Commencement 2024

Kent State University at Tuscarawas
11 May 202452:51

TLDRThe transcript is from the 54th annual commencement ceremony at Kent State University Tusar campus. It begins with important announcements regarding emergency exits, prohibition of food, drink, and tobacco in the theater, and a request for electronic devices to be silenced. The national anthem is played, followed by an introduction by the Assistant Dean, who welcomes special guests and individuals who have contributed to the campus. The Kent State Tusar Board of Trustees and faculty members are recognized. The ceremony's purpose is explained, distinguishing between 'graduation' and 'commencement.' The Distinguished Alumni Award and Community Service Award are presented, followed by the Distinguished Teaching Award. Graduates are then called to receive their degrees in various fields. The ceremony concludes with a recognition of the graduates' families and loved ones for their support, and a reminder to remain seated until the platform party and graduates have exited.


  • 🎓 The commencement ceremony is held at the Performing Arts Center at Kent State University, Tuscarawas Campus, marking the 54th annual event.
  • 🚨 In case of emergency, attendees are instructed to locate the nearest exit, different from the entrance they used.
  • 🍿 Food, drink, and tobacco products are prohibited inside the theater.
  • 📱 All electronic devices, including cell phones, must be silenced during the event.
  • 🇺🇸 The national anthem is played to open the ceremony.
  • 👥 Special guests and faculty members are introduced and recognized for their contributions to the campus.
  • 🏆 The Distinguished Alumni Award and Community Service Award are presented to outstanding individuals.
  • 🎉 The ceremony is not only a graduation event but also a celebration of the students' accomplishments.
  • 📚 The difference between 'graduation' and 'commencement' is explained, with the latter referring to the ceremony and the former to the completion of academic requirements.
  • 🏛 The Kent State Tuscarawas Board of Trustees, responsible for the campus's physical assets, is acknowledged.
  • 🏅 Faculty Marshals and other key faculty members are introduced, highlighting their roles and achievements.
  • 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 The importance of family and loved ones in supporting students throughout their academic journey is emphasized and they are thanked.

Q & A

  • What is the event being described in the transcript?

    -The event being described is the 54th annual commencement ceremony at Kent State University Tusar Campus.

  • What is the significance of the word 'commencement' in the context of the ceremony?

    -The word 'commencement' signifies a beginning and was originally used for the initiation ceremony for Scholars in medieval Europe. In the context of the ceremony, it refers to the official term for the graduation ceremony where students, family, and faculty celebrate the students' accomplishments.

  • What is the difference between 'graduation' and 'commencement' as mentioned in the script?

    -Graduation is used to describe the day when students receive their diplomas, which happens after completing all requirements and submitting an official graduation application. Commencement, on the other hand, is the graduation ceremony itself where the accomplishments are celebrated.

  • Who are the special guests introduced during the ceremony?

    -The special guests include John Baker, Megan Brindley, Paul Dhor, Christopher Totton, Dr. Kimberly Houston, Dr. Sandra Peek, Dr. Maryann Harding, and members of the Kent State Tusar Board of Trustees.

  • What is the role of the Kent State Tusar Board of Trustees?

    -The Kent State Tusar Board of Trustees is a seven-member board dedicated to furthering the mission of the campus. They meet monthly to determine the best way to improve the educational experience, including the equipment used in classes, the buildings, and the entire physical plant.

  • Who is the recipient of the 2024 Distinguished Alumni Award?

    -The recipient of the 2024 Distinguished Alumni Award is Rocky Shanower, a 2002 Associate of Arts graduate, co-owner and founder of Park Street Pizza and Sugar Creek.

  • What is the Community Service Award given for?

    -The Community Service Award is presented to individuals who have generously volunteered their time and invested in the community's well-being, with a determination to constantly make the Tuscarawas County region better.

  • Who are the recipients of the Community Service Award at this ceremony?

    -The recipients of the Community Service Award are Rick and Bethanne Heinik of New Philadelphia, who are passionate about education and the Arts.

  • What faculty member received the full-time Distinguished Teaching Award?

    -Dr. Ginger Benos, associate professor of Communication Studies, received the full-time Distinguished Teaching Award.

  • How are the students recognized during the ceremony?

    -Students are recognized by the degree they are receiving, with some being acknowledged for graduating with distinction or summa cum laude, and they rise and remain standing when their degree is called.

  • What is the significance of the families and loved ones being acknowledged at the end of the ceremony?

    -The families and loved ones are acknowledged for their support throughout the students' academic journey, including during challenging times, and the students are encouraged to turn to the audience and thank them.



📣 Pre-Show Announcements

The first paragraph introduces the setting as the Performing Arts Center at Kent State University and provides pre-show announcements. It includes instructions for emergency exits, a prohibition on food, drink, and tobacco products within the theater, and a request to silence cell phones and electronic devices. The script also teases the beginning of the event.


🎓 Introduction and National Anthem

The second paragraph marks the beginning of the event with the national anthem, followed by applause. The assistant dean of the Kent State University Tusar campus welcomes attendees to the 54th annual commencement ceremony. Special guests and individuals who contributed to the campus during the past academic year are introduced and asked to stand for recognition.


🎉 Commencement Ceremony Opening

The third paragraph continues with the opening of the commencement ceremony. The assistant dean introduces the members of the Kent State Tusar Board of Trustees and other key faculty members. The paragraph also explains the meaning of the word 'commencement' and distinguishes it from 'graduation,' emphasizing the celebration of student accomplishments.


