Create 40 Instagram Posts In 1 Hour With AI Tools | ChatGPT

Build Your Tribe
4 Apr 202426:44

TLDRThe video script discusses strategies for efficiently creating content for Instagram using AI tools. The host shares personal experiences and recommendations for tools like Chat GPT, Answer the Public, Munch, and Nid AI. They emphasize the importance of upcycling past content and using AI for generating ideas and hooks. The goal is to produce 40 Instagram posts in under an hour, leveraging AI to save time and enhance content quality without sacrificing personal touch or originality.


  • 🚀 AI tools can significantly increase content creation efficiency, allowing for the generation of 40 Instagram posts in under an hour.
  • 📈 The speaker emphasizes the importance of using AI ethically and correctly, highlighting that AI is a complementary tool, not a replacement for human creativity.
  • 💡 AI-generated content is often perceived as generic and lacking personality, but the output can be improved by providing better inputs and prompts.
  • 🔄 Upcycling content, or reusing and modifying past posts, is a strategy to save time and maintain consistency in posting quality content.
  • 📸 Metrol is recommended as a tool for reposting content, with the ability to schedule and analyze past posts for optimal resharing.
  • 🗂️ Saving and categorizing content in accessible locations like Dropbox or Google Drive is essential for easy repurposing and upcycling of past posts.
  • 🔄 Upcycling involves both reposting old content and creating refreshed or modified versions with slight changes in theme or presentation.
  • 💻 Chat GPT is a versatile AI tool for generating content ideas and hooks, but it should be used as an assistant, not as the sole content creator.
  • 🔍 Answer the Public is a tool that provides insights into consumer searches and questions related to a specific niche, aiding in the creation of targeted content.
  • 🎥 Munch is an AI video editing tool that can automatically create short-form content from long-form videos, offering analytics on the most engaging clips.
  • 🎞️ Nid AI is a tool that can create entire video posts based on prompts, offering customization options like voiceover accents and the ability to use one's own voice.

Q & A

  • What is the main goal of the episode?

    -The main goal of the episode is to share strategies on how to create 40 Instagram posts in an hour or less using AI tools.

  • What misconception about AI content creation is addressed in the transcript?

    -The misconception addressed is that content created by AI is generic, bland, boring, and lacks personality, originality, and authenticity. The speaker argues that the output depends on the inputs given to AI and can be improved with better prompts.

  • What is the significance of the quote mentioned in the transcript related to AI?

    -The quote emphasizes the importance of using AI as a tool to enhance one's capabilities. It suggests that while individuals may not be replaced by AI, they may be outcompeted by those who effectively utilize AI to improve their productivity and output.

  • How does the speaker save their past content for future use?

    -The speaker saves all their past content in two places, Dropbox and Google Drive, which allows them to easily access, edit, and repost content when needed.

  • What is the first AI tool recommended in the transcript for content upcycling?

    -The first AI tool recommended for content upcycling is Metro, which the speaker uses to repost old content by scheduling it again in the platform.

  • What website is suggested for downloading past Instagram content?

    -The website suggested for downloading past Instagram content is

  • How does the speaker use Chat GPT for content creation?

    -The speaker uses Chat GPT for generating post ideas and creating hooks. They provide the AI with prompts and use the generated ideas to select which posts to pursue, then ask Chat GPT to come up with hooks based on those ideas.

  • What are the characteristics of effective hooks according to the speaker?

    -Effective hooks are around eight words long, at a fifth-grade reading level comprehension, and preferably use negative words. They should be engaging and tailored to the audience's interests.

  • What is Answer the Public and how is it used in the episode?

    -Answer the Public is a tool that provides insights into what people are searching for related to a specific topic. It breaks down popular search queries by popularity, questions, comparisons, and alphabetically, helping users understand their audience's interests and generate content ideas.

  • What AI tool is recommended for automatically editing long-form content into short-form content?

