal a new era of AI dominance, where AI models are increasingly capable of handling complex tasks and interactions more effectively than ever before.

💡AI standards

AI standards are the established norms or benchmarks that define the quality, performance, and capabilities of artificial intelligence systems. The adoption of GPT-4 as the default model for ChatGPT Plus could redefine AI standards by setting a new benchmark for what is considered advanced and effective in AI technology.


OpenAI sets GPT-4 as the default model for ChatGPT Plus

A strategic move to reshape the AI landscape

Debate between GPT 3.5 and GPT-4 intensifies with the update

GPT-4's capabilities surpass its predecessor in size and performance

GPT-4's superior performance across a wide array of tasks

GPT-4's ability to handle multimodal data, including images

Users can now upload images for more interactive tasks

GPT-4 can create recipes based on the contents of a picture

OpenAI's relentless pursuit of excellence with GPT-4

The shift to GPT-4 reflects OpenAI's belief in its superiority

Improvements to ChatGPT service with August 2023 update

Inclusion of prompt examples for easier conversation initiation

Extended chat session duration with two-week login persistence

The decision to default to GPT-4 sparks discussions on AI dominance

OpenAI's commitment to GPT-4 as the go-to AI model for ChatGPT Plus users

This milestone could redefine AI standards

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