🏆 Awards and Recognition

The fourth paragraph focuses on the presentation of awards. Mr. Chad Conrad, the director of philanthropy, is welcomed to present the Distinguished Alumni Award and the Community Service Award. The recipients of these awards are announced, and their contributions to the community are highlighted. The paragraph also mentions the Distinguished Teaching Award and its recipients.


🎓 Degree Conferral and Recognition of Graduates

The fifth paragraph outlines the conferral of degrees to the candidates. It lists the various academic degrees and programs, and the candidates are called upon to stand when their degree is announced. The paragraph also mentions the conferral of associate degrees and the recognition of graduates with distinction.


🏅 Recognition of Graduates with Distinction

The sixth paragraph continues the recognition of graduates, specifically those who are graduating with distinction. Names of individual graduates are called out, and they are welcomed as they stand to be acknowledged for their achievements.


🎉 Final Graduate Recognition and Closing Remarks

The seventh paragraph concludes the recognition of graduates, with the final group of graduates being welcomed for their achievements. The paragraph then shifts to a closing segment where the families and loved ones of the students are acknowledged for their support. The ceremony ends with thanks to all attendees and a prompt for everyone to remain seated until the platform party and graduates have exited.


📖 Closing and Final Acknowledgements

The eleventh and final paragraph signifies the end of the script with a simple closing note, indicated by the repetition of the letter 'e', which could symbolize the end of the event or a pause for applause.




Commencement refers to the formal ceremony held to celebrate the completion of a course of study and to confer degrees upon the graduates. In the context of the video, it is the 54th annual commencement ceremony at Kent State University Tusar campus, marking the beginning of a new phase for the students as they transition from academic life to professional life.

💡Academic Discipline

An academic discipline is a branch of knowledge that students study and in which scholars work. It is often represented by a field of study or a department within a university. In the script, various academic disciplines are mentioned, such as technology, engineering, animation, game design, and veterinary technology, which represent the diverse areas of study at the university.

💡Board of Trustees

A Board of Trustees is a governing body that oversees the affairs of an educational institution. They are responsible for the strategic direction and financial stability of the institution. In the script, the Kent State Tusar Board of Trustees is mentioned as being dedicated to furthering the mission of the campus and improving the educational experience for students.

💡Distinguished Alumni Award

The Distinguished Alumni Award is an honor given to alumni who have demonstrated significant professional and community accomplishments. It recognizes their achievements and contributions to society. In the video, Rocky Shanower, a 2002 graduate, is presented with the 2024 Distinguished Alumni Award for his success in business and community service.

💡Community Service Award

The Community Service Award is presented to individuals who have made significant contributions to the community through volunteer work and dedication to the well-being of others. In the script, Rick and Bethanne Heinik are honored with the Community Service Award for their passion for education and the arts, and their instrumental role in the campus's formation and growth.

💡Distinguished Teaching Award

The Distinguished Teaching Award is an accolade given to faculty members who have shown exceptional teaching skills and have made a significant impact on students' learning and career success. In the video, Dr. Ginger Benos is awarded the full-time Distinguished Teaching Award, highlighting the importance of quality teaching in higher education.

💡Academic Program Director

An Academic Program Director is responsible for overseeing the academic program within a specific discipline at a university. They ensure the quality and effectiveness of the curriculum and manage faculty within their department. Several Academic Program Directors are introduced in the script, such as Dr. Kimberly Houston for Veterinary Technology and Dr. Sandra Peek for Early Childhood Education.

💡Associate Lecturer

An Associate Lecturer is an academic position that typically involves teaching duties at a university. They may have a significant role in the instruction of courses and student mentorship. In the script, John Baker is introduced as an Associate Lecturer in Office Technology, indicating his role in teaching and guiding students in this field.

💡Faculty Marshals

Faculty Marshals are members of the academic faculty who assist in the organization and conduct of official university ceremonies, such as commencement. They guide the academic procession and ensure the smooth running of the event. In the script, Dr. Adrien Jones and Dr. Jeff Uitz are mentioned as Faculty Marshals for the ceremony.

💡Graduation Application

A Graduation Application is a formal request made by students to their educational institution to confirm their completion of degree requirements. It is a necessary step before the awarding of a diploma. The script explains that students at Kent State University must complete an official graduation application with a minimum number of credits earned before receiving their diplomas.


A tassel is a cord with an ornamental tuft of threads at the end, typically attached to a mortarboard, which is the square-shaped hat worn by graduates during a commencement ceremony. In the script, the act of turning the tassels on the mortarboard from one side to the other signifies the transition from student to graduate, marking the completion of their academic journey.


Welcome to the Performing Arts Center at Kent State University Tusar Campus

Emergency exit locations and theater rules announced

54th annual commencement ceremony begins with the national anthem

Introduction of special guests and individuals who served the campus

Recognition of the Kent State Tusar Board of Trustees

Dr. Ashley Galot, faculty chair, and recipient of the Kent State University distinguished teaching award

Explanation of the term 'commencement' and its historical significance

Distinction between 'graduation' and 'commencement' clarified

Presentation of the Distinguished Alumni Award to Rocky Shanower, a 2002 graduate

Community Service Award presented to Rick and Bethanne Heinik for their contributions to education and the arts

Distinguished Teaching Award presented to full-time faculty member Dr. Ginger Benos

Candidates for various bachelor and associate degrees are called and presented

Graduates with distinction are individually acknowledged

President Todd Diacon confers degrees and graduates are invited to turn their tassels

Recognition and thanks given to the families and loved ones of the graduates for their support

Closing remarks and farewell to the graduating class of 2024