    -The AI tool recommended for automatically editing long-form content is Munch, which analyzes videos to pull out the best moments and create short, engaging clips with analytics on their potential popularity.

  • How does the tool InVideo (Nid AI) assist in content creation?

    -InVideo (Nid AI) allows users to input a prompt and creates a complete post or video based on that prompt. It can generate a voiceover in various accents or use the user's own voice, making it a powerful tool for creating new content without appearing on camera.



🚀 Introduction to AI-Powered Content Creation

The speaker introduces the topic of using AI tools to create content efficiently, specifically for Instagram. They emphasize the importance of producing a high volume of posts in a short amount of time and share their personal strategies for leveraging AI, including Chat GPT. The speaker dispels common misconceptions about AI-generated content and highlights the ethical use of AI to complement and enhance content creation rather than replace human creativity.


📈 Upcycling Content with AI

The speaker discusses the concept of upcycling content, which involves reusing and reposting past content. They share their favorite tool, Metrol, for repurposing content and provide tips on how to select the best posts to reshare. The speaker also talks about using AI to refresh and recreate content, offering a strategy to generate new posts from existing ideas and scripts. They provide a link to download 16 free Chat GPT prompts to aid in this process.


🤖 Harnessing the Power of Chat GPT for Content Ideas

The speaker explains how to use Chat GPT for generating content ideas and crafting engaging hooks. They advise on providing Chat GPT with specific prompts and guidelines to produce hooks that are short, easy to understand, and carry a negative connotation for maximum impact. The speaker stresses the importance of human input in the creative process, suggesting that AI should be used as a tool rather than a complete solution for content creation.


🔍 Discovering Trends with Answer the Public

The speaker introduces Answer the Public as a tool for uncovering search trends and consumer questions related to a specific niche. They explain how this platform can provide insights into what followers are looking for and how to use these insights to generate content ideas. The speaker also suggests using Chat GPT to refine these ideas into potential post topics and hooks, further enhancing the content creation process.


🎥 Transforming Long-Form Content with Munch

The speaker recommends Munch as a tool for editing long-form content into short, engaging clips. They highlight the sophistication of Munch's AI in identifying key moments and generating analytics for each clip. The speaker shares their personal experience using Munch for various types of content, emphasizing the time-saving benefits and the ease of use, which allows for the creation of multiple posts from a single long-form video.


🎬 Creating Complete Posts with Nid AI

The speaker introduces Nid AI as a tool for creating entire posts based on a prompt. They explain the process of inputting a prompt and receiving a complete video with voiceover and stock footage. The speaker also mentions the unique feature of using one's own voice for the voiceover, making it a valuable tool for content creators who prefer not to appear on camera. They suggest using the output as is or extracting the voiceover for use in other videos, providing a quick and efficient way to generate content.

🎉 Conclusion and Additional AI Tools

The speaker concludes by summarizing the AI tools and strategies discussed in the episode, emphasizing the potential to create a large volume of content in a short amount of time. They acknowledge that these are just a few of the many AI tools available and provide a link to a list of additional AI tools for further exploration. The speaker thanks the audience for their engagement and encourages them to download the provided resources for continued success in content creation.



💡AI tools

AI tools refer to artificial intelligence software applications that assist in various tasks such as content creation, data analysis, and automation. In the context of the video, AI tools like chat GPT and Munch are used to streamline the content creation process on Instagram, making it faster and more efficient. They are pivotal to achieving the goal of creating 40 posts in under an hour, as they help generate ideas, hooks, and even entire videos based on given prompts.

💡Content creation

Content creation is the process of producing and publishing various forms of content, such as text, images, videos, or audio, to communicate with an audience. In the video, content creation is the main focus, with the speaker aiming to create 40 Instagram posts in 60 minutes using different AI tools. The emphasis is on efficiency and leveraging technology to enhance the quality and quantity of the content produced.


Instagram is a popular social media platform known for its visual content, where users can share photos and videos. In the video, Instagram serves as the primary platform for content distribution. The speaker discusses strategies and tools specifically tailored for creating and repurposing content that performs well on Instagram, highlighting the importance of understanding the platform's dynamics and user behavior.

💡Upcycling content

Upcycling content refers to the process of taking existing content and giving it a new life or purpose, often by modifying or refreshing it. In the context of the video, upcycling is a strategy for content creators to save time and resources by reusing their past content, either by reposting it directly or by creating slightly modified versions. This approach allows for a consistent flow of content without the need to constantly produce entirely new material.

💡Chat GPT

Chat GPT is an AI language model developed by OpenAI, known for its ability to generate human-like text based on the prompts given to it. In the video, Chat GPT is used as a tool for generating post ideas and writing hooks for Instagram content. It serves as a creative assistant, providing suggestions and draft content that the user can refine and personalize to fit their style and audience.

💡Answer the Public

Answer the Public is a digital marketing tool that surfaces questions and phrases people search for on Google related to a specific topic. In the video, it is recommended as a way to gain insights into what consumers are looking for and to generate content ideas based on popular search queries. By understanding the questions and keywords used by the audience, content creators can tailor their posts to better engage and inform their followers.


Munch is an AI-powered video editing tool that automatically edits long-form video content into shorter, more engaging clips. It analyzes the video to identify key moments and compresses the content while maintaining coherence and adding features like captions. In the video, Munch is recommended for its ability to save time and effort in creating content for platforms like Instagram, where short, impactful videos perform well.

💡Nid AI

Nid AI, specifically invidio, is an AI-based tool that creates entire video posts based on user-provided prompts. It can generate a video with a combination of stock footage and a voiceover, which can be customized to have different accents or even the user's own voice. This tool is highlighted in the video as a way to produce content quickly and efficiently, especially for those who may not want to appear on camera or struggle with recording.

💡Upcycling strategy

The upcycling strategy, as discussed in the video, involves taking previously created content and reusing it in new ways. This can include reposting old content directly or creating refreshed versions with slight modifications. The strategy is beneficial for maintaining a consistent posting schedule without the pressure of constantly coming up with entirely new ideas. It optimizes the use of existing content to maximize engagement and save time.


A hook in content creation refers to a captivating opening statement or concept designed to grab the audience's attention and encourage them to engage with the content. In the context of the video, hooks are considered crucial for any piece of content, especially for videos and posts on Instagram. The speaker advises using AI tools like Chat GPT to generate hooks that are concise, easy to understand, and carry a negative connotation for higher effectiveness.


The episode focuses on creating 40 Instagram posts in an hour using AI tools.

The importance of using AI in content creation is emphasized, stating that AI, if used correctly and ethically, can be a powerful and helpful tool.

A common misconception about AI-generated content is addressed, explaining that with the right inputs, AI can produce content that is not generic or bland.

The strategy of upcycling content is introduced, which involves reusing and reposting past content to save time and maintain consistency.

The Metrol tool is recommended for reposting content, with a specific code provided for a free trial of its Pro features.

A tip for content creators is given to save all posts in an accessible place like Dropbox or Google Drive for easy future use.

The website Snapinsta is suggested for downloading past Instagram posts for repurposing.

Chat GPT is introduced as a tool for generating new content ideas and is provided with a list of 16 free prompts for better output.

A strategy for creating hooks using Chat GPT is outlined, emphasizing the importance of a strong hook in content.

Answer the Public is recommended as a tool for understanding consumer searches and generating content ideas based on popular queries.

Munch is suggested for automatically editing long-form content into short-form clips with analytics on potential popularity.

Nid AI is introduced as a tool for creating entire posts based on prompts, including voiceovers and stock videos.

The potential of using one's own voice in AI-generated videos is discussed, offering a personal touch for content.

A total of 40 Instagram posts can be created in under an hour using the outlined AI tools and strategies.

A list of 10 additional AI tools is provided in the show notes for further exploration and content creation.